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book on schizophrenia (complete) by ronalddishinger ..... Schizophrenia & Schizoaffecive Disorder

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Nutrients such as Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids_and Enzymes give Biochemical Balance
by Ronald C. Dishinger

The material in this book is based on the research of others and personal
observations by the author. This book is intended for information only and is
not intended as a replacement for advice from your doctor. Check with your
doctor before using any or all of this information. It is not a substitute for
medical treatment. The author and publisher are not responsible for the
consequences if people attempt to self-treat themselves. Additionally, the
publisher does not advocate the use of any materials contained in this book
without advice from a qualified physician.
Copyright 1998 by Ronald C. Dishinger
All Rights Reserved
Published by Medici Music Press Inc
5017 Veach Road Owensboro, KY 42303
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I am not a scientist, doctor, or in any way connected with the medical profession. I was for many years a symphony conductor, and for the last 19 years have been a composer. I am currently publisher of Medici Music Press, Inc, devoted to the publication of classical instrumental music. I am 56 years of age and only in recent years have acquired my thimble-full of information about orthomolecular medicine (biochemical basis of cellular wellness) because of my own heart problems. In the process of finding answers for my own medical situation I have found a world of knowledge completely foreign to anything that I had known before my illness. Biochemical balance and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) make sense to me for some reason, and I know for myself and others in our family, that it not only works to aid in illness and prevent illness, but also enhances the quality of our lives. It may also extend life too. I obviously will have to wait and see on that issue.
This book contains hopefully logic and emotions- emotions such as anger, pain, confusion, distrust, descriptions of power and greed, as well as something that may help you. It is not written for money, power, or greed but as a simple gesture from me to you in your quest to find out something that may help your troubled loved one or the neighbor's kid.
This book is written with the layperson in mind for a very specific reason- most people do not have the time, energy, or the financial resources to pursue knowledge pertinent to the physical and psychological health of their children. Even though many parents feel that because they were once children who grew into the adults that they now are and survived, that all they have to do is to treat their children in the same manner as they were treated. Nothing is farther from the truth in many circumstances. Just because one of the parents has a certain portion of his or her genetic material in their child, the parent feels they know themselves, and therefore, are the best ones to give guidance to their offspring. This kind of thinking may cause your loved one to suffer, and you may be clueless as to the reasons for their unwellness or illness.
Throughout this book you will observe a dialogue as if two people are talking- the author and the reader (my farmer friend). The reader may be you asking questions of the author just as I asked questions when I was the reader. I hope it helps, and I am certain you will come up with many more questions than I had. You will also observe that I attempt to tie things together throughout the book, and one point made in one part of the book will have greater meaning at another point in the book. So I guess you can't skip around and find information that is as meaningful as reading the entire book from beginning to end.
This book is an autobiography, family history, and discovery of so many things that now in my later age make sense for the first time in my life. We have five members in my family that have had or now have biochemical imbalances with all the symptoms of depression, unusual behavioral traits, and a great deal of pain for each of them, plus all other family members. There are also other members of my family that have not been biochemically tested that probably do fall into the same category as the five already confirmed biochemically imbalanced by biochemical testing. This is out of 18 living members in my family. When I write about biochemical illness it is based on solid, valid research and is not based on personal anecdotal stories. June, 1998, Ronald C. Dishinger
by Abram Hoffer MD PhD FRCP
Studies of human behavior are divided into many compartments, each one occupying the attention of scientists such as psychologists, sociologists, behaviorists, criminologists, psychoanalysts and so on. Psychiatry, one of the sub sets, is emerging from a chronic flirtation with psychoanalysis from which it is slowly freeing itself, but in doing so it has embraced an almost total adherence to tranquilizer and other drug medication, as if the psychology and other aspects of behavior mattered little. It seems impossible for psychiatry to find a middle ground where all these important aspects of behavior are recognized and dealt with. The long flirtation with psychoanalysis prevented a proper examination of the role of biochemistry and physiology for many decades.
More recently clinical ecologists are studying the connection between human health and the environment, especially the impact of chemicals, natural or synthetic, upon the body and the psyche. The impact of nutrition on behavior, for centuries the subject of medical study and the only successful medical treatment, was forgotten beginning in 1950 when physicians turned this subject over to nutritionists, who could not study human behavior and did not ever see the impact of abnormal nutrition in producing abnormal behavior. After a deep sleep, medicine is slowly re-awakening its interest in nutrition, a movement that was started with the discovery that mega doses of vitamins had a marked effect in alleviating disease.
The connection between food and thought and behavior has been known since antiquity, but generally modern medicine ignored the role played by food allergies and by defective nutrition. One of the first physicians to show a relationship was Walter Alvarez, the great gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic,who published a paper about 60 years ago. He reported that if he ate fowl on Sunday he was mentally confused the following Monday. That report nearly got him fired from the Mayo Clinic. The effect of alcohol, a pseudo food, is well known, and the effect of Sugar stoutly denied by the industries who sell Sugar in various forms is still vigorously denied.
The use of vitamins in small doses began about 70 years ago and was accelerated before the last war, after which its use declined. Using mega doses of certain vitamins including vitamin E, vitamin B-3 and vitamin C, started in the 1940's. These studies were ignored, but when my colleagues and I found that niacin lowered cholesterol levels in 1955 there was a sudden surge of interest. This finding is credited with the beginning of the new paradigm, the vitamin as treatment paradigm. We also completed the first six double blind controlled experiments in psychiatry starting in 1952 until 1960, where we showed that adding vitamin B-3 to the treatment for schizophrenics doubles their two year recovery rate. Since then many other studies confirmed these conclusions. Every physician following the original protocols has reported similar recovery rates. This led to the concepts enunciated by Linus Pauling which he called Orthomolecular Medicine.
Orthomolecular medicine emphasizes the use of nutrition and nutrients in optimum doses for the treatment of all diseases. It is used in combination with drugs when needed, much as one would use a crutch while the leg is being healed and would discard it when the healing is completed. Schizophrenics who recover require continued treatment with nutrients, much as do diabetics with insulin and diet.
Very few writers cover all of these areas of human behavior. They are written for their own disciplines and usually ignore the fundamental importance of nutrition and nutrients. This book by Mr. Dishinger is unique in that he reports recoveries that he has seen using all the techniques of modern medicine, including nutrition and nutrients and also support and counseling. Thus in contrast to early psychiatry of the 1950's which totally ignored nutrition in treating patients, and in contrast to modern psychiatry which totally avoids nutrition and the psychosocial aspect of the disease. His recoveries are achieved by paying proper attention to all of the important aspects of human behavior. It is his thesis that most if not all of bad human behavior can be explained on the basis of all these factors, and that recovery will not occur until they have all been given proper attention.
The book is written with a good deal of detail. I think this is important since it provides the reader with the information needed to follow these treatment procedures and to discuss them with their physicians or other therapists.
The best way to convince physicians of the merits of any treatment is to show them how patients, preferably their own, recovered. The next best is to provide the information in books and in the other public media. The difficulty is in getting their attention to read the books and listen to the other information. The best way to achieve this is to have patients become knowledgeable and to pass this information to their doctors. If they persist in doing so some of their doctors will eventually become interested.
I recommend this book as one of the vehicles for stimulating interest in the orthomolecular treatment of the schizophrenias-the most effective method known so far. It is much more effective than using tranquilizers alone because with these drugs it is impossible to become normal even though they are helpful. _6/22/98 A. Hoffer MD PhD FRCP TABLE OF CONTENTS
When You Have a Problem- Myths and Thoughts
Nutrients and the Marble Tournament
Why Don't Doctors Know About It?
What Do You Mean Biochemical?
What Biochemical Do Sharp Turns and U Turns
A Few Foods That Cause Havoc
Playing Doctor
Pfeiffer and The Girl With a Zinc Problem
Ages and Emotional Markers that May Indicate Biochemical Illness
Growth Spurts
Copper and Its Destruction
Heal Thyself
A Few Thoughts About Specific Groupings
Biochemical Balance From Biochemical Imbalance Age13-18
Physical Signs and What They Mean
Negative Terms Given By Observers
Parents View of How to Handle Behavior
Terms Given by Those with Biochemical Illness
Osmond and Adrenolutin
Osmond and LSD25
Animal Studies and Their Reactions
Untitled Until Later
TCM List and My Analysis
My Farmer Friend's Daughter
What I See in My Farmer Friend's Daughter
How You Know the Nutrients Are Working
Depression-"flood gate disperceptions"
Apathy and Indifference
Part Two of Depression-Attempts at Function
Fatigue and Depression
Psychology Is Very Limited
Doctor Choice and Tests
"Stop Gap Measures"
How Bad Can Behavior Get and Why? Stress- Our Bad Guy
Vitamin B3, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Zinc
Reality Choices
Short Term Memory Problems
Five Senses and Behavior
Disperceptions- Thought Disorder- Anger, Rage, and Fear
Verbal Assaults
Tourette Syndrome (TS) Type of Foul Language
Trigger Words
Escalation from a Few Sentences into Full-Blown Rage
Disperceptions Again
Rage- Object Destruction
Abandonment and Rage
Personal Destruction-Self-Mutilation-Suicide
Piercing, Tattoos, Cutting and Cigarette Burns and What They Mean
Violence Toward Others - Hierarchy of Pain Threshold
Religion and Morality
"Who Caused This Biochemical Imbalance in the First Place?"
Lack of Sleep
Lunar Cycles
How To Help Them
Lack of Eating
Care and Compassion - Physical Exercise - Take on More of Their Responsibility - They Need a Place of Their Own - Share Whatever You Can
What Goes in Must Come Out- Food and Behavior
No Sugar / 4 Day Food Rotation
Artificial food coloring s, Artificial Flavors, Dyes, Mono-Sodium Glutamate, nitrites , nitrates , and Sulfides
Distilled Water
Suggested Foods to Stay Away From
Suggested Foods That May Not Harm Your Loved One As Much
Vitamin B6 Foods
Vitamin B3 Foods
Vitamin C Foods
Zinc Foods
Mixed Nutrient Foods
Back to Our Nutrients
A Few Things To Watch Out For
Addictions- Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs and Drugs That Mimic Schizophrenia
Food, Lack of Food, Sex, Spending Money, Obsessive-Compulsive and Fixations Addictions- Drugs, Legal or Illegal, Including Food
Lack of Food
Spending Money
Obsessive-Compulsive and Impulse Control
Vitamins, Minerals, and Amino Acids
My Personal Story of Nutrients
Frederick Klenner and Vitamin C Dosages
Dosages/ Continued Thoughts- Our Automobile Journey (Our Engine Type, Fuel Needs, and Terrain)
Osmond and Others
The Three B's
Starting to Connect Dots with Nutrients
What Percentage of Our Population Has Biochemical Illnesses or Behavioral Illnesses?
A Few Thoughts on the Nutrient Supplement Business
Social- Aloneness, Loneliness, Others With Disperceptions
There Are Many Roots
Heredity and Trauma-Induced Biochemical Imbalances
Trauma Induced Nutritional Deficiencies
My Family History
World War II Prisoners POWS and Their Children
Abuse and Biochemicals
Length of Time for Some Improvement- Backsliding- Minimizing the Effect of the Biochemical Illness
Choosing a Professional - Addresses/ Tel./ Doctors of Orthomolecular Medicine/ Directory
Testing Type and Interpretation, Costs, Labs, Directory
Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM-
"Which Kind of Doctor Would You Choose If You Were Ill?"
Our Marble Tournament Again
Herbs and Decoctions
TCM Doctors and Help
Biochemical Illness and Other Family Members
You Heart Is In the Right Place, and Their Biochemicals Are In the Wrong Place
Layers of Toxins or Deficiencies Later Leading to Illnesses/ Heredity and Time-Line Linked Illnesses
So, Do You Want to Make a Million Dollars?
Pharmaceutical Companies Can't Patent Nature Review
If You Want to be Angry- All the Things You Can be Angry About
Air, Water, Soil
Religious Customs/ Morality
Epilogue- You and Your Loved One
Afterthought- Conversation with My Farmer Friend
Total Book Review
Bibliography for Those Who Wish Scientific Validations Special Bibliography
Regular Bibliography
Thoughts and Notes you may wish to add

When You Have a Problem- Myths and Thoughts
The illness that your son or daughter has is not connected in any way with religious belief, economic status, or any other cultural thought. They are not demonically possessed. "I have a friend who has a child with many behavior problems, and the church they attend said that it was demons." I disagree and will give you information to show they are wrong. They are not bad people (even though their behavior may be, and probably is, horrible). If they had polio or some other so-called physical illness they would not be treated with the same scorn and disgust that we may have for them with biochemical illness. "If they had polio or some other illness their behavior would not be this bad." That may well be true. However, polio, even though it may affect many various parts of the total person (I will use this term throughout this book which refers to the total person including physical, mental, and spiritual), is not so obvious to us as observers of that illness. The biochemical illness we are going to talk about is intentionally left without a diagnostic label.
Every day in our own lives we feel we are not having the same behavioral difficulties that this ill person with the biochemical illness is having. "I have verbal skills, appropriate behavior, thought processes, desires, wishes, development, and all the things that I designate as 'my reality'." Good for you. But good for you does not mean that others with a biochemical illness are as fortunate. "I do have three other children, and they don't act the way she does." There are reasons why your loved one with the behavioral problems may act differently than your other children. I will explain later. People with biochemical imbalance have pains you may have thought you have had, but probably have not had in the same magnitude that they have their pains.
Classify yourself as lucky in the "draw of life", but do not be so quick to judge those whose "reality of life" ranges from mild confusion to utter unconscious rage or to violence and destruction. Many of the various things in life that you "hold" to be precious, such as freedom of thought, place, or deed are, in fact, denied to those you love by their biochemical illness. "Yes, I do hold on to them, and others better hold on to theirs, too."
So if you will listen for awhile you may not only learn something about the illness of biochemical imbalance but also may well learn a very valuable lesson about yourself. Yes, you will have to dig deep within your own feelings to withstand the multitude of destruction that this biochemical illness is doing to your loved one and to you and everyone in your family as well as society at large. You did not ask for this situation and neither did your loved one. Do you think for one moment that anyone would choose this illness for their loved one, or that the person with the illness would choose anything less that what others have called "normal"?
It will take a great deal of time clouded with guilt, anger, hatred, wishes that they were not there in your presence, attempts to control everything they do, being a tough parent for their own good, total dismay, in tears in private, in tears in their presence, tears everywhere, confusion in your own mind in an attempt to find what you know as your reality, and thus, a reality for them to hold on to. Just when you think you have figured out this or that about the illness it takes a turn in another direction and you seem to start over from zero. You may not be starting from zero but feel as though you do not have one more ounce of energy left; energy to help yourself, much less help the one you love, who has the biochemical illness. (The reason I keep using the term biochemical illness or biochemical imbalance is to get you to understand that you probably have not thought of illness and behavior together).
You may have always thought of illness as some bacterial, fungal, viral or other cause, and it had a specific time and dimension to its effect. You believed that you could get a "quick fix" with some medication or the like, and all would be well in a relatively short period of time. But what if I said that one disease such as biochemical illness is, in fact, a combination of many diseases with different problems associated with each part of that disease? Are you beginning to see the magnitude of such a complicated illness?
"How long does this take for my loved to get well?" I don't have an answer as simple as that. It may depend on your own personal growth before your loved one's illness "kicked in", how you help them, and what each layer and direction the illness takes over a period of time that can last a few weeks to many years. I mean many years, such as 31 years, as is the case of one of my relatives. "Well, if he couldn't get his act together in 31 years I would forget him. He's a loser." No, he is not in any way, and you might learn to see his many virtues, too. That is a long time of suffering for all, but certainly the most suffering comes to the person with the biochemical illness. It will depend on the correct balance of biochemicals in the total person from the cellular level to correct part of the problem. It is balance that is paramount, and some of the chemicals may not even be there enough to get a balance by simple supplementation. What appears to be supplementation as "normal" may not in any way come close to alleviating the symptoms of your loved one's biochemical illness.
As you will see at the end of this book there is a large bibliography which is very important. "Boy, I don't like to read, so I don't know about this stuff." It is not just a mere listing of manuals, references, and books to impress you, but is the scholarship of giants in the field of orthomolecular medicine and biochemistry who have spent entire lifetimes pursuing the truth to that point of the biochemical nature of wellness and illness. They are not just scientists who have jobs to do, but are imbued with a quest for truth, and the quality of life that that truth brings forward. Some have done extensive experiments on themselves, their family members, and trusted colleagues in all types of scientific double-blind studies repeated many times to establish meaning to their research. To me personally they are the mountain climbers of science- they try to succeed in their Science for pure reasons so that the life process may be enhanced. They do this, not only for their own patients, but also for those not yet born. These scientists leave a legacy of dedication to research that is similar to the dedication of a J.S. Bach or Mozart, in my own field of expertise. People such as Abram Hoffer, an orthomolecular psychiatrist, medical doctor, and biochemist, who has treated schizophrenics successfully for 45 years with niacin and vitamin C. If your loved one had schizophrenia (the scare word of our society) wouldn't you want someone of Hoffer's ability to help your loved one? I certainly would.
How about Eric Braverman and Carl Pfeiffer at the Princeton Bio Brain clinic, treating over 22,000 schizophrenics over 42 years successfully? And what do I mean by successfully? People they treated went from people who had violent rages, or were almost catatonic, almost like a vegetable, and were changed into functioning citizens. They are contributing members of society who work, pay their taxes, marry and have children, participate in their own chosen culture, have a much better, fuller life, and strive to reach their greatest potential. This kind of recovery did not happen by accident.
And what about all those researchers who spent a lifetime doing research with nutrients? People such as Klenner, Stone, Symthies, Pauling, Altschul, Williams, Osmond, Cheraskin, Folkers, Horrobin, Philpott, and the list goes on.
However, the upper echelon of biochemical giants is reserved, as in any field of human endeavor, for those who have a special insight into their chosen field. The research is carried on by others such as Walsh, Rimland, Rogers, Pearson, Shaw, Hadady, Varmus, Weinberg, Beinfield, Kaptchuk, Mims, Becker, Cathcart, Pressman, Levine, Comings, Werbach, Boik, Jamison, Erasmus, Walker, Cerney, Challem, Judy, Yu, and literally hundreds more. These are people that are working on biochemical balance, and they have been for some time even though you may not have been aware of it.
And just when you thought your were getting overloaded with so much new information, let me tell you something that is equally important. The Chinese doctors and thinkers who figured out the acid-ph base balance and the biochemical reactions, including some 2200 meridian points in the body (160 main ones), herbal remedies for almost every illness, energy pathways ("chi"), tongue analysis for diseases, and many more things 2500 years ago without any scientific machinery, x-rays, electricity, or the like, were also brilliant. How could the Chinese figure these and so many more things out? It leaves one in awe of some people's quest for knowledge. You are probably asking the question- does acupuncture really work? Yes, it does and in so many ways that we as Westerners cannot even realize. (Are you still with me? You have been quiet for awhile.) I will write about selecting doctors and professionals later, but I simply bring up this point now about Chinese medicine. There was only one J.S. Bach or W.A. Mozart just as there are a very few visionary scientists that, by their dedication and without you knowing them, will help your loved one by their knowledge.
"How long has orthomolecular medicine been going on?" From my research you can say since the great Greek civilization with herbals and nutrition, but the orthomolecular medicine I am referring to here has been going on since approximately 1880. Some scholars would probably argue this point, but my point is that information particularly since 1930 is extremely valuable with insights into ways to help your loved one.
Nutrients and the Marble Tournament
One way you might think of nutrients is from this analogy. When I was in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades in school each springtime our school would have a marble tournament. Marbles are little round objects made out of glass in varying colors. Before we had the marble tournament we would study the mathematics of a circle, diameter, and circumference.
Then, on the day of the marble tournament the entire fourth, fifth, and sixth grades would go behind the school, find a very flat, smooth, dirt surface, sweep the surface as smooth as possible, mark where the center of the circle was to be, take a pre-cut string and make our circles with indentations in the dirt. Each grade had three different sized circles: one 8 feet across, one 10 feet across, and one 12 feet across. Then, as many as 100 marbles were placed in the center of the circle. The object of the marble tournament was to shoot your marble from the outside line, hit a marble in the center or anywhere else the marble was, and knock it out of the circle without your marble, the one you are using to shoot the others in the circle, coming out of the circle. If your marble came out of the circle then it was the next shooter's time to try. The person with the most marbles knocked out of the circle was the winner. There were teams as well as final run-offs with individuals. The first shot of any tournament was done with a "steely", a marble made of steel, so that when it hit the marbles in the center of the circle they would disperse more easily and in all directions.
The marbles disperse just as nutrients do when stress has caused nutrients to go in various directions. If you had a slow motion camera you could figure out which marble hit the next marble, which hit the next marble, which hit the next marble, etc. and know how each marble it hit moved. With nutrients we can't do that. We have no measuring devices of "in action" nutrient shifts but only after movements have been fixed in a new place. In other words, we can measure that we are low in a nutrient after a severe stress, but we don't have a device to measure the action. The other thing that the marbles represent is the nutrients themselves. If each of the marbles represents a nutrient and that marble or nutrient is knocked out of our circle, then we no longer have that nutrient in our body. We still have other nutrients, and some of these nutrients either have two or more jobs and can make up some for the missing nutrient. Others can work with several to make up for the missing nutrient, but the main missing nutrient, or marble, is gone from our circle.
Then let's say that in order for the marbles to be knocked out of the circle you must have them in a particular sequence. Let's say that we put a section of red marbles, green marbles, white marbles, etc. in the center of the circle, and the object of the game is to alternate knocking out all the various colors in sequence. Red, then green, then white. And this is another thing that nutrients do. All nutrients have what are called enzymes and pathways where each sequence is dependent on the next link in that sequence. So, if you shoot two red marbles in a row you are disqualified. If you have two enzymes that are not matched in the sequence, then the nutrient either stops working, has limited working ability, takes longer to perform its function, and, in some cases, has a reverse effect of it original purpose and does harm. This last part you can see by the element oxygen. You need oxygen to live, but too much oxygen will kill you. It is called oxidation and we will talk about it later, but the main thing to remember here is balance of all things makes for biochemical balance. The circle also represents a totalness of life- all things within. If you knock out something on the inside it become something on the outside. Behavior is something from the inside that comes out, and we have behavior as an outside thing even though it originated from the inside. That is why it is so paramount to understand that you are a total circle, a form of energy that goes around and around. All the inserts and exits to that energy are the various aspects we classify by words, actions, thoughts, spirit, or all the things that we have not yet labeled, or that which we do not know exists yet. All things are from within. This is not a new theory or a profound theory. It has been around for many thousands of years, but it may be new to you in your thinking of how behavior or anything else could come from this type of thinking. Simply, what goes in must come out. Much more on this later. Back to the marbles. That first shot is very similar to what happens to your nutrients and biochemical balance when you have a severe shock to your person, and severe shock has many definitions. Each and every time you are missing a marble or nutrient, it may be because of some stress. The more marbles we knocked out in the tournament the closer we were to winning the game, but the more nutrients that are knocked out in your person, the farther you get away from wellness until you are classified as biochemically imbalanced or ill. So, in conclusion, it is the size of the circle, the types of marbles used, the order of the marbles that we are shooting at, the number of marbles remaining to be shot at, the sequence of the marbles, and many more things that are similar to biochemical balance.
However, there is one huge exception. We want all the marbles inside the circle, not knocked out of the circle. Well, you might say, just put them in the circle. Sometimes that is possible solving some of our dilemma, but, other times, that is not possible. This is when we have problems, including behavioral problems and biochemical imbalance. So, if your loved one has behavioral problems remember it is something that has been knocked out of her circle and other things cannot do the work of the missing nutrient. If you knock enough nutrients out you have illness. If you knock all the nutrients out you have death. The game is over. In marbles you won by knocking all the marbles out. In life, you have death by knocking all the marbles out. Energy has lost its dimension in that form of energy called life to be replaced by another form of energy called death, as they say in TCM. So much for marbles. Maybe there is something to that old phrase, "he lost his marbles".
1 "Why Don't Doctors Know About It?"
" Why wasn't I told of this for my loved one and her biochemical illness?" This question requires an entire book to explain how the so-called medical profession, not only in the US, but also in much, if not all of the Western world, has suppressed, misguided, deliberately altered information, and done almost everything in their power or ignorance to control their profession and destroy orthomolecular medicine. Quacks are in any field, and so the medical profession thought that nutritional medicine must be some sort of quackery and must be destroyed. Put salt water on a flowering plant, and see how long it takes for the plant to die. But put the correct nutrients on the plant and see how it thrives. Orthomolecular doctors attempt to do this.
The medical profession well knew it made a "big mistake," and all those that have followed since the big mistake have perpetuated this mistake. You guessed it. Yes, we, as humans seeking insight into our own wellness, have been shortchanged just as your loved one is now. We are shortchanged by the suppression of knowledge, including the suppression of orthomolecular medicine as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine.
2 What Do You Mean Biochemicals?
Biochemicals are made up of molecules which include hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and literally thousands of combinations of elements that are present, or should be present, in the human species in order for that human to maintain life, regardless of the length of life. If I told you that you need "air" to breathe and stay alive you might say, "don't be ridiculous. I know that." If I said you need water (hydrogen and oxygen in the correct balance) you might still give me the same answer.
I will play a little game with you that goes from absurd to rude in a rather fast fashion. I will list the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that we know of at this point, and as you see the names mentally mark which ones you know by name.
Vitamins: Vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), vitamin B (panthothenic), B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B5 (folic acid), vitamin B12 (cobalamin), vitamin B (biotin), vitamin B (choline), vitamin B (inositol), B17 (amygdalin), vitamin B (paba-para-amino benzoic acid ), B15 (pangamic), Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E (tocopherol), Vitamin K, Vitamin P (bioflavonoids)._Minerals: Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, selenium, iodine, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium. _Amino Acids: Phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, cysteine, taurine, methionine, homocysteine, arginine, ornithine, glutamic acid, proline, aspartic acid, threonine, glycine, serine, alanine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, alanine, gaba, gluatamine, lysine, carnitine, and histidine. Enzymes : Co Q10
A Special Note About COQ10
COQ10 is an extremely important enzyme and should be taken by supplementation daily. Dosage for therapeutic purposes should be in large enough dosages to work properly. I suggest between 100-300 mg per day.
Back to our story. At some point I will ask you to put imaginary numbers with each of the nutrients, and then tell you that the total number you can come up with is 100. But you don't know which ones get more than one number (such as a quantity of 5 or 9 or whatever), and you have to figure out how to get to an equal number of 100 total. All right, you have already caught on and you know where I am going with this game. There are so many variables, plus the fact that cellular growth is changing so fast that there is no truth to correctness because we can't even measure time that small with the ability to utilize the small amount of time and how the biochemicals have changed.
You, as I, do have some 6000 enzyme changes every second in our bodies (that is what they know now that they didn't know 20 years ago). Then how do you get from "air", which is the first one we talked about, to some huge number of changes and say with the same certainty that you did about "air" that you need such and such a biochemical at this nanosecond XXX? _ You see it is, in fact, impossible to think that you or any other person at least in this millennium, or the next, will figure out life. By the way, we have been talking only about biochemical life, and that doesn't say anything about spiritual life and all its changes. So it is, indeed, impossible to define life. Let's get that out of the way as we don't want people to think we are Ponce deLeon and have just found the Fountain of Youth.
3 WHAT THE BIOCHEMICALS DO_Sharp turns and U Turns
I call these paragraphs sharp turns and U turns in the behavior of your loved one because many times that is exactly what it is. The onset of the biochemical imbalance will usually bring about sudden and very observable changes in behavior. "My wife told me she has a friend who had a child that has always been bad. What about that?" I will tell you later. You may think at the time that some of these behavioral changes that are going on with your loved one will change the next day back to normal. You usually convince yourself that your loved one has recently had a series of events that have brought on the changes in your loved one's behavior. Maybe, and maybe not. You must know your loved one's personality by now, you think, and hopefully you do. However, small changes may have been appearing over a long period of time, and if you are working at a job, have the child in day care, school, after school projects, and the like you may not have noticed little changes. _ Most people are social to a certain extent and have at least one or two playmates that they respond to, plus a family member or members, or a social network at the school, church, or other places. If your loved one is withdrawn and quiet it does not by itself mean anything except that. However, if he or she is withdrawn and quiet day after day then look for the behavioral reasons. If none of the behavioral reasons make sense then look to something that probably is biochemical. "My daughter is only quiet and withdrawn when I tell her I am not putting up with her nonsense, and she goes to her room to pout." Wow. "Do you mean to say if she is quiet and withdrawn for a couple of days, and I can't figure out the reasons for her being quiet and withdrawn then she has a biochemical imbalance?" Yes, in a way I am. It is perhaps the first "trigger" to watch very closely, plus other behavioral traits that may appear in quick succession, such as appetite loss, stomach pain, ear infections (especially in very young children), outburst of anger, throwing tantrums, wanting to stay at home, watching television as a means of escaping whatever they may be experiencing, or anything that is "not normal" for that person. If they are young, even at the age of three, or even as old as 17 years of age, they may not in any way notice that they have changed their desires and wishes._ Additionally, they cannot tell you because they don't know how to communicate these changes; and if you are seeing it for the first time you may simply toss it off as a "so what" and "tomorrow he or she will be better." _ First and simple. Look for the food that your loved one had that day but, more importantly, food eaten approximately 8-24 hours earlier. "She eats everything. That is one problem we have never had with her." Back to the story, please. All people have varying transient time for food entering the body and bowel movement (excretion), but usually, unless the person has a history of extreme "holding" of food within the body as with severe constipation and only excreting every two or three days, then it should be in the 8-22 hour range. (If, in fact, your loved one does have the severe constipation problem I just mentioned, then you can be assured that toxins are damaging your loved one.) (My point here is not to solve, even if I could, the various problems of physiology but to point up a few telltale signs that may help you.) _ So, I am giving you information in common terms backed up by those whose foundations in scientific research are meaningful and important to your loved one. Most people still want the quick fix, but I strongly suggest that you obtain as many of these books as possible and study them- not simply read them. To get back to my original point- what appears to be supplementation as "normal" may not in any way come close to alleviating the symptoms of your loved one's biochemical illness. You may have to take 3000 mg of vitamin C to stay healthy without getting diarrhea, and others with biochemical illness may require as much as 45000 mg of vitamin C. Cases of severe illness or trauma may require 200,000 to 400,000 mg of vitamin C. So please do take the time and energy to read these extremely valuable reference books. They are the basis of this book. _ I am simply attempting to give you hope that there are, in fact, some answers to your loved one's biochemical illness. That simple old adage- "hope runs eternal" may not be such a myth, and you will better your loved one. If I had not experienced some of the same suffering and the vicarious suffering that my loved one did (and all the suffering that I have no idea that he may have suffered), I could not write this book, nor would I have any reason to do so.
A Few Foods That Cause Havoc
Some of the worst behavior-changing foods can and do alter behavior. Some are milk and any milk product, such as cheese, and wheat. It seems that if our food industry didn't make it out of wheat, it chose corn, the next worst one. So anything with milk, wheat, or corn. Take a look at the ingredients of many of your processed foods in the supermarket, and you will be amazed at the number that have one or all of these in them. "My daughter loves her ice cream and eats it every night right out of the container." (More on this in chapter 4.) _ If you take a glass and each day of your loved one's life put one grain of salt in, it would appear that it will take a great deal of time before the millions of individual grains of salt finally fill up the glass. However, at some point you will start to observe that the salt is, in fact, accumulating in the glass. As time goes on, and you still have been adding one grain of salt per day, you will find that it is finally getting full. Now let's take that same glass of individual grains of salt and think of them as toxins going into the body. It is true that we have all kinds of detoxing agents and mechanisms that work in the body, but let's say that some of these detox agents and mechanisms don't work all the time or at top efficiency. Then you have toxins that your body should have gotten rid of, others that got changed into the wrong things biochemically, and the total body is functioning at 20% of its optimal capacity. Don't you think that behavior will change? It has to eventually. "If she is operating at 20% then why doesn't she have polio or something else?" Back to the story, please. _ Timing is the question answered for behavior problems. The same analogy has no answer as to when the onset of illness or the type of illness that will occur. It may be cancer 20 years from now. They may never have a discernible disease. They may have behavior problems (which again, I must caution you, are merely extensions of the total person) or any labeled disease you can think of at any time. The sky is not falling and your loved one can be helped.
Sugar, as we know it, is one of the worst things in the world for biochemcially ill people, and it certainly is extremely bad for everyone. It should be avoided . No one should eat sugar. You need sugar, as it is converted to energy. However, there are several types of sugar, if we can say it simplistically. The White Sugar from sugar beets or sugar cane that is made into White Sugar is the one I am talking about. There are many excellent books written about what sugar does to your loved one biochemically, effects which are extremely harmful. These are not in any way scare words, but are backed up with extensive studies of how sugar can, and does, alter behavior. The behavior is always altered for the bad and in some cases to the point of violence and even murder. _ Your body does need sugar in the form of natural sugar from fruits and vegetables, but not from White Sugar -based foods of any kind, including even vitamins. If your vitamins have sugar in them, toss them away and get vitamins without sugar. In very simplistic terms, white sugar increases insulin, which in turn makes the adrenal glands work overtime. Then you have aminochromes which, under stress, change into other biochemicals that cause behavioral problems. All of this is a chain reaction that happens in one way or another every time you eat sugar. Each time that happens you have a behavior change, too. _ Eat a candy bar filled with sugar and you feel good for an hour or so. You then feel less good until you may even get irritable or angry. You may attribute your anger to something specific and say that such and such caused you be angry but you would not have been angry at that specific thing had you not had the sugar in the first place. And what if it is not anger but a thousand different emotions that we could name including even subtle things such as, "can't concentrate as well as before the sugar," "reaction time is faster and more impulsive," and "not as clear in thinking things through." I don't want to get into list after endless list of negative behavior traits of what sugar does to your loved one, so please read the books I have suggested in the bibliography. _ Just get them off of sugar, period. You will have to watch and be very careful since so many, many food products have sugar in them. You can read in all the books about 9-12 teaspoons of sugar in one soft drink and the like, but the main point is simple- get your loved one off sugar, regardless of how you do it. It is an absolute must. _ Even though this section has been very short without all kinds of analogies, it is a simple statement that you must understand. Get your loved one off of sugar .
Playing Doctor
"Wow, I took away milk and my loved one was back to normal. Thanks for the information." Not so fast, Dr. Einstein. Just because you have taken away the milk and your loved one is back to normal does not mean in any way that you have nothing more to solve. There may be so many other things going on. There are some occasions which, in fact, with only one biochemical change, can dramatically demonstrate improvement in health and behavior. However, do not assume that only two or three food types are the only causes for biochemical illness. There are millions of things including pesticides, herbicides, rodent sprays, radiation, electrical fields, gases in the air, and a multitude of others that do not belong in our person. There are so many things, in fact, that if you think you have the answers to health, then you will be the first person on this earth that does have the answer. So if you do not remember each and every time a food alters your loves one's behavior then you are not paying attention. _ In addition to that, if you remember the salt in the glass analogy you may remember that sensitivity noticed and observed for the first time, as in the case of milk with your loved one, is an indicator of the possibility of many other things that may or may not come about in the future. _ In TCM certain foods are eaten at a particular season of the year but not eaten at another time of the season. Does this tell you something? _ Another form of playing doctor is to think that just because you took milk away from your loved one and she was better that everyone else in your family knows about it. "Boy did she throw a fit when I said she couldn't have any more ice cream." We must continue. Because of separations, divorce, or simply passed years, your loved one may consume milk, not knowing that they are incapable of biochemically balancing milk in their person. _ They may find that their reactions are even worse than when they, as children, had their first problem with milk. It is highly suggested that if you know of particular foods that your loved one is sensitive to, by all means tell others in the family. Certainly tell your loved one that they must not have milk or whatever that food is. Your ability to build and maintain a history of sensitivities to foods for your loved one is necessary, and you and your loved one must be responsible for this information. _ "You mean to say I have to watch any and every thing that my loved one eats? I don't want to live this way, and there is no fun in life if everything has to be figured out." Yes, you do have to watch which foods your loved one eats if you "see" a behavior change connected to what they have eaten. Let me tell you a story from one of the many brilliant books by the biochemist, Carl Pfeiffer. But before I do, let me say that the above analysis of food example was something that caused harm or possible harm to the individual, but the story by Pfeiffer has a happy ending "by watching what the child eats" (page 238-241).
