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Re: getting vitamin d in winter by chirontherainbowbridge ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   11/30/2011 7:19:09 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   1,420

Interesting about the tanning beds. (I've never used one, but have thought of it - a person can get sun starved in the winter, esp, in the North) That's a lotta isolated supplements. Normally, if Uny was around, (and she has some computer issues that prevent her at the mo') she'd post with one of her gracious and welcoming messages being very clear about how this forum does not support the concept of isolated or fractionated substances, and instead believes in and finds benefit from natural healing, meaning botanicals in their whole form, and other wholistic protocols. 'whole' being the watchword.


She would also provide much more information than I am able to, in support of her practices; all of it being very compelling reading, this being her forum. Apologies for being brief -- just wanted to alert you to wherethe forum 'is at'.

best, C


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