Re: Help build barrier by UserX ..... Peeling Lips Exfoliative Cheilitis
Date: 3/17/2012 10:37:55 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 1,453
Thats something ive been thinking about also. Cause someone on here said the peeling is suppose to slow down. But like you said, it could depend on what triggered your ec.
Can you tell me what triggered your ec & did the color if your lips change (less red)
Because i beginning to see that when my lips are raw the color is beginning to change to a palish color. Remember the the lips are filled with nerve endings, so thats why it looks so red when its raw (sometimes you can see the vessels) So with time the nerve endings (vessels) reconstruct itself & gets covered up by your natural pigment (which is the color of you skin)
Im just speculating here, these are all my opinions from what im going threw so far.
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