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Re: nac? by thelaughingdogs ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   9/18/2011 10:11:03 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   2,181

I would say no on the Copper and Melasma issues as far as it removing it but yes to taking it out of your body the rest of the way. As far as herx reactions I would say the NAC helps that. It was my understanding the NAC opens the pathway to take the toxins out of the body as opposed to helping the body remove toxins from your tissues and leave them floating around. Therefore it helps elevate your herx reactions. B complex vitamins also assist greatly in moving toxins out of the body. I still have a cocktail or two which I know is a no no but there is something I take that helps my body detox faster. Kombucha is one, but someone folks can't drink a vinegar type drink. The other the RU21 which works better for me than just NAC. These two things help my body remove the bad stuff faster so I don't have the herx reactions. I sure you understand that the herx is caused by to much junk coming out of your tissues all a once and overwhelming your detox pathways. It's become obvious to me that the AF slows my detox pathways down.

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