I wonder if maybe you have an infection going on in the lungs. The oxidizers would increase the immune systems fight against an infection. Have you been coughing, and coughing up any colored phlegm?
No, I haven't been coughing. I do have some phlegm that doesn't clear up but it's not colored.
Be careful with the cascara sagrada. It is a stimulant laxative and can cause a laxative dependence with regular use.
Is there another herb you recommend to break down gallstones?
Stress can do that since it adversely affects the thyroid. And hypothyroidism can lead to mental fogginess.
I can see that it affected me in my life. I'm going to be honest I've had some depression throughout my life. I've tried to block it out for a long time. Now that I have a good reason to be depressed I try to focus on God's love more instead of the pain or thinking it's too late for me. He does give me comfort yet i continue to have those days when it's too much.
Throat pain has increased much more. Hurts to talk, swallow or do nothing. It's basically all around my neck & lymph nodes- both sides. I try to ignore the pain as long as I can throughout the day and night but when the pain from my throat/neck spreads to my entire shoulder/arm it's very difficult to sleep, function, drive, clean.
The swelling continues daily around entire neck. The ozone water teases me because after a while it hurts worse than it normally does. I had 2 chest pains while I was sleeping, from when I last wrote to you on this thread. I'm doing fine. Yesterday when I drank apple cider vinegar -no added water like usual. I tilted my head back and wow! It burned a hidden section in my throat like raw garlic. I drank water with no immediate relief. My throat was really sore all day and night and continues but not as bad.
Yes, that pulls the neck, not twists the neck. The neck is massaged first to warm up the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Then the neck slowly stretched straight. As the traction is applied to the neck the muscles will contract inward pulling the neck vertebrae back in to alignment.
Thanks, you're right that some things that seem unrelated are sometimes actually related. It also makes it more difficult to pinpoint the problem. I've never been too good at paying attention to my body. I tend to brush it off until I have problems. That's when I see a Dr. The downside is when Dr's don't believe how I feel, probably because I don't cry in front of them. I honestly don't know anymore...
Right now I'm hearing an audio on the thyroid & symptoms from Dr. J. E. Williams (new to me). Some symptoms match mine, my husband & kids. I've known I have a thyroid problem...the problem is being sure of which one. I've been told thyroiditis, hashimotos (lab tested), and hyperthyroid (lab tested).
Thin all my life... I've noticed I will gain a little when I eat too many grains, otherwise I'll stay around 100. Cold hands & feet since I was a teen, sometimes I'm the one feeling hotter, hair loss and kind of thick (waist long) hair. Used to have heart palpitations. Heavy/long menstruation, had oily skin now dry. Some acne on my back that only lugols can remove. Fatigue but ozone will usually help it, then I feel more energetic. Clamy hands, difficulty socializing since I was a teen, some nervousness & shy- mainly when meeting new people and in a large crowd.
After getting sicker (2010) my skin has lost more elasticity at 35. I wish I didn't have to say this...if you ask my husband there were times I struggled with mood swings, lots of stress, a worry wart (not much for my health).
The strange thing is that I wasn't someone who would easily get upset. I was mellow and shy as a teen. When we were dating we never had an argument. I Love him... I've learned that stress is part of life and what matters is how we deal with it. I try not to worry as much or fuss over little things. My attitude got much better after having Christ back in my life.
Please forgive me for sounding like a broken record James. I'm sure I've mentioned most of this to you already. Which one of your formulas do you think might help me the most?