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Re: Visited endodontist, says root canal isn't a problem. by AngelofEventide ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   12/31/2011 12:09:44 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   3,990

I had two, but not from cavities. The roots were going to grow through the tooth, so they took them out. Damndest thing. Ironically, I've never had a cavity and if you'd look at my teeth, you'd never suspect I could have a problem. Nice and straight and white. Anyway, make sure whoever you find is an actual cavitation specialist and not just a holistic dentist. I'd suggest going to the cav forum on here and posting a request for someone who can tell you if they know of one. I also know of someone who might be able to recommend one. He's a real expert on the subject. If I can find his contact info in my personal email, I'll pm you with the info.

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