Re: parathyroid disease? by knowledge seeker ..... Parathyroid Gland Forum
Date: 9/22/2011 2:43:07 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 12,467
Just this week I had a high pth and a calcium of 10:01 which is point one above zero looking at the link below I see that I am in the possible range for a parathyroid tumor and one of the hardest to diagnose and often misdiagnose but 3-5% of the people with parathyroid tumor are in my range.
When I saw the symptoms I was blow away out of these on that link and others I saw I have 19 of 21 symptoms most of these things I have had for decades of suffering.
I also had my chest radiated for cancer with more radiation than normal for breast cancer and they told me it could affect the glands in my neck such as thyroid (and as I just learned maybe parathyroid too).
Also had a lump in the throat that got so bad for a while I was choking on my food and this lead to a ultrasound and finding a multi nodular goiter which I had biopsied and negative. Since the parathyroid gland in often in back of the thyroid that could place a tumor right around where I feel this lump in the throat..they said it was reflux though I never have heartburn, Now I am thinking it might be this parathyroid tumor as my throat has this goiter so the gland could be in there as it is also often in the thyroid gland even though their function is different,
Seeing how if I had a tumor in parathyroid all my 19 symptoms could go away within months, I am now hoping I have it and combined with his and also hearing it often increases other endocrine problems and I have diabetes , the thyroid thing and often thought I had adrenals problems as several symptoms. I now see one of the symptoms is losing hair which I attributed to some adrenal problems but they tested recently and said that was alright but not sure as noone ever talked to me about test results and if it shows everything.
also saw a link with high uric acid and mine tested at 8.6 and high end normal is 6.5 or so and I had gotten gout 6 times in 6 weeks even though I am a vegan.
Also had vitamin d of 3 nearly completely deficient which this could cause. Just saw a doctor today and she would not send me to a specialist and I think thinks it is from the low vitamin d but the premier expert on this topic the man who invented the parathyroid minimally invasive surgery said if you have it taking high vitamin d could cause a stroke and never take calcium supplements or even cheese or dairy as it could be dangerous. Naturally she gave me both not sure if I should take it or not.
Finally convinced her to give me a 24 hour urine test. I am the only group that expert recommends it for as 40% of the time it showed no calcium in urine even though he removes tumors every day from people that had no calcium in urine and relatively low calcium levels.
He also said an ionized calcium test is the most important test. She first said she was giving me this and then said no I think it is from the low vitamin and that is an expensive test and I said that is the test he said to do with people in my range so she said ok. I am praying it is elevated and calcium in urine so they might get me to a specialist and see if he can determine it as I am totally convinced I have this..I have a strong gut feeling too.
It is all quite frustrating and reading the site made me scared to trust doctors as he says they are often wrong as it is not that commonly seen by average doctor and only 132 doctors in country do that surgery and half are inexperienced and never go there as they might, cut your vocal cord and other errors and you can never talk again.
It is so overwhelming but I did a lot of reading this week and I went there and looked up your numbers ion his graph and he said this about where you show on the graph
"Finally, there are a few RARE patients who are in the white area BELOW the Confusion Area A... Ionized calcium levels are very useful in all of these confusing patients (we believe ionized calcium is the most important single blood test for primary hyperparathyroidism). There are some very rare patients outside of the blue area, but they are very difficult to diagnose. Many other clinical issues need to be examined (bone density, urine calcium, variability of the labs, etc)."
If you went up to about 32 or so on the pth you would fall in the possible range of it (I am in the confusion b and you would then be in confusion a area (the blue on the graph at the link)
he says this about confusion a that they operate people every day like this and doctors misdiagnose them for years
he also said this
"high calcium levels means primary hyperparathyroidism unless the PTH is near zero"
I would look over that site on these two diagnostic pages.
I would also if you have not seen this site read it and check out the symptoms
I posted them below to--to this add possible high uric acid, cramps, spasms, twitching, excessive thirst and urination.
there is also a symptom cartoon here
It seems you are in the same boat as me in many ways but maybe even harder to diagnose.
Symptoms of Parathyroid Disease (Hyperparathyroidism)
Loss of energy. Don't feel like doing much. Tired all the time. Chronic fatigue.
Just don't feel well; don't quite feel normal. Hard to explain but just feel kind of bad.
Feel old. Don't have the interest in things that you used to.
Can't concentrate, or can't keep your concentration like in the past.
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia.
Bones hurt; typically it's bones in the legs and arms but can be most bones.
Don't sleep like you used to. Wake up in middle of night. Trouble getting to sleep.
Tired during the day and frequently feel like you want a nap.
Spouse claims you are more irritable and harder to get along with (cranky, bitchy).
Forget simple things that you used to remember very easily (worsening memory).
Gastric acid reflux; heartburn; GERD.
Decrease in sex drive.
Thinning hair (predominately in middle aged females on the front part of the scalp).
Kidney Stones.
High Blood Pressure (sometimes mild, sometimes quite severe; up and down a lot).
Recurrent Headaches (usually patients under the age of 40).
Heart Palpitations (arrhythmias). Typically atrial arrhythmias.
Most people with hyperparathyroidism will have 4 - 6 of these symptoms. Some will have lots of them. A few people will say they don't have any... but after an operation they will often say otherwise. 95% of people with hyperparathyroidism will have 3 or more of these symptoms. In general, the longer you have hyperparathyroidism, the more symptoms you will develop.