Pfeiffer and The Girl With a Zinc Problem
Pfeiffer tells the story of an adopted girl who was overactive as a baby, but her parents saw no evidence of difficulty until she started school. There she had to repeat the first grade because of her poor learning. Her behavior and learning problems seemed to be emotional, but psychological counseling did not help. In the sixth grade a psychiatrist diagnosed her as having minimal brain dysfunction and later as poor visual perception and auditory memory. At age thirteen she was hospitalized for three weeks, placed on a high protein, sugar-free diet plus vitamins. After she had been in the hospital for a few days, her antagonistic and uncooperative behavior suddenly changed. Her ranting and raving and cruel swear words all suddenly stopped. As a teenager she again began eating sugar and had destructive tantrums. She was immature and had poor logic. _ Her parents noticed that when she ate fried oysters she was unusually alert and cooperative and never had any tantrums. The parents read extensively and found information about a high-histamine level patient in one of Pfeiffer's books. _ Although the parents had tried megavitamin therapy without any significant improvement, they had again started Fran in August 1973 on a closely supervised megavitamin dosage of mostly vitamin C, niacinamide (2 to 3 gm daily), and B-6. After four months of this therapy, they could not ascertain any significant improvement. Then, on 27 December 1973, they gave her the first dose of zinc. The very next day she was positively improved. Within two weeks after she started the zinc she had 1) obtained her driver's license (for two years she had had a learner's permit but had not wanted to try for the license); 2) obtained a full-time job from midnight to 8 A.M. (the first job she ever had); and 3) enrolled in college for a three-hour-per-day course (she had been out of high school for several weeks and had previously not expressed any desire to attend college). Although after two more weeks she had to drop the college- no time for sleep- they just couldn't believe the change that had taken place in their Fran. _ Then, they stopped the megavitamins completely but continued the zinc. There was no discernible change- the very great improvement remained. They continued the zinc for a total of 3 1/2 months (from 27 December), then stopped everything to see what would happen. For two days there was little change, but on the third day Fran had a "blowup"- a real temper tantrum. The next day, another. This one included the ranting alone in her room. It was the first time such ranting had taken place since she had begun receiving zinc. One week after they stopped the zinc her behavior had deteriorated so much that they felt they had to resume it. They gave her the zinc capsule at 8:30 A.M. By 6:00 that night she was, once again, a changed person - and continues to be as the zinc is continued. _ Fran still has problems. She is immature, still has poor logic (although this seems to be improving) and a few friends. Her parents have a strong feeling that she lost the sugar compulsion, although they are not yet certain. But after eighteen years of watching Fran try to cope with frustrations and failures, the parents thank God she is not in prison. No one can imagine how much the parents are enjoying the new Fran. They say, "She has a great sense of humor, is considerate and fun to be around. There is no doubt whatsoever in our minds that zinc saved her life." ( Reprinted by permission ) _ This book was one of first books on biochemistry that I ever read and when I read the few pages of the story you have just read I was in tears because of the way in which one individual did not know she had biochemical imbalance and struggled to do whatever she could. She had help from parents, and a brilliant and human biochemist helped to guide all of them so that the girl would be able to live to her greatest potential. Simple, but beautiful. _ So many times we as parents predict and force our children to be something that they cannot be; then, because we feel that they have fallen short of what we think their potential is, do not give the love, compassion, and understanding for them in a way that glorifies their potential. If we wanted to have a duplicate of ourselves then perhaps we should have gotten a robot instead of a human that we say we love. I am personally not in any way saying that we should not strive to be the best person that we can in all ways, but it is as if life were some sort of train station that people are at and that is their definition of life. Then, life can be judged for its worth or lack of worth. Life to me is a process, period, and it does not have an arrival point. _ If you read very carefully the story by Pfeiffer you will notice that the girl was quiet (not, of course, in her rages and anger) and withdrawn. By themselves these traits may not mean much, but be on the watch for other traits right behind those. On the biochemical side of the Pfeiffer story, you should know that even at the time Pfeiffer wrote of his patient using zinc (1975), biochemistry knew of over 450 biochemical actions and reactions. Biochemists know of over 600 biochemical reactions and actions of zinc a mere 23 years later, and I am certain there will be many more biochemical reactions and actions for zinc in the human person. (Please read Pfeiffer's books, especially, Mental and Elemental Nutrients ). _ Now you can read about specific traits to look for. Even though I have given age groupings, in many ways they are not age-specific, and many cross-overs in symptoms can be observed. So read all the material, but don't think that if your loved one is past a certain age that the traits of younger years do not apply. They might. _ The following is brief description of some of the traits that may act as guide posts for discerning behavioral traits that may indicate biochemical imbalance. What they do, with whom, how they respond, direction-development, desires, etc. for each age grouping.
Ages and Emotional Markers that May Indicate Biochemical Illness_Big Word of Caution
The problem of controlling parents manipulating youngsters by instilling problems when there are none do great harm. I put this here to remind you that we are talking about biochemical illness, and we are not talking about some child who is simply having "natural growth". _All in bold letters are major signs.
age 1-3
1) Awaking at night not wanting any food or needing biological functions _2) Staying awake for awhile then falling asleep from exhaustion _3) Food (only wanting to eat one or two specific foods) _4) Sleep (too much, excessive sleep time) _5) Awareness (you feel they are not responding to your physical movements or words because they appear to be dazed or in another world, without specific stimuli coming into the loved one; or a little later in age such as waiting for you to tell them something, and then they can go play) _6) Verbal interaction (you say one thing and they respond with an entirely different thought on a number of occasions, and you wonder if they are listening) _7) Hazard signs/fires _8) Violence _9) Bed wetting _10) Cruelty to animals or objects _11) Always wanting more and nothing is ever good enough _12) Antisocial or gravitating to only one person _13) Resists changes _14) Not being able to separate beauty from pain (thought disorder) _15) Limited or no sense of humor; no jokes about them or jokes about others _16) Lack of smiles _17) Lack of laughter _18) Lack of hygiene _19) Body language including eye contact, clarity of eyes, voice usage in terms of intensity, pitch, speech speed and volume, shoulders and body carriage, walking, facial complexion, and odor _20) "A raindrop is a thunderstorm"- exaggerated response to stimuli well outside of the range of any type of normal response _21) 24-72 (or less) hour(s) reactions after stress- what are their reactions behaviorally and physically to stress? _22) Rage of any kind _23) Easily distracted, lacks focus
age 3-6
_1) Obsessive with the way shoe strings are tied (visual), how clothes (shape color-eye-visual) fit or look to them, texture (touch sensation) _2) They do not enjoy being touched by anyone or only by one particular person (touch) _3) A negative response to family social customs _4) Difficulty eating at restaurants and eating out _5) One person to child conversations _6) Two people and the child, all in conversation _7) Three people and the child in conversation _8) More than 3 people and the child in conversation _9) Food (nutrients) _10) Sleep (too little, too much, abrupt changes either way, awaking after short periods of time) _11) Eating (at irregular times and eating processed foods or being food sensitive) _12) Awareness (thought order- do they follow conversations and participate?) _13) Verbal interaction (do they wish or have a desire to share on a daily basis?) _14) Hazard signs- lack of empathy _15) Fires _16) Violence _17) Bed wetting _18) Cruelty to animals or objects _19) Not being able to separate beauty from pain (thought disorder) _20) Resists changes _21) Limited or no sense of humor; no jokes about them or jokes about others _22) Lack of smiles _23) Lack of laughter _24) Lack of hygiene _25) Body language including eye contact, clarity of eyes, voice usage in terms of intensity, pitch, speech speed and volume, shoulders and body carriage, walking, facial complexion, and odor _26) 24-72 (or less) hour(s) reactions after stress- what are their reactions behaviorally and physically to stress? _27) Rage of any kind _28) Easily distracted, lacks focus
age 6-10
_1) Foul language _2) How do they interact with playmates- are they always the "boss"? _3) Always wanting more; nothing is ever good enough _4) Antisocial or gravitating to only one person in conversation _5) Food (nutrients) _6) Sleep (too little, too much, abrupt changes either way, awaking after short periods of time) _7) Eating (at irregular times and eating processed foods or being food sensitive) _8) Awareness (thought order- do they follow conversations and participate?) _9) Verbal interaction (do they wish or have desire to share on a daily basis?) _10) Hazard signs- lack of empathy _11) Fires _12) Violence _13) Bed wetting _14) Cruelty to animals or objects _15) Not being able to separate beauty from pain (thought disorder) _16) Resists changes _17) Limited or no sense of humor; no jokes about them or jokes about others _18) Lack of smiles _19) Lack of laughter _20) Overthinking _21) Fatigue _22) Lack of hygiene _23) Body language including eye contact, clarity of eyes, voice usage in terms of intensity, pitch, speech speed and volume, shoulders and body carriage, walking, facial complexion, and odor 24)"A raindrop is a thunderstorm"- exaggerated response to stimuli well outside of the range of any type of normal response _25) 24-72 (or less) hour(s) reactions after stress- what are their reactions behaviorally and physically to stress? _26) Rage of any kind _27) Easily distracted, lacks focus
age 10-13
_1) Foul language _2) Not taking advice from anyone _3) Rationalization in order to push others away from the illness- the ultimate denial of illness. _4) In deep depression- pushing others away _5) Refusing any and all attempts to calm the person; better to have stimuli of any kind (strong evidence of racing mind thought disorder) than boredom; at least with stimuli one feels they are alive _6) Hazard signs- lack of empathy _7) Fires _8) Violence _9) Bed wetting _10) Cruelty to animals or objects _11) Growth spurts _12) Looking for something but don't know what; frustration leading to stress-induced Depression _13) Not being able to separate beauty from pain _14) Always wanting more; nothing is ever good enough _15) Antisocial or gravitating to only one particular person _16) Attention to experimentation with drugs and alcohol. _17) Attention to theft of things in house, purse, etc. _18) Learning that lies are a means of getting what they want. _19) Resists changes _20) Limited or no sense of humor; no jokes about them or jokes about others _21) Lack of smiles _22) Lack of laughter _23) Overthinking _24) Fatigue _25) Lack of hygiene _26) Body language including eye contact, clarity of eyes, voice usage in terms of intensity, pitch, speech speed and volume, shoulders and body carriage, walking, facial complexion, and odor _27) "A raindrop is a thunderstorm"- exaggerated response to stimuli well outside of the range of any type of normal response _28) 24-72 (or less) hour(s) reactions after stress- what are their reactions behaviorally and physically to stress? _29) Rage of any kind _30) Easily distracted, lacks focus
Growth Spurts
I must take this time in our conversation to tell you a very important thing that can happen in any age but is generally more specific to the 10-13 age group and especially the 13-18 age group. Growth is continuous from inception, but the growth spurt I am talking about can and does lead to many biochemical imbalances. If your loved one grows say, for example, 4 inches to as much as 8 or 9 inches in a small span of time such as 14 months, then I think you must consider what is going on biochemically in your loved one. _ This type of growth needs nutrients in a massive way to offset the cellular expansions that are taking place. We all sort of make a joke about the hormones of youngsters kicking in and what all that means, but we usually fail to connect physical development with behavioral traits. If you are a male with huge growth spurts which can be interrupted by a few months, and another growth spurt, you are probably not considering that they are playing with yourself, spanking the monkey maybe even twice a day. _ This is not a discussion about sex, but sexua| pleasures do, in fact, have something to do very specifically with nutrient imbalance. If your loved one spank the monkeys once a day or even once every third day or whatever, they will loose approximately 15 mg of zinc per ejaculation. This is because one of the holding reservoirs for zinc is in the testes. Please don't think that your loved one does not spank the monkey because they do and it is just as natural to their development as eating or any other bodily function. You can do your own mental calculations in your mind for how much zinc is required just to maintain what is lost by self-gratification. _ The second part of this is that zinc works in over 600 enzymes or biochemical actions and reactions in the body. Zinc is a mineral that we need in trace amounts, but that trace amount is extremely necessary, not only for cellular growth, but also for good behavior in cellular growth, too. Then you can say that your loved one gets all the zinc they need from the food they eat. Totally wrong. Not unless they eat oysters and they would have to eat them each and every day in order to maintain a biochemical balance. There have been hundreds of studies for well over 45 years as to the specific need for zinc and all of the studies that I have read say not even one word about attempting to get zinc only through food. So forget that. Zinc must be taken as a supplement unless you know with great certainty that such and such an organic farmer has the necessary zinc in his soil, is transferred to the growth of his plant, and that nothing has altered the strength of the zinc in that food. Then, of course, you would have to eat that food every day, or you will have biochemical imbalance. So, for most of us, we have swallowed our anger and frustrations at the food industry for killing the soil and depleting zinc, and we take our zinc through supplementation. If the zinc-copper ratio of biochemicals is not maintained it is a certainty that there will be some behavioral problems of some kind.
Copper and its Destruction
Copper is perhaps one of the hundreds of agents that has a most destructive biochemical action known to cause massive behavioral problems. I will not get into any of the many biochemical imbalances that an overload of copper in the person can have, but I will point up a few things that may initiate a desire on your part to read about copper. It devastates the human person, not only in behavioral terms but in all physiology. _ First, let me tell you where we get overloads of copper. In our drinking water. Most all water systems throughout the U.S. have old pipes, galvanized with copper lining, and the leaching effect of these pipes allows for many particles of copper to be carried directly into your water faucet at work, at school, or at home. The fact that our water supply is so bad and harmful is another example of how we mess in our nest and then many years later, even if we realize that we have created a problem, we fail to do anything to correct our mess. As you will see throughout this book there are many times when I, as well as many thousands of others, have said time and again that as a society we are, indeed, very destructive by our arrogance and ignorance. We suffer from a lack of admitting we have made mistakes with the lack of ability to correct those mistakes. There is nothing new there, for sure. However, the water is so bad, and I am not talking here about bacterial infections, fungi, and all the rest but mainly about copper in the water. There are hundreds of books written about the water quality in this country and a few about copper in the water. It is the last group of books that has particular meaning to your loved one's behavioral health. _ Too much copper can and does cause total and complete psychotic breaks from reality. You can have a full-on uncontrollable organism that will require strong psychotic drugs to control that person. This is not a scare tactic, but I must impress upon you that if you loved one has a high copper load in their person it is a certainty that at some point they will have behavioral problems and probably many more other problems as well. To stabilize the overload, one of the best know nutrients is zinc. There are so many reasons for the supplementation of zinc, as I have said before. In fact, there are over 600 known reasons to take zinc, but the use of zinc here is extremely important to balance the amount of copper in the person. _ If you have any foreign chemical in the body at any time it can and does cause biochemical imbalance. This then can and does cause any medical problems including behavioral problems. These foreign chemicals may be some real bad chemicals such as toxins or some that we have not fully understood how damaging they can be. _ Copper overload is another reason why your loved one needs zinc. Did you know that people do "go off the deep end," to use your phrase, if their zinc levels are not maintained? They do and then everyone says, "Well, they are teenagers, and that is the way teenagers act." Nonsense. Teenagers are always attempting to establish their individuality, and find a mate to continue the species, and all the things that go along with brain-stem animal behavior; but, there is big difference between that and behavioral problems that are so varied and complex. _ As I said before, there are a few nutrients that stand out from all the rest, even though you need them all in balance, and zinc is one of the four or five primary absolute nutrients that is crucial to growth at any age. Your loved one must have zinc. Now, I have been talking about the male and why the male has more need for zinc, but females also need zinc. In some cases they need as much or more, and they need it sooner than males do because their maturation time starts earlier. So this zinc thing is in no way a male thing. Do not be misled into thinking that just because you have not seen physical growth spurts that your child doesn't need zinc. Their growth is different, but they need zinc just as much as if they were having a growth spurt. However, the growth spurt is your clue._ There is an additional problem of your loved one not eating regularly and often, too. Many times young people will go the entire day without eating and then eat either junk food or sugar-laced foods. These two aspects alone will not allow for zinc from foods. _ So, you must take zinc by supplementation. Obviously, if you have very young children you may have had them on zinc supplementation for years, and I hope you do. But during these growth spurts you will have to increase the amount of zinc they are taking. You may go ahead and ask all the behavioral questions about this and that behavioral trait and if it is connected directly to zinc deficiency. I will say yes, yes, yes. Do not forget zinc. So one of the main tests that any orthomolecular doctor will do is a copper-zinc balance test. Many will do it with blood tests and one doctor who treated a family member had a rather simple way of testing for the lack of zinc, which doesn't mean that copper is not high, but simply that zinc is missing. The doctor filled up a glass of water and put many, many milligrams of powered zinc in it, brought it to the room for the patient, and asked him to sip it. My family member thought it was water and drank a great deal of it without any problem at all. Zinc is extremely bitter to the taste, but if you are low on zinc in your person then your person craves zinc. Then, the bitter taste of zinc is not so pronounced. Yes, the family member was low on zinc as other tests confirmed as well.
age 13-18
1) Peer influence, boredom, misplaced boredom _2) Not realizing consequences of actions- delusional or misperceptions of thinking _3) Thinking that happiness and pain are bound together- delusion of thinking and the harm of this misconception, major signs of trouble _4) Lack of empathy _5) Fascination with or setting fires _6) Aggression toward any human _7) Aggression toward objects; destruction _8) Negativism _9) Obsessive-compulsive _10) Low inhibition threshold _11) Lack of rituals, routine, daily schedule _12) Blaming others _13) Food _14) Sleep _15) Eating _16) Awareness _17) Verbal interaction- behavior modification and its advantages and disadvantages _18) Lies, deceit, manipulation _19) Nutritional deficiency becomes more definite- that it is causing the problems and not simply someone who is manipulating the situation _20) Their eyes (disperception) _21) Hazard signs _22) Violence _23) Bed wetting _24) Cruelty to animals or objects _25) Looking for something but don't know what- not being able to separate beauty from pain- always _26) Wanting more, and nothing is ever good enough _27) Antisocial or gravitating to only one person _28) Finding a mate such as a girlfriend or boyfriend or a mate of the same sex can offer the adolescent a multitude of happy as well as sad experiences. Mental battles beyond belief can get so involved that anger, hostility, and even rage can transpire. With the addition of disperceptions you may have your hands full. For example, let's say your son has had a fight with his girlfriend and comes home to call her and argue. He calls her every foul word in the book. (She may be doing the same.) When you ask if you can help he goes into a verbal rage with you. If you do not ask if you can help he might even go into a throwing of objects rage. If you happen to be his mother you might get a verbal barrage such as "you f***ing whore" or "you bitch, you are the same as my girlfriend." Obviously, these situations are no-win from the very beginning, and there are no easy answers to tell you how to avoid them or to tell you of ways to help you loved one. So you tried to help and you got an angry reply, the possibility of the rage and a disperception. The disperception was the association of the mother with his girlfriend. _29) Lack of empathy _30) Attention to possible addiction with drugs and alcohol _31) Attention to theft of things in the house: purse, etc. _32) Lies become more outlandish, and you begin to wonder if they know truth at all _33) Resists changes _34) Limited or no sense of humor; no jokes about them or jokes about others _35) Lack of smiles _36) Lack of laughter _37) Overthinking _38) Fatigue _39) Lack of hygiene _40) Body language including eye contact, clarity of eyes, voice usage in terms of intensity, pitch, speech speed and volume, shoulders and body carriage, walking, facial complexion, and odor _41) 24-72 (or less) hour(s) reactions after stress- what are their reactions behaviorally and physically to stress? _42) Rage of any kind _43) Foul language _44)Easily distracted, lacks focus
age 18-26
This age of 18-26 has almost been forgotten in psychiatric research compared to other ages, but is an extremely important age and perhaps demonstrates a more vulnerable age than we might think. People think that this age group of people have "arrived" at adulthood and are on their own to provide their own inner strength to solve whatever problems they may have. This age is an age where many of the biochemical illnesses show up that have devastating effects such as schizophrenia, manic depression, and so on. (Yes, you caught me using labels, but I hope you will understand that these are, in fact, biochemical diseases. I could not find any other words that might explain to you the specific types of biochemical illnesses.) _1) Food _2) Sleep _3) Eating _4) Awareness _5) Verbal interaction, social skills _6) One to one communication _7) 2 people to the biochemically imbalanced person _8) 3 people to the biochemically imbalanced person _9) More than 3 people to the biochemically imbalanced person _10) Restaurants and social situations _11) Out of control _12) Better to have stimuli than boredom; at least with stimuli one feels they are alive _13) Hazard signs- fires _14) Violence _15 )Bed wetting _16) Cruelty to animals or objects _17) Looking for something but don't know what- not being able to separate beauty from pain _18) Always wanting more, and nothing is ever good enough _19) Antisocial or gravitating to only one person _20) Obsessive-compulsive behavior A lot of people are fooled by the term obsessive-compulsive since they think it means not stepping on the cracks on concrete sidewalks, or washing their hands over and over, or repeating a phrase of words over and over. However, there are different levels of obsessive-compulsive behavior that I shall write about which deals with disinhibition or lack of impulse control. The "let everything rip" at any time and under any circumstance is the obsessive-compulsive trait that I wish to tell you about later. "Hey, I found 38 things she did. Does that mean I am in for it with her?" No you..., never mind. _21) Lack of empathy _22) Negative thinking _23) Resists changes _24) Limited or no sense of humor; no jokes about them or jokes about others _25) Lack of smiles, lack of laughter _26) Overthinking _27) Fatigue _28) Lack of hygiene _29) Body language including eye contact, clarity of eyes, voice usage in terms of intensity, pitch, speech speed and volume, shoulders and body carriage, walking, facial complexion, and odor _30) 24-72 (or less) hour(s) reactions after stress- what are their reactions behaviorally and physically to stress? _31) Rage of any kind _32) Foul language _33) Easily distracted, lacks focus
Heal Thyself
I must again stop here and tell you about something that is very important for this age group. Heal thyself. If you feel that there are things you don't understand about yourself, that is fine. You may be very healthy in all aspects of your life. However, if you feel that there are just too many things that are out of control in your mind then I would suggest that you do a little self diagnosis and seek out an orthomolecular doctor to deny or confirm your suspicions. I have listed several key things that can act as guides. If you have a number of these traits then you probably have some biochemical imbalance, and it is to your benefit to seek a biochemically-trained doctor to do some tests. _1) Lack of empathy _2) Possible addiction with drugs and/or alcohol _3) Theft _4) Lies _5) Limited or no sense of humor; no jokes about yourself or jokes about others _6) Lack of smiles _7) Lack of laughter _8) Overthinking _9) Obsession with fire _10) Violence _11) Cruelty to animals or objects _12) Looking for something, but don't know what _13) Not being able to separate beauty from pain _14) Always wanting more, and nothing is ever good enough _15) Antisocial or gravitating to only one person _16) Negativism _17) Obsessive-compulsive behavior _18) Low inhibition threshold _19) Lack of rituals _20) Lack of routine, daily schedule _21) Resists changes _22) Irregular or bad eating habits _23) Insomnia or irregular sleeping habits _24) Working with or being exposed to toxins _25) Foul language _26) Easily distracted, lacks focus _ It sounds as if I am trying to say that anything that does not fit into these categories would be considered "normal", and that anything that is on the list is abnormal. There is nothing that is abnormal or normal except through the eyes of society. You, as a member of that society, feel you are either a part of that society or not in many varying degrees. However, even if you were a hermit on a lone mountain top and away from all society you may indeed still have biochemical imbalances and illness. _ The above terms should not be confused with normal and abnormal as defined by society. If you feel strange it may mean nothing, and yet it can be your first clue to biochemical imbalance. Remember, as in TCM, "Heal thyself". Now, you might say this is the same thing that behavioral psychologists do: giving a list of symptoms, then a diagnosis, and then treatment. I have no problem with any list, but I have a big problem with the diagnosis part and an even bigger problem with the treatment. Just because you label something it does not and is not, in many if not all cases, the root cause of the problem. Thus, the label is incorrect, and, thus, the treatment is way off the mark. Treatment by means of talking and/or tranquilizers is not going to work because it is a biochemical problem. Try talking to a horse in the field that has gone "mad or wild", and see if it does any good. It is truly absurd to treat some mislabeled disease with something that does not and cannot work._ Once you have thought about your self analysis then find an orthomolecular doctor, have the tests done, alter your biochemical life, and I can assure you will feel better. It is not "snake oil" or some other form of quackery, but the basis for life itself. _ How many of the behavior traits did you find on these lists that apply to your loved one? How many did you miss on these lists that apply to your loved one? Obviously, you may have never thought of any connection of behavior and biochemical imbalance. I missed plenty. My other family members missed plenty as well. All the time people suffer and we don't know why they suffer. I am now telling you how to see biochemical illness. Later I will tell you what to do about it.
A few thoughts about specific behavior traits in the various age groupings
There are a few of the behavior traits that I want to give you a little bit more information about and try to tie them together, instead of just an abstract list. I am not attempting to give you more psychological analysis and a new course in college psychology, but perhaps by a little clarification you will see how some are very important as a thread that runs through all the various age groupings. They indicate that a biochemical illness has been there for a longer period of time that you would have thought. _ The first one that I will choose is the lack of empathy. The lack of empathy is the inability to feel the joys and pains of another human, animal, substance, or object. At first, you may think it strange that I put animal and even more strange that I put substance or object. The inability of your loved one to feel empathy may be a direct result of a sub-level of Depression even in early childhood years. You may miss it completely. If the child is at an age when they are to develop individuality from their mother, but this does not take place properly, then the child may feel abandonment later in life. _ The one difference I wish to point up here is that if at that particular time there is a biochemical imbalance then the child will have great difficulty developing empathy. If this biochemical imbalance is not corrected then you will see some signs of the lack of empathy. Then if you see the lack of empathy you can see also a withdrawal of the child into himself or herself. Then you may see their desire to only socialize with only one particular person. Usually it is the mother, another attempt at soothing the abandonment problem in the eyes of the child. Then you may see many patterns that go in and out of daily or weekly phases that you finally accept as the way your child sees their environment. _ So the lack of empathy and abandonment are reinforced in the eyes of the child, and their behavioral pattern has been established. The problem all along is the biochemical imbalance. _ Many behavioral patterns will carry on until some biochemical balance is obtained. This may be directly associated with bed wetting, sleep problems, eating problems and more. Then again they may be separate problems originating from other parts of their development. However, all of them are caused by biochemical imbalance. All you are seeing is your child's behavior. _ If I got rather absurd with you and asked, "What does vitamin B6 look like in the organism," you might start to tell me the size, shape, taste of the pill or capsule. However, I asked the question of, "What does vitamin B6 look like in the organism?" If you think of behavior then why can't you think of a nutrient? There is no doubt that it is an absurd analogy, but just because you see one thing rather easily does not mean it is what you are really seeing, but the result of something else. If you remember this principle of thinking in terms of biochemical illness you will understand a better perspective in terms of behavioral traits and where they come from. It does make a difference in the types of lack of empathy certainly, and we would much rather have a child who has biochemical illness toss a glass across the floor than to punch out the family dog or slap his sister. However, we don't want any of these things to happen, period. That can be achieved by biochemical balance. So levels of one thing may indicate levels of another but all will have the same root or original starting place. _ You probably have already noticed that in each age grouping category that the list continues to get longer and longer and the same traits that existed, with a few exceptions, remain the same throughout all groups. Obviously, life gets more complicated as it goes on and thus you could say that is the reason. However, if I said we also learned about life as life went on, then the list should become shorter, not longer, because we would have learned from life's experiences. If we have biochemical balance as we are learning at any age we will shorten our list of damaging behavioral traits and increase our other "imaginary list" of good behavioral traits. _ Biochemical balance is not about the little train who said, "I think I can." Will and determination and their significance to life are extremely difficult or next to impossible to teach a very small child, especially at that age when they have biochemical imbalance. If the lack of empathy development has been damaged in early childhood you might think that you have the start of a serial killer or at best an uncaring person. What if I told you that regardless of the age and regardless of the length of time that a person has been without empathy, it can be reversed with biochemicals? _ "Are you saying that someone who has been a selfish ass and a no good their entire lifetime can be corrected biochemically?" Yes, that is correct. Yes, there will have to be the biochemical balance and the biochemical balance may not be easily achieved at first. Yet, with time it can be. All this with some direct-insight conversations, not high powered-psychotherapy that tells that individual right from wrong and the possible consequences of their choices will follow. "I think you must believe in fairy tales, too." No. Everything I have told you is true. That is why you must try to see the signs of biochemical imbalance and immediately get the proper nutrients into your child. Your child doesn't know what is going on, and if they have always lived that way they think that is life (and it is for them). However, you know what these behavioral traits indicate. It is your responsibility to correct your child's biochemical imbalance. Humans do want and desire to succeed at adventure, whatever that adventure may be. Humans do not choose failure and pain. Biochemical imbalance allows pain and confusion, and it clouds many desires for success or adventure.
Biochemical Balance From Biochemical Imbalance _age 13-18
Now let's take all the biochemical imbalance induced behavioral traits and make all of them positive by the use of the correct balance of biochemicals. Here's how the age 13-18 age group might look. I will put the new positive traits in bold letters. _1) Peer influence, boredom, misplaced boredom- active involvement in family, school, religious and community activities involving many various types of people and interrelationships._2) Not realizing consequences of actions- delusional or misperceptions of thinking- they show, believe in, and demonstrate responsibility for themselves and others (empathy) _3) Thinking that happiness and pain are bound together- delusion of thinking and the harm of this misconception, major signs of trouble- they know and seek beauty from what they determine as beauty. They spend very little time in the pursuit of overthinking _4) Lack of empathy - they believe in and show empathy for all things living or non-living _5) Fascination with or setting fires- does not even enter their minds except as another pleasure to watch such as a campfire outing. _6) Cruelty to animals - they believe in and show empathy for all things living or non-living_7) Aggression toward any human - they believe in and show empathy for all things living or non-living_8) Aggression toward objects; destruction - they believe in and show empathy for all things living or non-living _9) Negativism- either they don't have time or don't wish to participate in negative thinking because they are doing so many other wonderful things _10) Obsessive-compulsive- does not even enter the picture _11) Low inhibition threshold- for the most part this never enters the picture _12) Lack of rituals, routine, daily schedule- they are involved in so many aspects of living that they are into many rituals and routines just to keep going in their pursuits of adventure in life. _13) Blaming others- for the most part this totally goes away. _14) Food- they have a variety of foods they enjoy and are far more adventuresome in choices of foods. _15)Sleep - better sleep habits, revitalizing sleep, better dream recall, and overall greatly enhanced sleep wellness. _16) Eating- they have a variety of foods they enjoy and are far more adventuresome in choices of foods. _17) Awareness- they obviously have more awareness and many have a calmness along with this awareness. _18) Verbal interaction- behavior modification and its advantages and disadvantages- This should be obvious without any explanations. _19) Lies, deceit, manipulation- Less or none at all _20) Nutritional deficiency becomes more definite- that it is causing the problems and not simply someone who is manipulating the situation- too many things are going right for them and you admire and enjoy vicariously their adventures _21) Their eyes (disperception)- none _22) Hazard signs- none _23) Violence - none _24) Bed wetting- none _25) Cruelty to animals or objects- none _26) Looking for something but don't know what- not being able to separate beauty from pain - none _27) Wanting more and nothing is ever good enough- for the most part none of the bad trait _28) Antisocial or gravitating to only one person- not even a consideration in the positive trait._29) Finding a mate such as a girlfriend or boyfriend or a mate of the same sex can offer the adolescent a multitude of happy as well as sad experiences. Mental battles beyond belief can get so involved that anger, hostility, and even rage can transpire. With the addition of disperceptions you may have your hands full. For example, let's say your son has had a fight with his girlfriend and comes home to call her. He argues with her and calls her every foul word in the book. (She may be doing the same.) When you ask if you can help he goes into a verbal rage with you. If you do not ask if you can help he might even go into a throwing of objects rage. If you happen to be his mother you might get a verbal barrage such as "you f***ing whore" or "you bitch, you are the same as my girlfriend."- this would never happen unless biochemically imbalanced. Also, your loved one would wish to share on varying levels about their mate choice. _30) Lack of empathy - they believe in and show empathy for all things living or even non-living things._31) Attention to possible addiction with drugs and alcohol. - less or no addiction _32) Attention to theft of things in the house: purse, etc. - almost none _33) Lies become more outlandish, and you begin to wonder if they know truth at all - none _34) resists changes- looks forward to change as adventure _35) Limited or no sense of humor, no jokes about them or jokes about others- very sociable including humor, laughter, and smiles _36) Lack of smiles- as above _37) Lack of laughter- as above _38) Overthinking- almost none _39) Fatigue- they have adventure, relax, rest, sleep, and have adventure again as a cycle of enjoyment._40)Lack of hygiene- complete hygiene responsibility _41)Body language including eye contact, clarity of eyes, voice usage in terms of intensity, pitch, speech speed and volume, shoulders and body carriage, walking, facial complexion, and odor- the look of health is obvious many times _42)24-72 (or less) hour(s) reactions after stress- what are their reactions behaviorally and physically to stress?- varies but much better _43)Rage of any kind- none _44)Foul language- almost none except under very stressful situations _45)Easily distracted, lacks focus - very focused and directional in thinking "How does all that work for my loved one"? Just stay with me and you will see.
Physical Signs and What They Mean
Body language including eye contact, clarity of eyes, voice usage in terms of intensity, pitch, speech speed and volume, shoulders and body carriage, walking, facial complexion, and odor are clues to anyone's wellness. If you take the list of TCM symptoms you will find almost all of these above traits on the TCM list. A few words of explanation about a few of these may help you. You may readily see bloodshot eyes, dark colored rings under the eyes, lack of clarity in the eyes or a glazed look to the eyes. You may also judge from the pitch, speed, intensity of the voice if this is "normal" speech for your loved one. If it is not then you have some more clues. Facial complexion may not be so easily discernable. The face will have a very slightly greenish tint to the skin. The last one is odor. I do not speak about what we commonly call Body Odor , but an odor that has a very slight, sweet smell to it. All of the above things are clues and each one by itself is not of great meaning, but many or all together are a big clue to look for additional clues which, if they appear too, then your loved one probably has some form of biochemical imbalance.
Terms Usually Applied to One with Biochemical Illness or Biochemical Imbalance
1) lazy _2) irresponsible _3) mean spirited _4) angry 5) hostile _6) wayward _7) doesn't listen _8) in another world _9) just a teenager _10) out of control _11) they never pick up things and put them away in their proper place after they have used them _12) they wear the same clothes for days without changing _13) they wear the most horrible looking clothes- no wonder people think they are weird _14) they never sit still long enough to ask them a question _15) overactive _16) poor judgement _17) depressed _18) they want what they want when they want it _19) foul mouth
Parent views of how to handle behavior problems
It is my house and I will call the shots- will give the orders and all will respond _What did I do to have this person treat me this way? _They will grow out of it _I will use "tough love" _I will be patient and show great love and compassion _I will not participate in their problems-their problems are theirs- he or she is old enough and they need to learn once and for all. _ If parents use these thoughts (with the exception of love and compassion), then the parents are clueless as to biochemical imbalance as the cause of their loved one's illness and behavior. _ All of the above deal with the reactions or actions of the parent toward the biochemically imbalanced or biochemical deficient person. The only one that will work is love, compassion and patience but only with the correct balance of biochemicals even then. These two must be together- biochemicals and love. They will not work alone. "I don't do any of those things." (no comment) _ Now, let's take that same list of terms that people apply to biochemically imbalanced people and see how I have given you a few clues as to what those traits mean. _1) lazy fatigue,apathy-indifference _2) irresponsible apathy-indifference _3) mean spirited _4) angry failed attempts at function _5) hostile _6) wayward _7) doesn't listen _8) in another world _9) just a teenager _10) out of control _11) they never pick up things and put them away in their proper place after they have used them _12) they wear the same clothes for days without changing _13) they wear the most horrible looking clothes- no wonder people think they are weird _14) they never sit still long enough to ask them a question _15) overactive _16) poor judgement _17) depressed _18) they want what they want when they want it _19) foul mouth _All words in bold letters are my analysis.
