Re: Indeed, it's the best way to stay ignorant and to spread false infos... by david1o1 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 12/11/2011 5:51:21 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 3,530
have you tried large amounts of Wormwood
Yes. Not really efficient against the kind of roundworm i am infected with.
The Male fern is efficient, but the problem is that i don't know how to reach all parts of the body by eating a herb.
The human body has several filters (the liver, the kidneys) and several ways of elimination (the intestines, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin, the lymphatic system, the nose, the eyes, the ears, the hair, ...)
So i wonder if eating herb is the best solution to kill worms in all parts of the body.
What if some worms eat the tissues ? What if some worms eat the blood where the circulation is poor or where there are filter mechanisms that prevents some elements to be in the blood in this part of the body ?
Electricity or electromagnetic radiation may be the best answer to reach these parts of the body...
I don't know i keep learning and testing about this.
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