More product promotion for single atom silver? by Dquixote1217 ..... Crohn’s Disease Forum
Date: 6/10/2011 10:53:21 AM ( 14 y ago)
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Besides the fact that posting a link to a sales site is a TOS violation, there is no evidence whatsoever that any product out there is able to produce single atom sized particles of silver. Most ionic and colloidal silver products do not use chemicals and there is virtually no evidence of properly made and ingested silver turning anyone blue. It is shameful that some companies use such bogus sales hype to promote their products.
Note: I am not saying that the product you linked to does not work, just that it is not as described and the sales hype is regrettable. In addition, I have serious concerns in general about taking half ounce to one ounce doses of high PPM colloidal/ionic silver which is far in excess of the safety limits established by the EPA and the Silver Safety Institute.
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