Terms Commonly Used by the Person _with the Biochemical Imbalance or Illness
I am worthless and have no meaning _I have no friends _No one understands me _It takes too much work and who cares anyway _I don't care; _I will die this way _All of these are major biochemical imbalance markers of depression, a biochemical imbalance.
Osmond and Adrenolutin
from (The Subject With His Own Observations About Himself) _Here are some observations made by Osmond when given adrenolutin during scientific studies by Hoffer, Osmond, Symthies, and Altschul during the 1950's and 60's. _1)I feel no urge to cooperate in volunteering information about my feelings (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _2)I did not feel any desire to talk more than a few seconds and felt very little interest in what was going on (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _3)I chatted with the technician and was interested in all that was going on and now as a person I felt no interest in him whatsoever. (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _4)I remember thinking I was like a monkey and how they were treated in a recent film- passive, compliant, emotionally flat, but awake and and well aware (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _5)I felt I could not be bothered so I remained silent (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _6)Poverty of thought and content to remain in one position or place (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) 7)I felt I had lost the capacity to feel joy, sorrow, or any powerful emotion (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _8)My mind was blank for long periods of time and I felt contented to lie and not think about anything (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _9)I had no interest in this experiment, his feelings, or anything else (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) 10)I saw many colors in patterns (hallucinations)_11)His face looked much more dark and somber than usual, almost threatening (disperception) _12)I felt automaton, dull and detached, and not interested in talking to anyone (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _13)Unwilling to do tasks (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _14)Did not read instructions carefully and misinterpreted (disperception) _15)I did not really feel myself in them (Lack of Empathy) _16)I did not feel any interest and tried to make succinct answers (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) 17)Pupils dilated (TCM) _18)Slightly withdrawn (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _19)Music that prior experiences seemed less intense than usual (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) 20)Dull and flat (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _21)Less interest than unusual (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _22)Marked reduction in drive and interest with resulting poor concentration (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _23)Inability to feel deeply (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE??) _24)Diminished empathy toward others (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _25)Complete absence of anxiety _26)Lack of drive to carry a thought to its conclusion (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _27)Lack of interest in myself and indifference to what others thought of me (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _28)Lost urge to make critical appraisal of changes (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _All words in parentheses are my analysis. _(Reprinted by permission )
Here is a very important clue- None of these behavior traits were "normal" for Osmond in his normal personality as verified by other doctors and even his wife. Anything that is not "normal" for a person and they demonstrate unusual or bad behavior is a very strong clue that they have biochemical imbalance.
Osmond and LSD 25
Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond worked together for many years in various hospital facilities in Canada. During the early 1950's they did exhaustive experiments of various hallucinogenic drugs that gave similar and in many cases exact behaviors that mimic that of mental illnesses. Their work in the area of drug induced behavior changes was one of the first researches that sparked on my own research into how things work or don't work biochemically. They gave pure facts plus the anecdotal diaries of the person who had received the hallucinogen, which showed behavior changes that illustrate how behavior can be changed biochemically. Very specific behavioral information even down to exact symptoms can be seen in these studies. _ Here is a list that I have taken from one of the many LSD 25 experiments done by these thinkers. This one being by Humphry Osmond. Here's what he had to say when he was given LSD 25. See how it differs from adrenolutin from the previous list. LSD 25 mimics symptoms of schizophrenia. Here is what Osmond said: (my thoughts are in parentheses) _1)Thought of being object as a stone or plant- as feelings for inanimate grew, feelings for humans decreased. (hallucination) _2)Had to curb unpleasant feelings (slight anger) _3)Impulse to say or do what wanted to- disregard for others feelings (increased anger) _4)Did not wish to talk- more comforting to gaze (APATHY-INDIFFERENCE) _5)Time was of no importance- did not hurry in normal tasks (indifference) _6)Things normally done cause great stress and cannot be done-persuading others to do tasks for you. What would be humiliating in normal circumstances was not humiliating. _7)Stress brings on unusual feelings _8)Sensing something is holding them in such as a glass wall but not visible (it comes and goes)- paranoid feelings (paranoid feelings-dispercption) _9)Don't know anyone here _10)Wonder if handwriting is his (unusual thought-possible hallucination) _11)Cannot (measure) distance and time- objects look closer or farther away, or smaller or larger than in reality. (hallucination) _12)Paranoid feelings from non-specific identifiable people. Life circumstances of others become personal; for example, wrecked car viewed by Osmond: thought- they were involved in the accident, being preoccupied thinking one is normal, usual self but one is not (my thoughts to help clarify- he thought that it was normal to have thoughts about car accident fixation of ideas) (paranoid-disperception) _13)Difficult to divert attention away from inanimate objects. Refuses to follow directions- as noted by other doctors. Needed continual persuasion to get a response- as noted by other doctors) (possible disperception) _14)Loose associations- taking unrelated thoughts and joining them together and being convinced they make sense and being angry that no one else can see their value (disperception) _15)Marked refusal to communicate, resistance to requests as observed by other doctors (indifference) _16)Withdrawal from people- antisocial, disinterested, antagonistic, defensive, and delusional offensive (indifference) _17)Increase in body image in size, shape, design (visual hallucination) _18) Depression more than euphoria (depression) _19)Distant objects too close- movement of stationary objects (hallucination) _20)Easily distracted- can change subject in mid-sentence; others can alter subject too. _21)Complaint of mild heart pain (TCM) _22)Objects change in color, size, and quantity (hallucination) _23)Depersonalization of body, not real, not a part of him (hallucination) _4)Mysterious messages; telepathic code coming from universe (hallucination) _25)Tactile hallucinations (hallucination) _26)Changes in tempo of ideas- rapid thoughts _27)Flight of ideas, difficulty concentrating, blocking and speech alterations (hallucination)_28)Negativism, ambivalence, personality splitting, inappropriate behavior, sitting in a waste basket, creeping on the floor (disperception) _29)No insight that he was different from others. (disperception) _30)Word associations unusual _31)Forming thoughts before sender has sent entire thought _32)Interrupting conversation _33)Steering conversation in different direction away from the thought or question _34)Formed answers before they understood the thought or question _35)Object identity (possible dispercption) _36)Mannerisms unusual, euphoria, giggling, laughter in inappropriate manner or timing (TCM) 37)Mood irritable, negativism, "do you know what I mean" (anger) _38)Physical symptoms, nausea, headache especially in an angry mood in the front of the head (TCM) _39)Reading; words move too quickly or too slowly- visual distortions or malfunctions with brain receiving (hallucination) _40)Distortions- words jump around (hallucination) _41)Hallucinations; physical, environmental- can't or will not measure distance (hallucination) 42)Length of time to do task is beyond any margin of what this person was able to do in past (disperception) _43)Does not realize it took that long and will deny it did because he is uncertain. May have fear of failure to do task, so it is better not to do any tasks and avoid criticism (disperception) _44)Inhibition/impulse to smash something without any reason to do so; no insight that he has changed. (disperception-anger) (TCM) _45)Separation from one place and thinking he is in another place (hallucination) _46)Thinking he is an object or another living creature (hallucination) _47)Dimensions change- photos become "real"- using senses to experience innate objects- for example, the sensation of the touch of a cloth in a photo or an object moving in a photo. (hallucination) _48)Surroundings causing paranoid reactions (paranoid) _49)Overanalyzing surroundings and giving meaning to surroundings such as cracks in the sidewalk - to non-analyzing and then swing from one to the other - things have special significance or importance (overthinking TCM) _50)Feeling cut off from society (depression) _51)Disinterested in social events (apathy-indifference) _52)No sense of satisfaction in anything (apathy-indifference) _53)Others do not appreciate my work- expectations that later turn into disperceptions (disperception) _54)Hearing voices or sounds (hallucination) _55)Feeling of losing control with reality- common things that in the past that felt good socially are not worthwhile and, in fact, are repulsive now (disperception) _56)Viewing violence as in a theater movie or the disperception of visualizing violence when it has not happened (disperception)
Here is a very important clue. None of these behavior traits were "normal" for Osmond in his normal personality as verified by other doctors and even his wife. Anything that is not "normal" for a person and they demonstrate unusual or bad behavior is a very strong clue that they have biochemical imbalance.
Other Doctor's view of Osmond when on LSD25
_1)Becomes irritable with a few questions _2)Unable to connect thought to what had been the cause of a problem and instead having disperceptions as to thinking it was other causes, and additionally not only seeking advice but refuting any advice and becoming entrenched in his disperceptions. _3)Lack of insight when doing things for the first time-anxiety causing situations _4)Telling others of sense changes or thought changes and attempting to convince them of their significance and expecting them to experience the same reactions and becoming angry when they do not experience such _5)Blaming others and society in general especially including authority figures. _There are many more observations given by observers but I just wanted to give you a very few. (Reprinted by permission)
Here is a very important clue. None of these behavior traits were "normal" for Osmond in his normal personality as verified by other doctors and even his wife. Anything that is not "normal" for a person and they demonstrate unusual or bad behavior, is a very strong clue that they have biochemical imbalance. _All of the bad traits were biochemically induced and caused the bad behavior traits. The adrenochromes including adrenolutin and LSD 25, which mimics schizophrenia, were used. These same biochemicals are in each person's body and stress as interpreted by the person can and does cause the release of adrenochromes which cause bad behavior. Remember that behavior is an extension of something on the inside of the total organism. These adrenochromes are produced in many tissues throughout the person and are in no way only in the adrenal glands. _ These lists could and do go on for many, many more symptoms of unusual behavior traits. If you wish to read all these studies, I can assure you that you will have a very enlightening time. (See the bibliography). _ One more very important thing to say about these studies is that after Osmond took the LSD 25 he was asked by the other doctors how long he felt it took the LSD 25 to wear off. When did he think he was back to"normal" in his personality? Osmond wrote that he was well and back to normal in three weeks. However, a very important observation was made by his wife who told doctors it took almost three months for her husband to recover to his fully normal personality. Now here you have Osmond, a brilliant doctor and scientist of discerning capabilities and insight that had a major disperception into his own recovery. It is extremely important to know because it demonstrates that denial and even recovery cannot be viewed by others in the same way as the one suffering the bad or unusual behavior. _ Now compare this list to the list that includes apathy and indifference as generated from adrenolutin and you will see how different these two biochemicals are. "Boy, I would rather she have apathy and indifference, that is for sure." Sorry, you can't choose. Also, let's say that your loved one has both of these that for many reasons ebb and flow, up and down and between one another, and all the resulting behaviors. What do you have but massive confusion and the lack of function as a civilized human being? _ "But my loved one didn't take LSD 25 or adrenolutin, so she shouldn't be the way they were." Your loved one has these same types of things in her, too, and many more that can cause just as great a problem in functioning. Adrenochromes are present in every cell. Years ago, some people with psychotic reactions were thought to have had a problem in the amount of adrenochromes being secreted by the adrenal glands. Surgeons took out adrenal glands thinking that would solve the problems. However, it did not because all the other tissues of the person also make adrenochromes even if the adrenal glands are removed. _ The type of Science as done by Hoffer, Osmond, Symthies, and Altschul is incredible because it showed biochemically for the first time a direct connection between biochemicals and behavior and established that behavior was not a culture-based inducer and that behavior could not be changed simply by talking about it. Freud and others for well over 80 years have given us information exactly the opposite of the Hoffer, Osmond, Symthies, Altshul studies. We have consumed the wrong information about behavior for all that time. It is truly a shame and very embarrassing for all those that are in behavioral psychology to admit that they have sought out the Holy Grail of knowledge in the wrong place. More damaging than that is all those that have suffered from psychological therapy have not been helped because of its ineffectiveness. _ "Do you mean to say that it does not help?" I maybe can't go that far but it can't cause the problems to go away and it does not get to the root cause of behavior. In that sense it is worthless._ Remember, any and all new information in a society that changes thinking for the good or bad is not integrated into that culture without great hardship. Thinkers have never been appreciated and probably never will be. Cultures resist change because change brings uncertainty and cultures don't like uncertainty. _ "How did they make Osmond well again?" Extremely good question. Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). "That's all?" Yes, that's all. "You mean to say someone with all those things of thinking they are a rock in the sea, can't see straight, hears things, getting fears going all over the place and all those other things is cured with vitamin B3?" _ Not only Osmond and the others that did all the experiments, but now some 40 years later all those people, in those 40 years that have been helped or totally cured with vitamin B3. Now do you see why it is so important to know how a simple little vitamin works? _"Do you mean to say that all those things of behavior were changed?" Yes, yes, yes. "That's strong stuff." Yes, it is, but so is the information that allowed for the connection between behavior and biochemical imbalance and then between biochemically imbalanced behaviors and vitamin B3. _ "Maybe I should get in touch with Hoffer, Osmond, Symthies, or Altschul." You will find their numbers later in this book if you wish to contact them, but their writings and knowledge is readily accessible to you through their books, which include their continuing research even up to last month. _ Also, if you will compare the two lists, the apathy-indifference lists and the LSD 25 list of behavioral traits with the age grouping lists you will see some similarities. Compare those with the TCM list of behavioral symptoms and you will see some similarities as well. So my list is from various sources and is not connected just to some studies. Through my own thinking I have come up with a composite of other thinkers regardless of the source of their information; and I have thought about what all these things mean to me, not in any ancedotal way but as a scientist might compile the lists backed up by valid research. _ So if your loved one were Chinese, American, African, or whatever, it really doesn't matter if they have biochemical imbalance. Biochemical imbalance is universal in all populations thoughout the world. Also, remember biochemical imbalance is not only about behavior. It is about all illnesses.
Animal studies and their reactions
1.Docile became hostile (anger) _2)Restless and retching _3)Insensitive to painful stimulation _4)Would remain in one place for extended periods of time (apathy-indifference) _5)Cat became sexually excited and attempted to copulate with comatose dog (hallucination) _6)Cat walked in bowl of milk and did not lick its paws (apathy-indifference) _7)Let itself be placed in unusual positions without protest (apathy-indifference) _8)Spiders even had a distortion in the way the made their webs (hallucination- genetic malfunction) _9)Disturbances in pigeons- continued to nest but did not drive away others and ceased cooing_10)Homing birds would not return to normal place of origin but would stop some other place along the way and only fly home when they were chased back home (genetic malfunction) _11)When home these homing pigeons would fly to their nest but not chase others away. (apathy-indifference) _12)Unusually apathetic and disinterested in matters they normally would be concerned with (apathy-indifference) All words in bold letters are my analysis.
Untitled until Later
Now I will give you a few symptoms, but I will not tell you where they come from until the end of these paragraphs. See if you can figure out the source of the symptoms or if your loved one has any of the symptoms. Here they are: _1)Introverted personality _2)Lethargic _3)Muttering to oneself _4)Giddiness _5)Highly excitable _6)Violent physical behavior _7)Agitation _8)Insomnia _9)Uncontrollable anger _10)Trance-like mental state _11)Palpitations _12)Tendency to be easily frightened _13)Fatigue _14)Decrease in food intake _15)Lusterless complexion _16)Unprovoked bouts of sadness _17)Crying _18)Loss of ability to differentiate clean from dirty _19)Abrupt onset of illness _20)Headache _21)Flushed complexion _22)Bloodshot eyes _23)Lack of judgement _24)Physical aggression _25)Destructive behavior _26)Spell of boisterousness _27)Overthinking _28)Anxiety _29)Grief _30)Anger _31)Dry, bitter taste in the mouth _32)Oppression in the chest _33)Acid regurgitation _34)Restlessness _35)Suspiciousness _36)Crying without apparent reason _ I am certain you have found some that pertain to your loved one. Now I will tell you that all came from journals dealing with biochemical medicine in TCM. It does not make any difference of where geographically we are talking about. Behavior has many traits the same throughout many cultures. It is not necessarily a culture-based truth that our culture makes bad behavior, but rather biochemicals that cannot work properly, or those that are missing, those that are trapped within the person but can't work because other factors are not available. These are the causes of bad behavior. If you compare this last group of symptoms to the above symptoms and the age group lists from before, you will find even exact words in both and many similar symptoms.
TCM List and My Analysis (Looking Through Western Eyes) _1)Introverted personality apathy-indifference _2)Lethargic fatigue _3)Muttering to oneself poss. hallucination _4)Giddiness _5)Highly excitable _6)Violent physical behavior anger _7)Agitation _8)Insomnia _9)Uncontrollable anger anger _0)Trance-like mental state _11)Palpitations so-called physical _12)Tendency to be easily frightened _13)Fatigue fatigue _14)Decrease in food intake _15)Lusterless complexion so-called physical _16)Unprovoked bouts of sadness depression _17)Crying depression _18)Loss of ability to differentiate clean from dirty _19)Abrupt onset of illness _20)Headache so-called physical _21)Flushed complexion so-called physical _22)Bloodshot eyes so-called physical _23)Lack of judgement poss. disperceptions _24)Physical aggression anger _25)Destructive behavior anger _26)Spell of boisterousness _27)Overthinking _28)Anxiety _29)Grief _30)Anger anger _31)Dry, bitter taste in the mouth _32)Oppression in the chest _33)Acid regurgitation so-called physical _34)Restlessness _35)Suspiciousness paranoia ?? _36)Crying without apparent reason depression _ TCM may make a distinction in so-called physical and mental traits but they think of both traits in the same way as an expression of the total organism. That is why you might see palpitations along with tendency to be frightened easily or headache along side with lack of judgement traits. _ TCM treats the symptoms differently than we do with non-trained biochemical medicine and orthomolecular doctors treat the symptoms even differently from the other two. Later I will speak of TCM. In treatment for symptoms by a non-trained biochemical doctor they would give Ritalin, Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac or any number of drugs that cause a multitude of problems. A cycle is initiated in your loved one plus the behavior has not changed a whole lot. However, you think it is working. The cycle I mentioned is one of toxin build-up that may take on a variety of dysfunction's, either immediately or in the years to come. _One principle to remember is that if it is not in the person naturally there is a reason. Everything that needs to go into the person must be either there naturally or be there by food to make needed natural substances. _ There are many foods that supply those nutrients that are essential for our wellness and these must be eaten, but all other substances must already exist in the person. Anything, whether it is in gaseous, liquid, or solid form, that does not have the nutrient blueprint that the body can read and interpret, the body will try to expel. This expulsion is not so easy as urine or excrement and may be in the form of cancer twenty years from now or in behavior in 20 minutes, after the foreign body has entered your person. _So go ahead and protest all you want about culture-based behavior and I will tell you it is biochemically based first, and for the most part biochemical, and only when other aspects of behavior come into play do we think it is culture-based behavior. Get to the root cause. Open the "gate" a little and you will see what I am talking about. Read on and you will see some of the reasons that it is not culture-based and why all the psychology books in the world cannot help without the correct biochemical balance. If someone is in a coma you don't use Jung or Freud. The person in the coma has different problems. The same is true with behavior. It is indeed a different problem that you thought. Read on.
My Farmer Friend's Daughter
Let me get personal for a few minutes and ask you a few questions about your daughter. At what age did you see the first behavior traits that are on these lists and what traits were they? "Well, I guess she was about age 11 or maybe 12. She got angry one day about being told that she could not spend the night with a friend on Saturday night if she did not clean her room and do the dishes before she left to go to her friend's house. She refused and stayed in her room until what she thought was time to be picked up by her friend's mother. The mother came and I told her that my daughter could not go because my daughter had not done her chores that had always been her responsibility on Saturdays. Her friend's mother understood and left our house. Our daughter started to scream that she could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and knocked over a vase with her arm on the way to her room. She slammed the door and started to throw things in her room. I went in and told her to knock it off and we got into another argument. Finally, I told her to think about what she had done and she would have to pay for the vase too." _ "The next day she didn't talk much about anything and didn't come out of her room until about 2 PM. I didn't force her to go to church that day and, in fact, only my wife and the others went to church. She didn't want to eat, she didn't want to talk about things, and I didn't know what was going on in her mind either. My wife and I talked about various things we were going to do to her, and we agreed that she needed stricter rules and that would show her that she can't do whatever she wants whenever she wants. Well, since then we have given her a lot of rules and none of them seem to work for very long. Then she gets into arguments with the others and one sister she pushed down three steps in an argument." _ "My mother said that our daughter needed to have a doctor look at her. We took her to a doctor who said that she should see a psychologist. We did that and the psychologist sort of sided with me and my wife and said that we needed to have those rules and consequences, and that sooner or later our daughter would learn just as other children learn what they can do and what they can't do." _ If you don't mind I would like to stop you here. You probably could tell me a great deal of worthwhile information, but I need to ask a few more questions. _ If we go through the list of all the behavioral traits starting from birth, which ones stand out in your mind now? "Well, in the age 1-3 I don't see any, age 3-6 I don't see any. Age 6-10, I see her eating habits changed, she argues with everyone, she doesn't want to talk except about what she commands, and her anger has caused a little destruction; one time she pushed Carrie down the steps. She isn't doing as well in her grades and there are probably some others that I can't think of now. Why do you ask that question? Do you think she is biochemically imbalanced, as you call it?" Yes, without question. The severity, the type and the length of time for the traits to continue, and the major change in her "normal" person are clues. Now you have given me things that are the so called "bad behavior traits" but I need to ask you another question. _ What kind of person was your daughter before that Saturday night that you think started all these problems? "Well, I don't know if I can put my finger on it, but she was always joining in whatever the family was doing, she did her chores, always spent a lot of time with Carrie, was pretty good in school, and even one time had straight A's. She was in the church choir, always worked for my wife's mother in the summer three days a week, and I guess I would say she wasn't any different that the rest of the children we have. She seemed pretty happy and smiling, laughing, and the like, so that is why all this crap from her is such a surprise to me and my wife." You say you were surprised by your daughter's change? "Yes." _ That single clue is extremely important. I say again, It is extremely important. Any and all clues that are not normal for your loved one are paramount clues to something that is going on biochemically, and usually if bad behavior traits are observed, then it is biochemical imbalance. No one ever told you to look for it so you didn't know what to look for. You see what you see, unless someone shows you how to see differently. So you saw it, but it didn't have any meaning and life went on. Or did it? Life went on but the quality of life went backwards. You told me your daughter was happy and did things that you liked and she liked too, and you thought she was a good person and so on. She left this good stuff, as you might call it, and made bad stuff that you don't like and that is where you, your loved one, your family, and everyone else is now. Correct? "Yes, I guess that is correct, but there are some more things too." _ "Since all that stuff began she now curses up a storm, won't listen to anyone, not even her grandmother, is about to be held back a grade in school, is constantly getting into arguments with the teachers and being sent to the principal's office. She doesn't wash her clothes that often, wears that same damn sweater almost every day, and she doesn't baby-sit anymore because no one wants her around with that chip on her shoulder. She won't eat when we eat, does not eat much at all, is skinny as bean pole, doesn't want to try anything at all, is constantly trying to tell everybody they are wrong, and that she has the answers anyway." _ "I guess you could say she is a mess and she got herself that way and there is not much we can do about it. You know, I have got others I have got to think of too, and it is not fair to them if I have to spend all my time with her and her problems." _ "My wife and I used to go out Tuesday night for supper and leave the kids alone, but we don't do that anymore because we get back home and she has started a fight with them. We now stay home. You know I have tried to sit down and talk to her so many times and sometimes I think she understands. A couple of times she has been in tears and I think I am getting through then, but the next day she is back to that same old crap." _ "That was almost two years ago and it seems like it has been forever with her doing all that stuff. It just doesn't make any sense why some people act that way and others that have far less than she does don't act the way she does. It doesn't seem fair. She wasn't taught to be bad and no one ever mistreated her. All of our family loves her, so she's got all the love a person could want. Why does she act that way? It just doesn't make sense. You know, my wife and I have spent a lot of time and a lot of money, and she seems worse than when we started trying to help with all those doctors. They are supposed to know what they are doing, and they just tell us we are either going to have control her or put her on drugs or something. You know, I don't like that drug thing but guess we will have to do it." _"You know, if someone had told me this kind of thing was going to happen I would have never believed it. I never saw it in very many families until we had our daughter's problems. Then I started seeing it all over the place. Several friends started telling us to hang in there because they had relatives that were going through the same things too, and we weren't the only ones with a problem child. I do get a little hacked off when my wife has to call me at work to come home and help with a problem. You know, when my wife and I go to bed at night, we try to remember the good times we have had with our daughter, and I guess that is all we have of her that is important now because all of this other crap is killing us inside." _ "Our daughter hasn't had a good day in months. I guess the last time I can remember was when she, my wife, and I went out for pizza one night and we played scoop pool, you know that little pool table stuff. Boy, was she in a good mood that night. I wish I could have bottled her then and kept her that way." _ "The next day, it was the same old crap and it even got worse two days later. It's like she doesn't care about anything or anybody including herself. Why do people act that way? It just doesn't make any sense and wastes so much. You know, it will soon be almost two years and it is like she has lost two years of her childhood; sort of wiped out and she still isn't changing and probably won't." _ "You know, with people like that you try to help and then after awhile you are are going around in circles just like they are. Things that I used to do I don't do anymore because I am spending so much time trying to help her or help the others because she caused them problems. I go around and around like some little mouse in one of those wire cages. You know, I don't think any of this crap has anything to do with smart people because I heard from a friend of mine that a doctor he knows has a son just like our daughter, and a doctor should know what to do for his own son, I would think. But it seems like it doesn't make any difference about whether you are smart or not. I have always thought maybe it was because we moved to the city and got off the farm where everyone was so happy. You know, almost two years is a long time for all this stuff."
What I See In My Farmer Friend's Daughter
After listening to your story I must regroup myself a little because what you have told me is very painful for me to hear both from your pain, my empathy for you, and the resurrection of my own previous pains which are in many ways similar to those you have experienced. I am truly sorry you had to experience these pains. I am equally sorry that your daughter had to experience them, too, and is still experiencing them. For you I can say that you very much care about your daughter and that is very meaningful for your daughter, even though nothing right now has changed for her. It can change, though. _ May I quickly tell you a few signs that I see from the things you told me about the bad behavior traits that you mentioned? "Yes." If you look back on the list of symptoms in the age group age 10-12 I will list all the things I have found that demonstrate biochemical imbalance. Here they are. 1/2/4/5/8/11/15/18/21/22/24/26 _age 10-13 _1)Foul language _2)Not taking advice from anyone _4)Pushing others away in deep depression, _5)Refusing any and all attempts to calm the person, better to have stimuli of any kind (strong evidence of racing mind thought disorder) than boredom; at least with stimuli they feel they are alive. 8)Violence _10)Cruelty to objects _11)Growth spurts _15)Antisocial or gravitating to only one particular person _18)Learning that lies are a means of getting what they want. _21)Lack of smiles _22)Lack of laughter _24)Fatigue _26)Body language including eye contact, clarity of eyes, voice usage in terms of intensity, pitch speech speed and volume, shoulders and body carriage, and odor. _ So you see there are many, not just a few clues, and the most important clue of all is that your daughter's "normal" behavior changed. "Well, if it is that simple then we can all correct people's problems with just making a list and then giving nutrients. We can help so many people." You are correct. The list has to be things that come from behaviors throughout various cultures to know that our list is not culture-based and that any organism, even including animals, have similar if not the same behavior so that we know it is biochemical. The list is very important but by itself it is meaningless. _ The next step is to get the nutrients into your loved one. The next step is to balance those nutrients. The next step is know what other aspects of bad behavior inducing elements such as allergies or missing enzyme functions are not working properly. _ The next step is the severity of the biochemical illness and what that has to do with biochemical individuality. The next step is what you do with any or all of this information at any one point in the progression toward wellness. So if you thought it was only a list and give a few nutrients, then you must consider other things as well. That is one of the reasons why you must find an orthomolecular doctor with insight and compassion for your loved one. For now if I were you I would concentrate on the diagnosis from the list I have given you and get vitamins B3, B6, zinc and vitamin C into your loved one, plus many of the other things I have already suggested in terms of food choices; cutting out sugar and all the other suggestions. Those stop-gap measures will help considerably for the time. Remember, "heal thyself" as much as you can, but seek knowledge too, and that includes finding an orthomolecular doctor that may do special tests to determine specific nutrients abnormalities. _ Life is not, nor should it be, a textbook list of terms of what is good or bad or whatever, but you must learn what a few basic changes do, how they happen, and how to correct things that give pain to your loved one.
How you know the nutrients are working
1.Appetite increases _2)Sleep improves _3)Lack of morning phlegm _4)Body feels better _5)Chores and routines with some responsibility start to return _6)Avoiding arguments- realizing they are calmer _7)Longer time to enjoy thoughts- theirs and others _8)Ability to listen- slowly developing empathy _9)Bright sunlight doesn't feel so bright
One of the most telling signs of depression is that of verbal expressions. So listen. I personally call them "flood-gate-disperceptions" (my phrase) and maybe they fit into this or that classification of disperceptions, but I am simply stating what I have found. The "flood-gate-disperception" is observed when you may think you are having an normal conversation with your loved one and they ask you to help with a problem. All of sudden they are not interested in you solving that particular problem and they unleash as a "flood-gate," releasing torrents of emotions conveying everything that is wrong . "She tried that with me once and I told her to solve it herself. You know she is old enough." Back to the story, please. Then they take a breath and start with five or six more problems. All, of course, are not to be solved one by one in any kind of logical fashion and in fact your loved one may not be interested in solving any of them but, yet, they want all their problems to go away immediately. If you miss this type of clue to depression then you truly are "clueless". _ Even little children give you clues of these things. This "flood-gate" is their reality at that moment. It is what they believe to be true just as we have assumptions and trust in our assumptions that are our own reality. Yes, it is an unusual reality they have, but do not say they are wrong in their choice of their reality. It is the only one they may be capable of choosing right then. Again look deeper into altering of biochemicals, and let them choose from a multitude of realities to see if they choose a different one. They will, but when they are so depressed they feel as though they only have one reality, as bad as though it may seem to them and everyone else. Do not get into mental head games with your loved one. Show them respect, love, compassion and help them find more realities to choose from. Who knows- you might find something you have missed for yourself along the way._ These expressions of biochemically imbalanced individuals are not typical frustrations but demonstrate full blown mental exhaustion with what your loved one is experiencing. Just listen as best you can and if they "give up a little bit," try to tell them they are of great value and meaning to you. Also, tell them that you may not fully understand the depth of their anguish, but will try to understand as best you can. _ As I stated before, if you have not had a lasting or deep depression yourself you may not even identify with the pain that your loved one is suffering-or the disperception of what they are suffering. The disperception is in fact that their reality at that moment and during that part of the depression is obvious, so be certain not to tell them they are wrong or shouldn't feel that way. Put yourself in "their skin" and see if you feel as they do. You might. The conversation may be short lived or consume hours with them repeating and exhausting everything 60 times. "I never had a depression. I didn't have time for one." Good for you.
Apathy and Indifference
Apathy and indifference are two symptoms which anyone can observe very readily when someone is in depression. However, if one thinks that the depressed person is not in depression, or doesn't recognize or doesn't wish to see depression then apathy and indifference may be interpreted as someone who doesn't give a damn about anything or anybody. They may do any sort of annoying behavior with all disregard for any other individual, animal, or even plant. They may leave opened food bags on the floor, nothing is ever put away, toilets are not flushed, no attempt is made to do anything that has any sign of function in life. Then you can see how someone who has a "chip on their shoulder" is shunned with scorn because people do not wish to be around this person. Neither do I like it, and neither does any thinking, feeling human, animal or maybe plant either. _ Even animals will sense the actions of an apathetic, indifferent human, and the animal will hide or stay away. What do you do for apathy and indifference? Try first to get the biochemcials in balance. Then what do you do? Hang on for dear life. Try to minimize the number and the intensity of arguments with your loved one. Tell them they must have biochemical balance. Tell them when some behavior happens that is appalling that they must not engage in such a behavior. Realize to yourself that it is not going to do a lot of good because the biochemicals are so far out of whack. As long as their behavior is not life threatening to themselves or others there is very little interceding that you can do. Set the rules you must have and the other rules. Very little modification can be accomplished with biochemical illness this bad. Even if you have ebb and flow of ups and downs in behavioral goodness, eventually your loved one must get the biochemical balance back by supplementation.
Part Two of Depression- Attempts At Function
I will talk about vitamin B6 first. Vitamin B6 deficiency or vitamin B6 imbalance, and therefore a deficiency, will cause a poor tolerance to stress, limited dream recall, sunlight sensitivity (burning rather than tanning), pain in the upper part of the abdomen. Deficiency may also cause hyperactivity, which may lead to learning disabilities, usually showing up in adolescence or slightly later such as the freshman year in college. So far it doesn't sound that important. Hang on because it is very important. _ Also, this vitamin B6 deficiency will demonstrate cyclic or periodic depression with marked evidence of apathy and indifference, followed by attempts to regain one's reality. This, in turn, creates stress, failures, and frustrations due to the lack of vitamin B6 and zinc. It is this second part of the larger cycle that you have to be very cautious of since it is the time when psychotic attacks may take place. So, you have a vitamin B6 deficiency, followed by a depression. Then, attempts at functioning are failed, signaling the second part of the depression cycle. Then there are more attempts at function and failures with a possibility of psychotic attacks. _ The reason for the possibility of psychotic attacks in the second set of depressive cycles is not fully understood, but it can be because vitamin B6-zinc momentarily restores itself followed by a huge need for vitamin B6 and zinc when they already have a deficiency. Thus, there is a higher level of strain or draw on vitamin B6-zinc when they attempt to function. _ From all my reading I have found that two individuals stand out in the research of Vitamin B6 and zinc. They are Carl Pfeiffer and Eric Braverman. Their research will give you many, many reasons and how the vitamin B6 and zinc actions and reactions work or don't work in your loved one. _ One very important thing that you should be aware of is that when your loved one is in depression they are trying by biochemical means to restore their supply of vitamin B6 and zinc (a means of protecting the organism at all costs, even if it means being in depression and pulling back from all stresses and, thus, demonstrating apathy and indifference). If they did not go into depression would they, in fact, die? I don't know, but it does demonstrate the massive amount of energy that the organism will expend in order to protect the organism first, regardless of the quality of life,which is a human trait, not a biological trait. So, you wonder why your loved one can go through a depression of apathy and indifference, and then in a few days, or weeks later, start to function again. You think they are back to normal, and then you find that they cannot function at all. The ebb and flow of the vitamin B6-zinc with its fluctuations is the cause. _ Remember all you see is behavior, and that is what you are judging. However, it is their biochemical imbalances that cause confusion for your loved ones. These cycles go on for years and years if they are not changed biochemically and with biochemical balance. So, you didn't know that the organism had a "will" of its own. It does biochemically, and may have in other ways that we don't know of yet, as well. There is a very definite reason for the depression, and as bad as it is for your loved one it is telling you that biochemically the organism is attempting to stay alive. After the depression and stress are brought on by the quest to function by your loved ones, you will see them fail in their attempts to make things work. Your loved one is having so much difficulty and you just think it is another part of the psychological depression. So, you may think that one day they are better behaviorally, and all things have changed for the better. They have not, and it is merely a readjusting of the vitamin B6-zinc levels at that time to be followed by another cycle. _ Let's say that when your loved one is in apathy-indifference depression they restore 2 ounces worth of vitamin B6-zinc, and then they come out of depression and start their attempts at functions. However, they need 7 ounces of vitamin B6-zinc. It is the extra need that causes stress, and that stress causes a massive depletion of vitaminB6-zinc, far greater than when they were in depression. This extra need for vitamin B6-zinc can and does many times cause many and all possible behavioral problems including aggression, violence (self-inflicted or to others), and a multitude of bad behaviors. All of these are causing an even greater call for vitamin B6-zinc. _ Over and over again, time after time, forever if you want to put it that way. You may think all you have to do is to give them vitamin B6 and zinc. You are correct. So do it. But also, remember that you don't know how much they need, and that is a very big problem. Get to an orthomolecular doctor. In the meantime, however, give them vitamin B6 and zinc.
