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Re: nut butters and coconut bread by #145122 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   9/29/2011 6:43:39 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   7,561

True... I guess the carb amount is negligible, especially since the fiber gives it a net carb of 2g or so.

I found another recipe for the bread:
it gives the nutritional info. I would substitute the ghee/butter for coconut oil.
And here is one without baking powder:

Is the baking powder necessary? Also, can coconut oil be used instead of EVOO? did u try using VCO? WHich variation did u enjoy most?

Would these recipes be ok:

1. Coconut pancakes:
Eggs (3)
coconut oil(3 TBS)
Coconut milk (3 TBS)
Sea salt (1 tsp)
Coconut flour (3 TBS)
Baking powder (1/2 tsp baking powder)
Here is the link to the pancakes, but I modified it to exclude the milk products, sugar, etc...

2. Protein "ice cream"

(I would make my own nut milk or use coconut milk/kefir. Use Nutribiotic chocolate rice protein, skip stevia. Gums are good b/c they help bind to toxins).

Lastly, Is kombucha and coconut milk kefir ok on the candida diet? There is some controversy on whether fermented foods/drinks are helpful or harmful (example, Bee says no:

How are these drinks?

What brand of yogurt do u eat? Any that u recommend for those with lactose/dairy issues? (Are u sure the lactose doesn't feed the candida?)?

Thanks for letting me pick your brain!

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