Thoughts & questions and a BIG "heads up"! Re: thanks Willow and Water by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 7/13/2011 2:49:47 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 8,899
...if this is some kind of Superbug like MRSA, the "standard" slippery elm/aloe may need to wait a bit (or need to have stronger anti-bacterial herbs added to it). If it's MRSA, then garlic is essential.
-- what is the name of the bacteria or bacterias that is/are causing the infection?
-- regarding this >>>when we do leave here we will have to come back within so many days for a follow up too and am wondering how I am gonna do this without being found out ...hehe <<<
IS there ANY possibility that (when he's discharged) he'll ditch the various creams/ointments/bandages and various drugs they'll send him home with and decide to heal this effectively naturally? Because "you" can't dictate his decisions (of course). And doing Natural Healing "half-assed" in a situation like this is certainly not *optimal* (as in, not being able to depend upon the results - not to mention huge conflicts with the docs and the "heads up" below)
To heal this naturally, raw garlic internally IS NECESSARY (it's not optional). If he'll do it, start immediately working up to 9 cloves daily, and then push it to 12 (1-2-3 cloves at a time as he can tolerate it).
Echinacea doesn't cause any kind of strange chemical interaction with drugs, but because of the way it works, taking it with certain drugs can increase/decrease the amount of the drug in the bloodstream.
You likely want to be SURE that they're not giving him any fluoroquinolone (fluoridated) Antibiotics (if you/he doesn't want to risk being disabled). Find the complete list here:
Here's a copy (but not a full list of names for each, you'll have to go the website for the clickable links)
Generic Name Common Name
Ciprofloxacin Cipro
Enoxacin Penetrex
Flucloxacillin Click here for a list of names
Gatifloxacin Tequin
Gemifloxacin mesylate Factive
Grepafloxacin HCI Raxar
Levofloxacin Levaquin
Linezolid Click here for a list of names
Lomefloxacin Maxaquin
Moxifloxacin HCL Avelox
Norfloxacin Noroxin
Ofloxacin Floxin
Sparfloxacin Zagam
Temafloxacin Omniflox (removed from market)
Trovafloxacin mesylate Trovan
If you need to learn about the harm they can do, look here:
HEADS UP regarding this:
>>>they stitched him up ( 15 ) and sent him home Antibiotics or anything<<<
>>>well a few days later after daily dressing changes I took him to see his regular doctor on that friday the 8th because it seemed like it was getting infected and the odor was pretty bad doc agreed and gave him tetracycline and more pain meds<<<
>>>saturday when I got home from work I walked into the bedroom to change his dressing and the odor bout knocked me down<<<
>>>I called the nurse at UT and she said get him to ER that he needed IV Antibiotics I took him to local ER which they did nothing but refer us back up to UT<<<
>>>we have been here since Saturday night
doc said it was an abcsess/ulcer now and needed to be cleaned out ..started him on IV clindamycin<<<
>>>turns out they sent culture off to see what kind of bacteria it is that was growing in there ,well today the doc came in and said it was a different bacteria than what they were treating him for think she said he had gram positive and they were treating him for gram negative ...
so they will be adding another Antibiotic later on this evening and may have to consult with infectious disease specilists to see exactly what kind of Antibiotic it will take to kill off the bacteria <<<
>>>..they told me that when he left the hosp the first time that he had a 50/50 chance of it getting infected but they wanted to see if he would heal up on his own first .. since antibiotics are creating superbugs they didnt want to give him any...they only told me this yesterday ! not when it happened<<<
WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING AND GET THYSELF LEGAL COUNSEL ASAP!!! It looks to me like you've got grounds for some type of malpractice the very least you should be able to recoup 2-3x the total hospital bill for "pain & suffering" (they'd probably offer that much if you even uttered a peep about getting an atty). This has definitely been medically mismanaged, and all you need to do is play your cards right to end up getting some type of settlement. WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN THAT EVERY ONE SAYS (AND HAS SAID) who they are and when they said it. Do that ASAP!!!
Email me the pix and I'll get it/them uploaded for you to post as soon as I can.
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