If you look again at the list of observations given by the doctors and psychologists while observing behaviors of those that were given adrenolutin (an adrenochrome) you will see a large portion of these on the list refer to apathy or indifference, or a pulling away socially from almost all stimuli. This pulling away from stimuli occurs frequently, except in certain cases, when the stimuli is directed or originated within the thinking of the individual who received the adrenolutin. _ It is only a theory at this point in my research, but I have the strong suspicion that there are many biochemical pathways that can be altered when adrenochromes mutate or change into adrenolutin and other behavior-damaging biochemicals. If one pathway is such and such a biochemical reaction, then we have apathy and indifference. If the biochemical, even on the same biochemical pathway, takes a slightly different route we have anger, rage, and uncontrollable behavior. I do also have a feeling that, depending on the prior biochemical balance or imbalance of the the recipient of the adrenolutin injection, the pathway is governed or at least given biochemical guidance by the prior existing biochemicals before the injection. If, for example, someone with demonstrated anger or rage behavior was given this adrenolutin would they have more difficulty than someone who had a relatively functional biochemical balance? _ Experimentation aside, I feel that some people are depressed with one type of depression (and there are many different labels and progressions of depression) such as apathy, and then transfer to another type of depression in the course of the biochemical imbalance. So, some with depression can be apathetic at one point in the progression of their depression, and demonstrate violence at another point in their progression of depression. It may give you another thought in regard to the almost "jeckyl-hyde" changes in behavior, the escalation of arguments into full-blown rage, and the volatile, explosive demonstrations that we all observe. If you had your choice as an observer you would probably opt for the apathetic-indifferent form of depression as opposed to the anger, violent, rage type of depression, since you think it is easy to deal with. It may be, but it is still horrible for your loved one. _ What if, however, your loved one thought they were controlling their behavior, and all of a sudden they were in the midst of full blown anger or rage and could not figure out how it got in their person. It is also my theory that the greater the degree of fluctuations between these two types of depressive behavior the more difficulty your loved one will have. They are directly caused by the severity of biochemical imbalance. If you just got used to figuring out some part of the reasoning why you thought you were a certain way behaviorally, and then found out that none of it made any sense to you because of the radical change from apathy to rage, I know I, too, would be confused. _ Then, if you as a parent see these radical changes from one to the other, and you yourself have just gotten used to one form of depression it is difficult for you to know how to help your loved one. It is sort of like defining the biochemical imbalance into another level of thinking such as, "my loved is abnormal in her behavior, and this is a new abnormal for her abnormal behavior." I also believe there is a direct connection between these changes and impulse control. If you are apathetic and indifferent you really don't care too much, if any at all, about what goes on around you. If you are angry about any and all things around you and are "hell-bent" on changing any and all things that are wrong in your eyes, then you have to use action to make these changes happen. These actions can be, in fact, impulsive many times. _ I do think there is some connection between this crossover from the two types of depressive biochemical imbalance and suicide. The suicide is something we all see and are so amazed by. We did not see any signs of suicidal thoughts in our loved one. Yes, there are specific levels of seretonin and other specific brain chemicals that, when altered or diminished below normal levels, may cause the lowered impulse control, thus, the suicide. _ However, I have a feeling that it is connected to the crossover of adrenochromes or at least in conjunction with adrenochromes and brain chemicals. So, what do you do? I don't know except as I have said before, "Get the correct nutrients into your loved one." Theories, labels, descriptions, and all the analysis in the world is nothing more than that. They cannot solve the problem unless you make the engine in your loved one work properly with the correct fuel.
Fatigue in depression
This section will be brief and to the point without any analogies. The total person is biochemically imbalanced, and fatigue is certainly one of the major clues to depression and to biochemical imbalance. Try to do things when you are physically exhausted, and see how well you can function.
Psychology is Very Limited
Behavior Science philosophy can only help by trying to be as human as you can. You can't make this engine of theirs work right now because it either has the wrong fuel or none at all. Simple as that. Yes, it is shame and hard to take. Just ride it through. If they have been taking their nutrients and have stopped taking them recently, depleting whatever reservoir of nutrients that keep their depression at bay, then try to get them to go out for something to eat or fix them some food. Again, there are no answers, and you have to try and keep on trying. Sometimes it helps, and sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't, you may feel horrible because you could not do anything. You know that even though the "flood-gate" has ceased for the moment, the pain and anguish your loved one is suffering from has not really gone anywhere. It is disguised in another form. You may have day after day of this sort of flood-gate situation and wonder when they will "give up". _ First, why would you want them to give up? Second, as long as your loved one is disappointed and can express it, even if it is with anger, then you have more than the quiet, withdrawn recluse that cannot in any way feel or express a part of their own decisions for their own destiny. Yes, you want it to go away, but hopefully for the right reasons. You want it to go away and be replaced with a joyful, full-of-life, participating human with all their own potential striving for the next adventure toward the beauty of life. Good for you. You are finally getting out of yourself and trying to understand the ugliness of this biochemical illness. You are trying to do something about it, but still respect the virtues and abilities of your loved one. _ "Where the hell is there any beauty in this?" For me, as you, there isn't. However, you always must look toward the day when there might be some beauty, otherwise, you, too, may have just disguised your own depression. And what if only one nutrient was the cause of all this depression with all its "flood-gate" emotions? (You may want to re-read Pfeiffer's story about the young girl and zinc.)
Doctor choice
Doctor choice is paramount - the quality of the individual human who "just happened to be a doctor." The tests and the type of tests and the ability of the doctor to interpret the tests in the progression of the disease are very important. This last statement is extremely important because the doctor must take ranges given by testing labs and make sense not only from the lab's analysis but what the doctor thinks it means at a particular stage of the disease. This again reflects the "total being"- as TCM doctors know that one herb or biochemical is necessary at one particular point in an illness and that same herb or biochemical is to be avoided completely at another point in the illness because it would be harmful perhaps even making a "new illness," far worse that the original disease. _ "But I can't get to a doctor, can't find one, don't have the money for one, insurance will not pay for these special tests, etc." I did tell you many times already that biochemical illness is a horrible disease, and you have just started. You will survive, and I hope your loved one will too. (On this last thought you should read several times the brief section on suicide and the significance and understanding of it and how damaging biochemical illnesses really are.)
Stop-Gap Measures
You can do a few "stop-gap" measures in the meantime hopefully, for a month or so. You must seek out ways to get your loved one to complete proper orthomolecular care. You may also have various crises that alter even your plan to get your loved one to proper care. Try to get the nutrients into your loved one. _ I remember reading a story Abram Hoffer told of a medical doctor in California who had a son 12 years of age who had a psychotic fit and had to be hospitalized. The father, a medical doctor, worked with the other medical doctors in the hospital, and all came to no good results for his son. The other doctors at the hospital told the father that he should find a mental hospital for his son. In desperation the father telephoned Hoffer in Victoria, Canada, and Hoffer instructed the father to get niacin into the child. The father told the other doctors what he wanted to do for his son. The other doctors told the father the niacin would "fry his son's brain." Finally, in total desperation he asked his wife to make jelly sandwiches with the nutrients crushed and covered with jelly on bread, but she was too reluctant to do so. Finally, the father decided he would himself make his afternoon visits with the nutrients covered with jelly on bread. The results in 12 weeks were outstanding and the son's recovery was even classified as a "miracle" by the other doctors. _ This was a stop-gap measure, and again it wasn't. Obviously, the doctor's son was starved for the correct-balance of biochemicals in his organism (the total person), and he responded in a short time. Hoffer has written in detail of these situations, and I suggest your read this man's work, which is truly amazing. _ Hoffer did not guess at what the problem was with the boy. Hoffer knew that it was biochemical imbalance and knew which nutrients would help. Call it "cause and effect" if you wish, but there is much more going on than that. _ Do read the Hoffer-Osmond books dating back to 1960. Hoffer and Osmond and some few others have known some of these biochemical functions since 1954, and, yet, the medical profession has denied their validity. You will find another world of scholarship that truly is remarkable with the Hoffer-Osmond works. Hoffer, as an individual doctor and researcher, also has many outstanding research books that you should pursue. _(See bibliography.) _ Who would you choose for a doctor for your son if he was psychotic and in the hospital with an outcome of a mental hospital as a final resting place regardless of the length of stay? I would choose Hoffer. Simple. _ And there is another issue here that is also disturbing. Not all people who have a psychotic fit and end up in the hospital have a father who is a doctor, and a doctor that realized he did not have the answers for his son. He had the vision to seek out knowledge from others who had the knowledge. Another issue is that people assume that doctors "care" about your loved one's wellness, but there are some doctors that do not. Even if the doctors did "care" about the doctor's son they still would have had to have had the knowledge to know what to do with it. So, sometimes when you think you are getting a straight-forward answer from a doctor you may be getting trouble instead. _ If you remember, I have a great interest in TCM and one of the major reasons that TCM came about was for each member of that society to know how to heal themselves. Each person in that TCM culture grows up from a very young age with the understanding of how TCM works. Many years ago, and for centuries, a TCM doctor was not paid until the patient was well. The doctor of TCM knew the family both socially and physically, their desires, wishes, stresses and many more things. Try not paying your doctor until you are "well". Also, your doctor will probably determine that you are "well" from his perspective since he will want to be paid his money.
Too much lead, copper, and other heavy metals that are very harmful for the person, including causing major behavior problems, can be taken out of the body by a process called chelation (pronounced keylation). By vein, a non-harmful synthetic agent called EDTA is given that will pull out all copper, lead, and other heavy metals and restore the body to a biochemical balance. There is a drawback. When EDTA is administered it takes all of the nutrients out of the body including zinc and all the ones you need. So all that it takes out of the body that is good must be put back in, and that is done at the same time the EDTA solution is administered. _ Another problem for many people is the length of the session for administration of EDTA, which takes usually three hours every three days for as many as 20 to 60 sessions. "Does chelation work?" Without question. "Is it harmful?" Not at all, if given by a skilled and trained chelation doctor certified and trained under direct supervision of the national accrediting board that supervises chelation treatment. "Is it costly?" It can be, with ranges from $60 to $90 per session. I know you are already running the figures in your mind, $60 times 60 sessions equals $3600. If your loved one was in a car accident and you have limited insurance coverage or the insurance coverage you had would not cover your loved one's problem, you would try to help your loved one, regardless of the costs. You probably would, so don't be so frightened of the costs of chelation treatments. Another thing about chelation is that it is for so many and all types of biochemical imbalances. _ One chelation doctor I personally visited for a problem I was having did nothing but chelation for heart patients. He had been doing it for 22 years with great success that allowed the patients to avoid completely any and all forms of heart surgery, plus restoring the patients' hearts to a healthy state and the rest of their body to balance. _ You can read about how the government has tried and in many cases outlawed chelation in many states. A doctor in my home state of Kentucky told me that when he sent in his insurance forms for reimbursement to the state head office of the insurance company and if it had any unusual tests and certainly chelation that the insurance company would not pay for it. The insurance company notified the medical board of the state and the doctor was brought up on charges (and, in some cases, prohibited from practicing medicine in the state). _ This, in fact, happened to the doctor I was talking to. This doctor had practiced an orthomolecular-type of medicine including chelation for years and with great success to his patients. Then some 21 years ago other doctors in the area took out a one page advertisement in the local newspaper telling of this doctor and his procedures and that people should not use chelation. How would you like to hire an attorney, fight 34 other doctors, prove malice and intent and all the rest to prove you were right? So, the doctor finally gave in and started practicing so-called traditional medicine. _ I personally was in his office while he told me this 25 minute conversation, even while other patients waited for him. It obviously was still a sore spot in his life or he would have not taken the time to tell me the story. He also told me to keep trying to find an orthomolecular doctor because he knew it worked. _Chelation is not a last ditch effort but should be used early on in disease, and then the multitude of problems of the complications of different disease states would not get a foothold. When you read about TCM you will find that I talk about "in" and "out" in balance biochemically, and chelation is this in and out of proper biochemical balance. Chelation and nutrient therapy will probably be the next step in obtaining wellness for people in the Western world in the coming years. Chelation helps to detox, and the nutrients will replenish the person and give biochemical balance.
For thousands of years various cultures throughout the world have had religious customs that utilize the fasting from food- the lack of eating. I do not recommend this unless under the close supervision of a well trained doctor, who has done this procedure before and knows what can go wrong, as well as the benefits of fasting. You may find something very strange if your loved one fasts from food. She may over a period of three to four days loose many of her bad behavioral traits. _ The reason is that of purification of the organism. This cleaning out of the residues of unused food products and the resulting behavioral changes for the positive will show you very quickly that behavior is definitely directly connected to the foods your loved one is eating. Do not try this on your own. Read the Allan Cott book on fasting listed in the bibliography.
The use of tranquilizers has to be used sometimes in psychotic or severe suicidal situations, but if you can be advised of natural nutrients that the person is craving and needs to correct their imbalance then please never use tranquilizers. If your loved one is on them when you give nutrients at the same time be certain to "wean" them off tranquilizers very slowly over a period of weeks or months. If your loved one is on tranquilizers, seek an orthomolecular doctor .
CHAPTER 1 _ Review: Key words/Sentences _1)They are not demonically possessed _2)Biochemical illness is a combination of many diseases _3)Biochemical balance is paramount _4)Nutrients and the Marble Tournament _5)Why don't doctors know about biochemical illness? _6)What do you mean biochemicals? _7)What the biochemicals do do _8)Sharp turns and U turns _9)Withdrawn and quiet- anything that is not "normal" for that person _10)Milk, wheat, corn and sugar _11)Playing doctor _12)Which foods? _13)Pfeiffer and the girl with a zinc problem _14)Lack of empathy _15)Eating the same foods repeatedly _16)Verbal interaction response problems _17)Hazard signs- fires 18)Violent to objects, themselves, others _19)Bed wetting _20)Cruelty to animals _21)Always wanting more, nothing is good enough _22)Antisocial behavior _23)Resists changes _24)Rage of any kind _25)Obsessiveness for any of the senses _26)Gravitating to only one person _27)Fatigue _28)Foul language _29)Growth spurts _30)Experimenting with drugs, alcohol _31)Lies - deceit _32)Lack of routine _33)Overthinking _34)Lack of rituals _35)Blaming others _36)Finding a mate _37)Copper and its destruction _38)Your loved one must have zinc _39)Heal thyself _40)Tying specific behavior traits together _41)Just because you see one thing rather easily does not mean it is what you are really seeing, but the result of something else. If you remember this principle of thinking in terms of biochemical illness you will understand a better perspective in terms of behavioral traits and where they come from. _42)Negative terms applied to one with biochemical illness _43)Parents' views _44)Views by one with biochemical illness _45)Floodgate disperceptions - everything that is wrong _46)For the first time, a direct connection between biochemicals and behavior and established that behavior was not a culture-based inducer. That behavior could not be changed simply by talking about it. _47)One principle to remember is that if it is not in the person naturally, there is a reason. Everything that needs to go into the person must be either there naturally or be there by food to make that natural substance. _48)Osmond and adrenolutin- apathy and indifference _49)Osmond and LSD25 - behavioral changes _50)Yes, it is, but so is the information that allowed for the connection between behavior and biochemical imbalance and then between biochemical imbalanced behaviors and vitamin B3._51)Animal studies and their behaviors _52)So go ahead and protest all you want about culture-based behavior, and I will tell you it is biochemically based first. It is for the most part biochemical and only when other aspects of behavior come into play do we think it is culture- based behavior. _ Very important clue- None of these behavior traits were "normal" for Osmond in his normal personality as verified by other doctors and even his wife. Anything that is not "normal" for a person and they demonstrate unusual or bad behavior is a very strong clue that they have biochemical imbalance. _ All of the bad traits were biochemically induced and caused the bad behavior traits. The adrenochromes including adrenolutin and LSD 25, which mimics schizophrenia, were used. These same biochemicals are in each person's person, and stress as interpreted by the person can and does cause the release of adrenochromes, which cause bad behavior. Remember that behavior is an extension of something on the inside of the total organism. These adrenochromes are produced in tissues throughout the person and are in no way only in the adrenal glands. _53)My farmer friend's daughter _54)What I see in my farmer friend's daughter _55)How you know nutrients work _56)Depression _57)Doctor choice and tests _58)Stop-gap measures _59)Chelation _60)Chelation and nutrient therapy will probably be the next step in obtaining wellness for people in the Western world in the coming years. Chelation helps to detox, and the nutrients will replenish the person and give biochemical balance. _61)Fasting _62)Tranquilizers- if your loved one is on tranquilizers, seek an orthomolecular doctor now.
How bad can behavior get and why? Stress- our bad guy.
Stress of any kind can be bad for the human organism. We need stress, however, so that we will have a "will" to do things, think thoughts, socialize and function on this plane of existence. The stress that I will write about here is negative stress that causes so many biochemical problems. Thoughts, actions, and deeds do, in fact, cause the adrenal glands to secrete hormones that affect the entire body in a split second of time, almost not measurable even by technology. _ The speed, amount of secretion, and its interplay with all the various pathways including meridians, electrical pathways, and biochemical pathways can cause devastating consequences. I will speak here only of biochemical pathways, but do not forget that the other pathways, the energy pathway ("chi" in TCM) and the electrical pathways, are extremely important. It would literally take volumes of words to explain these pathways, which are even more complicated than biochemical pathways (at least to me). _ There are certain biochemicals that are created and some that are already made in the adrenal glands that are called adrenochromes. These adrenochromes are activated and change into other substances which then have a different function than their original purpose. They may, and do many times, originate out of no known place, or reason, and your loved one may have this happen, too. _ If, for example, you have nitrogen, a basic element, by itself you do not have a problem. However, if you put the correct amount of glycerin with it you have nitro-glycerin, a highly unstable and volatile chemical. I intentionally use these two words "unstable" and "volatile" with a specific purpose in mind. _ "Wow, does she ever let it rip sometimes. She doesn't even come up for air and lets it rip again. One night she lasted 2 1/2 hours by the clock. She tore up her room, and it is a good thing they weren't my things or I would have let her have it." Your loved one probably has the same type of reaction as the nitro-glycerin, a chemical that is changed into biochemicals that make them "unstable" and "volatile". _ For many years without knowing, I have been witness to my own anger, and the anger of others, and the step at which that anger turns up the volume of biochemicals to get into a full-blown-rage. If you are angry with a specific purpose and reason, and you have been wronged in terms of your moral code of thinking, you will at least get over it in time with rethinking and reevaluations. _ Some things take a great deal of thinking and reevaluation, and along the way hurt replaces our thinking and reevaluations. But what if your loved one cannot do those same procedures to arrive at a conclusion of how to deal with hurt and anger? What if they have not just one mechanism that doesn't work but a whole series of either "misfiring" biochemicals or biochemical imbalances caused by deficiencies? _ "Wait a minute. Are you telling me that a gland the size of a small peanut can do all this?" You are correct. These adrenochromes and their transformation are the root causes of a multitude of biochemical illnesses. _ Extensive research on adrenochromes was started in 1951 by Hoffer, Osmond, Altshul, Symthies and others. Their research is so disturbingly correct that one wonders why this research was not desalinated world-wide overnight. But it wasn't. In fact, it was challenged, and many attempts were made to destroy the research. The results these practicing psychiatrists and biochemists came up with to demonstrate that adrenochromes do, in fact, not only cause humans to react in a certain manner but also obtained the same results from animals. You can say, "Well, I am not an animal and, therefore, information about animal studies is irrelevant." Nonsense. There is a great deal to be learned from animal studies, and one very important lesson is that the same biochemicals that exist in terms of aminochromes in humans also exists in animals. The reaction of animals to changes in the aminochromes to other biochemicals does alter their behavior in many ways.
"But wait a minute- animals don't have behavior like we do." Precisely the point- they are not to our knowledge, at this point, given the capacity to think and have a moral code of right and wrong as we think of these aspects. Again, you are correct, but they do demonstrate highly agitated, aggressive, violent reactions to over stimulation of certain adrenochromes that cause changes in their biochemical pathways to other biochemical substances. Now, my question to you is, "How do you expect your loved one with not only one biochemical imbalance to have enough 'willpower' to overcome something so strong as adrenochromes and their alterations, much less if there are many biochemical imbalances going on?" _ "Well, I give up - this is too complicated, and if this tiny little gland is so important then there is nothing I can do anyway. Besides I have to go to work." Wait a minute. Did you hear me when I said again "biochemical imbalance? "I have to go, but I will be back later." Now you may begin to appreciate the science of people like Hoffer, Osmond, Pfeiffer, Braverman, Symthies, and so many others. If someone told you that gasoline does not work in a diesel engine you would not put it in expecting it to run. You would put the proper fuel in the engine that required that fuel. That is precisely what is done to correct some biochemical imbalances.
Niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Zinc
Niacin, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and zinc all help to alter adrenochrome changes to other biochemicals that cause many behavior problems. "You mean to say adrenochromes and their biochemical changes caused my loved one to curse up a storm and call me every name in the book such as 'you stupid mother-f***ing a**ho**,' and then 5 minutes later ask me to take them shopping as if nothing had ever happened?" Yes, they do. The tragedy for me is that to this point I have not been able to find enough research to find out whether or not there is a sub-consciousness that they are "in" or if they are aware of their actions and words. But, then again, they are not aware. _ Anyone in our so-called culture would probably feel some degree of guilt later, but it is as if these circumstances never happened in the minds of your loved ones. "I will just get them away from all stress." Good luck, because it is impossible, and what would be the purpose of life anyway at that point? "Well, I'll get them away from as much stress as possible." You are getting closer. How about trying to "calm the spirit" either with TCM and unfortunately that is next to impossible to do, so far, except in special geographical regions of the country. Try biochemical balance to "calm the spirit". I do not have enough time, energy or knowledge to give you the differences between "calming of the spirit" in terms of TCM or orthomolecular medicine, but there are some. Besides that, you are in a hurry. _ Every day you can read in the newspaper about someone with biochemical imbalance and what they have done to society and the individuals within that society. Violence of any imaginable kind. "Well, they are either out of their minds, or we should just put them away." We do do that. Do you want to grow or be clueless? Do you want to help your loved one or give all kinds of reasons to deny them the chance to live to their greatest potential? It may not be as high in life as you think you have come, but it is as high as they can go in their life- their potential. Your reality may even at a later time be surpassed by theirs. "So all this just to take the above mentioned nutrients?" Yes, because you must understand why and how things got to where they are. Who knows? You might help someone else's family someday. _ Don't miss "flood-gates". Remember, you are not attempting to cure depression. You are attempting to cure the reason why depression, an expression of the total person, the behavioral trait that we can easily see, exists at the biochemical level. The treating of depression is faulty and, yes, it makes the loved one feel better, and you and everyone else feels better. However, it is not the total expression of what is going on with the biochemical illness. _ Thousands of books have been written about depression: its types, its origins, how to help with depression and the like. Hundreds of books have been written on depression as part of other biochemical illnesses. Behavior books are only of use in describing what depression is and its manifestations. Depression, as explained and described in biochemical terms, makes sense because it is dealing with the reasons for the depression in the first place. _ For example, if you have too little GABA (a necessary biochemical) you may have depression if there is too much stimuli, but to say that you are depressed because you failed in a school project, and that you must "talk your way back to a balance" of GABA in your person is very difficult, or impossible. Talk all you want. It will not do any good and, in fact, may even do harm, since while talking about the school project failure and all the stimuli you need to discuss it and methods to deal with it, will also increase stimuli and increase your need for more GABA. _ In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) they have a phrase for this called "calming the spirit," which is, in fact, what needs to be done. It is a simplistic answer and requires great skill by the doctor of TCM to bring this about. In biochemical terms we could just say, "Go take a dosage of GABA and all will be well." Wrong, sometimes. Biochemicals work together in balance and in pathways and energy fields, and a multitude of ways that would take volumes to explain, even if I could explain them. _ Yes, many manic-depressive patients do, in fact, take GABA and have some good results. It is also given for other biochemical illnesses such as alcoholism, but to say you have a magic bullet for your loved one's biochemical illness is very foolhardy, and, perhaps, even damaging to your loved one in the future progression of his or her disease. _ "Well, what am I to do?" The first thing to remember is that we as humans are total organisms, and what is treated in the toe may affect the head. In some acupuncture points used in TCM, that is the case. The same is true with biochemicals because all biochemicals are at the smallest levels of the body- the cell, and even smaller levels as you will see if you read some of the scientific research references listed in the bibliography. Also, when you think that this biochemical illness that your loved one has is complicated, just remember it has so many things going on that the change of one biochemical change can alter, and literally changes thousands of other biochemicals. It is like looking into a kaleidoscope with all its colors and shapes changing with the slightest change of your hand. _ "Just tell me what to do." You, as I once did, want a quick fix , which will probably not happen. First, you have to remember that this biochemical disease may have and probably was going on for some time. It may have been even years or perhaps since birth or before birth. Also, remember that behavior is an extension of the organism just as sweat coming out of the pores, urine, excrement, skin tags, gas, or tumors. But when we think of behavior we always think of it as a mental thing, separated from sweat, excrement or the like. Again, I must caution that you are not thinking in terms of "calming the spirit" (a behavior), which is a inner thing, just as the toxin releases of urine, sweat, etc. are part of the person. Behavior is an extension of something inside the organism governed by biochemicals and a multitude of other aspects such as energy fields, electrical currents, etc. _ So, if you want to get into the labeling game you can come up with a completely new series of illnesses such as biochemical-electronic-chi stagnation- in the third dimension of a progressive disease. "What does all this mean?" I am attempting to get you to realize that the human being you love, who has this biochemical illness, cannot be fixed by one simple pill and "come back and see me in ten days Western medicine" as we have come to know it unless it is the correct nutrient or nutrients. _ "Just tell me what to do." It took time for your loved one's illness to get to this place, regardless of how it started and when it started. Think in total human terms- the total organism which includes mental, physical, spiritual, and unlabeled things we don't even know yet, and, of course, behavior which is the final thing as a human, that we as humans feel and see- the most important aspect of our being.
Civilization is based on behavior and rightly so, but it is still an extension of something inside the organism that comes out. Simply by reading philosophy or studying folklore I am sure your can come up with many old adages and sayings that reflect that belief, such as, "he died of a broken heart", "heal thyself", "do no harm", "hope runs eternal", etc. These are all inner thoughts. Cultures that came up with these thoughts had a reason to express their pains and pleasures. They may or may not have come to the conclusion that behavior is an extension of the inner being. That part doesn't really matter, but what does matter is that we are a total human. The total human is what needs to be changed if any of parts are to be "fixed" (if that is an admissible term). "You are getting me farther away from how to help my loved one, and I am still waiting to find out how to help." Finally, if you have agreed with the principle of "total human" then you will understand more about the following. One biochemical by itself may not work. You will have to find an orthomolecular doctor that is open-minded to the illness your child has. He or she will do blood tests on the amino acids, vitamin c- plasma, hair analysis for heavy metals such as lead, copper, titanium, cobalt, etc. He or she may also order tests for digestive-protein metabolism including IGe2, 3, 4, copper-zinc ratios, various ratios of various amino acids, acid-ph balance tests (crucial since all biochemicals must be in balance and the acid-base-ph level is one of the primary levels of all cell development, and is, in simplistic terms, the basis for TCM.) Also, you will get tests for your loved one that you may not have known even existed.
They will do hair analysis for heavy metals which can cause massive behavior problems as well as other illnesses. They will do blood tests for mineral balances, especially copper-zinc levels. They will do amino acids (22) tests and metabolic tests to determine protein absorption,allergies,and major gut bacterial tests including candida,yeast and microbes. They can now do many, many specific tests including some neurotransmitter tests, such as seretonin. _ There are varying degrees of accuracy and validity to testing. Some are very accurate and helpful, and some are only a little better than a guess. Some tests done on plasma are better than on whole blood. Some tests are done when the person has food-fasted prior to the tests. All tests are simply indicators of the possible directions your doctor might pursue for your loved one. _ However, the tests will definitely help in his or her diagnosis. Many will give exact reasons for your loved one's symptoms. Remember, you might be thinking again about behavior with your loved one, and I caution you to realize that the tests indicate biochemical imbalance of the entire organism. Behavior is simply an extension of something inside the organism. Have your loved take the HOD (Hoffer-Osmond Diagnostic test for depression-one of your major markers for illness). _ One of the reasons you may not have known these tests exist is that your local doctor, who a mere 7 years ago was cutting your grass for extra money in the summer, went to the local state university, was only instructed in the curriculum of that university medical school, now has a medical degree with a closed mind, and probably the vision of a bad auto mechanic, and is now the "expert", and your final hope for your loved one. If you thought your loved one is depressed, you probably are too by reading the last couple of sentences. And you will hear that "they" -meaning the medical association- are doing a fine job and give you statistics about this and that demonstrating advances in medical technology and the control of disease. "Image over substance" is what I call it. "Beware of those that are not human in their fullest potential for they may harm you or your loved one" because they are either "clueless", arrogant, or think they have all the answers. _Another major guidepost to biochemical illness is fear, the perception or the disperception of fear. I am not talking about being cautious and weighing possibilities of pain or hardships of any given circumstance that may arise, looking at things in advance, but fear that either is totally unfounded or fearless fear without any reason to expect any consequences from one's actions. "How can fear be fearless? That is double-talk." Not really. Their fear is so great that people with biochemical illness sometimes feel the only way to get around their fear is to be fearless. Therefore, they do not have any checks and balances to anticipate consequences. Therefore, consequences do not exist. Even though consequences do exist they have the disperception that no consequences exist. They will "show their fear who is boss." They "will show everyone else" they are not fearful, too. They are so confused and, yet, refuse help. It is sad, indeed. You will see below that many of the disperceptions are fear-based. Some of these disperceptions may even lead to full-blown hallucinations.
Reality Choices
There are many saints in foxholes in a war. Yes, there are because people close to death will go to any extreme to get away from pain. It is part, perhaps, of our animal brain stem function or maybe just a desire to get away from pain. The point is that people with biochemical imbalances attempt to do the same thing that any "normal" person will do except they have fewer options as they perceive reality. _ If I said I am a thinker, cook, do my laundry, cut the grass, perform music, socialize with various people, or thousands of things we do whether we do them one time or have done them since early childhood then you will understand my point. Then I have a variety of interests or choices within my larger reality. These are choosing different levels of enjoyment and, in some cases, changing realities yet still remaining the same person. If I now say to you that I can no longer cook my favorite meals and socialize with my family and friends you would probably ask, "why not?"_ We all change into this and that reality as the occasion arises and we give and obtain back from that experience something, even if it is bad by our definition. But what if you could not "feel" that you were obtaining anything of value regardless of what you did? When you always have a "misplaced person-situation" in your interpretation of your reality then you will have problems. In the minds of others you have just as many reality choices as everyone else, but in the mind-spirit-person of the biochemically ill they "feel" they have but one choice, even though it is confusing, painful and, in their feelings, meaningless. The lack of choice in reality choosing is directly related to biochemical illness._ Let's say they do all the things that you choose for your reality, trying to do them the same way that you do, but because of perception and disperception on their part, they can not in any way "obtain or give" to that reality in the same way that you do. _ So many times people with biochemical illness have what some call the "give-me" attitude . Nothing is ever good enough for them. They always want more, regardless of what it is. An addiction to one reality choice only - no other possibilities. _ "But, wait a minute. I don't see that." You may not see it except when the person is very depressed or having great difficulties. Remember, hopefully, that your loved one is not ill 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can communicate some things to them. However, one of the greatest problems in figuring out when your loved one is ill during the day is when you think you are "getting through" in a conversation and later you realize that nothing was, in fact, received on their part. You may think that they just didn't want to listen and were behaviorally bad people (and maybe they were), but just because you send thoughts by ways of words to an individual that has biochemical illness does not mean that it is always comparable to someone who does not have a biochemical illness.
Then there is the "pushing" . People with biochemical illness push everything and everyone away. That is why you see a change in their personality. You can say, "Well, they did this and that last month and they were so happy with themselves." Correct, they did do those things and they may do them again. You might think, "all is well". However, they did those things and were happy with themselves when the biochemicals were not going wild. People with biochemical disease will push everyone away, lash out at their nearest relative or friend, and demonstrate any kind of abuse (verbal, physical) to any and all in an attempt to get away from their pain. (Whether you think their pain is "real" or not, it is "real" to them and thus, "real"). So, you may have thought you and your loved were very close to one another just a year earlier. You probably were, but they probably did not have the biochemical illness. _ "Pushing" may, and many times does, cause you to finally feel that you cannot live in such turmoil. If your loved one is old enough to live on his or her own, you may ask them to move out of your house. This, for someone with biochemical illness, can and does set up a whole series of other or unforeseen problems, for them especially, and some for you as well. If you have your loved one live with a friend or relative it may be slightly better, but the friend or relative is less likely to put up with your loved one's behavior than your are. _ So pushing is so bad, so destructive, and so hard to deal with for all people. You can't say to your loved one that you know how they feel, because you really don't. You don't know how much information is really getting through to them, and what is going to be effective the next day. You are so tired of them pushing and pushing and to you it makes no sense in the world. To them, it probably makes no sense either, but they may not even know they are doing it. Even if they do, they may not really have a say in the matter since the biochemicals are governing this part of their biochemical imbalance. Yes, it is a mess, and there are no easy or even worthwhile answers. You might keep asking yourself why someone who wants love and understanding does everything in their power to destroy even verbal communication much less exchange love. You will have so many questions about "pushing" that you yourself could write a book about it explaining what it is and all its different directions and the like, but not one answer as to why they do it. It truly is one of the heartbreaking aspects of biochemical illness. _ Any other illness, it seems, brings people closer together many times but not biochemical illness with behavior problems. (These are obviously generalizations.) _ Then others might say, "my child has always acted that way, being abusive and violent." Sorry to say, but your child has had a biochemical illness for that length of time. Then you come to lack of reality choices and "pushing" together. Because your loved one with biochemical illness has had to push you away they have even restricted their reality choices farther. What a box to be in. And you may say, "Well, I don't care. What the hell, it's their problem and they should get their act together or else." One problem, two problem, many problem, how many problems? You think it is because they are depressed and rude and just mean people and they got in with the wrong crowd of people. (Much more on this later-since it is indeed very important.)
People with biochemical illness demonstrate a behavior that is a paradox-one thing seems one way but is another. You must remember that we are talking about behavior, which is an extension of some of the inner parts of the total person. Animals cannot talk the way we talk so they can't call you every four-lettered word in the book as maybe your loved one has. Animals will finally eat whatever is there for them to survive (even though there have been some studies where under certain conditions animals will starve themselves to death before eating a particular food because their biochemical-brain structure has been altered). Is it so different than anorexia? It is a biochemical change. Animals do change radically with sense of smell, one of their most prized abilities and treasures. Animals also respond either in positive or negative ways (for the lack of better terms), much the same way as humans. Animals also respond radically in terms of violence and aggression due to changes or biochemical imbalances. So don't think you cannot learn from animals. All of the above are random thoughts of biochemical imbalances.
