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Setting the Record Straight [Re: DMSO-the CON GAME] by Garnet3 ..... MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate

Date:   6/26/2011 4:42:40 PM ( 13 y ago)
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It would be nice to see some documentation on the claims made above about DMSO. But I rather doubt the poster can supply it or he/she would have included it to begin with.
I will relate both my personal experience, that of thousands of users on my Yahoo DMSO list and documentation from industry experts available to the public to verify for themselves.

I have never had any problem going into the sun immediately after utilizing DMSO topically or orally. I have also used it extensively for 30 years on horses, dogs and cats orally, topically and IV as well as SC -- never seen any sensitivity to sunlight with these individuals either. I use the typical Neogen distributed DMSO in plastic.

ALL DMSO is metabolized to DMS (Dimethyl Sulfide) and MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane aka Dimethyl Sulfone). It is the
DMS that smells like garlic. Many naturally occuring foods are also partially metabolized to DMS - oysters, corn, coffee, garlic, cruciferous vegetables - and produce a garlic like body or breath odor to some degree. This degree varies with the individual.

Some individuals do not produce enough DMS to be noticeable by even their closest loved ones. Others produce it even when DMSO is used in very small amounts. This is simply individual variance in metabolic pathways.

As for DMSO having the garlic odor in the bottle, I can only speculate that it is due to its partially breaking down to DMS before you purchased it or in storage after you purchased it.

Honey has natural peroxides in it and may be oxidizing the DMS back to DMSO in the bottle. Again this is speculation on my part from what I know of chemistry.

The FDA does not care where you buy your DMSO. It is Big Pharma that put them up to trying to make DMSO illegal and the attempts to shut down Stanley Jacob MD's lab in the 70's by attempting to raid his lab and dragging him into court on trumped up charges. They ended up apologizing to him in the FDA Federal Register -- almost unheard of!

This is detailed in the book DMSO NATURE'S HEALER, by Dr Morton Walker. I highly recommend anyone who uses DMSO read this book. It is less than $11 from Amazon and also available from used book dealers. It is worth every penny. MSM THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE by Stanley Jacob MD is also very informative about DMSO and MSM, which are thought to interconvert in the body to some extent.

The information above that Industrial Grade DMSO is what is being sold by most vendors may not be not accurate.

Pharmasolvent Grade is often sold and is 99.98% pure. Industrial grade from Gaylord is 99.7% with 0.1% water. And has no metals. The only grade that assays in the parts per BILLION range is Electronic Solvent grade (EL 50).

I refer anyone wishing to look at the published analysis on Gaylord's site to look here:

What this does not tell you is the analysis of what you are using if the DMSO you are purchasing is not produced by Gaylord.

Ask who the producer is and to see an analysis. If the seller can not provide an analysis it is simple, just don't buy from that seller if you have concerns.

I will tell you that the Thoroughbred Industry utilizes thousands of gallons a year on horses worth in excess of 100 million dollars each. They use it orally, topically and IV. Consider the risk were they to use an inferior product, not just to that one horse but to their whole operation were an angry owner to sue them for an unsafe practice.

They are not using USP grade DMSO, they are using Pharmasolvent Grade or Industrial Grade. I was part of that industry for ten years. I also have witnessed veterinarians using it IV and topically as well as orally first hand. Again their malpratice insurance would not protect them and in fact will drop them if they are using products that are contaminated. They all use the DMSO labeled industrial solvent from --

Check it out and if you still want more discussion from knowledgeable users of DMSO visit my list that has over a thousand members and has been on the web since 2002. Archives are serachable and packed with information.

Oh and BTW Rimso-50 is not made with distilled water from the drug store -- it is made with triple distilled, assayed and highly controlled distilled water produced in a USP lab to the highest standards of purity. Far from drug store variety distilled water.

I heartily invite all to join the disuccsion!!

Janet R. Perry, MA Pharmacology
UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas


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