Re: duck years by MH ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 12/22/2005 7:02:33 AM ( 20 y ago)
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I think the main purpose for growing babies this way is so the OLD FARTS can harvest the body parts in hopes of extending their lives. I seen a show on a Chinese prison where an American goes to the American built hospital on the prison grounds and the MD matches up the best blood samples and then a guard takes the Chinese prisoner out and shoots him in the back of the head. If there are no available prisoners with the right blood test, they simply go down town and round up more subjects. I believe this was on 60 minutes a few years back and they showed the prisoners geting shot and the whole process. Most had done nothing wrong or maybe a theif at worse.
The rich people have been in control since the 4th century and they will kill you, eat you or just about anything they desire in an effort to extend their lives 1 day. They also showed how these old rich bastards travel to the philipines and buy young boys to have sex and for $600.00 they could also kill the boy and do what ever they wanted with the body and the ones shown all plopped down $600 each.
How do they get away with such murder? Most are the judges and or the super rich perverts of the world and no laws apply to them, they kill knowing no judge will convict them. It is the same in our local Mason Operated town, the murders go untouched and the drug and prostitute operators all go to the same mason church along with the 3 local judges and all the lawyers.
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