Short Term Memory Problems
"So, where are you going with this?" Biochemical illness does, in fact, alter behavior in humans and in animals. We think that our loved one wants love but pushes it away with all their might; they want to try to live a life to their potential but can't; they want to "feel" but their emotions are blunted; they want, want, want, and can't get anything they want. This is because their reality is not solid and fixed in their choice of reality long enough for them to have short-term working memory so that they have a "home base" to return when they do have confusion. I do not know if you realize the importance of short-term working memory but it is what gives a continual time line in all life's experiences whether or not we use them, deal with unanswered questions about particular life adventures, or simply know that we have them in reserve to help use our senses to know who we are. This statement at first may seem vague, but where I am going with this? If you cannot remember then you may feel you are doing something for the first time and because of the uncertainty may build anxiety or simply pursue that activity without any preconceived thoughts. You need to know who your are, and by trial and error and cause and effect you build a reservoir of experiences that you can rely on to hopefully predict your next adventure in life. When you smiled at your mother as a month-old infant your mother smiled back. When you were at such and such an age, a such and such action on your part took place followed by a reaction from someone or something else. But what if you smiled at your mother and she shouted back at you? Your internal memory would be different. Your program would be different. This is not only true of humans but of animals (and even plants as far as I am concerned). I am not talking about so-called "sixth sense" thoughts that are an entirely different thing, but I am talking about how programming the person is so paramount to the future of that human being.
Let me give you an example. A time back I read in the local newspaper about a woman who had a five-year old son in a local mental health day-care facility that was closing because of financial problems. The child had been given some magnificent behavior label as stated in the paper, and the mother was upset because she knew that her son did not have any place to go with his problems. _ The mother is a single working-mother with the son, five years old, and a daughter, eight years old. I read the article with my breakfast and began to think about the situation. (I shall call the woman Jane Hansen and the son I will call Sam.) I spent the next two hours calling all the Hansens in the phone book trying to locate Jane Hansen to no avail. I finally had two numbers that during the day of calling did not answer, so at nine PM I decided to make just one last effort, and that was going to be it for me. First number, wrong Hansen. The last number was the uncle of Jane Hansen. I told him who I was and said that I might have some information that would be helpful to his niece and her son. I told him I was going to bed in one hour, but if his niece wished to call me before then it was alright. Five minutes later she called._ I told her of a number of things she could do. She started telling me many things that showed that she did have some insight into trying to help her son but knew nothing of biochemicals to aid her son. Where I am going with this is that her son had many of the marks of biochemical-behavior illness including being plagued with hallucinations, especially of huge bugs crawling down the wall and trying to get him. How would you like to try to convince a five year old with limited solid, concrete, verifiable, usuable memory that those bugs were not real to him? _ First, he must have massive fear. No one sees them, so he must know that his thinking is wrong and so on. Yes, even these things can be changed, and a correct view of reality can be seen by the use of the correct biochemicals. If a 14-year-old child saw bugs it would be entirely different since the 14-year-old has a different memory base -a home base to rely on. Yes, this is called onset of the biochemical illness, but I am talking additionally about short-term memory. Your loved one may forget important things, not what they watched on television two nights ago or had for lunch last week. So, if you see memory gaps or memory laps that are alarming then be on guard for biochemical illness . _ The total person we can and do help by biochemical means, TCM and a variety of other ways, but we are mainly talking about biochemicals here. Your loved one may want love or not even be concerned in any way with it. The same is true of violence. If animals and humans are so close in this analogy, then violent animals want to be nice, caring animals. I don't know, but I don't think it is quite the same. I do think that many times violence is not a desire or wish by humans, but because the biochemical imbalance is there that the loved one has no or very little control over it, just as an animal that is violent has no control over its aggression or violence. "Wait a minute, that sounds like that old crap that 'the devil made me do it,' and I have no responsibility for anything. Therefore, I can do whatever I want, and no one can say anything because I have a biochemical illness." I was wondering when you would get to that point. The biochemically ill person does go in and out of the biochemical imbalance from time to time and within the day, for days at a time and with pauses that may last months with no behavioral problems, but they will have to be taught as best they can that they must take nutrients, the importance of them, and they do, in fact, have even a greater hardship (not less) to be responsible and cope with their illness, and as many of the manifestations of its behavior as possible. The person with biochemical illness must be taught that they will, in fact, have behavioral difficulties that many others do not have. They must know what to do when they have unusual and societal damaging behaviors. Any culture has the right to state and live by whatever moral code they wish. If you are a member of that culture and moral code, it is your individual responsibility to maintain your role in that culture. If you do not do so, that culture may and many times does attempt to alter or change your behavior or finally do away with you (meaning any variety of things). There is nothing new there except in instructing, demonstrating, spending time and energy to attempt to get your loved one to understand his or her significance in his or her chosen culture. _ This is the difference for someone with biochemical illness and again the reason why the nutrients must be in the loved one first. Then changes in behavior will occur, and many times they will change so many parts of their behavior (positive- for the lack of better term) without you realizing it. _ Biochemicals first, then you will see a behavior change (for the positive). So you may have thought I am a "bleeding heart liberal that allows free will". Only somewhat. You may have thought that I was saying that biochemical illness allows murder, violence, and all the like. I did not say it allows for those things but gave you some of the reasons "why" it happens. You must teach your loved one to be responsible on all levels including their love, compassion and responsibility to the greater society of which they, as I, may sometimes find disgusting. The "only s" or black and white issues of biochemical illnesses are many, and it is difficult to say this or that specific illness since every person is not only different biochemically but also behaviorally. _ Thus, if you think about stress in these terms you can see why simply going to the grocery for a loaf of bread can be stressful. It may seem very unusual to us, but we are not in their reality. _ "How do I keep them from pushing away? It really hurts." I really don't know. It seems like all of a sudden one day something and I don't know what will change biochemically and they will respond to one very small thing, and I mean small thing. Then, for a long period of time they are extremely cautious and never really trust in the same way that they had before the illness. _ If you ask me if I think there is brain damage with these types of biochemical illnesses I would say yes because the brain has gone a different direction from what it might have gone from the indicators of brain function prior to that. (And yes, as a means of communicating I separated the brain from the total person). Do I think it is a lasting brain damage? I would say yes again, but we are talking about "what ifs," what if this and that, and at some point it does not make much difference. But what does make more sense is that the biochemically ill person can and does recover, has and chooses more realities, functions and strives for their greatest potential.
Five Senses and Behavior
If any of the common five senses are altered and a resulting bad behavior change occurs it does indicate a biochemical illness. Smell, taste, touch, sight, and sound and the change in behavior "with" or "toward" any of these is a strong indicator of biochemical illness. _ Wow, that Bach St. Matthew Passion performance really was incredible and I really do not feel like talking and just want to enjoy the recollection of all its beauty in my mind. Maslowe would say, "you had a peak experience." I would say enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. The same can be said for food that appeals to the sense of taste. The senses are there and give us brain-stem reasons for our existence and perpetuation. They give us a reason to eat, a reason to hear- to stay away from harmful animals or to be able to kill them for eating. I think you have already figured out where I am going with these and other thoughts so I will not bore you with more analogies about the senses. If, however, your loved one perceives distortion of any kind, then, you should be on guard. Not always but almost always the distortion of any of the senses will indicate something is not right biochemically. _ The body of J.S. Bach (the giant of us all) was exhumed 150 years after his death and some pathologists and the like in Vienna stated that Bach had unusually large frontal lobe development, which the pathologists stated as the reason that Bach could conceive of so many sounds and where they were all going at any given moment in the music. I frankly do not know if unusually large frontal lobe development would give someone the capacity to hear so many sounds and the organization of these sounds (which is a separate issue). _ Bach had another sort of uncanny ability with his eyes. He, like all composers of his time, had to line their own paper with music lines. The amazing part is that Bach had a very neat musical penmanship and not one of hundreds of works ends the page with even a small margin left over. The entire page is completely covered from beginning to end with music spaced properly without jamming in the last few measures (as in comparison to Telemann, who wrote almost sideways to get it all in). (As an aside, Bach spent the last years of his life totally blind until the last three days of his life when he regained sight until his death three days later.) (Such irony.) _ It truly is remarkable in and of itself. Do you realize how difficult it is to conceive of a piece of music in your head and how difficult it is to see it on the page before it is on the page? Frontal lobe or not, I am amazed, and, of course, very grateful that civilization has this Bach's music. "I heard some of that Bach's music played at my niece's wedding. It wasn't too bad, but they should have had drums with it." (Absolutely no comment.) _ So, here we have an example of mixed sense states that I know a little about. I am certain that through the ages there have been many, not just a few, but they have not been documented. It, to me, is not so rare. Just as "jin and jang," the opposites in oriental thought, we have good ("gifts") perceptions and bad perceptions. It is the bad ones (for the lack of a better term) that I am concerned about here. So any distortion of the senses that have negative behavior traits associated with them are your guideposts as indicators of biochemical illness. That is a better definition.
Disperceptions (inappropriate responses to the stimuli- a thought disorder) - Anger - Rage - Brain Chemicals - Function - Survival - Fear.
Whenever someone perceives fear as a threat to one's being it can be interpreted in many different fashions and the ending result of this stimulation can not be predicted. Disperceptions are, in fact, a choosing and partial predicting of the outcome of a situation that may or may not become true as a result of a person's stimulation in the senses of the person receiving the stimulation. _ 1) For example, if a bear in the woods is about to attack you may percieve of this as a real threat to your well-being and take steps to avoid the bear's attack. _ 2) However, if you see the bear in the woods as a far distant object on a hill far away you may gauge the threat of attack as nothing more than observing the bear. _ 3) If you see a picture of a bear in a book you may not in any way see the bear as a threat but may in fact see the bear as a beautiful creature of nature. Three levels of thinking have been given here- the real possibility of an attack- the very remote fear of the bear charging across the distance to attack- and a picture of a bear which possesses no threat at all of an attack. _ If we become mixed up in our thinking we may interchange these outcomes- dispercetions- and finally paranoia- fear when none is there. If we think that we are simply looking at a picture of the bear and have no clue as to the bear's attack when, in fact, we are at a close distance to the bear and about to be attacked, we are having a disperception that may be harmful to say the least. If we are looking at a picture and think the bear is about ready to attack then we are having a disperception- we are choosing another reality that does not exist- we are taking thoughts in one field of thinking and forcing this reality into another reality. _ Disperceptions may also be seen as a manifestation of what stimuli goes into the brain and the resulting reaction from the person receiving the stimuli. If the reaction to a stimulus is given back to the person sending the stimulus, the person now receiving the reaction-stimulus interprets it as to whether or not the person receiving the original stimulus did, in fact, act in the appropriate manner with the correct reaction when returning his or her answer of the stimulation. If we say to the person, "run for your life to the gate to be protected from the bear" and find that the person given the statement interprets it to mean that the bear wishes to have ice cream, and, in fact, is ready to attack then there is no question that the stimuli-statement did not go in the brain of the receiver or at best was re-interpreted-disperceptioned to mean that no harm was going to happen. Plus, he re-interpreted his own "will" to send his stimuli back to the sender that not only was no attack going to take place but he had figured out that the attacking bear really only wanted ice cream. So, from an attacking bear to ice cream in one short second can change the course of actions for all. _ Some might say that the person with the disperception did, in fact, know more than the person sending the attack message, and the person having the disperception could offer insight to the sender of the message if only the sender would listen and observe the person with the disperception. So, we not only know that the message may or may not have been received, but we do know that we were given a response thought that was certainly not in the realm of our thinking or judging from what message we had sent. You may say that your loved one doesn't have that kind of problem in thinking. I hope not, but there are various levels of disperceptions that are harmful. The first one that is obvious to anyone is disguise of truth. Let's say I have reason to believe that my loved one is not telling me the truth about something that is very important, and they do not respond and simply ignore my presence or give an answer I know is a lie. Yet, to the loved one, they think they are, in fact, telling the truth even when you point out specific evidence that they have lied to you. You might call this denial of the evidence disperception.
Disperceptions - Misperceptions - Thought Disorder
1)Fear based _2)Lack of knowledge _3)Some knowledge but not complete enough to make accurate judgements _4)Control when no control is necessary (fearless fear) _5)Fighting the unknown (fearless fear) _6)Not knowing what they are fighting but the feeling of doing something even if it is wrong in the eyes of society is better than not doing something- the quest to keep sanity- the ultimate fear _7)Staying away from the society that does not understand the disease or chooses to punish them for having their disease is their thought _8)They may come to this thought and withdraw from all people; society's fear is superimposed on the fear of diseased person. _9)Forcing the disease on others as a means of having others find the answers for the diseased person.
Now look back at the adrenochrome-LSD25 experiments by Hoffer-Osmond and see how these traits listed above are related to disperceptions.
1.Verbal Assualts
Foul language with or without disperceptions- There are no limits to the amount of foul, cutting, and harsh language that people with biochemical illness will go to, regardless of the time or place, or the person to whom they are directing their verbal assaults. There is certainly no one, regardless of how much they know that their loved one has such confusion and should be able to curb the use of such bad language. However, this is not usually the case. It is the sort of language that can instill so much anger in the receiver by this verbal assault that one must bring all of their emotional resouces to bare in order to keep from simply "slugging" their loved one. _ "You know, I haven't heard such bad language come out of my daughter's mouth since me and bunch of boys used when we were in elementary school." (Her problems may have a connection.) Back to the story, please. However, do not harm your loved one. _ There are times when in the simplest of conversations you will have and you will get in return from your loved one, every adjective four-lettered word, and this is when your loved one is in "normal" conversation with you. Just imagine what happens when that same loved one becomes angry, much less in a rage, where all the negative words in the English language come out so fast that your loved one is like a machine instead of a human being. You may wonder if they are even breathing while they are letting you have their assault. _ This behavior can happen without disperceptions, but it is almost unexplainable when your loved has a disperception, or a series of disperceptions in rapid-fire sucession, and your loved one is so overwhelmed that in some cases they literally are conscious physically, but unconscious mentally. After many of these later described encounters your loved one will feel great exhaustion, and if they relax for a few minutes will go to sleep from sheer exhaustion.
Foul Langauage and Tourette Syndrome (TS)
If you study the symptoms of Tourette syndrome (TS) you will find a varied list of symptoms, one of which is the use of foul language. Not all people who have TS have foul language, but some do. The only reason why I bring this up is that in TS foul langauge seems to come out of nowhere, and the person can not control that foul language coming out of their mouths, regardless of behavior modification. In TS, scientists have been able to some degree locate where in the brain this uncontrollable language starts, but very little effort has been sucessful in curbing foul langauge yet. I do not know if there is any connection whatsoever in TS type of foul langauge and your loved one's foul mouth, or the frequency and volume of usage of foul langauge, but I do know that when the severity of biochemical imbalance is observable your loved will increase the amount and frequency of foul langauge.
I was raised by my grandparents since I was the age of two years old. When my Mom was in her eighttieth year she got cancer of the stomach and intestines and over a period of four months went downhill healthwise rather fast. She was an exceptional woman and just happened to be my Mom. She faced unbelieveable hardships throughout her life including losing her first born son to an accident at age 12, when he hit his head on a doorway bringing in firewood. Infection set in but no doctor was called for well over 30 hours, and finally he was taken by train to Cincinnati, Ohio and surgery was immdiately performed. He died a few hours later. Mom and Grandpa never ever got over it in their lifetimes. _ They lost the family farm, the original homestead farm, within a year, and grandpa and the family moved from job to job 7 times in two states in the next 11 years. Mom as well as Grandpa had been raised in a strict but caring German farming community in southern Indiana. Religious faith was a mainstay and in their first and foremost thoughts always. Grandpa got killed when I was 8 years old from a methane gas explosion in our basement on a Sunday morning. Mom took in washing clothes and any and everything to keep my brother and me together. Ten months later I had a very serious, life threating operation, and this was another thing that Mom had to deal with. (Did I have a biochemical induced illness from the stress of my grandfather's death?) _ Mom also had two sons, other than the one who died, both of which had devastating experiences in World War II, as so many did. The reason I am giving you all this preliminary information is to show what was her normal behavior. Any deviation from one's normal individual behavior is a clue to biochemical imbalance. _ I am finally getting to my point of all this. In all the years I lived with her until going to college I never heard from either one of my grandparents even use the word damn, hell or any slang profanity whatsoever. I have probably used more in this book than either one of them did in a lifetime. _ As I mentioned, Mom was in the hospital with cancer and had been operated on twice and was again back in the hospital. I was conducting orchestral concerts in North Carolina and would call her every other day or so, and she was doing as well as could be expected. A few days before she died I called and she sounded very distressed and somewhat confused but communicated pretty well and still made sense. I had told my uncles that as soon as they thought there was even a remote change for the worst that they should call me, and I would be on my way home. I got the call one day later, and I was on my way home. _ When I got to the hospital Mom was in a coma and the next evening she died, never coming out of the coma. Here is the point. Mom was given high doses of mophine and other drugs for pain. My uncles told me later that all the nurses on two different shifts refused to go near Mom's room and would do nothing to help her even after the doctors told them that they had to care for Mom. The reason was Mom's unbelieveable profanity. Words that not even the doctors and nurses believed a woman of her age, and certainly not Mom, would use. Well, as I was told, it was so bad that they wanted to move her to another room and all the like. Of course, it was difficult for me then, and even now, to realize that Mom is gone, but in addition to that is to know that when someone you love has been denied hospital nursing-doctor care because of profanity and profanity induced by drugs and administered by those doctors and nurses is really hard to take. _ How could someone give someone something and then basically deny that it had an effect, and the effect that it had? I knew nothing of this situation until later by my uncles, Mom's sons, who had tried to do what they could under the circumstances. I probably could not have done as well. Here was a woman who never said more than damn, if she ever said that, and she was ridiculed, ostrasized and care denied because they had made the profanity happen, and they could not even connect one link to the other as to how or why Mom used profanity. _ That was in 1975, and I don't think that medicine has advanced very far into cause and effect since then either. Looking backwards I now realize that we all do similiar things each and every day without realizing we give our children the wrong foods, expose them to many chemical pollutants and the like that cause monstrous behavioral problems, and we ask why our children have such behavior. _ This has been a personal story of how even those that are trained to know behavior didn't even recognize it as something they caused. Additionally, they, as you, must realize that behavior as bad as it gets is biochemically induced by upseting the balance of so many things. So, when you are really at your wits end about your loved one's behavior try to step back and remember that it is biochemical imbalance. _ The severity of behavior is in direct relationship to the amount of biochemical imbalance. However, we do not know what biochemical imbalance individuality does to each of us. The same bad chemicals given to one person may not cause a behavior problem as bad as the next person receiving the same bad chemical pollutants. _ The use of foul langauge is in direct relationship to the amount of biochemical imbalance. When someone feels more wellness they speak with less foul langauge or none at all, and as the stress increases, as caused by almost any foreign chemical reaction, the foul language will increase. The same is true with all distortions of any of the senses. Eventually, you will see full hallucinations and a break with reality in the final stages. _ I don't know if foul language is step 3 or 8, or whatever step in biochemical imbalance, and in some ways it doesn't matter, except that when your loved one goes into a cursing rage it does indicate that biochemical imbalance is indeed there. Your loved one is expressing this biochemical imbalance verbally with his or her foul langauge usage. _ I will digress for a moment to show you how disguised biochemical imbalance can be. We think we know the obvious signs of biochemical imbalance. There are many, and I mean many, small behavior changes that you should watch for. For example, let's say that a child that has always had the ability to follow directions on a school multiple choice test one day because the biochemicals are not working properly, asks the teacher several times to explain something he or she does not understand. After several attempts to explain to the child the teacher may think the child is just going through a "phase" of some difficulty, and, finally, in mental exhaustion the child just skips that part of the exam. By itself the success or failure of the test does not have earth shattering importance, but then the next day a few more little things happen that don't make sense for that particular child. Within weeks the child has great difficulty concentrating and the spiral of behavioral-frustrations has begun. There were indicators but you missed them, and did nothing about them. _ Now compare that to a child who at school one day decides to toss a chair through the window. Then, everyone knows that this child has a severe behavior problem and does. Whether the clues are obvious or small indicate some degree of biochemical imbalance. I have already mentioned reality choices and limited reality choices. When someone has wellness they choose more reality choices. When they have biochemical imbalance they choose fewer or only one. It is totally a theory and I don't have any research to back it up yet, but my feeling is that these small indicators are the very first clues into the first stages of limited reality choosing. As I said, I don't have any facts but simply my gut feelings. The little clues may go along for a few weeks or several months, but if the biochemical imbalance is not restored it will go into limited reality choosing and depression.
Trigger Words
Trigger words are special words that you say to your loved one. There are certain words that will trigger an anger that is totally out of the ordinary even for your loved one. Many times these trigger words lead to immense anger or full-blown rage. Some trigger words are _1)"no" _2)"I will not do that for you" _3)"you can't do that"
Escallation from a Few Sentences into a Full- Blown Argument
In just a few brief seconds of any conversation and each sentence is precieved by your loved one as something they don't wish to hear or understand, or if they are not even listening to you and have a disperception that you did this or that (when in fact you have not) or your loved one is so filled with confusion that you are simply the person who just happen to talk with them they will release a fury of statements in such a rapid-fire fashion that you cannot even respond regardless of how fast you make your mind work. It is an impossible situation. Then, by not responding you may even get a bigger battle of assaults. This is only by the third sentence. These are not what most people would call an argument but really is out-of-control confusion. This is major thought disorder. This can lead to the next step of how bad it can get- rage. When a child is young, say the age of four or so, people simply say that a four year old has a major temper problem. There is a difference between having a temper problem and the rage that I am speaking of. Another example that demonstrates very well by reading these few sentences from a book by Hoffer and Osmond in 1960 you will see just how far out of any logic a person on the wrong biochemicals can go with a few disperceptions and thought disordered thinking. _ Refer to both the experiments when Osmond took adrenolutin and when he took LSD25. Remember a disperception is forcing their reality into the real reality. Some are fear based, and some are not. Chemical Basis of Clinical Psychiatry pg176-177 (Reprinted by permission) Subject was given adrenochrome. _ Remember a disperception is the forcing of their reality into the "real" reality. Some are fear based disperceptions, and some are not. I have put in key signals of biochemical imbalance markers to aid you in your thinking about what is happening to this person. I have listed them with TCM or disperceptions or depression. _ He (the doctor) persuaded me to give him 300 mg. by spray which I did at 12:45 P.M. Saturday. A few minutes later there was a mild flush. (TCM) At 6 minutes, the positive after image became prolonged. At 11 minutes ears felt plugged. (TCM) Vision not normal . (TCM) I swung my arm back and forth rapidly, he saw it as a series of stationary arms. (hallucination) It was difficult to concentrate visually . (disperception) At 15 minutes, the after image still was prolonged (disperception) but ears felt normal. Facial flush was still present. (TCM ) He had to concentrate very hard to read (TCM) a book. When he moved the book the lines moved. At 19 minutes, vision began to become normal. At 37 minutes, he was visually normal. The facial flush began to fade. He reported he was now normal and believing this was so, I then left him. _ At 4 P.M., I called his home. He seemed rather distant and quiet. (TCM-depression) He informed me that after I left him, he developed a type of over and irregular breathing (TCM) similar to Cheyne Stokes. He felt quite relaxed after 30 minutes and decided to go home. He was riding away from the hospital on his bicycle toward a tree which suddenly became larger in size (disperception) as if it were blowing up. (disperception) _ His wife was not home when he arrived. He felt lonely and went to find her. (?disperception-depression) Failing in this, he felt depressed until just before four when his wife came home. (depression) _ On Monday, he gave a more complete account of what had happened. Saturday morning, he had a mild disagreement with his wife over a misplaced photograph. (TCM) When he got home his wife was not in. He decided that she had left him and returned to her mother in a far distant city. (disperception) In confirmation of this he found the missing photograph which his wife had placed for him in the living room before she went out. He construed this to mean that she was much more disturbed by their minor disagreement than he had supposed. (disperception) He noticed that she had left the vacuum cleaner in the middle of the room and realized that this was another message for him, meaning that she was a neat and orderly person who did not misplace things . (disperception) Shortly after this he decided that she might have gone shopping and looking for the shopping cart found it gone.(disperception) He then visited two stores where she often shopped without success. (continuing disperception) On returning home he counted all the suitcases (disperception) for if she had gone home, one would be missing. One was missing which increased his worry as he became more certain that she had left him. (disperception) A little later, he found it behind a door with some clothing piled on it (they had recently moved into a new house). He then suspected that she had started packing and stopped in the middle of her packing to purchase her airline ticket. (disperception) But he also concluded from this that she was still unsure about leaving him. (disperception) After this, he became very depressed (depression) until a few minutes later when she returned home from shopping. When I called him at 4 P.M. he suddenly remembered that he had taken the adrenochrome and became very angry with me for forcing him to take the chemical. (disperception) At 5 P.M. he flushed. (TCM) Thus was noted by his wife and he then told her about the experience he had undergone. He then recognized that he had repeatedly asked to be given adrenochrome. By that evening, he was normal. _ If you count the number of disperceptions you have 15. There are 10 TCM traits. There are 3 depression traits. All of these things happened in less than one 24-hour period. You read the paragraphs and you saw those traits pointed out to you. Even if all of them do not make sense to you I am certain that many do. All the underlined items in this brief story should be compared to the age-groupings behavioral traits from before. Also notice a remarkeable similiarity in the TCM list. _ Go ahead. Tell me that any of these embrace quality of life with trust, dignity, honor and virtues that glorify life. The adrenochrome induced behavior produces all negative time consuming confusion. _ I also have a theory, but I do not have any scientific data to back it up. My theory is that disperceptions have a beginning, middle and resolution sequence. Beginning disperceptions are not as bad as mid-line disperceptions and ending type disperceptions are not as bad as mid-line disperceptions. Disperceptions are as if you are driving a car up a hill. You start from below, come to the top of the hill, and then descend again. _ I also believe that disperceptions happen in cycles. I feel that observing just one disperception by itself is more rare than finding that someone has had a series of disperceptions. I also believe there is a direct connection betwen the severity of biochemical imbalance and the degree or magnitude of disperceptions. The adrenochromes seem to have an ebb and flow, up and down. However, with severe stress the person is never allowed biochemically to "come down," and thus mid-line disperceptions can and do increase in intensity. Also, depending on the social circumstances by others who try to stop the mid-line disperceptions you may be able to alter the flow of disperceptions. This is why it is so important to calm a person's thinking as much as possible. _ The human organism, for whatever reason, is a thinking creature. A person with blank-mind means they have few thoughts (at least that is what we think). Because of the thought process our organism is organicallly acustomed to think. This gives the organism a time-line reason to continue thinking. So, here we have opposites again- thinking for good or thinking for bad (for the lack of better terms). I have the feeling that when a person has disperceptions they are an outgrowth of the same biochemical imbalance but the normal thinking process has joined another biochemical pathway. You might think of these pathways as parallel roads. This part is not based on any research yet. Here is what I think. I believe that disperceptions can come out of no known place as well as being stimulated by parallel pathways. To me that is why a cycle of disperceptions has a beginning, middle and end. Bad biochemical reactions interconnect and diverge out of parallel pathways. You might be thinking that this has nothing to do with your loved one. However, the severity of disperceptions is very important to know. You must know the severity of their biochemcial needs. This will determine the amount and timing of nutrients given. Then by seeing a lessening of severe disperceptions you will know that the nutrients are working. However, if you still see severe disperceptions then you know that the timing and dosage needs to be altered. _ "But my daughter isn't that bad." I certainly hope not, but everything is in varying degrees, and you are looking for those things which are not normal for your loved one. If any of your loved one's problems get into hallucinations then you do have a severe problem that must be dealt with by a skilled orthomolecular doctor immediately.
Rage/Object Destruction
Just about anything you can think of can be destroyed in a fit of rage. The most precious things you may have had for years. Things given to you by loved ones many years ago can be destroyed in rage. Your loved eyes become dialated, and they will stare straight at you. If their eyes were drills they would drill straight through you in a second. Their body becomes rigid and muscles tighten. Obviously, their blood pressure goes up plus, all the myriad of chemical changes in the adrenal glands work overtime to secrete almost lethal amounts of cellular damaging chemicals that affect so many organs and operating systems, including the brain. Many if not at all times they can cause physical harm to themselves by punching a wall or breaking a window with their hand and not realizing that they should be in pain. It doesn't seem to matter for a while. _ The psychologist or psychiatrist or medical doctor that does not understand biochemical disease will probably say that you as a parent must control the situation, and there are consequences to your loved one's actions. Yes, there are, but at the time that the rage is going on many pre-thought-out plans are simply of no use. All you can hope to do is to calm your loved one down. Calming down may take from as little as a few minutes, especially if a child is younger, to as much as 3 hours or more. (There is no proof that the younger the age the less severe a rage is, but I state my own thoughts here.) Do not attempt to touch or hold your loved one, if they are large physically. They may have a disperception about who you are or what your are going to do to them, and your holding them may instill paranoia in them. Do not attempt to shout your way through it, or give more stimuli. Your loved one needs less stimuli, certainly not more. "I know what I will do. I will just leave her alone." I do hope not. Now I will just list a few of the many things that can happen in a rage. _ You will see your loved one throw anything that is available including television sets, chairs, refrigerators, bookcases, and all little things that are laying around. They will punch holes in the wall with their foot or hand, drive cars in the ditch, knock down a door in three punches, destroy any and all of their things or anyone else's. There is just about nothing that would in any way surprise me that could not be destroyed. These are objects- physical things. It is bad for all, but when the rage turns to an assaultive personal attack you have another dimension. _ In personal assault, you may not have any idea that things are escallating so fast and before your can literally even take a breath to ask them to calm down your loved one might be straight in your face two inches away with all the appearing hate and anger of the entire world in his or her eyes, with the intent to do you massive physical harm. Yes, you're damned right it is scary. You have to try and learn whatever method you can to keep your loved one from going this extra step toward physical assaults. When the rage is in process there is very little you can do except protect yourself and your loved ones and stay physically away from your loved one. The object rage may continue for some time after which a second or third assault may come your way. This may go on for a few minutes at best to as much as two hours, going back and forth from object rage to personal assaults. Sometimes you have to seek police or other help, not only for your own protection but also for your loved one. _ "Do I think there is a connection between levels of rage from object to personal assualts?" Yes, I do. Object rage, as bad as it is, is nothing compared to the personal assault rage for you or your loved one. The adrenochromes are so far out of wack that it is a wonder any people survive, and some obviously don't. This is heavy, heavy mental anguish for all, and I hope you never have to encounter it. But you might. That is the reason I am going into some detail about it. _ If you observe a young child getting angry and throwing things at least on two occasions then even if I sound a little bit overboard you must take this advice. They are setting up a pattern of behavior that is telling you in no uncertain terms that they are biochemiclally imbalanced. There is no room for any other opinion in my mind. Your loved one is telling you something very important by throwing something across the room. Don't miss it. Deal with your own hurt later. You be the bigger person and help, and also observe. Don't try to overpower your loved one in a throwing rage if you know you can't physically get to them. Stay your distance so as not to get hit by any objects or by them if it turns into physical assualts. If your loved one is so far out of biochemical balance you will have no or very little impact on stating this or that consequence. Many times after a rage many people will go into an almost instant depression of total withdrawal. You aren't getting through to them and may, in fact, start another round of rage. If you can stay in the house with your loved one so that you can be ready for self-inflicted harm to your loved one including suicide, then do so. If you haven't figured it out, this is the biggest red alert system firing off since physical war itself. _ There are no rules for them or anyone else because you may never have been in this situation and no one you know has either. Rage can start from the most insignificant little thing, and after the rage you cannot image how any of it happened. You know your loved one is truly crazy. I hate terms like that, but I use it here because it is so strong and meaningful to most of the population reading this. What is happening in more human, compassionate terms is biochemical imbalance at it worst. Any and every biochemical system in the body has gone bad at the same time. It still is not death yet, and the organism will go to any and all means to keep from dying. However, this rage thing is so bad biochemically that it will destroy biochemical balance for days, weeks or even months on end with just one mild rage, much less the huge rage I have just mentioned. I really have my own opinion that rage may be connected biochemically with brain-stem biochemicals but have no direct, valid proof. _ I believe the same fight or flight animal instincts come out in rage. There is no question about the adrenochromes and the fight or flight induced biochemcial imbalance there, but I believe that the whole biochemical system is so discharged that it is a wonder life can even exist at all. Your loved one does survive but at huge biochemical costs. Behaviorists will say that you caused the rage in your loved one by not listening to what their pains were. A certain degree of that is true, but what if I told you that rage can and does come on without any outside stimuli from you or anything else, not only in humans but in animals as well. If you were not frightened before then start now. _ This rage literally does come out of nowhere, and I mean nowhere. I don't think it is thought driven, sensual drive by any of the senses, and I certinly don't know where it comes from, period. No reason whatsoever and rage occurs. If you think you are scared then how in the hell do you think your loved feels later after they have experienced that type of rage and know that they can have it again. They, in fact, don't have any control over it. That is bad, very bad. Then I can almost say without any hesitation that even drugs must be used. I hate drug use of any and all kinds, but if it will save your loved one's life for another day then do it. _ I can give you another experience that is personal and not backed up by any valid scientific facts. I was driving in a car going 65 miles per hour when I asked a passenger who had biochemical illness about rages that I knew he had from time to time. I asked him if he knew when they were coming on. Did they come out of no known reason? He told me as we are driving that he could have rage right then if he wanted to. At first, I thought he was sort of joking, but I wasn't taking any chances. I thought of changing the subject matter of the conversation, but for some reason I didn't. I asked him how he could know and bring on a rage. He told me that he would get into an argument with me and he would take whatever opposing view I took and eventually turn the conversation into an argument, and then a rage. I didn't pursue the conversation any farther but have always wondered if he could, in fact, be so cerebral in his thinking and could he really do a rage, which is not an acted-out behavior.
Abandonment and Rage
There is another part of the rage cycle that at first doesn't make any sense. Why would a person who wants to destroy everything and sometimes everyone want people around afterwards? Do you remember fearless-fear? Fearless-fear has raised its head. Your loved one is so fearful and in so much pain that they can't even think of the thought of mental and physical isolation. Yes, a mere five minutes ago they may have tried to punch you in the face but they passed over into another biochemical cycle, still massively imbalanced, and they cannot function in any way without the thought of knowing that someone is there, even in some cases if it is a animal. How long are they in abandonment from this rage? I don't know, can't find any, and I mean any research on this specific aspect, so I can't say how long this abandonment goes on. Personally, I think maybe a few hours to as many as a few days with ups and downs in those days. So if you thought that not only are you going to get all the verbal abuse, object abuse, and maybe physical abuse and I said you have to stay there with them you would say I a m missing a mental link. You have to do it. Get the biochemical balance in them. Quick and easy, but when all these rages start you can't say it is simple, because it isn't. "How often do rages occur?" _ Rages may occur at any and all times, predictable or not, which means any time of the day or night, anywhere, and there is no way of even beginning to guess how often rages will occur. I can say that if you have 2 per month and you haven't done some biochemical balancing by then you are in for a huge array of problems. _ After the first rage do something then, right then. If your loved one fell through a window and cut his or her arm you would do something right then to help them. It seems, however, that when we think it is a mental thing, which it is not, but biochemical, then we will wait and see how he or she does in the next few days. This is very foolhearty and your loved one is in anguish and may not be able to express in any words, whatsoever, as to what they are experiencing.
Personal Destruction- Suicide as the Ultimate Destruction and Many Things Before Suicide There are many books and behavioral guides written on signs to look for in the suicidal person.
Always remember to take any and all talk, as well as threats about suicide very serious. When you know that suicide is about to take place do whatever you must in order to stop it including calling the neighbors, police, ambulance, shouting for help, if you can't get to the telephone. There are, as far as I am concerned, no rules for good behavior for you to stop a suicide if it is momentarily eminent. There may or may not be any clues to your loved one's thought disorder, delusion, or psychosis. They may be totally running out of mind experiences and delusions with huge amounts of fear pumping huge amounts of lethal aminochromes. These change into adrenolutin and other biochemicals which destroy any form of reasoning or logic.
