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Re: Concussion and headaches by Hveragerthi ..... The Truth in Medicine

Date:   10/5/2011 7:35:32 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   1,453

 I recently got a concussion while playing football. Immediately after taking a hit I felt a headache come on, and it has persisted on and off for the past week. I have never gotten headaches in my life before this. Right now my headache is strong.

I am worried about this concussion leading to brain conditions later on in life. Things like alzheimers and dementia seem to be a problem with some football players and boxers later on in life.

I have been taking more fish oil than usual. Will this help? I know fish oil reduces inflammation, but can it prevent brain damage resulting from concussions?

Would taking alpha gpc help?

Before doing anything you need to have that checked out to make sure what is going on.  It could be something simple like a spinal misalignment or it could be something more serious such as a small bleed.  

It is the later that is of the most concern.  And if there is a small bleed then fish oil would not be  good idea as fish oil is also a blood thinner.  So again, don't be taking things until you know what you are actually dealing with.


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