Re: Morinda supreme, is it natural? by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 10/27/2011 11:34:43 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 1,932
Firstly, I've never seen ANY product that didn't have a review that >>>looks great an seems to help all my problems.<<<
Will it help with your issues? Be non-reactive? Honestly, I'm not all that familiar with "noni". I do know that many of the juices are wee-tiny parts true noni, and large parts "other".
Noni juice (Morinda citrifolia)- this is the Wikipedia entry:
Of course, we all know that Wiki is decidedly biased against natural cures and always villainizes even the safest herbs and plants...but that aside, it looks the company that makes Morinda uses quality 'noni' (although not 'organic') and there has been some trials run that show some benefits.
If the Morinda is dried/ground fruit in capsules, it's certainly natural...and if you wanna give it a try, then give it a try.
(Your kefir grains will be on the way tomorrow - we missed getting them shipped today due to my note not being noticed...sorry about that).
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