Re: Dr Schulze Interview - Herpes, Question for Uny? by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 12/30/2011 2:37:18 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 4,063
This interview is not in the SYL manual :( You can also find it here (along with quite a few more interviews that aren't in the SYL manual)
Uny - I was wondering if it is ok to put the garlic oil on the genitals as Dr Schulze recommends in this article (since I know garlic can actually burn the skin)?
I would use garlic oil on the genitals if there was a herpes lesion/blister, genital wart, abnormal growth/tumor or some type of 'bump or lump' that needed to be burned off (or an area that needed to be treated with a potent antibiotic/antiviral/antifungal). As Dr. Schulze explained in the interview - it's painful to rub garlic into open herpea lesions, but very effective. I would avoid putting garlic oil in the urethral opening of the penis, and/or the clitoris & urethral opening of a female (unless there were some serious growth that couldn't possibly be removed in any other way).
One thing I always suggest when using garlic in this manner (on any part of the body) is to protect the surrounding skin. You can do this by dabbing a bit of vaseline around whatever you are treating, so the garlic oil goes only to the intended area.
Bottom line, when raw garlic is put on the skin for a long enough time (or in a concentrated form), it not only gives the sensation of burning, it actually burns (and it delivers the anti-bacteria/viral/fungal that prevents the 'whatever' from returning...yay!). Whatever damage is done to the skin can easily be soothed and repaired with aloe gel and slippery elm bark.
Great question/concern :)
Heal ON!
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