If you have this you are probably already familiar with this site but I just I would type all this as I see noone has been here posting for a long time and saw yours and posted my story and looked your numbers up. maybe getting the tests he mentions will help ((bone density, urine calcium, variability of the labs, etc) the urine is the 24 hour one and maybe that ionized calcium test unless that is what you had.
he did say the scan in his opinion are usually worthless and often miss things yet doctors put a lot of stock in them, Also note 40% chance the calcium may be off. and you still have it
I would think if your calcium was elevated even if it is not a parathyroid tumor this could have all the bad effects as if you had a tumor like high calcium harming the brain. do you have things like depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, irritability and this sort of thing?
Doctors suck..I saw this pth was elevated even more on some ER blood work I had 6 weeks ago and they said nothing was wrong on the blood work...I do not think anyone ever took my calcium except once and noone every mentioned this pth being high. I see high or low stuff all the time and often they do not say anything on it or just pick one or two to mention
hmm well I know that excess protein leeches calcium form bones to try to lower the acidity that animal products cause (see the film forks over knives --you can download it free at torrentz) could it be that you are eating considerable dairy, meats, eggs and other acidic forming foods and this is why your blood is so high in it. The body is trying to fix the over acidity and most people are too acidic.
Even Victoria Boutenko and her family all 100% raw food faddist, vegans never tested alkaline on a test but she found the answer to that
Green smoothies. Her website is raw She even went so far as to state after curing her son the last 15 years of type one diabetes and her family o many things like thyroid disease, asthma, morbid obesity, hear arrhythmias etc that after 3 years of getting younger they started showing signs of small aging things indicating they were again going backwards.
If you want to email me I am not sure it fits on an attachment but I can try to send her videos if it does (it may be too large though,,it is in two parts and fascinating
You can contact me and send an email so I see it faster. But she went on a search and then she found after she started drinking incredible 2 gallons of green smoothies a day after a week her lifetime moles and warts fell off in the shower..she screamed and her husband was a massage therapist and he had warts on his hands and he did the green smoothies and all his fell off too and his beard turned from gray back to black and they started feeling incredible.
She then did a study using a town and had them all stay on their regular diet and just add one quart of green smoothie a day for a month and then surveyed them She made 100 or so quarts of green smoothies a day herself and I think they drove 200 miles a day or something and the study showed all the participants reported health improvements and weight loss., Common to nearly all was increased energy,m better sleep, better bowel movements, and better sleep.
It also affects the pH in the gut..most people when they eat beets have red urine and feces and after they were on the green smoothie all of her family discovered then they ate beets it no longer did this indicating better pH and absorption too.
Green smoothies are amazing and they can last 2 or 3 days in the fridge unlike fresh juices which should be drank within 30 minutes as it starts deteriorating and losing good properties.
It is important to alternate the greens you use every day
Take any fruit you like such as berries, apples, pears, peaches, melon, pineapple. mangoes, coconut, persimmons, citrus, banana, etc
mix with any of the following greens: kale, swiss chard, collard greens, leafy tops of carrots, beets, turnips, daikon, radishes etc, watercress, parsley, bok choy, romaine, arugula, spinach, broccoli, celery, any Asian market green, and safe wild greens such as dandelion greens. purslane, plantain (not the banana the weed), leaves of things like grape vine, strawberries, daisies, clover, violets, lemon balm, lamb's quarter, burdock, cleavers and so on.
Blend with water. I sometimes add a natural sweetener. I use generally raw agave nectar but others would be ok to but not sure she is down with that.
Again alternate them every day or so as if you eat the same one day after day you can get sick..the plant wants you to eat its fruit when ripe and some of the leaves but not all as this can kill the plant so they put off those poisons like say spinach has oxalic acid and this is to make the animals rotate their eating of greens and not eat all the same plant and kill it so just mix them up and you will be fine as well as get various nutrients from each.,.they are pound for pound she found the most nutritious food on the planet..she also has some books on it etc at her site.
These may help you reduce any over acidity in the body that the body is taking it form bones and flooding the blood.
Also see the film forks over knives. Do you have osteoporosis?
Well hope something I wrote helps and I am so hoping my own out this might drastically change my life if I have the tumor and they can safely get it out.
You might also try raw apple cider vinegar in water three times a day (about an inch or two in glass and fill with water. may add raw honey. I add sea salt as I like that taste. The book by Dr Jarvis who started the vinegar craze has a god book arthritis and this help calcium not go to joints but to bones and it helps dissolve calcium deposits but if it is stopped it comes back. The book is called arthritis and subtitled something like folk medicine.
It was interesting book. I am not sure this stuff would help high calcium, but these things are what I was thinking might.
Of course if there is an underlying cause might want to keep trying but maybe this can help reduce the calcium..remember high protein causes calcium to be pulled from bones so dairy produce actually help cause osteoporosis rather than help it. Greens are very high in calcium. The book china study showed people eating zero to 10% animals did not get modern diseases like cancer, diabetes,, heart problems, osteoporosis etc
But I don't know that doctor said if a tumor is causing it all there is no hope without surgery. I am not sure how to remove a glandular tumor like that naturally. If anyone knows please help me.
I did read in Dr Christopher's book yellow dock might help endocrine tumors so I might try that if I get no help from doctors to see what happens. He said do not take with something but I forget what it is off the top of my head. if someone needs to know post and I will look it up
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