Re: Why did I get rash after taking CS by MENDOMAID ..... Colloidal Silver Forum
Date: 10/21/2011 2:12:58 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 9,774
If you got just a little bit of the nasal spray on your hand or wrist then touched your ankle that might acount for the rash. Possibly the nasal spray is contaminated with nickel and if you are allergic it would only take a tiny amount to cause a rash. It could be something else in the nasal spray or something on your hands unrelated to the spray. I have gotten rashes from several chemicals - furniture polish for one and getting hot pepper oil on my hands and touching other places as i'm allergic to hot peppers and the oil is very sticky. I find Florasone Cream very effective for these rashes. Witch hazel also would probably help.
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