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Endoscopy Mon Aug 8 Guidance before and aft procedure by #53734 ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   8/5/2011 3:04:30 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   3,901

I have just been informed that due to cancellation I will have endoscopy procedure done this Monday August 8th because of cancellation from January 2012.

As much as I do not want to have this invasive procedure I understand that it is necessary to find out what is wrong with me. Do I have gastritis, low acidity, LES, hiatal hernia, malabsorption, ulcers, etc.

I am sure a biopsy will be taken for h pylori, ulcer and/or cancer. I have been taking cayenne pepper for reflux until this morning with acv. The instructions I was given a few weeks ago states that I should not take any blood thinning medication 7 days prior to the procedure. I understand that cayenne improves circulation but also thins the blood. I will therefore not take any cayenne pepper until my procedure on Monday but must I worry about having taken it until this morning? Also should I stop taking sunflower seeds and almonds in my cereal for the next two days? I am also taking tumeric drink, should I stop that too?. Specialist secretary is no help, just said do not eat or drink 12 hours prior to the procedure.

I have had h pylori for some years, have tried mastic gum, manuka honey, DGL , monolaurin capsules etc. etc. but the breath test still shows h pylori present. I do not want to take antibioitic.

I did not have symptoms of h pylori except excessive mucus cough and once in a while bloody sputum. Last year I started to have burning in my throat during the night (despite elevating the head of bed) and have been belching a lot. Last couple of days I have suffered from a lot of gas and cramps on the left side rib cage and under the front rib cage and the belching has increased a lot. I am also having edema on my feet in the last 2 weeks.

Last couple of months off and on my stool sometimes is very small and hard and sometimes floats and sinks. I have done over 60 Liver Flushes and know what stones are, they are usually green but these are hard stools and when I try to break it up they are the consistency of liver stones . I do not know what the reason for this is, perhaps I have a blockage in the bile and this is causing reflux?

I am very much underweight and my weight has fallen down to below 90 lbs in the last 8 months, I went on gluten free diet whilst doing alternative therapies for h pylori but it did not help much so last week I am back on whole grain organic wheat etc. I am trying to eat everything now to gain weight but to no avail.

Anyways, how should I prepare for the endoscopy and also after the endoscopy? I am planning to drink zico coconut water to break the fast and should I take activated charcoal and if so how many capsules? Will they interfere with coconut water benefits? And when should I resume cayenne pepper because I do not wish to bleed after the biopsy.

Any other suggestions will be very much welcomed.

Thank you.


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