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Re: L-forms by #118887 ..... Ask Trapper

Date:   4/2/2012 4:25:28 PM ( 12 y ago)
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For what it's worth, here is a quote from Dr. Lloyd. My experience mirrors this.

"When the current vitamin D fad first started, we jumped on the bandwagon
(or possibly I should say that we tripped and fell under the bandwagon)
and we started testing everyone for vitamin D. We were going to suggest
4000 units or so for people because we "knew" that they needed it . The
only problem was that most people tested that vitamin D beyond what is
in the multi that we use was toxic for them. How could this be? This
made my head hurt. Could Dr. Mercola and so many others be wrong?!! It
took me a couple years to find what seems to be the answer. I found it
while studying the Marshall Protocol. My summary is at the end of this


Client PS has problems with fatigue, sensitivity to electrical fields
and severe sensitivities to chemicals, especially those that are
petroleum based. Her home is the worst possible design from a mold
standpoint with both a basement and attached garage.

She muscle tested that she could not tolerate even the smallest amount
of corn alcohol (Everclear). So much for using herbal extracts and

During the ZYTO LSA test she was pinged with the electrical patterns of
many hundreds of items - glands, organs, tissues, toxins, pathogens,
metals, etc. This normally does not cause problems but she became more
and more distressed until she threw up into a plastic garbage bag and
the test was discontinued.

It was, however, possible to do the electrical patterns test. Mold
toxins at 186,000 (yikes!). Staph at 9000. Yikes again. Lyme was not
so bad at 400 but babesia at 5700 and bartonella at 8000? Candida at
9000? Metals, prions and EBV were high and biofilm was an astounding
88,000. What could have wrecked her immune system?

She mentioned that in the mist of her struggles she had started taking
vitamin D3 and it made her feel better. Ah! That was it. Bacterial
infection --> bacterial toxins disrupt vitamin D receptors --> body
turns the inactive precursor form of D into the active form too fast -->
the active vitamin D is too high (Blood tests test for the inactive
precursor and she would have tested very low. Blood tests appear to lie
if you do not understand what they are saying.) --> she took vitamin
D3--> the D3 crashed her immune system -> infections took off. She
felt better temporarily because her immune system could not kill any
candida/Lyme/bacteria so there was no die-off.

She was able to tolerate Cholestepure, molybdenum and two homeopathics
that were made with without alcohol.

The molybdenum is needed to detoxify the candida toxins. More on that


My summary of the vitamin D problem:

*Vitamin D3* in supplement form is needed by some people.Those who
muscle test know that the idea that all people need 4000 or more units a
day is wrong.If you want details on vitamin D, Google "Marshall
protocol".By way of quick summary:Many bacteria produce materials that
interfere with vitamin D receptors.This reduces immune system
activity.These bacterial infections also produce inflammation which
results in the rapid conversion of the vitamin D precursor called 25-D
to the active form called 1,25-D.So the levels of the inactive 25-D are
low.*And that is the form that is measured on blood tests*.But the
levels of the active 1,25-D are unnaturally high.Excess 1,25-D affects
receptors for cortisol, T3 thyroid hormone and progesterone among others
resulting in all kinds of hormone imbalances.*At this point, taking high
doses of vitamin D2 or D3 will have the effect of further turning the
immune system off *along with causing other havoc!The patient may feel
better temporarily because their immune system is no longer able to kill
pathogens so there are no die-off symptoms.They cannot even have a cold
because cold symptoms are caused by the immune system response!So the
cold virus and countless other infections increase unchecked.Not a good
situation.If levels of 1,25-D rise above 42 ng/ml, calcium begins to be
leached from the bones producing osteoporosis.Now if their doctor tests
for vitamin D (inactive 25-D), it will be low and they will want the
patient to take vitamin D3.Yikes!!Do your homework!"

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