Re: How accurate are food allergy tests and whats the best? by RiddlesKitty ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 3/3/2012 5:29:48 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 2,198
I had my food intolerances tested a year and a half ago through ALCAT. It worked amazingly well for me.
I had really bad adrenals, couldn't sleep, was always sneezing. I also had terrible eczema on my right hand - it was basically a scabbed-over wound.
I had quite a few strong reactive foods that I ate on a regular basis, and a multitude that were occasional.
I eliminated all of them, and within 3 days, my eczema started going away... first time in a decade! I also started sleeping like a log, would fall asleep within minutes, and I've had insomnia for most of my life. I almost completely stopped sneezing. I did not lose any weight however, like they claim on the website. I also did not follow the custom rotation diet, maybe that's why. For weight loss, nothing has helped like the liver flush/iodine therapy I started 6 months ago!
I do say that the positive effects wore of after about a year, although the little bit of eczema that came back is barely noticeable. I suspect my intolerances have shifted, so I'm getting another ALCAT test.
I've even convinced my mom to give it a try. She also has bad adrenals. Hopefully, it'll help her too.
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