Re: 4th HW cleanse, "cucumber seeds" by Shanimal ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites
Date: 8/1/2011 11:18:45 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 3,801
Hi, I too have been seeing the "cucumber seeds", although I was calling them sesame seeds. I've noticed that the color of the eggs was off white at first and I collected about a dozen to bring in to the doc. After they dried up they became a much darker color, some dark brown and some even changed a little in shape/ size. Have you noticed this? Also I was wondering if anyone had any advise on how to identify the tapeworm head? Some people's answers on here talk about them dissolving and the skins of them being passed in BMs. Like after pineapple juice etc. What do they look like when they're expelled like that? I haven't yet received my Humaworm shipment but have been taking herbs and such recommended by Humaworm for about 45 days. Prior to taking anything I would occasionally see white like tissue paper rolled up but it's been awhile since I've seen anything like that. Now I see what looks like skin or casings that are grey or brown (stool color I guess). They will be twisted up and connected like a chain or rope with some "seeds" and some kind of matter inside making them thicker then I'd expect a tapeworm to be. However I'm thinking if I were to try to unravel it more it might be flatter then it appears. Sometimes there isnt anything inside and they appear to be long globs of mucus textured "skin" brown black or grey in color without anything inside it. Can tapeworms look like this after killing them? Is it from them dissolving and twisting around fecal matter when exiting the body? Sorry for the gross details! I'm confused cuz most reading material
and pictures show them as white and so thin! I'd really like to know how to
identify the head!
Do you think maybe you had in fact passed tapeworm in your previous cleanses but didn't know what it was? Sometimes I will see tons of eggs and other times like the rope/chain like thing I wouldn't have noticed the eggs if I hadn't collected the specimen and put it in a jar.
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