Well...I had my 1st consult with Dr Neville the other day. Very reasonable rates and he is very knowledgable. 1-hr for $120.
A little more reasonable than 6 or 7 minutes with Dr Lam for $90. I don’t want to complain too much about Dr Lam since his program did seem to support my adrenal glands well. But 6 or 7 minutes is not enough time for him to really understand what is currently going on with you and it’s also not enough time for the patient to learn anything.
Seriphos is more effective that Phos.Serine, and less expensive. By the way, from the above article, it looks like Dr:Lowe may be a good doctor as well.....and feisty, as in the following article debating the existing of adrenal fatigue. http://www.drlowe.com/emailnewsletter/2009archive3.htm
We’ll see have the seriphos works. My cortisol rhythm and levels were very good for several months. Probably the best they have been in years. However, it seems playing tennis about 8 or 9 times this summer and a couple of days of sex (even without orgasm) stimulated me and reset my cortisol levels high again....and out of balance.
The odd thing is that I still feel very calm. No anxiety, no panic attacks, not jumpy. This could be all the meditation, slow breathing, Buteyko.
But I’m having wicked insomnia (up 3 to 4 hrs per night) and I have an evening crash from about 6 to 8 pm.....and then get energy just when it’s time to go to bed.
Plus I’m having some connective tissue issues from high cortisol again. Skin not regenerating. Getting some bone pain again.
Oh well.....I’ll get back where I was. And no tennis again! You guys know what it’s like. I was an athlete from age 6 to 37 when I crashed and intermittently until now at 45. (tennis, mountain biking, skiing, squash, racquet ball, running....you name it)
I guess I need to put that person behind me and become a Zen meditation master ;)
Possibly eventually I can do some. My Buteyko coach mentioned that experience shows you need to have a Control Pause over 40 for 6 months before getting back into something like tennis.
Oh....Dr Neville knows of Buteyko Breathing exercises and thinks it is great. I think I’m going to like his approach of actually learning about the specifics of my case