Piercing, Tatoos, Cutting, Cigarette Burns and What They Can Mean
Almost every society since the beginning of recorded history has used some form of self-adornment whether it is simple lipstick or huge ear lobe saucers or many others things. I have no problem personally with self-adornment. However, if your loved one is having difficulty with society because of their self-adornment then your loved one may wish wish to consider the consequences from society. There is another thing that should be pointed up, though. If your loved one is doing self-adornment for the wrong reasons, meaning they are trying to push society away from them, then you have another entirely different issue. It may be a sign of depression, and the root cause is biochemical imbalance. _ Any kind of cutting or cigarette burns are not self-adornment, especially in our society. In some African tribal customs scarification is practiced as self-adornment but my feeling is that in our society cutting and cigarette burns indicate a very severe depression symptom which, of course, is biochemical imbalance. Many times there is an attempt to misread cutting and cigarette burns as connected to trauma from sexua| abuse. Your loved may have been abused, but it, too, is a basis for biochemical imbalance because of the possible stresses caused by the sexua| abuse. If you see cutting or cigarette burns on your loved one get the nutrients into them right then, get an orthomolecular doctor and do some tests. _ Remember, there is a big difference between self-adornment and self-inflicted pain. Cutting and cigarette burns are self-inflicted pain.
Destruction Physically of Others-Violence- Including Murder Hierarchy of Pain Threshold
If you had to choose which symptom of behavior is the less damaging to your loved one, and which is the most damaging to your loved one, which ones would you choose? If you had to choose which symptom of behavior is the less damaging to you, and which is the most damaging to you, which ones would you choose? If you had to choose which symptom of behavior is the less damaging to society, and which is the most damaging to society, which ones would you choose? The purpose of these questions is to tell you that you must get down to the bare essentials of the biochemical illness and realize just how bad it can be, and you will also know at least for the moment where you are with your loved one's disease. _ The most important point is that your loved one is alive and from this you build everything else- pure existential philosphy. There are many times that you will want to jump ahead in your reasoning and assume you are in one place with your loved one's illness, but find that you are really, in fact, not yet there. Even attempting to balance the biochemical nature of your loved one's biochemical illness will take time, and I do not know how much time this will take. During this time of biochemical readjustment you will still have to remember that the most important aspect is that your loved one is still alive. Almost all of these biochemical illnesses are preceeded by a depression or a depression within the time of the biochemical imbalance. Depression is one of the most important landmarks to look for and you should be very careful not to miss depression, especially in a very young person. Behavior therapy will probably not be of much good since it is a biochemical illness, and when the biochemicals get so far out of balance, logic, thought order, and impulse control are usually the first things that you will observe. (Ask your docotr about the HOD test)
Religion and Morality
The demonically possesed myth and attempting to judge the biochemical ill person by the standards of lies, deceit, etc. as examples of going against spiritual training-culturally is very harmful. It doesn't make much sense to us so-called normals that if someone breaks every religious commandment in the holy books and should be allowed to have a license to do it when all the rest of us struggle to maintain a devout place in our spiritual growth. I don't think I can answer or even begin to answer anything about the religious commandments and biochemical illness, except to say that if you judge your loved one by the religious standards set forth in our society then indeed your loved has no chance whatsoever, and will surely burn in hell forever. Please do not compare your loved one with such standards of commandments when they cannot achieve those standards by their choices. You would not expect someone with a physical disease to be able to do certain things. You would not expect a 12 year old Downs Syndrome child who wets his pants to be able to do certain tasks that are not possible for them. Why, then, can you give Solomon-type judgements to someone who has another type of diminished capacity? At what point do you say they are no longer diminished and full participating humans, and, thus, know by their choices? These types of questions and statements can go on forever. I don't have any answers either. It is a very difficult situation. Will a child that has a rage and kills himself go to hell? I don't know. Will a child who has a rage and kills someone else burn in hell forever? I don't know. _ The list of questions can go on and on. For now just try to help your loved one, and even though spirtual life is without question the most important part of our existence it must be placed on the back burner for now. The biochemically ill person is not accepted as being biochemical ill and thus is expected to correct his behavior without the possibility of doing that. The correct-balanced chemicals are not present. A person with biochemical imbalance or illness cannot "will" change- the basis of behavior psychology. If you put the wrong ingredients into an engine it will not run. The wrong or imbalanced biochemicals exist in the ill person, and no amount of "will" can effect something that is not there in the first place.
"Who caused this biochemical imbalance in the first place?" We all do every day in so many ways.
Lack of Sleep
The lack of sleep, meaning that which causes the body and mind not to function properly, is a major problem for one with biochemical illness. There have been many studies done as to the desired amount of sleep required for optimal levels of efficiency in awake states. What may seem to be the maximum number of hours for one person may indeed be only a bare minimum or sub-minimum for others. Not only does each person require rest and restoration of the organism for mental tasks, but perhaps more importantly, sleep is required for cellular growth or regrowth which effects the entire person- mind and body. Even one hour less sleep can produce problems in digestion, lack of mental acuity, physical stamina, or other problems.
Cyclic Problems
There are certain types of biochemical illnesses that are greatly affected by the change to the full moon and the subsequent changes in ocean tides. You may notice a certain pattern with your loved one during the days preceeding a full moon, during the day of a full moon, or a few days after a full moon. For many reasons that are very lenghty I will not get into any of the ramifications of the effect of lunar changes on biochemical imbalances, but just to say to you that you may have greater difficulty with your loved one because of lunar changes.
How to Help Them Lack of Eating/Correct This Problem
There are many things that can help your loved one in their biochemical illness, and certainly one that will is to eat at a regular time, the correct foods, and not miss any meals. Also, if you can get your loved one to eat a large breakfast and then diminishing in size the lunch and least at supper. Many times people go without eating and some start off their nutriental meal at noon time after having missed breakfast. The person is not doing his person any good and probably harm by not eating a large breakfast. Again please read the reference books, especially books that deal with hypo and hyperglycemia.
Tell them when disperceptions occur and consequences of disperceptions if the disperception is such that will get them into trouble are with family or society. You must be very careful when and how you tell them they are having disperceptions.
Care and Compassion
Tell them what signs of improvement they have made and how the biochemicals are helping them.
Physical exercise
This is extremely important because physical exercise gets so many natural biochemicals flowing. A must to do. _ Take on more of their responsibility for them when they are having difficulty at different times. _ They need to have a place they feel secure in that is an escape place or a means of physically escaping by car if they drive, etc., so that they are not constantly analyzing their illness as they say in TCM- "overthinking". They need a break while they wait for the biochemicals to work. _ Share whatever you can with the person regardless if it may be painful- it is all they are capable of sharing and if they will allow you to touch them on their arm . _ They may be right in their analysis of society but may have disperceptions as to how to effect change in society. In their eyes they feel powerless and alone from society. Just listen. When the biochemicals start to balance disperceptions will go away eventually.
Chapter 2 Review
"How bad can it get'?
Key words-sentences _1)Stress-our bad guy _2)These adrenochromes are activated and change into other substances which then have a different function than their original purpose. They may and do many times originate out of no known place or reason and your loved one may have this happen, too. _3)A great deal is to be learned from the animal studies. One very important lesson is that the same biochemicals that exist in terms of aminochromes in humans also exist in animals, and the reaction of animals to changes in adrenochromes to other biochemicals does alter their behavior in many ways. _4)Niacin, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and zinc _5)"Calming the spririt" (your B6 and zinc, vitamin B3) _6)Behavior is an extension of something inside the organism governed by biochemicals and a multitude of other aspects such as energy fields, electrical currents, etc. _7)Civilization is based on behavior _8)Total human _9)Find an orthomolecular doctor that is open-minded to the illness your child has. _10)Major guidepost to biochemical illness is fear, the preception of fear or the disperception of fear 11)Fearless fear _12)Reality choices _13)The lack of reality choosing is directly related to biochemical illness _14)Give-me attitude _15)An addiction to one reality choice _16)Nothing was, in fact, received on their part _17)"Pushing" _18)Lack of reality choices and pushing together _19)People with biochemical illness demonstrate a paradox 20)Biochemical illness exists in humans and animals _19)Short-term working memory _20)Biochemicals first, then behavior will change _21)If any of the commom five senses are altered and a resulting behavior change occurs it does indicate a biochemical illness. _22)Disperceptions (inappropriate response to the stimuli- a thought disorder) Anger-rage-brain chemicals-function- survival-fear _23)VerbalAssaults _24)Mom _25)Tourette syndrome (TS) and foul language _26)Any deviation from one's normal behavior is a clue to biochemical imbalance _27)Theseverity of behavior is in direct relationship to the amount of biochemical imbalance. However, we do not know what biochemical imbalance individuality does to each of us. The same bad chemicals given to one person may not cause a behavior problem as bad as the next person receiving the same bad chemical pollutants. _28)The use of foul langauge is in direct relationship to the amount of biochemical imbalance. When someone feels more wellness they speak with less foul langauge or none at all and as the stress increases as caused by almost any foreign chemical reaction the foul language will increase. The same is true with all distortions of any of the senses. Eventually you will see full hallucinations and a break with reality in the final stages. _29)Trigger words _30)Escallation from a few sentences into full blown argument _31)Rage and object destruction _32)Abandonment and rage _33)Personal destruction- suicide as the ultimate destruction and many things before suicide 34)Destruction physically of others- violence- including murder _35)The most important point is that your loved one is alive and from this you build everything else. 36)Almost all of these biochemical illnesses are preceeded by a depression or a depression within the time of the biochemical imbalance. _37)Religion and morality _38)Lack of sleep _39)Cyclic problems _40) How to help them- lack of eating/correct this problem _41)Listen _42)Care and compassion _43)Physical exercise _44)Take on more of their responsibility when they are having difficulty _45)Share whatever you can _46)They may be right in their analysis
What Goes in Must Come Out- Food and Behavior
We Are What We Eat
4 day food rotation
A four day rotation of food is primary to finding out allergies without biological testing for food allergies . Would you feel stupid if you found out the majority, or all the problems with your loved one's behavior are because they drink milk or eat some other food that causes them to go biserk? Not only does it happen. It happens many, many times. Again, read Hoffer's books or Philpott's books. The first thing is to sit down and limit, or take away all their "favorite" foods from any meals for at least four days. Then one by one introduce one of their favorite foods and see if there is any change in their behavior. It will become very obvious to you if they have food allergies , and you do not have to be a scientist to see the results.
No Sugar
The next step is extremely crucial. It is not just something to make them better in a small way. No sugar of any kind except from raw fruits and vegetables. No sugar in anything, and be especially aware of any processed foods which contain sugar. Sugar alone is a major problem for so many diseases that again it would take volumes to even discuss it. I am not talking about sugar-diabetes but many other biochemical illnesses that are involved with the consumption of sugar. (Again, refer to the reading lists.)
Artificial food coloring s- Artificial Flavors, Dyes, Mono-sodium Glutimate, nitrates , Sulfides _ I will discuss in some detail the food products we eat in a later section but for now I will simply tell you to check every and all packaged foods you buy at the store. If any of them contain any artifical colorings, flavors, nitrates , mono-sodium glutimate (which is a brain activator stimulant), sulfides or things that don't sound like vitamins or nutrients, do not buy them. You may find that it does take energy and time to do this. Even not knowing how you eat I will estimate that you probably eat 80-90% of all your food that has some of these in them. Forget "junk" food. It is filled to the brim with the "bad guys". "All these changes?" Yes, and there is more yet to come. You see as I stated, your loved one's biochemical illness is going to take time, energy, and effort to change. I know you can say that you wished you had known this information before. So do I, for you and also for myself, as well.
Distilled Water
While you are at the store purchase your supply of distilled water, and, in addition to drinking it, cook with it. Distilled water should not be confused with "drinking water" advertised as such. Distilled water does not have impurities including metals such as copper, that can be harmful because they may overload the biochemical system. See the section on copper in the water.
Suggested foods to stay away from:
Things to Stay Away from in Foods if You Can _1)Canned foods including vegtables, fruits, soups, especially acidic foods in aluminium cans such as lemonade in cans. _2)Processed foods _3)Lunch meats _4)Meat enhancers _5)Dairy products including cheese
Suggested foods that may not harm your loved one as much as some other foods.
Remember that any food can be good or bad depending on the biochemical make-up of your loved one. Many moons ago I remember reading a very impressive two paragraphs about zinc in oysters in a book by Carl Pfeiffer. I was so impressed by these two paragraphs that I spent many hours and, in fact, weeks reading and researching everything I could get my hands on about zinc. Remember, this mineral called zinc is only one of many necessary nutrients and a single nutrient can either be good or bad dependent always on biochemical balance. (Just for my own pleasure- again I must say in amazement that the Chinese figured biochemical balance out over 2500 years ago- truly mind-boggling.) _ There have been thousands of books written about food telling of its nutrition value. But there is an incorrect assumption about the nutritional values of food. I will list all the foods for you that you may consider as my suggestion as nutritional. Then I will tell you that almost all in some way have foreign chemicals in each of them. _ The FDA has a list of 6000 chemical combinations that can be used in the food chain industry from herbicides to chemical flavor enhancers, to dyes, or whatever. We are truly in a crisis. _ Forget for a minute that you are not going to "take on" the big chemical firms because you must concentrate on the health of your loved one. If you thought you were giving food to your loved one because you worked hard to provide the money to buy the food, that your family history showed that you were raised on these foods, and that you had trust in the government to protect you, then you are not aware at all of the results of what all the above mentioned means. If you and I went to the supermarket there would be at least 90% of all items have something bad in them for us, in that store. Even though you do eat them, you should not eat them. _ "Get off it, man. That is crazy, and I will eat whatever I want, whenever I want." Yes, you might, but eventually you will have some illness, whether it is behavioral connected, or cancer or whatever illness. Maybe you want to be ignorant but I thought you originally asked me about your loved one, and that is the one you seemed concerned about. "Yes, I am." Well, sit tight. The soil does not have the nutrients in it that it did 20, 50, 100 years ago. The nutrients that are the same ones that are necessary for the plant to grow are the same ones that you need, too. You may not need the same amount of this or that nutrient as the plant does, but you need the nutrients nonetheless. I don't think it would do much good right now to list all the nutrients that are missing from the soil that grows your food and mine, but the ones that are missing are extremely essential to us. Remember the Pfeiffer story of the young girl that needed zinc desperately? Guess what? Zinc is one that is missing from the soil and so is selenium, calcium, magnesium, and many, many more. _ "Well, when I drive by in my truck and see all those fields, they look healthy to me. In fact, they look healthier than when I grew up on the farm. Those are big farms too, and some of them are that big agri-business stuff." Yes, the big agri-business stuff does have healthy looking plants. Do you remember my phrase, "image over substance?" You have it again right here. What appears to be isn't necessarily so. The plants look healthy because they are shot full of many chemicals that make them grow but have lost a great deal of their original nutritional value in the process. Thus, you get less nutrition. You do get all the chemicals you do not want- they are just thrown in, so to speak. These chemicals are part of the 6000 I mentioned before. _ "Well, I have been eating all those foods for 43 years and I am still going, and I plan on living until I reach 100." Your plan may be cut short, but again I thought we were talking about your loved one. "Guess we were." If that isn't bad enough go one step before the plant and you get to the gene splicing that in some cases causes the seed's inability to require such and such a biochemical to grow. "You mean they tricked the seed too?" Wow, that came from you? Sorry, that was rude. Yes, they tricked the seed to think it didn't need a particular biochemical that it had always needed before perhaps for a thousand years of growth, and they now have a plant that looks like the same plant but is really only say 95% or 82% or 75% of the original plant. With each generation of plant splicing the agri-business gets better at figuring out how to keep the plant healthy, with a shorter growing season, a plant that resists insects, some of which are very necessary to help with pollenization of other plants. Image over substance No. 2. Here it comes again. This very food is picked and processed before it can obtain the correct biochemicals from the soil, even if they were there in the first place. "Yeah, I noticed those bananas are really green now." _ It is not only the bananas, but almost all foods. Image over substance No. 3. Do you remember that little game we played about, air, water and the nutrients adding up to a total of 100? Well, take this same game, and apply it here. They have air and water for certain. And we need heat to make plants grow. A plant that may have had say 20 mcg of selenium in it 10 years ago has a different amount of selenium in it now. _ Even if you can figure out the correct amount of selenium your loved one requires at any one point and say that they are eating such and such a food because it has selenium in it and expect to get seleneium they need,then you are wrong. Image over substance No. 4. _ "First, if you had let me have enough time I would have figured out the nutrient game." Sure you would have. "Also, if it grows and looks alright, I am going to eat it." _ Let me interrupt for a minute. Then we get to picking and packaging. Picking before the plant has had the chance to obtain all the necessary nutrients and now putting things in this case foreign, non-biochemical agents on the fruits or vegetables so that they appear and stay fresh for the consumer. Image over substance No. 5. _ Now any and all of these five "images over substances" will and probably do, with a great degree of certainty, cause your loved one to have some problems including behavior problems. "Now you are saying that a green banana causes her to curse and stay home from school." (thought- I do know that I am glad you are not a rocket scientist since we would probably get blown up.) I am saying that any and all the various steps in the food chain can and will cause your loved one problems. _ Now if you want to take all the time to figure out which one causes the problems, please, be my guest. You can figure them out but not with this "so what" attitude. You must have information that is correct and specific with valid research done by scientists that are in no way even remotely connected with the food industry. Your loved one could be allergic to the oil-based chemical put on the apple to make it appear shiny or the deficiency of a certain biochemical that should have been in the soil where the fruit or vegetable was grown. _ If you cloud the truth long enough and in so many areas then even the sharpest of scientific investigators will have a difficult time figuring out which chemicals at any one growing season are, in fact, the cause of a bad chemical reaction in your loved one. Yes, it is true that your loved one can be tested for such and such and the results show that you need this or that. However, if your child needs a certain biochemical and if you are relying on the truth of the food industry to give you accurate nutritional infomation then you are in for big suprise. _ "Wait a minute. The govenment controls those people." Total nonsense. It may have guidelines, restrictions, and on the rarest of occasions fines or penalties if something is so horrible, but the government in the agri-business format is nothing more than an observer many times and allows big-business, agri-business, to do basically what it wants, when it wants, and how it wants. _ "Well, that's what we did when we lived on the farm too, and we didn't bother anyone. The government didn't bother us either, so that is the way it should be." I guess sometimes I just don't know how to respond to some of your statements, but here's a try. "Wait. Let me tell you something about the way we farmed, and it was good enough for us. You think you know it all. When we farmed our 140 acres we had a section where we planted vegetables, a section where we had corn, and in another section we had wheat. We also had a section we left for the cows, pigs, and chickens. The section we had for the vegetables, and they were the best tasting things you ever had, was in back of the house so we didn't have to walk so far. We had a pond nearby, and I guess that is why the vegetables were there. Boy, you know, you could see all the way to the bottom of that pond and could see all the fish too. We didn't put a bunch of stuff on our vegetables, but we did have a pile of leaves and junk about 12 feet high. Sometimes, in the fall, it was even higher. That's the stuff we put on our vegtables and, boy, did they grow. We not only had good vegetables but good meat, better than you get nowadays. The animals ate whatever we had left over or they ate grass, and we didn't have any of those sick animals like some of the farmers next door. They always had some vet come out there and do this or that to some animal. Boy, I bet they spent a bundle of money there. Anyway, our eggs were the best you ever had, and we always had more than we could use. You know it is a shame, but you can't store eggs like you can apples or potatoes. And we had enough food for everyone, and not very many people got sick like when we moved off the farm and moved to the city, when I took that job at the aluminum plant. You know, the one down the road between those two dead old oaks trees they never cut down." _ "Anyway, we thought about going back to the farm, but all those other people out there can't make a living at it even with all those new herbicides and the like, and we don't know anything about them. It has been almost ten years since we moved, and it is really hard work. So we probably will stay in the city." _ "There was only one time when we couldn't get those vegetables to grow really well like they did before. That was when the farmer next door starting using some new herbicide and had it sprayed on his fields. The wind was blowing hard that day, and I bet you we got just as much on our vegtables as he did on his field. You know, I think it took about three years before those damn vegetables would grow right again and taste good. I always wondered whether that stuff did it to our vegetables, but our neighbor was always a smarter farmer and always talked to all those people at the feed store about all that stuff. So our neighbor knew what he was doing, I guess." _ "You know, when we left the farm the people that bought it from us and that same neighbor I was telling you about and a whole bunch more farms right there all sold to some company from somewhere up North and then those people started using really big machines. I bet some of those suc***s cost more than my house. That farm where I grew up had been in our family for over 145 years, but I just got tired of it and decided to move to the city. You know, there are better things for my kids and that stuff." _ I am sorry to interrupt, but we must go on with our story. With what you have just told me I probably could write another book for you. I didn't really think I would be saying this, but you were doing the right thing and the correct thing on your farm. It is a little difficult for me to tell you this, but I have learned a great deal from you. "You mean I am smarter than you?" This time you are. You have told me in your own words all the things that make life happen biochemically. _ You had natural bacterial-compost, clean water, good soil, no artificial or foreign chemicals to life, and nature did the rest. "Maybe I should go back and see if those people from up there want to sell it back to me." I doubt they will, and even if they did I don't think you would have the same good results you had as those years before. "Why do all those people from up North always think they know more than we do?" I don't think it has anything to do with where they come from but where they come mentally, or spiritually, or biochemically. "I just heard you splitting all those parts of a person." Sorry about that, I guess I came back to earth for a second and had to use jargon everyone thinks they understand. Anyway, back to the story.
Suggested foods that may not harm your loved one as much as some other foods.
This is not in any way a book about dietary nutrition. There are many wonderful books specifically stating which foods and how much nutrient value is in each food. I will simply list the foods that may do the best for the severe crisis that you and your loved one are in at present. The crucial nutrients you must get into your loved one are Vitamins B3, B6, B12, Vitamin C, and minerals zinc and manganese. If they will not take the nutrients by supplementation then try to get the nutrients into them by way of eating. _ I have intentionally listed foods in categories of nutrients within these foods. I will speak later about the problems with even these foods, but for now it is all you have. The most primary nutrients, even though you need all the nutrients in balanace, are the following: Vitamins B3, B6, B12, Minerals zinc and manganese.
A Few Words About What I Left Out of These Lists
I have intentionally left out the most basic allergic causing foods such as milk, wheat, corn and a few others. Your loved one can be allergic and have bad behavior because of brain allergies, and I have no way of knowing which food or foods your loved will have trouble with. Some of the listed foods here may be bad foods as well for your loved one. I have tried to limited the list and yet leave enough variety so that your loved one will have food choices. However, I have included beef and eggs which are many times allergy producing foods.
Vitamin B6 foods: _1) fish- tuna, trout, mackeral, sardines, halibut, salmon, cod, perch _2) potatoes _3) poultry- chicken livers _4) Watermelon _5) bananas _6) meats _7) honey _8) avacados _9) prunes _10) spinach, kale, brussel sprouts, turnip greens _11) carrots _12) soybeans _13) nuts- walnuts, chestnuts _14) eggs _15) beans- lima, navy, garbanzos _16) brown rice _17) black-eyed peas _18) lean beef _19) lean pork _20) raisins _21) sunflower seeds _22) buckwheat flour _23) sweet peppers _24) cauliflower _25) cabbage _26) sweet potatoes _27) molasses
You will have a difficult time finding bread made out of substances other than wheat, but try.
Vitamin B3 foods: _1) fish- trout, mackerel, halibut, swordfish, salmon, herring, shrimp, haddock _2) poultry- chicken, turkey, goose _3) meat- beef, veal, pork _4) almonds _5) mushrooms _6) whole grains _7) potatoes _8) honey _9) eggs _10) rice- wild rice, brown rice _11) chicken livers _12) barley
Vitamin B3 foods are essential even though the list is short. This is another reason for supplementation.
Vitamin C foods: _1) kale, collard greens _2) sweet peppers _3) brussel sprouts _4) spinach _5) strawberries _6) cabbage _7) grapefruit _8) turnip greens _9) broccoli _10) cauliflower _11) oranges _12) turnips _13) cantaloupe _14) green onions _15) okra _16) beans- lima beans, soybeans, blackeyed peas
Vitamin B12 foods: _1) chicken livers _2) fish-sardines, trout, salmon, haddock, clams, oysters, tuna, flounder, scallops, halibut, swordfish, perch _3) eggs _4) meat- beef
Minerals zinc foods: _1) fish-sardines, clams, tuna, haddock, shrimp, oysters, clams, tuna, sardines _2) meat-round steak _3) nuts-pecans, Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, hazel nuts _4) oats, buckwheat, rye, soy _5) beans-lima beans, black beans, string beans _6) green peas _7) carrots _8) cauliflower _9) cabbage _10) butter _11) cucumber _12) eggs _13) chicken _14) garlic _15) spinach _16) lettuce _17) olives _18) grape juice _19) potatoes
Mixed Nutrient Foods
Foods that contain Vitamin B3 and zinc: _haddock _shrimp _beef _potatoes _eggs
Foods that contain Vitamin B6 and zinc: _spinach _potatoes _cauliflower _carrots tuna
Foods that contain Vitamin B12 and zinc: _haddock _beef _eggs _tuna
Foods that contain Vitamins B3 and B6: _trout _salmon _mackerel _beef _eggs _pototoes _brown rice _chicken livers _honey pork
Foods that contain Vitamins B3 and B12: _trout _halibut _swordfish _haddock _eggs _beef
Foods that contain Vitamins B6 and B12: _chicken livers _trout _salmon _halibut _perch _eggs _beef
Foods that contain Vitamins B3, B6, B12: _chicken livers _trout _salmon
Foods that contain Vitamins B3 and B6 and zinc: _salmon _eggs _beef
Foods that contain Vitamins B3, B6, B12 and zinc: _eggs _beef
Foods that contain Vitamins C and B3: _None
Foods that contain Vitamins C and B6: _kale _sweet peppers _brussel sprouts _spinach _cabbage _cauliflower _lima beans _blackeyed peas
Foods that contain Vitamins C and B12: _None
Foods that contain Vitamins C, B3 and zinc: _None
Foods that contain Vitamins C, B6 and zinc: _cabbage _lima beans _cauliflower _blackeyed peas
Foods that contain Vitamins C, B3, B6 and zinc: _None
Foods that contain Manganese: _pecans _almonds _rye _carrots _brown rice _cabbage _walnuts _raisins _brussel sprouts _eggs _oranges _cantaloupe _brazul nuts _spinach _turnip greens
Foods that contain Manganese and Zinc: _pecans _Brazil nuts
Foods that contain Manganese, Vitamin B3 and Zinc: _almonds _eggs
Foods that contain Manganese and Vitamin B6: _turnip greens _eggs
Foods that contain Manganese and Vitamin B12: _eggs
Foods that contain Manganese and Vitamins B3 and B6: _eggs
Foods that contain Manganese and Vitamins B3, B6, B12: _eggs
Foods that contain Manganese and Vitamin C: _oranges _cantaloupe _brussel _sprouts
Foods that contain Manganese, Vitamin C and zinc: _spinach
Foods that contain Manganese, Vitamins B6, C and zinc: _cabbage
I have not given you nutritional values for each food, which would be complicated, but if you look in a good nutritional book you will readily find that material. It is very important. Now You See Why They Said "Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables" As you can see there are many fruits and vegtables listed. That seems to remind us of that old phrase, "be certain to eat all your fruits and vegetables." It is biochemically sound to do so, but do not forget the protein either. If you investigate other nutritional books you will find many more foods in each vitamin category, but remember we are trying to limit the possibilities of brain allergic reactions to food, which cause biochemical imbalance that you see as behavior.
Two Foods commonly overlooked as extremely valuable. Two foods that are not always thought to be good for you are eggs and almost all nuts. Eggs we know are good for you but the scare is in the cholesterol business. Also, if you obtain range-fed chicken eggs you will be better off than the supermarket type. Nuts are extremely important with many necessary biochemicals, regardless of the fat content for now.
However,do not eat peanuts. The other thing about eating nuts is that usually we eat quite a few before we realize how many we have eaten. Even though by each nut they have small amounts of nutrients, if you add it up they will provide a great deal of nutritional value. If your loved one likes nuts and has no digestion problems with them, then by all means keep them out all the time. Also, remember all the other things we spoke of regarding 4 day rotations, distilled water and food artifacts, dyes, colorings, sulfides, nitrites , nitrates and mono-sodium glutimate.
Back to Our Nutrients
Now that I have given you a bare-bones list of foods that will help your loved one you must understand some very important things about the purity and preparation of those foods. If you say, for example, that your loved one can be nutritionally balanced with a big fast-food hamburger because you saw lean beef listed, then you are already not comprehending what you may have thought was going to be an easy task. The task of getting the correct foods into your loved one will require great effort and thought. In terms of where you get your food is crucial. You cannot think that you are just going to go to the store and buy everthing on this list, and your loved one is going to spring back to life. You have to find out if any and all foods have additives, chemicals, Antibiotics given to the animals that your loved is going to eat. This task alone will exhaust you. _ You also have to remember to know with certainty how the food your loved one is going to eat is free of all foreign chemicals that will and do cause many biochemical imbalances. Also, you don't know which foods may be causing food allergies that lead to a wild assortment of bad behaviors. So you get into figuring out planting, what is in the soil, harvest time for that food, picking and packaging, how fresh it is at the store and how long it has been on the shelf at the store. If it is an animal product then you have to know how the animal was raised, the foods it ate, the Antibiotics it was injected with and all the other things we mentioned with packaging. Finally, by the end of this book you may realize all the thousands of things that our culture worldwide has done to "our nest". It truly is horrible to think that we have so many "smarts" and miss the most basic one- "the food we eat". Let me give a run-down on a small section of things to look for. Here you go: _1.Know where all fish that you eat comes from, whether they are bottom fish or mid-stream fish. Either can be a problem but particularly bottom fish, such as halibut or red snapper. _2.Know where all your beef is grown, whether it is range fed and on what kind of grasses, what Antibiotics are used and where they are slaughtered. Know the type of slaughtering house, where even good beef is contaminated because it is mixed with all other beef that is full of antibiotics and foreign chemicals. Find an organic farmer who has non- Antibiotic animals grassed on grasses. This is not easy to do, and it costs more. _3)Eat only those fruits and vegetables that are in season. Even then be certain to peel before eating. Even if you think peeling will get rid of the foreign chemicals remember the foreign chemicals are on the inside of the fruit or vegetable too. _4)Do not eat processed foods, frozen foods, certainly no canned foods, nothing with any kind of foreign chemicals in them. Just this last statement is probably enough to make you go over the edge of sanity. It is very difficult to find the correct foods. It is a full-time job by itself. Guess what? It was a full-time job in the cave-man days too, and that is the reason they ate only whole foods that were in season. They also knew what kind of animal meats they were eating. _ And you thought that all you had to do was read and implement the lists of foods. "Damnit, I have to do so many things already for my loved one, and she still is a pain in the ass." Get away from yourself. You can help her. Go ahead. Do all the definitions of what love is and what love isn't and none of it will make any difference. Your loved one needs help, so do it. If you have to be angry later I will give you many reasons why you can be angry, but for now just roll up your sleeves and get to work helping your loved one get the correct foods. You may have to change your family social customs and eat at least two of the three meals together, with all the family eating the same foods your loved one is eating too. _ You are going to have to show some effort to change habits of "eating on the run" or "not eating at all" sort of thinking. Maybe you can do it for awhile, but your loved one cannot. You probably can't either, but yours hasn't shown itself in harmful behavior as you say your loved one has.
A few things To Watch Out For
Some grocery stores will from time to time carry fresh poultry, especially turkey that has not been injected with a 5-10 solution of whatever foreign chemicals that company thinks it wants to put in their turkey and say it is free of solutions. At first, you might think you are getting a fresh turkey or range fed at that, and that will be healthy for your loved one. Wrong. Just because it says it does not have the solution says nothing about how it was raised, slaughtered, where and how it was packaged, and how long it has been in the store. It probably was fed in a grain box with grain made with many, many foreign chemicals to cut down on infection of the turkey while alive in those cramped eating facilities. These foreign chemicals are in each and every cell in that turkey, and you are eating them too. You may not eat the solution which is bad, but you thought you were eating something without foreign chemicals completely. You are not. The same is true with eggs. _ It is so sad that we have to spend so much time and effort on food because of a bunch of power greedy food industrial giants who have no wisdom as to the consequences of their actions. They may be smart, and that they are, because of the ways they fool the public to buy their products. However, they lack any and all shades of wisdom as to what they are doing to the life process. _ The second part of the problem with your loved one's wellness is one of food preparation. Remember this principle. Anything that burns uses oxygen and this oxygen is then changed into oxidative materials that can damage your health. The more brown a food is, the more oxidation is present. Fried foods and especially foods cooked in heated oils are the worst. Try to bake as many foods as possible, but this will not totally alleviate oxidation. There are many fine books written on proper food preperation to prevent illness, including behavior illness. A few are listed in the bibliography. Seek out other books too. _Remember, nutrients in the correct balance are for everyone or you as well may have problems other than behavioral.
Chapter 3
What goes in must come out- food and behavior _Key words-sentences _1)4 day food rotation _2)No Sugar _3)Artificial food coloring s, artifical flavors, dyes, mono-sodium glutimate, nitrates, sulfides _4)Distilled water _5)Suggested foods to stay away from _6)Suggested foods that may not harm your loved one as much and are important for their wellness 7)The crucial nutrients you must get into your loved one are Vitamins B3, B6, B12, vitamin C, and minerals zinc and manganese. _8)If they will not take the nutrients by supplementation then try to get the nutrients into them by way of eating. _9)Vitamins B3, B6, B12, Minerals zinc and manganese _10)Vitamin B6 foods _11)Vitamin B3 foods _12)Vitamin C foods _13)Vitamin B12 foods: _14)Minerals zinc and managanese foods _15)A few things to watch out for _16)Anything that burns uses oxygen, and this oxygen is then changed into oxidative materials that can damage your health. _17)Chelation _18)Fasting
Addictions - Cigarettes - Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs, Food, Lack of Food, Sex, Spending Money, Obsessive-Compulsive Traits _ Many of the things your loved one will do in terms of addictions are a direct result of their biochemical imbalance and all of its manifestations, including cravings. Some may seem to start as mere experimentation influenced by social peer groups. It may not be just experimentational and that is when you will begin to experience problems with your loved one and they experience many problems for themselves. I will go rather quickly with each of the addictions I have listed here, but I will give you guidelines as to what you might be able to do and things that do not necessarily work for them. Since any and all of these addictions can be very damaging you may think that you have to control all their behavior. _ I remember once talking to a policeman who had a child who did not appear in any way to have a biochemical illness and functioned at a very high level. I asked him what he thought was a method of trying to help someone with a biochemical illness who was addicted and socially out of reasoning. His answer was to lock them up in their room until they were 16 or 18 and then they would be OK. I was totally dumbfounded to hear his answer and he was serious. His idea was to keep his child away from others, to shield his child from harm from others. Also, his child did not inflict social pains on others._ To me that is not only denial, but a gross misinterpretation of how to deal with realities- his, his child's, and society's. He answered all three realities in one sentence. You cannot and should not lock your child up for biochemical illness or for any other reason unless it is suicide or something that is indeed severe. Anyone that is locked up to get better will not only not get better, they will get worse even biochemically. Unless it is suicide or total biochemical failure then simply don't do it. Cigarettes are extremely addictive and as far as I am personally concerned I would literally wipe out the entire tobacco industry in one law. I know prohibition as such didn't work and neither would what I have suggested, but I do feel that way. I have smoked for 38 years and it is one of the most difficult addictions to change or conquer. It took me 7 weeks to get off of sugar entirely and I thought that was a long time. Smoking is even more difficult than sugar addiction. There are many studies about how the nicotine addicted brain and total person work so I will not get into scientific data. It is extremely important but I will only say that part of the biochemical imbalance is directly related to the addiction of cigarettes. You probably know that over 100 different chemicals foreign to the body are in cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco. This sets up another realm of biochemical imbalances by itself, plus the other ones your loved has. There will be very little you can do that will not cause more problems than it is worth about smoking. If you do not smoke you can and should insist that your loved one smoke outside the house so that you and everyone else is not affected by their smoke. You can many times refuse to buy cigarettes for them and should refuse to buy their tobacco products. You should be extremely careful if your loved one is at home alone and decides because they are home alone that it is alright to smoke and leave a cigarette lit and forget about it, thus causing the possibility of a fire. You can try all the bribe techniques and probably none will work. If they do you are indeed fortunate on that issue. Now I will go to food which may on the surface seem to be harmless and without as many biochemical consequences as tobacco. I pick this order of addiction for a reason that I will get to at the end of this chapter. The food that I am talking about is the volume and the type. There are many books written about obesity, what causes it and how to manipulate your behavior and diet, thus controlling your volume of eating. There are only a handful, and I mean handful, that talk about obesity and biochemical illness. Even the biochemical books talk in general terms about biochemical illness which can and does correct obesity problems, but very few talk about the very specific nature of obesity biochemically. "Man, did you split the person into all those diffent parts? I heard you." I am sorry about that. _ So you will have to search carefully to find a book that is more than some elementary version of self-help for obesity problems. See the bibliography for these books. The behaviorist will tell you obesity is a disguise for this and that emotion you have not dealt with properly. I simply say that that is defining but not doing anything about the root cause, which is biochemical. Then the next thing is specific foods that cause those allergies- brain allergies. Those foods cause addictions, and the addictions cause brain allergies, and the brain allergies cause biochemical changes, and the biochemical changes cause behavior that you don't like to see. I have already talked about certain foods but if you are going to live in this next century then you must become fully equiped with information about what is happening to our food and what it does to you and your loved ones biochemically. The Doris Rapp book (Is This Your Child?) is a wonderful place to start for general and specific conceptual information and what to do about particular problems. She is another biochemical-thinking doctor in the upper echalon of thinkers. Try all the subtle things such as buying certain foods less often, then not at all. If they are young simply don't buy them period.
