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More (LOTS) on the adverse effects of ascorbic acid -Re: Some info on Vitamin C by unyquity ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   8/8/2011 7:13:14 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   3,213

 This is the first "must read chapter" that gives the basic data for understand the 'why' of the data below: Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C

Unknown Dangers of Vitamin C
The Hidden Dangers of Mega Vitamin C (500 mg = "mega")
What about supplements like vitamin C?
The Dangers of Megadosing Vitamin C
(B12 Kidney/stones Hypoglycemia) Vitamin C Overdose and Its Risk
Vitamin C: An Efficient Way To Lower Sorbitol Levels
Ascorbic acid participates in a general mechanism (inhibits glucose transport) PubMed result
L-ascorbic acid produces hypoglycaemia and hyperin... [J Pharm Pharmacol. 1989] - PubMed result
ascorbic acid (DNA damage) brody
Ascorbic Acid damage DNA

And two last things I don't have links for (yet), but I learned while researching to get the ones above
--all ascorbic acid is made from corn (and typically sulphuric acid); this means (and everyone agrees) that ascorbic acid is GMO, which means it SUBSTANTIALLY alters and modifies intestinal microbiota :(
--ascorbic acid interferes with and diminishes mucin. What is mucin?
Definitions of mucin on the Web:
Symptoms of mucin deficiency - constant thirst, dry mouth, dry eyes, vision impairment (conjunctival, corneal), dry skin, joint pain/tenderness...

And finally, check this out (it's very 'convoluted information' because apparently they're confusing true Vitamin C with ascorbic acid - but the references to glucose & mucin are very informative - especially when considering what ascorbic acid does to blood glucose).
Ascorbic acid (synthetic Vitamin C) is not natural in any way to our natural bodies.  Although it may band-aid symptoms for a time, ingesting substances that are unnatural to our bodies virtually always results in new compromise and added symtpoms.
Healthiest of blessings,


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