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Re: Using BF&C to restore bones, flesh & cartilage +++ --- THE TRUTH!!! by Jiles ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   9/20/2011 4:34:27 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   20,224

In following the motto of this site, I am not here to bash people or companies, I’m only here to point out the false claims that were in this post. I will counter with nothing but facts. Feel free to call the company I will refer to for verification if needed.

I agree with almost every Dr. Shulz talked about in this interview and LOVE some of the points he made, in fact I’ve listened to lectures he’s done and really liked his points, and passion for natural healing. I do however, have an issue with making false claims about his competition (in this case Dr. Christopher products, which I happen to love!) to sell more of his own products, when he has no fact, or proof to back up those claims. I also question the last time, if ever, he has toured the building or contacted the company that manufactures the products to ask about their procedures. I say that, not only because Dr. Christopher’s products contains very potent herbs, and I’ve had awesome results and LOVE the products, but because I had an opportunity to tour the building myself in person 2 years ago, with the managers and owners of the company, along with David Christopher.

It was an awesome experience to say the least. Here’s some of what I learned: (the following is all fact, and can be verified simply by calling the company and asking them for yourself)

The company that manufactures all the Dr. Christopher’s product is called Wholistic Botanicals. They don’t have the right to alter formulations themselves nor have they ever done so. Only the Christopher family (David Christopher) who owns the rights to these formulations can instruct them to do so. I also found out the only reason product ingredients have been changed (or updated) is due to FDA regulations, prop 65 compliance (regulation from the state of California) or an herb becoming endangered.

Furthermore, although some formulations have changed due to these laws, they are very similar, in most cases, only a single herb has been withdrawn, or added. During our tour we also saw their “Milling machine” which grinds down herbs from cut or whole form, to powder. So apparently, not all herbs are powdered to begin with. This is also proven because all their liquids are extracted from whole or cut herbs rather than powder. (except for cayenne).

All the herbs are stored in a temperature controlled warehouse. All herbs are also tested for species verification, purity, potency, and constituents prior to entering the warehouse from quarantine. If it doesn’t pass… they don’t use it. Each herb is tested by itself before being added to a blend. When the blend or product is completed, the entire product is tested again and must also pass to be sold. I think that was the biggest false claim in the interview was that they no longer use quality herbs, or even organic or wild crafted herbs, as that is absolutely not the case. We were shown c of a’s (Certificate of analysis) which further document and prove the quality and purity of the herbs used in their products.

Basically, the tour was a real eye opener to the level of quality and care that this company produces these products with, which is well above the industry standard... and to have it spat on, without proof, or knowledge just sell your own products… isn’t right. I invite any or all of you to do as I have done, and do the research for yourself.


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