Drugs, Legal or Illegal, Including Food
This section of the book will be very short, brief and to the point. There are many biochemistry books with thousands of experiments with humans and animals and even some on plants that will give you very specific information about the direct causes and effects of drugs. Any foreign thing can come into the person by many different ways (the skin, food, air or whatever) and it will alter the person. Many drugs, whether or not they are legal or illegal as determinded by our society, will mimic exact symptoms of behavioral illnesses caused by biochemical imbalance. _ "Then you don't know which is which." Very good, and you are correct. Some drugs mimic specific diseases almost exactly such as LSD 25 and schizophrenia. There are many others we do not know about. What you do know is that whether it is caused by genetic causes or drug usage the results may be the same in terms of behavior. What you must do is get to the root cause of biochemical imbalance. Correct the biochemical imbalance. _ Some people eat the same food every day until they build up an allergic reaction and then they become ill. Drug addicts are the same except they may use legal or illegal drugs. Yes, maybe a food allergy is not as bad as cocaine, but there are times when certain behaviors are worse with food allergies than even with cocaine. Don't get into trying to define things again and just remember that it is all biochemical imbalance and correct that. Just as you may have difficulty in trying to get your loved one off of a food that is damaging to their behavior you will also have great problems with someone who is addicted to alcohol or drugs. _ Then there is another important thing you have to consider, and that is the genetic coded information that the person's mechanisms read as natural to the body. Because of faulty genetic decoders, your loved is now an addict with all the behavioral problems you can think of. So, again, I must say that it does not make any difference how biochemical imbalance started, you must correct biochemical imbalance with nutrients. If your loved one is addicted to drugs, alcohol, or damaging foods you have a problem pure and simple. Do remember that it is part of the overall problem of biochemical illness too, and you will have to get them on the nutrients with the hope of diminishing the source of the biochemical imbalance and eventually alleviating it all together. _ In my opinion, anyone who is biochemically imbalanced stands a much better chance at addiction than those that are biochemically balanced. _ "You mean that now if she decided to take drugs and smoke marijuana that it is part of the disease?" Yes, I am saying that it is part of the problem of biochemical imbalance and if there is a genetic problem of predisposed proclivity to drugs then you will have to understand where it comes from. Your battles will go on and on. Hopefully for many reasons you may side-step a few problems and they may not happen. Maybe your loved one has bad behavior and is not into drugs, alcohol, or other damaging invaders, then you still have biochemical imbalance. In many ways you are very fortunate that you do not have all these other masquerading bad behavioral inhancers, too. _ "Well, I hope my daughter is only biochemically imbalanced and not on drugs." So do I, for you, but now you can see why just because you might find out that your loved one, who has had biochemcial imbalance for sometime, is now on drugs is no reason to say it is only their drug usage. Yes, maybe a lot is now caused by drug usage but it is all biochemical imbalance, regardless of whether they took every drug known to mankind. _ There are so many levels of ups and downs in trying to live with your loved one when they go from one thing to another, and each and every thing is damaging their biochemcials even farther and you can't do anything, especially when they are past legal age or an adult. There are laws to protect people from others taking controls of their lives and abusing the individual's rights. These laws are meaningful and should be there, but it does make it very difficult to have a 28 or 30 year old that is so far out of biochemical balance and you can do nothing to help them. They don't want help. You can't get them to recognize they need help. Yet you want to respect, honor, and give them all the individual freedoms that they are entitled to. You still can't help them. _ Another thing about drugs particularly is that it may start as experimentation and quickly become addiction. You may have within a period of one month a major problem with even more exaggerated behavioral traits. Remember the story of my Mom? That was with drugs and she only said foul words.
Lack of Food
Many times when people are depressed they will not eat. Some of this may be caused by the lack of food tasting good because of low zinc levels. Zinc in simple terms increases the taste of food. It does many more things but for now just think of zinc as a taste enhancer. You must do everything you can to get your loved one to eat, especially vitamins B3, B6, zinc, and vitamin C foods. Also, try to get the supplements in them. In the case of zinc it is extremely crucial. Behaviorally, if you have to have a picnic, take them out for dinner, or whatever, you have to get food into them. Obviously, try to keep them away from all the harmful aspects of food that I have already mentioned. "I have a question. Are drug and alcohol addicts biochemically imbalanced?" Yes, absolutely, either through heredity or by their own first generation initiation.
sexua| pleasures are not only natural but necessary for the human species. The sexua| pleasures that I will speak of here are of a different type. Any and all things on this earth have opposites, regardless of what they are. So sexua| pleasures as well can be interpreted as good or bad simply by your point of view. Because biochemical imbalance affects logic and judgement, your loved one may be one of those people who, in their attempt to get away from the pains, use sex as a means of self-medication. _ Anything can be used as self-medication, whether it is food, drugs, alcohol, religion, reading, work, or anything you can think of that is controlling or obsessive to that person and allows that person to get away from the thoughts of pain that they are experiencing. I define obsession as anything that is chosen for the reason of getting away from something, as opposed to doing something because you like to do it by free choice. One is going away and the other is going toward. One is going away from pain and the other is going toward pleasure. _ If these choices for your loved one are to get away from their pains is legal or less harmful then you may at first have no difficulty accepting them. If I had biochemical imbalance and my method of getting away from my pains is to listen to Bach, you might say that is wonderful. If I said my method is to take cocaine then you would be alarmed and shocked. Any obsessive trait is an indicator of biochemical imbalance. _ "How do you know a person is not just interested in listening to Bach, and it means nothing more than that?" There are other clues that you have had and will have that will demonstrate how obsessiveness of one thing caused by the lack of thought or thought disorder is obsessive in a damaging way. _ "If you take away the obsession are they better? I wouldn't let them listen to Bach because you said it was bad for them. I will force them to face their problems and then they will get better." First of all, if it would work it might be worth a try. You are talking about behavior that does not have its own life but is part of biochemicals and in the case of bad behavior, biochemical imbalance. Remember the organism wants to avoid pain at all costs, and being obsessive is a way of getting away from pain. If you take something away from a person, what are you accomplishing but taking it away? The problem is still there, the biochemical imbalance, and if you wait a while your loved one will find another, maybe even more serious or illegal, method to become obsessive about to get away from their pains. _ Get to the root cause of thought disorder, limited choices, which cause obsessive behavior and the like and you will come to biochemical imbalance. Yes, depending on what the obsession is will determine how much effort you want to put forth to alter the obsession or obsessions. Any and all obsessive traits are very strong indicators of biochemical imbalance. Now I want to spent a little time talking about more than one obsession and what it does indicate. If you find one obsessive trait in your loved one, you should look for others as well. Usually one with severe biochemical imbalance will demonstrate at least two obsessive traits and they may be quite diverse. You may not connect any correlation between the two. It is not the fact that you should connect any importance of the two different obsessions but if you see two obsessions then you know with all certainty that your loved one is very much biochemically imbalanced. The use of nutrients may have to be in the megadose ranges to be effective and it may take a longer period of time before your loved one is fully functioning and reaching for the greatest potential. So if you see more than one obsession you may have to have more nutrients and longer. That is the difference between seeing one obsession and more than one obsesssion. In this case, more obsessions require more nutrients. This is not always true since, again, you must always consider biochemical individuality and that by itself is the determining factor for success with nutrients.
Spending money
An obsessive person who chooses to spend money as their obsession can drive you into the poor house very quickly. As I said before, all obsessive traits are very damaging in one way or another and spending your money or others or stealing for their obsession can and does cause many problems. I only mention it becasue some people overlook it and it does show up a lot more times than many people realize.
Obsessive-Compulsive Impulse Control
Now I will try to pull the reasons for any and all obsessions together and give you some additional information as to what they can lead to. All obsessions have a direct relationship to impulse control and many have said it is in the brain. I personally do not think it is in the brain only, and thus, I still maintain the total person thinking. Regardless of where it is, impulse control is not governed as some would have us believe by stimuli but by the filter pathway of nutrients being either blocked or not there at all to function biochemically. That is why you could say we have a biochemical individuality of impulse control. _ If you think of a straight horizontal line and have at the left side biochemical imbalance, what would be your next thought going to the right-hand side on the line? For now, I will just give you a few possibilities in terms of obsessions. _ Any of the senses can be chosen and then very specific obsessions within that particular sense. For example, let's say that it is alcohol and you fear that your loved one will become an alcoholic with all the disfunctioning traits alcoholics might demonstrate. You might think that it was taste but it was thought disorder also, perhaps more than taste and probably taste didn't even enter the picture.It was without question genetically based with a great deal of certainty. _ The lack of control is what many people call the lack of impulse control, but how do you control something that is controlling you? You are simply trying to survive, and remember the organism will go to any lengths to survive including confusion, pain, and even obsessions. So your choice of what is next down the line of biochemical imbalance causing the lack of impulse control can be many things. At this point in my analogy I can stop, because all I wanted was for you to realize that impulse control, the lack of filters for stimuli, and obsessions are all connected. The root cause of all of them is biochemical imbalance. You cannot change any one of them individually, and only by changing the root cause will they change. All will change, and that is the wonderful thing about it. They all will change with biochemical balance.
Drugs and behavior- which one is causing the behavioral biochemical imbalance? Starting to connect dots about nutrients and behavior?
Chapter 4
Review addictons
Key words-sentences _1)Addictions - cigarettes - tobacco products, alcohol, drugs, food, lack of food, sex, spending money, obsessive- compulsive _2)Drugs, Legal or Illegal, Including Food _3)Lack of food _4)Sex _5)Any and all obsessive traits are very strong indicators of biochemical imbalance. _6)This is not always true since again you must always consider biochemical individuality and that by itself is the determining factor for success with nutrients. _7)Spending money _8)Obsessive-Compulsive Impulse Control
Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids and Enzymes
Vitamins: Vitamin A (betacarotene), vitamin B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), vitamin B (panthothenic), B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B (folic acid), vitamin B12 (cobalamin), vitamin B (biotin), vitamin B (choline), vitamin B (inositol), B17 (amygdalin), vitamin B (paba-para-amino benzoic acid ), B15 (pangamic), Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E (tocopherol), Vitamin K, Vitamin P (bioflavonoids). _Minerals: Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, selenium, iodine, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium . _Amino Acids: phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, cycteine, taurine, methionine, homocysteine, arginine, ornithine, glutamic acid, proline, aspartic acid, threonine, glycine, serine, alanine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, alanine, gaba, glautamine, lysine, carnitine, and histidine. All amino acids are made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen. _Enzymes: Co Q10 _Fatty Acids: Omega 3 and 6 or Flax Seed oil
Getting to the issue of nutrients, remember that all nutrients (biochemicals natural to the body) will help and also harm. Everything must be in balance. The primary nutrients are generally classified into vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. The ones you can use are the following: Vitamin B1 (thiamine)(100mg), B2 (ribiflavin)(100mg), B3 (niacin)(500mg), B6 (500mg), B12 (500 mcg), B5 (folic acid)(800mcg), Vitamin C (1000mg), Zinc (50mg), calcium-magnesium 500 mg to 200 mg ratio, selenium (100mcg), Manganese (15mg every other day), flax seed oil, per dosage and with three dosages per day with meals always. (Mg= milligrams// mcg= micrograms; 1000 mcg=1 mg.) So be careful that you have 800 mcg B5,100 mcg selenium, and 500 mcg B12 and not mgs of these. _ Dosages are extremely important and the length of time on nutrients until obtaining testing is extremely important. At some point you have to realize that you are doing the same thing that I criticized the non-orthomolecular doctors for, and that is that you cannot simply give pills and expect results. Yes, you will get results, especially because your loved one's person is so starved and deficient for the vitamins or minerals. It is like being on the hot desert for hours without water and finally getting a cool drink of water. Your loved one is starving biochemically and the only thing you see is behavior. I told you that you would find things out about yourself during the course of helping your loved one. _ "Who would ever think that my loved one was starving? I feel horrible." Get past it. You have your loved one to think about and there will be plenty of time for you to think back on your own personal adventure to help your loved one. So your loved one is starved and not only starved but has behavioral problems such as foul langauage, rage, drugs and the like and you now have vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. _ The next step is to get them inside the person. That is again not so easy since many biochemically ill people feel nothing will help them even after they admit that there is something wrong with them. In addition, biochemically ill people sometimes feel paranoid and feel you are trying to control them in so many ways. They have disperception after disperception. All you are trying to do is help. They will not take the nutrients. People in the psychological profession state a phrase that I personally am tired of hearing. People will only help themselves when they are in deep pain and see no other way out of their mess. I believe if you can get your loved one to take four or five dosages they will be far more likely to continue because they feel better. _ However, when they get to a certain point of a week or two and really feel better, but in reality a great distance from total recovery, they will refuse to take any more nutrients. You have another level of persuasion to contend with. This goes on for weeks on end. You must attempt to be present and subtle, but watch your loved one actually take the nutrients so that you can be certain that they are working, and your loved one is not playing a game about taking the nutrients. There are a few nutrients that I will recommend for cases of emergencies, such as after a full-blown rage. _ Obviously, the chances of you getting your loved one to take these amino acids is remote, but they will work to take the edge off the person's anger and hostility. They are GABA (500mg), Taurine (500mg), Glysine (500mg) and Lysine (500mg). Give them to your loved one as soon as they will agree to take them, and another of the same dosage two hours later. All nutrients for now should be taken with food even if it is a cookie or piece of bread. There are certain nutrients that work better taken without food, but that is an issue that your orthomolecular doctor can address. So for now take all nutrients with food. This will help problems with an upset stomach. Asking a person to take nutrients when they are in a rage or in a high anger state is next to impossible, but perhaps you can get younger children to take them.
My personal story of nutrients
A few years ago I did not feel good physically and took one of my every five years physical exams. I had to be stopped on the treadmill at 7 minutes. (I am 56.) I asked the doctor what was going on and he informed me that I was about to have a heart attack if I continued. He stated that he would call and arrange for me to have an angiogram and angioplasty the next day. Wait a minute. Cholesterol was 260, etc., risk factor ratio of 9.63, HDL 27, LDL 198, triglycerides 175, meant it was bad, etc. The next morning at 8 am I called a heart doctor. He would take me in in 30 minutes. I went, he did his visual physical exam and verbal history. "You must have a angiogram to be safe. While we are in there with the catheter we might as well do the angioplasty. We can do it tomorrow." This is what I was told. Still, wait a minute. So I said I would think about it and walked out. That was on Wednesday and I was very sacred to say the least. _ On Sunday, I went to Barnes and Noble bookstore and purchased about $500.00 worth of books on alternatives to by-pass heart surgery and started reading 3-6 hours at a time. _ On Monday, I went to the health food store and purchased approximately 104 different herbs and vitamins. Here is a list of what I took. _ Flax seed oil, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, Garlic, psyllium, oat bran, chromium, carnaitine, lysine, gamma oryzanol, COQ10, pectin, hawthorne berry, evening primrose, vitamin E, grapenol, proline, DHEA, magnesium, shiitake mushrooms, fenugreek, kelp, black cohosh, glutamine, potassium, choline, biotin, guggul, Celery seed, inositol, tyrosine, St. John's wort, gluthathione, ginger, lomantium, taurine, pycnogenol, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, superoxide dismustase, ginkgo, cysteine, livatox, selenium, molybdeum, distilled water, cayenne, zinc, japanese green tea, lauric acid, guar gum, siberian ginseng, paba, bioflavonoids, kombucha, calcium, rutin, quercetin, hesperin, manganese, food enzymes, spitulina, grapefruit peel extract, motherswort, ornithine, arginine, glycine, slippery elm bark, turmeric, and others that I didn't even keep track of on my dosage lists. I took many if not all four times per day and I took all at least two times per day. _ I had never believed in vitamins and thought mind over matter was all that counted for good health. I continued to read all my books, ordered more books, was obsessive-compulsive and almost out of control with fear that maybe I did not have enough time to correct my problems. _ I decided after two weeks (actually 17 days) that I wanted the heart doctor to do another blood cholesterol test. Cholesterol was 170, etc., risk factor ratio of 4.6, HDL 37, LDL 95, triglycerides 189. Two weeks later another test. Cholesterol was 170, etc., risk factor ratio of 4.8, HDL 24, LDL 116, triglycerides 140. I had been megadosing 104 herbs and vitamins four times a day for two weeks and had no fat, etc. The doctor asked how I did it. I showed him my legal pad with two pages filled with dosages, when I started, etc., and told him I did not have any idea of how I reduced the cholesterol. He stated that I should give him the names of a few of these vitamins so that he could put it on my chart. The only one he was familiar with as he stated to me was vitamin E. I was dumbfounded. He was the doc and I with my tiny thimble-full of knowledge knew more than he did. "So what?" Well, it proved to be something of great importance once I got past my disappointment in the doctor. _ I also asked him to do LPa2, homocysteine, and fibronogen tests and amino acids tests. He said he could not make sense of the results but said he would order the tests. Then he put on my chart, as I could see, that I would call back to set up a time for the angioplasty. Obviously the tests never took place there, nor did the angioplasty even to this date, nor will it. I spent the next two months reading and compiling information of mechanisms, biochemical pathways, neurological systems and the like and began to increase my thimble-full of knowledge. _ Now that I know a little more about nutrients I strongly suggest that you not go the megadosing route that I went. It can be very harmful and work against your desired results. It is different now in terms of asking me the question of which ones worked. I do know now probably with great certainty which ones did work but that is after extensive reading on specific research within each and every nutrient. At this point in my quest to learn more about nutrients I have read a great deal about research that includes TCM, herbs, botanical influences on health, electric fields, health hazards and just about anything I can get my hands on. My fear-obsession at the beginning has turned into a nice friend (my reading) that I would have never thought I would have had an in interest in pursuing. _ I am fortunate that our publishing company is far enough along that I can take the many hours per day to pursue my reading and thinking. I probably am obsessed with my reading even now, but I have tempered it with a different type of philosophy for me that tells me it is worthwhile. The nutrients have given me not only time to live but have enhanced the quality of my life. (The bookstores love me, of course.) _ There is so much research, valid research, that is backed up by studies done half way around the world by people who have no connection to other researchers and yet come to the same conclusions. After awhile you start to do a mental chart and even later a physical paper chart of all the research that is available say, for example, on Vitamin B6. _ There are some nutrients that have had so much exhaustive research that literally the books and research papers would weigh many, many tons. There are other nutrients that are researched very little and you have to weigh that information with greater caution until others in different research projects either confirm or deny the results of the finds of the original research. In a way it is like a mystery novel unfolding. _ There are many things that I have read that I will go back and read for the fourth time to make certain that I got it correct. So when I say that such and such nutrients will do thus and so, it is not just my thinking but far more importantly it is backed up by the many researchers and clincians who have done the "hands on" research. So if I say niacin or zinc or vitamin C or B6 are extremely necessary I mean it as strongly as I can say in written words. _ One word about clinicians and the term. Clinicians may or may not be researchers as well. If they are, as in many cases of the research that I have based this book on, you will find information far more practical and meaningful since these clinicians have tried their methods on humans as well as animals, and even in some cases on themselves before testing results on their patients. How many medical association-type doctors (non-biochemically trained, non-orthomolecular) do you know of that do that? None that I have ever come in contact with. Any profession has people that lack vision, insight, or openmindedness, but it seems like the non-orthomolecular doctor has arrived at total knowledge. Therefore, why should they continue to study, much less do research on themselves which is risky, or do research on animals so that they could help their patients? So that is another difference in the quality of the human being that "just happens to be a doctor" as in the case of a biochemically trained or orthomolecular doctor. _ There has been so much worthwhile research on biochemicals over the last 60 years that it is in fact a wonder that it has never made its impact into the curriculum of medical schools of the non-trained or non-orthomolecular type doctors. _ Back to nutrients. So there is a difference in how you will view the nutrients. You may end up doing the same thing that I have and that is to research out all the available information you can get your hands on and weigh it out for its merits and doctor yourself. I don't think you will have to do that if you find an open-minded orthomolecular doctor. Then you can use their minds. _ I would still suggest you learn more than the basic principles of biochemistry. "I had chemistry in high school and never really liked it. I wasn't any good at it." Think. I am not talking about 2x=4y but basic principles of how the biochemicals work. Anyone with two ounces of sense can understand most research in biochemistry. There may be studies here and there that at first don't make sense to you, but if someone tells you zinc, the mineral and trace mineral at that, works in over 600 enzyme reactions in the body you do not have to do any equations or calulations to figure out that zinc is indeed important. Then you figure out how it works with other nutrients. Then you figure out what tests or evaluations are necesary for an accurate test of your own amounts of zinc. Some tests are highly accurate and meaningful to an orthomolecular trained doctor; other tests are questionable in their validity and provide only some usable information; some nutrient tests are not even available- they don't exist. You don't go to an orthomolecular doctor and say, "Doc, I want all the tests known to mankind on nutrients done on me." It is not that way. Also, some biochemically trained doctors practice as the TCM doctors do. They will take a history of your symptoms and they have a very good, if not precise, idea of what your problem is and correct it with or without any elaborate testing. "That is the same as non-trained biochemial doctors, so what's the difference?" The difference is huge. The body responds to the natural substances within the body with nutrients which are natural to your body. _ Antibiotics, drugs, and all the artifact-non-nutrient based materials are not natural to your body. "But, antibiotics work." Yes, they do, but only to a certain degree and then they start take their toll of damage on you. "Do you mean to say that all of the medicine that I take is harmful to me?" Most all of it. Nutrients are not alternative forms of medicine but the natural ingredients for wellness. They are medicine, if you want to call it that, the way it should be in your body. _ "Well, let's get on with it for my loved one. What should she take?" There you go with that damn quick fix again. Open your mind a little and invest something of your time and energy, and who knows? You might even learn something. (Sorry about that, but your quick fix idea does get to me.) "I have a grandmother who has heart trouble and she takes 13 different pills. Some she takes twice a day. Are you saying that she doesn't need them and she should stop?" Yes, she should stop but only, and I mean only, under the direct supervision of well-trained orthomolecular doctor. _ "You mean all those pills she takes may be hurting her?" They probably with much certainty are. "Wait a minute. I am sorry I brought it up. I just want to know about my loved one's recovery." Why do you think that biochemical illness is only behavior? You are going backwards in your thinking. All biochemical illness has different and varied ways of telling us the total person is not working the way it should be and that the behavior or whatever else it is whether it is gallstones, heart, liver problems or whatever, it is connected to the total person. Just sit still and think for awhile. It will make sense. "I still think you are wrong." (no comment.) Finally, back to nutients.
Frederick Klenner and Vitamin C
Dr. Frederick Klenner was a medical doctor for many years in Reidsville, N.C. He came by way of the use of vitamin C in megadoses as a result of knowing that a plant-like tree called boneset, which contained 30 times the amount of vitamin C as in one orange, would help his patients. His story and the discovery is quite interesting to read. Please do so._ The main point of Klenner's use of vitamin C was the megadose volume of vitamin C and the timing of its use. He found that vitamin C in large doses (50,00-300,000 milligrams) would reduce symptoms, reverse symptoms, and aid in the healing of many problems by altering toxins, viral infections, and hosts of other invaders. He was the first to suggest 15,000 milligrams per day for the healthy person without disease. _ Klenner and Irwin Stone were the pioneers that established research and the practical application of vitamin C usage before Linus Pauling, who continued their research and applications with the vitamin C. Klenner was not a researcher but the use of vitamin C on his patients and their recoveries could be called his research. It worked for his patients so Klenner used it. Simple. If it works do it. _ There are so many things that Klenner used vitamin C for in his patients. I will give you a short list which includes the following uses: encephalitis, viral pneumonia, sudden infant death syndrome, severe burns, wound healing, carbon monoxide poisoning, leg cramps, shock, toxins from snakes, spiders, and other poisonous insects, diabetes, mononucleosis, cancer, barbituate posioning, cholestrol, lockjaw, heat stroke, intoxication from alcohol, glaucoma, arthritis, sunburn, smallpox vaccination allergic reaction, tetanus, pre- and post- surgery wound healing and many, many more. _ The remarkable thing about Klenner's use of vitamin C and his meagdose usage by vein injections was the sometimes immediate results. As soon as the vitamin C was injected the patient became better. Many times certain problems would be alleviated within minutes. If you have severe problems I suggest that you find someone like Klenner (now deceased) who understands how meagadoses of vitamin C work. As I have said before, there are a few nutrients that are very special in their role to wellness and vitamin C is among the best of these, along with vitamins B3, B6, and zinc. _ I am very glad that Pauling won the Nobel prize for biochemistry, but it is also a shame that people like Klenner and Stone have been almost forgotten.
Dosages / Continued Thoughts - Our Automobile Journey (Our Engine Type, Fuel Needs, and Terrain) _ We are going to take a auto journey. Before I start to tell you about dosages, let me give you an analogy. If you have a large automobile it probably requires a large engine. It probably requires more fuel than a smaller auto which has a smaller engine. So the first thing we have to decide on is the type of fuel we use. It may be gasoline, electrical-powered, sun-powered, or diesel fuel. This is the type of engine requirement for fuel. This is our vitamins B3, B6, zinc and vitamin C. If we are driving across country from Maine to San Francisco we try to plan to have enough fuel for that journey. How well our engine works, its size, weight, etc. will govern how much fuel we need and use. The same is true with nutrients. We have a problem here though because we have biochemical individuality which means every person interprets his or her own need for fuel in a different way. _ With our auto journey we have been given information based on test trials by the manufacturer that give the upper and lower limit guidelines for minimum and maximum use of a particular fuel. With nutrient dosages we don't have a manufacturer's guide, even though many tests and much research has indicated some guidelines. _ The next aspect of our auto journey across country is the type of terrain. We have flat areas, mountains, low lattitude, high lattitude, and various other aspects such as wind, rain, snow, etc. All of these determine how effectively our engine can perform. With nutrients, terrain is stress. We have internal stresses and well as external stresses. Many times it is rather easy to see how external stresses affect the organism. If you have had a slightly stressful day you may have diarrhea the next day. You may have tight-feeling skin, blood-shot eyes or the like. They appear to be physical symptoms. However, what if you continued to experience stress day after day and the stresses were more than slight stresses? Think of it as traveling in the mountains of the Continental Divide. Then stresses require greater nutrients. We get back to biochemical individuality here because each person interprets the need for nutrients as caused by stresses in a different manner. _ To this point we have been talking about external stresses. Now we come to a very big one. Internal stresses can be even worse in their ability to drain nutrients from the organism. Internal stresses are very difficult to talk about, and at this point even very little language to describe internal stresses has been fully developed. Internal stressors are all those things that for whatever reasons cause the organism to interpret itself in need of "something". What is that something? Yes, it's nutrients, but probably much more such as "chi" and electrical energy, which we will talk about later in the chapter on TCM. I bring up the differences in stresses, external and internal, to show you that you may think that such and such stress had a great effect on you or such and such stress had very little effect on you. We may have diarrhea, a bad behavior problem, or a protein metabolism problem from stresses experienced the previous day. It may also be from stresses you suffered twenty years prior. _ There is another aspect that internal stress has. Internal and external stresses work together. Anything that is out goes in and anything that is in goes out. (Later you will see this in detail in TCM.) _ Let me give you an example. I remember reading some research about a woman who was fully psychotic. She was in such bad shape mentally that she had to be strapped to her bed in the hospital. Over a period of weeks she was given vitamin C daily, but it was not until the dosages reached 45,000 mg daily that she had full recovery and no psychotic symptoms of any kind. Yes, she was like you and me. Then the doctors tried to figure out a way that she could be released from the hospital with a lower dosage of vitamin C. They started at 40,000 mg daily. Yes, you guessed it. She became fully psychotic again. They increased her dosage to 42,000 mg daily and she still had psychotic symptoms. Then back to 45,000 mg daily and she was well again. "Do you mean only 3000 mg daily of vitamin C made her crazy or normal?" You have rather harsh words, but you are correct. Just 3000 mg daily made the entire difference. _ Back to our terrain or in nutritional terms- our stressors. No one knows at this point whether problems are caused by external or internal stresses or the interplay between them. You have just been told of the Klenner research and how it relieves symptoms, including increasing the ability to withstand pain. We assume at this point that nutrients relieve pain rather than blocking pain orginators or receptors. _ The person who researched the idea of biochemical individuality was Roger Williams, a brilliant researcher and an especially great thinker. Without an understanding of his contribution to orthomolecular medicine almost all nutrient dosages would be meaningless. It would be like a shot in the dark, never fully understanding how biochemicals work. _ There is one other part about the psychotic-normal woman who required 45,000 mg daily of vitamin C. Dosages may last one hour or ten hours but probably not more than 24 hours. The woman required dosages two times per day every 8 to 10 hours to regulate her needs. Personally, I can tell you that I had heart angina pain and had just started to megadose nutrients and herbs. I could only go approximately three hours without feeling a need to have another dosage. _ As time went on over several months I could extend the dosages to five hours, then six hours, etc. The pain was still not there. Finally, the pain went away entirely. Please, do not think of angina pain as heart pain but a malfunction of the total organism with specific symptoms showing up as heart angina pain. _ For your loved one there is a huge difference between one dosage per day and four dosages per day. Personally, for severe problems go for the four dosages per day route. Your loved one's bad behavior, an extension of something inside the organism, may need four dosages per day for a short time or for an extended period of time. Your loved one may have an organism "gas tank" that can utilize a lot of nutrients very fast. The gas tank may be big or small. _ So let me bring you up to date in our cross-country auto journey (dosages). We have engine type, size, fuel type, and terrain. Dosages might be compared to gas station stops or refueling stations along our journey. _ Let's say we are driving over the Continental Divide and our engine fails completely. We have gas in the tank but the engine is not able to use it. We have already mentioned enzymes and sequence order of biochemical balance. When the engine fails it is the same thing - a failure of biochemical sequences even if nutrients are present in the organism.
Osmond and Others
You will remember that Osmond was injected with adrenolutin in one experiment and LSD25 in another. You asked the question as to how the doctors corrected his behavioral difficulties. I told you that they gave him nicotinic acid (vitamin B3). However, there is one additional thing that I did not mention which is very important. Osmond and others reported in their diary-type personal analysis that the effects of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) would loose their efficiency. When they took more nicotinic acid all their behavioral difficulties would go away. I have already mentioned the disperception of the length of recovery time that Osmond thought. I do not want you to think that Osmond took nicotinic acid one time and all of his reactions to adrenolutin or LSD25 went away. Osmond and others who did these experiments needed nicotinic acids in varying amounts and for varying times for each person. _ There is another special consideration here too. Osmond was an intact, healthy person by general standards and did not exhibit any bad behavioral traits prior to injection. What would happen, however, if he had many biochemical imbalances prior to injection? This is what may be the case with your loved one. She may have many biochemical imbalances going on and then have stress induced adrenochromes go wild. The results may, in fact, cause rage or any of the bad behavioral traits already mentioned. Then you get back to biochemical individuality. _ So please do not think that if you are giving 3000 mg daily of nictonic acid (vitmain B3) that you can't go to 4000 mg daily or 7000 mg daily if you need to. Also, first you have to obtain biochemical stability with megadosing many times. Then you can use less time-restricted dosages. Also, you may have to increase the amount of each nutrient. Remember, you are only seeing bad behavior traits as your guide. When they disappear you will feel you have biochemical balance in your loved one. You probably do. (Vitamin B6 repeated from before because of its importance)
The Three B's (not Bach, Beethoven and Brahms) Vitamins B3, B6, and B 12 _ I will talk about vitamin B6 first. Vitamin B6 deficiency or vitamin B6 imbalance, and therefore a deficiency, will cause a poor tolerance to stress, limited dream recall, sunlight sensitivity (burning rather than tanning), pain in the upper part of the abdomen, and hyperactivity, which may cause learning disabilities usually showing up in adolescence or slightly later such as the freshman year in college. So far it doesn't sound that important. Hang on because it is very important. Also, this vitamin B6 deficiency will demonstrate cyclic or periodic depression with marked evidence of apathy and indifference, followed by attempts to regain one's reality thus creating stress, failures, and frustrations due to the lack of vitamin B6 and zinc. _ It is this second part of the larger cycle that you have to be very cautious of since it is the time when psychotic attacks may take place. So you have a vitamin B6 deficiency, followed by a depression. Then attempts at functioning are failed, which is the second part of the depression cycle. Finally, more attempts at function are made and failure results in the possibilty of a psychotic attack. _ The reason for the possibility of psychotic attacks in the second part of depressive cycles is not fully understood, but it can be because the Vitamin B6-zinc momentarily restores itself followed by a huge need for vitamin B6 and zinc when they already have a deficiency. Thus, there is a higher level of strain or draw on vitamin B6-zinc when they attempt to function. _ From all my reading I have found that two individuals stand out in the research of Vitamin B6 and zinc. They are Carl Pfieffer and Eric Braverman. Their research will give you many, many reasons why and how the vitamin B6 and zinc actions and reactions work or don't work in your loved one. One very important thing that you should be aware of is that when your loved one is in depression they are trying by biochemical means to restore their supply of vitamin B6 and zinc (a means of protecting the organism at all costs, even if it means being in depression and pulling back from all stresses and thus demonstrating apathy and indifference). If they did not go into depression would they, in fact, die? I don't know, but it does demonstrate the massive amount of energy that the organism will expend in order to protect itself first, regardless of the quality of life, which is a human trait and not a biological one. So, this is why your loved one can go through a depression of apathy and indifference and then in a few days or weeks start to function again. You begin to think they are back to normal and then you find that they, again, cannot function at all. The ebb and flow of the vitamin B6-zinc with its fluctuations is the cause. _ Remember, all you see is behavior and that is what you are judging, but it is the lack of biochemicals that cause confusion for your loved one. These cycles go on for years and years if they are not changed biochemically and with biochemical balance. So you didn't know that the organism had a "will" of its own. It does biochemically, and may have in other ways that we don't know of yet, as well. There is a very definite reason for the depression, and as bad as it is for your loved one it is telling you that biochemically the organism is attempting to stay alive. _ After the depression and stress is brought on by the quest to function by your loved one you will see them fail in their attempts to make things work. Your loved one is having so much difficulty and you think it is just another part of the psychological depression. So you may think that one day they are better behaviorally and all things have changed for the better. They have not and, in fact, it is merely a readjusting of the vitamin B6-zinc levels at that time to be followed by another cycle. _ Let's say that when your loved one is in apathy-indifference depression they restore 2 ounces worth of vitamin B6-zinc, and then they come out of depression and start their attempts at function. However, they need 7 ounces of vitamin B6-zinc. It is the extra need that causes stress and that stress causes a massive depletion of vitamin B6-zinc, far greater than when they were in depression. This extra need for vitamin B6-zinc can and does many times cause many and all possible behavioral problems including aggression, violence (self-inflicted or to others), and a multitude of bad behaviors all of which are causing an even greater call for more vitamin B6-zinc. _ Over and over again, time after time, forever if you want to put it that way. You may think all you have to do is to give them vitamin B6 and zinc, and you are correct. So do it. But also remember that you don't know how much they need, and that is a very big problem. Get to an orthomolecular doctor. In the meantime give them vitamin B6 and zinc. _ Remember, the organism will go to any and all extremes to protect itself and all you see is behavior. Wow, what a mess in our thinking. We think we are helping our loved one and are so far from the reasons for their difficulties. _ Insanity is another very obvious means the organism has to protect itself. The person would rather go insane, with all breaks from any and all realities and yet still remain an organism, than die. The same protective mechanism for insanity is also at work in the ebb and flow of vitamin B6-zinc, depression-attempts to function cycles. _ I have already mentioned lunar cyclic problems that may occur with your loved one. I do not know if there is always a direct connection with the ebb and flow of vitamin B6-zinc that runs at the same time as lunar cycles, but if there is then you may have greater difficulties than just the ebb and flow cycle by itself. _ So remember, depression has two parts, if we can call it that. The first I call apathy and indifference and the second is attempts to function that include stress which are caused by attempts at function. (Go back and read all the apathy-indifference statements made by the Hoffer experiment with adrenolutin in Chapter One. Remember that those are only one part of the cycle.) These attempts at function are "will" determined we think, but I think they are really biochemical. These attempts deplete the vitamin B6-zinc so fast and so thoroughly that you can get flood-gate after flood-gate, failure after failure, pain after pain, confusion as to why things don't work and even violence, aggression, hostility, or even murder. If you are not afraid now, I don't know how to scare you. _ Guess what? You at this point are only observing the pains of your loved one and you are not "in their skin" and don't feel their pains as they do. If you did, you would be just as overwhelmed as they are. "Strong stuff isn't it?" Yes, it is strong stuff. I don't want to get into all the reasons why vitamin B6-zinc are so extremely important but if your remember the Pfeiffer story of the little girl with the oysters then you can see how important a vitamin or mineral are.
