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Re: major help needed please by slinkystu ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   9/6/2011 11:04:45 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   2,685

People will tell you so many different things about a candida diet but the real truth is,listen to your body and NOT all these people claiming things.Manuka honey would be a massive no no according to most people on curezone for candida but for me it really helped.I mixed it with probiotic yoghurt and it tastes lovely as a bonus!

Manuka honey is antibacterial and antifungal, maybe the candida attempt to feed on it as it is a natural Sugar and get a nasty shock when it kills them lol>>?? Probably a ridiculous thought but a funny one none the less.I do not react or have any issues when taking manuka honey.I can also eat apples,oranges and pineapple with no ill effects and i juice them in my juicer most days for a vitamin and nutrient boost that is a million times better than taking all these tablets and spending lots of money.

I believe you can hgeal yourself through natures foods not by following some stupidly strict diet that will make you ill,they call it "die off" but really most of the reason you feel so bad on these so called candida diets is because your body IS NOT HAPPY that you are starving it of all the nutrients and vitamins/proteins that are in fruits and meats.

I agree that cutting out processed,pre-packaged foods and sugars is a great thing to do no matter what the ilness,but try and listen to your body and have a little common sense.And please people DO not cut eggs from your diet even if you have a "reaction" to them,eggs are natures gift they really are PACKED with goodness and the digestive system needs them no matter what links anyone posts to yolks being bad... stupid stupid stupid!!

Be well,think with positivity,enjoy healthy,wholesome and natural foods,organic every time.Exercise more and do not sit at the computer so much reading forums and self-diagnosing yourself worrying about what if/maybe/i could have this,that or the other until you drive your immune system into a pit so deep you will never be better.Your mind is a powerful thing and can convince the body to do many things,including kick starting it to recovery,or sending it deeper into immuno Depression and hyper sensitive states.


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