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Re: Stressed and wired 24/7 by Saljoe ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   8/7/2011 7:28:45 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   3,303

Hi there. I'm sorry you are going through this. You sound alot like I did in the beginning of my adrenal fatigue. The wired and stressed and anxiety were debilitating. I kept being told I had an anxiety disorder and put on Zoloft. That is where my demise began. 2 mths of 24/7 hell. This lead me to Dr. Lam first. You can do a free consultation with him and it is very helpful. I don't agree with all the synthetic supplaments though, especially the mega dosing of vitamin c. Now my body rejects any synthetic form of ab sorbic acid . I had to suppliment with eating kiwi's until I found Rose Hips to take.
Anyway, on to finding some relief for the wiredness. I basically had to treat myself due to money issues and it is quite a journey. I can tell you what helped me tremendously in the beginning. I bought some iodized Sea Salt and started drinking 1/2 tbs in 4 oz of water every morning. I would also pour some in my hand and eat it throughout the day. If you are needing salt it will taste good to you. My body let me know when I was getting enough. But make sure it is Sea Salt and not table salt . Go to a healthfood store. After much research of my bloodwork results, which my doctors kept saying were normal, my low sodium and extremely high potassium levels were the first indicator that I was not producing enough aldosterone from my adrenals. This will cause the anxiety and wiredness issues.
What just about everyone needs with adrenals that don't function properly is B vitamins, mainly B5, but b vitamins are best taken all together. I have been taking Bee Pollen for this. Vitamin C is very very important for the adrenals but I would go with Rose Hips, Amla, or by food such a kiwis. Not oranges though.
Taking some magnesium could prove helpful because too much stress for long periods of time deplete your magnesium levels. Avoid magnesium oxide. Hyperthyroid can cause your body to have too much calcium and that reaks havoc on your muscles. I take my magnesium at night as it relaxes muscles.
Another thing that I take at night is 5-HTP as this helps with Depression and sleep. I drink a Relax Me drink a few nights a week and I buy this at Wal Mart.
I hope this helps some. If you decide to talk with Dr. Lam and he gives you an idea of what you are dealing with, let me know. I will be glad to share the other things I have done to heal. Just remember everyone is different, but these basic things I shared should not hurt you.

Take care.

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