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Re: CIA=Cocaine Import Agency + personal attack by befurther ..... Consciousness and Awareness

Date:   11/6/2011 4:45:59 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   9,021

Wrong since they control drugs like you reflect in your messages as you suck up to the unjust "law enforcers" and comply willingly I would say according to your messages they are more your ilk.

"Yourself and millions of others who, in effect, support such nefarious activities by way of your personal consumption, those additional side effects would not be happening if so many people did not consume the drugs."

Lol, I support no such activities, and misrepresenting my stance is obviously a result of delusional rhetoric espoused by hypocritical people who believe they are "drug free". As far as the supposed side-effects, I have yet to see you supply any specific info regarding such effects that is reliable and un-bias. The nefarious activities you support through your tax money that you pay is the true support that can be documented.

"It is pretty obvious that is the way it could be...if no one consumed the Non Essential drugs"

What are "Non Essential drugs"? You have never specified what they are, its a talking point, but is doesn't mean much.


"Meantime, while yourself and all the other consumers of the various kinds of NON ESSENTIAL drugs continue to consume them, for recreational purposes, I am not at all surprised that the government and the police and or the military and or all kinds of people from all walks of life are drawn into or influenced by and or CORRUPTED by the

Perhaps it is money and not drugs that is the problem of these people. Your messages are drawing a false conclusion from your own bias perspective. Perhaps these people are already corrupt and they use drugs because it is an easy blame game, rather than take personal responsibility...blame drugs. "Drugs" as you put it are merely a scapegoat for your messages of corruption.

"You also are corrupted by the drugs to the point that you are willing to risk certain aspects of your life and well being while defending the use of the drug while you break the laws while the drug remains illegal to consume."

Personal attack once again, and you misrepresent me as well. Is this how "lucid" drug free people act? They lie and manipulate peoples position inorder to get their way?

"That is the difference between you and the non consumer."

There is no such thing as a non-consumer...everyone consumes.

"You are willing to risk your personal well being and your legal status in society all over a stupid drug and your drug consumption beliefs."

That is the stupidest reasong you have put forth yet. Freedom is integral to well-being, that being my health and quality of life is improved by the use of herbs. Its the principles that I believe in of freedom. You might think drugs are stupid, but thats just the hypocritical belief that you put forth in your messages. All you do is speak in generality and no details are discussed, a sure sign that your argument is way off base.

"More and more people are getting in on the drug consumption and drug trafficking and making it usefull to them in someway and somehow, so why are you surprised the drugs and all they entail comes with government corruption."

Hey you are the one that is admonishing me for not following the governments injustice, I am not surprised by the corruption, I am surprised by the ignorance put forth in your messages.

"What did you expect to occur with the huge amounts of money involved."

That is the point if the drugs weren't illegal they wouldn't have such inflated prices, and they wouldn't be deemed so desireable. Instead the governent keeps the prices high so that they can make top dollar on the importation of drugs like cocaine and heroine. Now you blame the money instead of the drugs! Congratulations!

"When it is legal then all the more corruption can be expected because of the big money that corrupts people and drug money is some of the most corrupted money out there...even when it is legal drug money."

Define "drug". what is and isn't a drug?... be specific.

"You like to paint a pretty picture of a utopian drug consumption world but it will NEVER be the one that you envision...NEVER .....because the drugs and their consumption will always remain sinister and nefarious in a modern world."

Well the Mode-earn world is just that, money grubbing, illicit drugs or not. I have never painted a picture of a utopian drug consumption world, so you are once again misrepresenting my position. But we all know how you continue to do that and ignore any real or substantial argument in favor of lies and disinformation. How lucid!

You are literally asking for trouble if you want to encourage the use of the drug(s)"

I encourage freedom, there is a big difference, one that you will no doubt continue to misrepresnt as that tends to be your modus operandi.

"You can actually sit there with a straight face while you try to BS people telling them the laws are the main problem and if the government people would just get their heads out their asses then the problems will go away."

What problems? You are not being specific so I cannot address whatever it is you are talking about. You are just making blanket statements that lack substance.

"You continually post a lot of information relative to the many negative ramifications and nefarious activities that are associated with the various drugs and their consumption interconnected to government officials and law enforcement and people of authority."

Yes it is well documented, the same people you support with your tax money, also deal drugs in this country, is it a good thing lucid people follow such policies in order to create a system of injustice.. I don't think so.

"Jesus mister and you wantthem to be legal so that all the many corrupted government officials and corrupted law enforcement personal and all those corrupted people in positions of authority can also be legal drug addicts and or habitual consumers and pot heads on top of the existing percent of them who are already alcoholics and habitual drinkers.
Are you actually surprised with the two faced complicity and or shocked that it exists concerning the consumption of the drugs related to government personal and any of the negative side effects you so eagerly point out."

Hey you are the one that seems to support their control over society as you have stated in previous messages. And yet you think they deal with things justly?

"HMMMMM....nice to know that in the future all the more political stupidity is going to occur being practised by government officials and people who run the country while they are legally stoned and trying to run the country in a altered mental and physical state."

Another stupid argument that is unfounded and highly hypothetical. Every person is in an altered mental and physical state, when they consume anything, including television. Is television a drug according to your "nefarious drug consumer" theory?

"And that is, in effect, what you support when you stand up on behalf of the consumption of the wonder drug marijuana."

Pure bunkem that is what YOU think I support, a common misconception for a persons that deems themself "lucid" and lack compassion.

"Great...add all the more legal drugs to the chaotic political environment and see how well the addition of more legal drugs helps run the country."

Hey it would get it out into the open, as opposed to continuing an underground money laundering economy for starters. Illegal drugs is one of the major machanisms of control for the establishment, getting that power out of their hands would definitely be good.

"As you can plainly see and as you so eagerly point out, the drug(s) also make many of the non consumers corrupt and dishonest and involve themselves in illegal profiteering in various ways."

So you don't have to be a drug consumer to be "nefarious" as you put it. Therefore it is safe to say that your point that drugs cause people to be "nefarious" is a false analogy.

"All kinds of nefarious activities going on because of the supply and consumption of the drugs."

See the false analogy you weave. Here is my take on it."All kinds of nefarious activities going on regardless of the consumption of 'drugs'."

"And you guys keep on making the statement: The drug is harmless."

Yes cannabis the natural herb is relatively harmless. You can try and extrapolate all kinds of negatives regarding self inflicted societal consequences, and yet the natural herb when taken for what it is, rather than some common misconception and distortion of its existence, it is relatively harmless when all things are considered.

"When I read what you post it simply confirms all the more that the drugs, including Marijuana, corrupt a lot of people and make them act in unwarranted ways that cause all the more problems."

You are taking the responsibility out of people hands and putting it in the hands of "marijuana", which is ridiculous. People make choices, thye are responsible for the choices they make marijuana doesn't cause people to make choices, they do that all themselves. Not sure what "problems" and "unwarranted acting" you are speaking of because you are not being specific, so I'll leave that up to the imagination of the reader.

"Thanks for helping me to get my point accross that the drugs are shit and they cause a lot of problems, including corrupting all the more people."

You just stated earlier that money was corrupting people, too. Your point is reminiscent of George Bush's thousand points of light...lucid indeed.


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