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Re: First month with Dorine by indianagirl ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   8/20/2011 10:13:41 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   1,583

You're describing my experience with Dr Lam's Vitamin C to a T!
I worked with them 3 months and finally threw in the towel about 2 weeks ago. I feel better since, than I did on all that C and stuff.
I figure it just wasn't right for me and there has to be a better way.
They kept telling me that I was having low clearance issues but she never suggested a sluggish liver or anything for it.
I would assume it's the same thing.
I know lots of people have had these same struggles with that program but others have not or have pushed through it and gotten well with them.
I personally just came to a conclusion based on my intuition and low quality of life with all that pain that I should try something else.
I was never nearly so inflammed before and could handle large doses of C too.
I did crash pretty bad in June and was less tolerant of it after but it seemed to continue to hold my progress back as it was just not agreeing with me.


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