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Sweetie...Reach out to the community by FlushingTexas ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   6/24/2006 8:15:18 PM ( 19 y ago)
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I understand that you are in a dire and desperate situation. Does the house belong to you (do you own it?). If so, you can kick out whoever is living there and reclaim your home. If you own it, you could put it on the market for sale, take the proceeds and rent an apartment. At least then you would be able to provide shelter for your daughter and have her returned to you. Call a trusted friend to help you, or even someone who works with domestic violence victims. Or even just call an acquantance. Many people are willing to help even if they do not know you very well.

Find an emergency women's shelter for the time being...they are in the phone book, call the YWCA or YMCA or even go to the Salvation Army...anywhere you can. Pack a bag and call a taxi. Have him stop at a grocery store, get your supplies and do your flush there.

If you get questions about it, tell them you have a stomach bug...people will pretty much leave you alone then.

But really, if it comes down to it...having your Gall Bladder removed IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. You can still go on with the flushes to clean out the liver and continue to lead a normal, healthy life. JUST DON"T TELL ANYBODY!!!

But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE GET AN ATTORNEY!!!! You will need one for this trial anyway and he/she is bound by oath to represent YOU and YOUR INTERESTS!!! He will help you arrange all of the details that you need to accomplish in order to get out from under these people. There has been a great deal of damage done.

Best of luck to you,


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