Vitamin B6 and Zinc
This vitamin and trace mineral are primary nutrients- an absolute must for your loved one. If you don't take these you will without any question have problems .
Starting to "connect dots" about nutrients and behavior- Vitamin B6 and zinc direct relationships _1)Quiet and withdrawn- may be restoring vitamin B6 and zinc. Quiet and withdrawn disappears with supplementation of vitamin B6 and zinc. _2)Paradox of pushing is removed slowly by vitamin B6 and zinc or in some cases in as few as 8 hours. _3)Foods that cause behavioral problems because they alter the nutrient needs no longer cause as much allergic damaging behavoiral traits with Vitamin B6 and zinc. These nutrients remove a great deal of the problems but in no way removes all food allergic reactions and resultant behaviors. B6 and zinc change all or parts of depression cycles. _4)A list of signs for biochemical imbalance that are directly related to vitamin B6-zinc deficiencies in depression (in 2 states-) a) state of depression- antisocial, limited or no sense of humor, lack of smiles, no laughter, foul language, lack of empathy b) attempts at function state- all the hazard signs, fire, violence to objects, others, themselves, cruelty to animals, resist changes because they are stressful, obsessive behaviors, being boss because it takes less stress to be boss, all diminish or disappear. c) these depression cycles go on for years and years if they are not changed biochemically and with biochemical balance. _5)Copper causes many behavioral problems and copper is balanced with zinc and, thus, less of the behavioral problems as per copper as the cause. _6)Flood-gates diminish or disappear when vitamin B6 and zinc are given. _7)Aminochromes are stabalized and inactivated into forming harmful adrenolutin, which causes very bad behavioral traits. Extremely important. _8)Disperceptions are lessened or disappear, especially disperceptions that are fear based, with vitamin B6 and zinc _9)Greater reality choosing _10)Less "give me" attitude and in many totally disappears _11)Pushing paradox is diminished or disappears _12)Short term memory returns and is fully functional. _13)Foul language diminishes and may disappear after several days _14)All of the senses are improved depending on the severity of biochemical imbalance. _15)Fearless fear diminishes and in a few days disappears _16)Verbal assaults lessen but may be one of the last things to deal with as a parent. Empathy is difficult for the biochemically imbalanced to develop. You will see less verbal assaults but it will not go away until some degree of empathy is present. _17)They become more "normal" for their own "normal" self _18)Caution- suicide is a very difficult problem. Even though your loved one shows many signs of recovery be very much on guard with suicidal thoughts they may have. When they are biochemically balanced you will be able to back off of your worry about suicide a little since you can see that time after time they show very solid evidence of biochemical balance in their behavior. _19)You can take on less of their responsibility because they can now handle more due to vitamin B6 and zinc. _20)Very improved appetite especially because zinc, which activates the taste senses, and vitamin B6 increase the need for volume of food. _21)Regulated Sleep is more peaceful, regenerating and dreams help to discharge emotions especially with vitamin B6. _22)Cyclic problems will disappear with vitamin B6 and zinc. _23)Your loved one feels less desire to analyze each and every thing, less racing mind thoughts because of vitamin B6 and zinc. _24)Your loved one has a desire for and participates in far more physical exercise and thus feels better. This is a direct result of vitamin B6 and zinc. _25)You can a have normal conversation with a beginning, middle, and an end with verbal interchanges that make sense to you and your loved one without long winded discourses on the values or lack of values of each and every thing on the planet. This a direct result of vitamin B6 and zinc. _26)Sugar desires may be diminished but they will not fully go away _27)Because you can have normal conversations now, you can talk to them about any or all the addictions they may have and they will many times alter their addictions. _28)Daily routines return, desires to return to rituals, social customs and daily chores are initiated and obtained by your loved one. _29)Removes fatigue associated with depression. _30)I must tell you of one of the most satisfying aspect that you will immediately notice that I haven't talked any about. Because your loved one can now deal in the proper manner with more activities and the stress that those activities cause, they will be able to enjoy almost all activities as an adventure and have a reason to do it. They have a joy about what they are doing regardless of what it is. This is truly remarkable that vitamin B6 and zinc can do this. I have personally seen it over and over again. I don't know if it fits into any charting category somewhere, but for me it is extremely important. It is as if there is "will" to do with joy. All of this is also biochemically enhanced, induced, and perpetuated. Truly amazing what a few nutrients will do. _ Now that is what vitamin B6 and zinc do. These are not my thoughts or wishes but clinical evidence from patients throughout the world. Even if you only got of few of these wonderful behavioral changes it will be well worth it, and you get them all. _ You have probably never in your entire lifetime thought of so many things that you thought were behavioral traits that are in fact directed by biochemicals and even specific biochemicals at that-vitamin B6 and zinc. _ "I feel a little better and I think I will get her to take this B6 and zinc and see what happens." Good for you, but we are not in any way finished with our analysis of Vitamin B3, another big nutrient with huge positive behavior enhancing properties.
Here is Vitamin B3 (Niacin, nicotinic acid, niacinamide)
Vitamin B3 does all the same things as vitamin B6 and zinc with the following exceptions, but before I point up the exceptions let me stress the point that Vitamin B3 works in a different biochemical pathway than vitamin B6 and zinc to achieve its results. Neither is an exclusive or a replacement for the other and you can't choose which one you think will do the best biochemical balancing job for your loved one. All three nutrients are necessary and essential. There are things that vitamin B3 does that are better than vitamin B6 and vice versa, so just take them all and don't forget the zinc, please. _The exceptions that I spoke of are: _1)Vitamin B3 does not work to balance out high levels of copper as well as does zinc. _2)Foods that cause behavioral problems because they alter the nutrient needs no longer cause as much allergic damaging behavioral traits with Vitamin B6 and zinc. These nutrients remove a great deal of the problems but in no way remove all food allergic reactions and resultant behaviors. Vitamin B3 has limited action for this result. This is based on the very limited research available at this point. _3)Regulated Sleep is more peaceful, regenerating and dreams help to discharge emotions especially with vitamin B6. This is not so much with vitamin B3. _ I must now go back to one very important difference, however, regarding adrenochromes. Of all the research that I have gathered Vitamin B3 works better at adrenochrome stabalization in my opinion and thus works for more severe cases of particular types of psychotic behavioral disorders. _ Yet, even this statement can be challenged by defining the type of disorder and vitamin B6 seems to work better for another type of behavioral disorder and so on. Please, don't even think of choosing. There has been some extensive research done that says that certain types of behavioral disorders should not receive vitamin B3 because it will make their behavior worse. However, my personal opinion is that that is not something that you can decide on, and you need to seek out an orthomolecular doctor to help you through this issue. In the meantime have your loved one take vitamin B3, vitamin B6, zinc and vitamin C. _ I hope by now you can see how some of the various things are fitting together on a biochemical level and the reason why biochemical balance is so necessary for wellness of any kind and that includes behavioral traits. I am giving you simple, easily understood concepts of what happens, but please, do read the very specific research books. "Well, I will try, but to this point I was just barely hanging in there on what you said. If the research books are that complicated I might have trouble understanding them." Give it a try. You need to know from the research first with first hand science.
What Percentage of Our Population has Biochemical Illness and Behavioral Illnesses?
I will give you figures and then tell you how I came about these figures. Hang on to your hats. We have over 8% with full symptoms of schizophrenia, 15-20% with physical handicaps that are caused by biochemical imbalances, either before birth or shortly thereafter, and another 20% with very specific behavioral disorders not counted in the schizophrenic group. That totals to a wopping 48% of the total population. Almost any behavioral illness you can think of has a biochemical imbalance root to its cause if you investigate those illnesses far enough. Many things which we call culture-based abnormalities such as drug use, prostitution, alcoholism, gambling, obsesssive traits of any kind which show up in behavioral damaging directions have biochemical imbalance as their root cause. _ "Wait a minute. You mean a prostitute who sells her or his body is biochemically imbalanced?" Yes, that is correct. Remember, you are only seeing behavior and not seeing the root cause. You can say that they chose to do that profession and that they should know better. You may be correct that far in your thinking but you must carry your thinking on a step farther. _ Any and all stress as interpreted by the person has a variety of ways that the person interprets those stresses. If those stresses get into the genes we have one problem, but I will not talk of that one until later in the chapter dealing with heredity. However, I will talk about the 20% of people with general behavior problems. If you have limited logic, limited mental resources, limited reality choosing, and limited insight into consequences then you have a wide-open area that causes people to have behavioral problems. Remember, these are caused by biochemical imbalance so all the talk, incarcerations, judgements, and ridicule in the world are not going to come close to solving the problems. If your loved one is in school you probabaly have already heard of some youngsters that have been labeled trouble-makers or misfits. Your son or daughter goes to school with them. You can say that your son or daughter doesn't act that way and they don't associate with misfits. You are talking about a social-cultural view. I am talking about biochemicals. It doesn't matter if you have a child that has an IQ of 138, is on every honor program the school has to offer, or is involved in every activity the community has to offer. If your child becomes biochemically imbalanced you will have your own "misfit" and they too will be labled just as you labled others as misfits. Then you will change your tune because you will see first-hand what can happen with biochemical imbalance. Public schools in the U.S. are not even close to the problems of biochemical imbalances and are still preaching social-Freudian adjustment behavioral nonsense that is a waste of time. _ Take your city's population. Take out 48% of its population which leaves 52% of all others to function and help all the other 48% who have biochemical imbalances. See if you too are not exhausted at the idea of helping others. It is truly staggering to think that one in five children going to school has a biochemical imbalance that does show up in behavioral problems of some kind. It is a wonder the world functions at all. I have already talked about what stress can do and I will talk about it again later as well, but you must remember that stress of any kind, including biochemical imbalances which cause stress, are very damaging. You can play games with the figures if you want. Your son or daughter is not schizophrenic. Then we are down to 40% of the population. You can say that your son or daughter dosen't show any behavioral signs of biochemcial illness. _ Biochemical imbalances cause many different diseases, not just behavioral illnesses. These illnesses may take years to develop. Even though your child is only ten or twelve years old now and is fine, that is no indication that they will not start college and have a major illness or even behavioral illness. The other disgusting thing about our culture is the overt disregard for any others that suffer. We will help a child with a physical ailment. We will join and support special olympics for mentally retarded children. We will go out of our way to show compassion for many with any form of physical problems. That is wonderful. We should be doing that. We should continue to do that. We also have to recognize that a seond grader who has behavioral problems caused by biochemical imbalances has just as much rights to the same dignity and respect we showed for all those others I have already mentioned. "I don't have to like them and their parents can take care of them," might be your answer. _ In blunt terms I will say you are stupid, uncaring, very selfish and do not see the process of life. Yes, I said you are stupid and uncaring and I mean it. You are stupid because you think that it does not affect you or your loved one. It does and will for a long time. It will also affect your loved ones even when you are gone because they will have these same so-called misfits that need their help. Maybe your children will be smarter than you are. Maybe they will be forced to help the so-called misfits. Just because the problems are not on your door step now does not mean that they will not be. _ At some point either directly by biochemical imbalance in your own children later or by their social interactions for years to come your loved ones will have these problems. Another reality you may not want. It is here folks, so just get down to the business of helping. Certainly, the sooner the better. Yes, it is so much easier to correct biochemcial imbalance at a younger age. _ Forget Parent Teachers Associations for awhile and form a Better Living Through the Correct Biochemicals Association at the school or anywhere else. Someone thought PTA associations would help with other situations and they did and still are of some value. Form your own biochemical associations. Yes, right in the schools, churches, or wherever. You are not going to correct so many problems until you do something biochemically to have balance. You might as well start now. _ I personally spent over 7 years in the Boy Scouts, Sea Explorers, etc. and can tell you that the study of biochemicals and their effects on behavior would be a very good thing to study for a merit badge. Think up your own ways to help others with biochemical imbalances.
A few thoughts on the nutrient supplement business.
In 1997, people in the U.S. spent over 5 billion dollars on nutritional supplements. If you use a figure of $60 per month times 12 you get $720. Then take that divided into 5 billion dollars and you get 1,388,888 people who purchased nutrient supplements. Really that is far less than I would have thought and it does show just how far we are from an understanding of what nutrients do for wellness in our population. If you total up all the prisoners, the outcasts of society as we label them, the schizophrenics and specific label mentally ill, all those that have major biochemical imbalances and thus major illnesses including behavioral illnesses, then you would have far more than 1,388,888 people. But I forgot that most of the last group that I mentioned does not take nutrients in the first place. _ I have never liked statistics much because of the very impersonal nature of the numbers and I don't care much for it here either because these statistics indicate that we as a population are truly like sheep and follow whatever lead is put in front of us. In much of what we have been talking about it has been for the most part from a negative point of view about illness, and very little has been said about the wellness that is effected by nutrients. Wellness is not the same as the lack of illness, and wellness and the quality of life that it brings about are the things that so many people are missing.
Chapter 5
Review _vitamins, minerals, amino acids Key words-sentences _1)Vitamins, minerals, amino acids _2)My personal story of nutrients _3)Nutrients are not alternative forms of medicine but the natural ingredients for wellness. _4)Vitamins- The Three B's (not Bach, Beethoven and Brahms) Vitamins B3, B6, and B12 5)Depression has two parts, if we can call it that. The first I call apathy and indifference and the second is attempts to function that include stress which are caused by attempts at function. _6)Vitamin B6 and zinc. This vitamin and trace mineral are primary nutrients- an absolute must for your loved one. If you don't take these you will without any question have behavioral problems . Vitamin B3 (Niacin or nicotinic acid, niacinamide) _7)What percentage of our population has biochemical illness and behavioral illnesses? _8)A few thoughts on the nutrient supplement business
Social Aloneness, Loneliness / Others with Disperceptions
One of the many difficult and constant aspects to see in your loved one's biochemical illness is that of loneliness and aloneness. Your loved one will feel so isolated as if no one cares at all that they exist. Part of the problem is disperception and the other part may be that of our culture and its inability to deal or share with those that don't seem to fit. They may be classified as misfits or social outcasts and the like but the fact that they have this "paradox of pushing" that I mentioned earlier causes many of the biochemically ill to invest large amounts of time with others who likewise have just as many disperceptions or in some cases more disperceptions. Each person in a group (not even necessarily a "gang") keeps tossing their own disperceptions into the pot of confusion. Your loved one does the same and because of the confirmation by others with disperceptions it gives confirmation to your loved one's disperception. A bond is formed. You can ask why they didn't choose someone without disperceptions or confusion to bond with, but it doesn't happen that way. "Why didn't they choose me?" (unanswered) Let me give you an example. We all, as intact thinking humans, may think that any system or authority can at any time be corrupt just as we put our trust in them to be our representatives in society. If you take the police, for example, there may be 4 out 10 police people that you feel are not always fair in their dealings with people when the police are performing their duty. You may say, "No, I believe only 1 in 10 is more accurate." Whatever you choose you have shown shades of evaluation- a variable. You did allow for humanness. But let's say that your loved one says that all police people when performing their duties are mean, hateful, will beat you up physically just because of your appearance and language, and the police people will follow you around until they "get you". That is a disperception going into paranoia- a fear when there is no reason for fear. We can stop right there, but there are even more disperceptions of seeing things "only in black and white" - "one way or the other" issues. Not all police people are going to treat you this way. Yes, some will, but to carry with you every day this lack of seeing the total truth about a situation on a regular basis will and does build disperceptions. _ Every reminder of the police will activate these disperceptions all over again, again and again, for many years. Even when your loved one is somewhat biochemically balanced there are times when they may still give rationalizations as to why they believed the way they did. So to bring up a conversation about the police as to whether they are good or bad will activate a disperception. _ "How do I know when they are no longer having disperceptions about the police in this analogy?" You may think that because your loved one has not mentioned it for some period of time that they have integrated it into their personality and have realized that their reasoning was not right because they only saw humans as good or bad, as in the analogy of the police. But you may be greatly surprised when you find that one remark can and does "trigger" a complete flood of disperceptions about the police. _ "So, do I talk about it or do I keep quiet about it and hope it will go away?" For the time do not bring it up. They will anyway. I have already told you it will not go away until the biochemicals are balanced. Many if not all disperceptions will go away then. It is not about the police, and it is not about disperceptions, but is about biochemical balance. It is like that old adage people use when they say such and such is the "root cause" of something. _ Here we are talking about root cause, not just the police or any disperception but the original source of the problem. Let's carry this police analogy a little farther. Let's say that your loved one is stopped for a speeding violation and has a disperception that that particular policeman is going to physically harm them or at least give them a verbal barrage of abuse. As a defense, your loved one gets into a verbal argument that escalates in a few sentences to a physical duel with the policeman. Your loved one's adrenal glands start their fight or flight overdrive secretions of masive amounts of biochemicals that cause great harm to him or her. Yes, it is true that the adrenal gland secretions are there for the dual purpose of providing almost super energy that also protects, but the secretions can be very damaging and do affect reason or logic either in a positive or negative way. Any secretions will alter the biochemical nature of our person. So we have the biochemical root and the behavior as its extension. The situation is the stimuli, and the stimuli is increased. Everything including the secretions increases as well. _ In the ensuing moments your loved one is tossed to the car and hits his head and is unconscious. You might say it was an accident and at this point it really doesn't matter (more later). _ Your loved one is then taken to the hospital and is in a coma. You sit by the bed and wonder just how this could have happened. You too are confused, but you now know that the disperception, whether or not it went into full paranoia on the part of your loved one, caused part of this. Yes, you can say that the policeman should have known that he had a person with a disperceptions. If you didn't know that your loved one was having disperceptions and you say you know your loved one well, then how could you expect a policeman that does not know your loved one to know about your loved one's disperceptions? Your loved one is in a coma and you are so tired of seeing your loved one go from one set of pains to another. They get out of one mess and before they have a chance to recover they are into another. The spiral is never-ending. Let's go another step with our police analogy. _ Let's say that your loved one did not hit his head and ended up having a physical fight with the policeman. The end result is that your loved one is in jail for assualt and is found by the court to be guilty and must serve six months in jail. _ Then think of all the missed opportunities, the new pains, the uncertainty of the new harsh surroundings with all the others who have even greater boichemical problems than your loved one, forced into the same environment as your loved one, and your loved one must deal with these new stimuli, without even having a inkling of prior experience with this sort of life. _ Another thing you will hear over and over from people with disperceptions is they "will die for their principle". That is an admirable trait if it is truly for a great cause, but if it is a disperception and not a great cause I simply call it a waste- a huge waste. It is that fearless-fear I spoke of earlier. And what about all the criminals that rob people, assault their wifes or husbands, children, or kill people? Yes, it will finally be established that they too have a biochemical illness. _ "Do you mean to say that everything in this whole wide world is biochemical?" To some degree that is true. Why do you think it is so important to find water on Mars? "What did you say?" Yes, water on Mars. Because water implies that oxygen and hydrogen, two of the most essential elements for life, are there. If the correct biochemicals are all there then we might have some form of life . _ Back to our analogy. "Do you mean to say that all criminals and all behaviors are not just regulated by but are directly controlled by biochemicals?" I say it is regulated for the most part but controlled in others. That is why some people have no control over their actions whether physical or mental (yes, I know I used these terms). The person with polio had a virus that affected that person's biochemicals, which affected his or her muscles and the like in the spinal column. They had difficulty walking or moving because of the biochemical imbalances causing the muscles and the like not to work properly. _ "Are you saying all illness and all disease is biochemical?" A certain large portion of all diseases or illnesses are biochemical in origin but I do not want to be forced into a box on this because there are so many more things going on. The electrical body fields, the "chi" energy force, is just as important and it may even be more basic than biochemical origin, bacteria, fungi, viruses or whatever. (My personal feelings are that the electrical body fields- the "chi"- will, in fact, become the final answer even though I do not in any way have such proof.) _ "Wait a minute. This thing is getting out of hand. You said that criminals are biochemically ill, that all illnesses are biochemical and that all life is biochemical." Yes and no. Yes and no. Yes and no. Criminals have disperceptions that get them into the mess and continue to have disperceptions along the way building layer after layer of disperceptions. Not only is illness biochemical but there are other things that contribute to illness as well. Life is biochemical as well as other things. _ "Then if all these things are biochemical what is the purpose to life since you think you know it all and we are predetermined by our biochemicals?" You know, sometimes you are like a rock in my shoe. I am saying that biochemicals can alter life and all its behaviors for the good or bad, but there are things that come into the picture as well and these other things may, in fact, be "will, religious belief, chi" or whatever. I am saying that we have one of many known causes or roots of the origins of criminality, illness, or life. "Are you making another excuse to let everyone who has biochemical illness off the hook without any responsibility for their actions? They come into my house and I have a 38 pistol and I will blow them away." Wait one damn minute. No one said anything about .., never mind. _ "You are still making excuses." Absolutely not, but I am saying the root cause is biochemical (at least at this point for this book) and one with biochemical illness must be taught as well as possible to realize that biochemical imbalance can cause disperceptions. These may cause that person to do things they may not want to do when they are in remission or have the biochemical illness in check. We have talked about this before but I must stress the importance of trying to get the nutrients into your loved one. It is paramount to the possibility of limiting or removing the likelihood of disperceptions that might get your loved one in serious societal conflict and consequences of their actions against society. How would you like to have the nutrients given to you in jail? Guess what? They work only to find that you have to serve the sentence-consequence of your previous disperceptions. _ There are disperceptions and there are disperceptions, but the ones that will be most damaging are those that will go against those authority figures that cannot for the good reasons of that society yield or bend. Your loved one is only protected by faith, luck, or circumstance but sooner or later one with disperceptions that goes against the wishes of the larger society will cause great hardship to themselves and others. Some people with biochemical illness seem to slide by on the edge of society and never become involved in the severe consequences that society delivers. However, they too are merely buying time until something will happen that will cause them to be involved and suffer the consequences. _ So it is next to impossible and may be impossible to get through to your loved by explaining disperceptions especially when they are biochemically imbalanced. Even when you think they are having "good days" and you think that by having conversations you are imputing aspects of their disperceptions that seem to make sense to them. You feel you are "getting through" to the point that you have solved this or that disperception. You will probably find less than two days will go by and you find that nothing of the merit of your previous conversations about the consequences of disperceptions is retained or in any way implemented in their thought process or logic. Again, that is when you worry. _ To me personally, a disperception is a stimuli that has gone wild, has no place to rest, and flies around in the person (mind-soul) in such a way as to cause confusion. Every time the thought (the disperception) is brought up it becomes almost a life-death situation for your loved one. You also wonder if their brains or whatever measuring devices they have are working at all. Believe me, at those bad times when they have these disperceptions their mechanisms are not working. _ Also, they may even be having a disperception that they are not having a disperception, and it goes endlessly into a fury of confusion for them and everyone else. Making sense out of disperceptions is really difficult and in some cases next to impossible. Do not buy into their reality that they are, in fact, correct for your reality if you know they are really "off the deep end" of logic. It does not help them or you. _ Back to criminality for a moment. Most adolescents with biochemical illness usually have at least one friend or aquaintence that probably has biochemical imbalance too that is in jail or has been in jail. Logic would tell you that your loved one would learn from this, but they don't. In fact, they may have another disperception and say that they will not have to suffer the same consequences that their friend suffered because they know what they are doing and feel that somehow intelligence or "street smarts" will keep them from jail. _ First, they are not necessarily smarter or have more logic. In fact, they have the same types of disperceptions many times and this gives you even greater cause for concern. _ "What would you do if your loved one was in jail now'?" Remember my statement of existential philosophy when I told you the most important thing about your loved ones is that they are alive, regardless of how difficult their life may be. Help them in jail. Get the nutrients into them. Obviously, it makes it harder because you have to contend with authority, administration, and procedures. Your loved one might serve one day or 20 years in a jail, but you have to remember that you are trying to give life by lessening as much confusion as you can. "God, I couldn't get the nutrients into them when they were not in jail and now I have to get the nutrients into them while they are in jail." Yes, it would have been easier before jail but do you want to have denial or disperception or non-reality that your loved one is not in jail? They are, so do something to help. _ This brings up a very important project that I know would help the criminal incarceration system. By means of nutrition and supplemental nutrients, all inmates who elect to have nutrients and nutrition should have such administered by a resident biochemist-orthomolecular psychiatrist who would also act as a guide for the progress of that individual. Those that do not elect to have nutrients-nutrition therapy would be placed in a separate facility or until they wish to partake of the nutrients. First, it would be obvious in a matter of weeks which group was progressing in social function, work detail, and adjustment to life circumstances even within the jail. _ The other group would have much higher rates of problems including violence, anger, and the like. This in a small way has been done in the detention facilities of Virginia and Michigan for some time now with outstanding results. The only problem with the Virginia experiment is that it only restricted sugar intake and a few of the worst offenders that cause biochemical illness. It did not specifically include dosages of particular vitamins-minerals such as Vitamin B6, zinc, and Vitamin B3 (niacin), which are extremely crucial nutrients to biochemical wellness. And even if they did include these in some cases they would have to consider the biochemical individuality of the prisoner, and some prisoners may need exceedingly high doages. _ The costs would actually be minimal since the choice of all foods would have to be screened for all additives, just as I suggested for your loved one. The four-day rotation diet, etc. are the same for a prisoner. Remember, I told you that regardless of "when", disperceptions will appear again and again until the biochemical balance has been achieved. Why do you think that a prisoner who spent time in jail, served his or her sentence and is released is in any better shape biochemically than when they went into prison? If anything, due to the stress of prison life they are worse biochemically. Even if they are not worse (which I believe they are) they certainly are not better. If you think that prisoners deserved to go to jail the first time then you are in for a big suprise when you find that they are worse when they come out. It is only a matter of time because of their dispercptions. "So now you want to do away with prisons and give them candy for their hateful behavior?" _ "You are really not in this world." I did not say one word about getting rid of prisons and certainly, if I read you correctly, candy is not an option because of the sugar. "You have an answer for everything. How do you know it is a disperception anyway? You say everything is a disperception." If you want to go back we will. Thought disorder or lack of logic, aggression, violence and the like are caused by biochemical imbalance. Animals given the same bad biochemicals react and act the same as do humans. Thousands of scientific studies in thousands of different places throughout the world say the same thing over and over again. _ "So what? I can't believe that these people who do horrible things are not just horrible people. They don't have the same thoughts I do about life." What did you say? "I said those people don't have the same thoughts about life that I do." Are you listening to yourself? Did you hear what you said? No, they might not think the same thoughts about life that you do because they don't have the same thought processes and all its available systems to weigh and measure out the consequences of their actions. Have you forgotten "pushing" and all the other explanations of how and why their thoughts are not the same as yours? _ Don't tell me you have not been angry. "Yes, I have, but I don't carry it as far as they do and I certainly don't plan out robbery or beat my wife or kids. I don't have to have someone to help me figure out things all the time and be my shield. I don't go from one thing to another without any direction. I have a job, a family, friends, a meaning, a purpose to life, and know who I am." _ Okay, my turn. I first hear your anger loud and clear. If you turn all those positive things that you have chosen for your "reality" around and make all of them negative because of thought disorder you will know how and why they feel so confused. They have nothing of what you have. They may not even be jealous or envious of what you have. They do not have one of the most important things that you do have and that is thought of place, deed, and freedom. They are locked into their diminished capacity, have desires that for whatever reasons they cannot obtain, and a confused purpose with so many thought problems that if you or I had this imbalance we might think of wanting to cut out our brains because we know that it fails us. It is all we have, and, yet, we don't want to live like this. _ So personally, I don't care if you call it disperception, misperception, thought disorder, or a thousand different names. It is the feeling of the magnitude of the illness that I am trying to get you to identify with. At first, you might say that it is sympathy, empathy, simpatico, kindred spirits or whatever that I am trying to get you to develop with your loved one. Words have never been able to give the full impact of feelings and never will. I have given you information over and over again with logic and meaningful examples and still you refuse to believe that this is the reason for your loved one's difficulties. _ My turn, finally. Do you remember when I said that you will have to dig deep within yourself? It is now time for you to show me. Yes, show me. Give me words that show me you understand something. Show me something of yourself. _ "First, I still have a hard time with all that behavior stuff and where it comes from and all those fancy words meaning this and that. I have a difficult time when every time there is a behavioral problem you say it is not their fault and you come to their defense. I have a hard time with the disperception part mostly. If I think a certain way then others surely think in a similar way even though it may not be exactly the same. So why are they so far off the deep end and cause so many problems?" Is it my turn yet? "Yes, I guess." I guess the most important first thing I can say to you is that which is almost spiritual and has a purpose that is connected to something you and I will never really understand. Your purpose and my purpose is not defined. By the process of life we think at various times we have discovered life's meaning and purpose but we are only acknowledging the process of life, and we constantly change and hopefully grow. _ "Oh, I forgot. There is one more thing. That TCM stuff. How does it work?" (No comment) Even though you may have not realized it you have indeed grown as the very anger of the questions and statements you have just made reveal. _ Earlier you could not have asked those questions and could not have had the rebuttals to defend your viewpoints. You did not have the anger of knowing that you too have to search and do whatever you can to help. It is strange how your anger is a good sign that something was getting through to you. _ As one human to another I am truly sorry that you too must go through pains like this. I would much rather tell you about Bach or perhaps take a walk in the woods, but the reality of life has dealt us a different set of circumstances for this time. Wouldn't it just be a hell of a lot simpler to take the nutrients? "I still don't believe it all." Just hang in there. You will. _ Now, where were we? Oh yes, I was talking about prisons and nutrient care. There are certain things that seem always to get down to principles. Principles that will affect and effect people, give them a purpose, a reason that for the first time in their lives they may have. It does have a direct bearing on all of us even if you are so inclined to only worry about how much you pay in taxes but not to say anything about all the virtues of life, your own and others, that are extremely important. My idea is not original or unique, and it may never be used, but it is a principle to take very seriously. Then there is the problem of releasing prisoners early because of overcrowding. Wow, this would be a much better way to solve that problem as well. _ As I mentioned before, your son or daughter knows of some friend or aquaintence that has been in trouble with police-court authorites. Let's say, for example, they are living with other 18-22 year olds and the aquaintence has no money, is addicted to illegal drugs, and decides one day that his manic-depressive lithium is not to be taken and robs a liquior store, getting away with twenty dollars. The in-house liquor store camera gives the evidence that it is so and so the person is immediately arrested and starts the process of police-courts-jail. The aquaintence knew full well to take his lithium so that he could maintain biochemical balance for his particular illness but he had the disperception that it was not necessary. He was going to be in a fearless-fear state and rob the store to get money. For $20 all of this happened. It costs more than $20 for the policeman, the courts, the jail and the problem is still there. _ "Give it up. All you say is disperception, disperception. When are you going to get off this subject?" Simple. When you and others get the correct biochemical balance into as many people as possible and an effort is made and established that there is a direct link between behavior (good or bad) and biochemicals. That's when. I of all people hate this disease and all its manifestations, changes; cutting down people without a chance; without the possibility of a future; the same joys and pains that I have experienced denied to them; the harsh and never ending destruction of principles that they may ever acquire denied; and so many overwhelming pains that this disease causes. I do not compare myself to them nor them to me except that in each of us there is some good, regardless of how horrible a human may be, and regardless of how horrible the acts they may commit. It is this good that I want to see blossom from an equal start in life. Fairness, as you can tell, is very important to me and certainly, I believe in fairness for those that have not been treated fairly through no fault of their own, by the biochemical imbalance. _ I have been on this "jag" for some time now and I do hope your loved one never has to face the police-court-jail system. However, there may be other things that your loved one will have to face.
There are many roots origins.
Probably as time goes on someone will eventually come to understand on another level. The point here is that we have pushed the origin about as far as I have knowledge and I can't offer much more. The original purpose of the analogy is to say that when conversations such as, "Did you hear what the police did to so and so person and the so and so person didn't do a thing?" This may or may not be true. From this one experience people with disperceptions build their whole moral code about the police. Then because your loved one has friends with disperceptions too, they will agree with one another that all police are very bad people. Confirmation of the disperception. _ Similar situations can be said for religious disperceptions, the institution of the church, and schools. Any authority figure is fair game for disperceptions. Bigotry in any form such as racism is a disperception of "lumping" or putting "all" of something in a category and then calling it, meaning "all", as such and such a truth. So disperceptions with family, school, church, police, the government, the armed services, the work ethic or anything you want to think of is destroyed in the mind of your loved one with disperceptions. What are they left with? Not much. Their entire previous social network and fabric has been in one thought "wiped out". Now do so see another reason why they are lonely? _ Remember the "pushing-paradox" of depression? Well, your loved one may not show demonstratable signs of depression now, but the damage to the entire person is evident. Some people might say that this is negative thinking, and it is, but your loved one is left at an age when short-term memory is not working, they have forgotten what it was before the biochemical illness, and they are literally left with only a "shell" of socailization. (Don't even think of saying, "they made their bed and let them sleep in it.") _ Take away your family, people at work, at church, and all the things you like to do and see if you are lonely and alone, even if you do not have disperceptions. You will be, too. Another set of losses to put on the tally board of biochemical illness. If there is any value to your loved one being with disperceptive others it might be that if your loved one becomes suicidal, you have those people with disperceptions to help keep your loved one from committing suicide. Such a twist. No, you can't even help your loved one sometimes. How are you going to help your loved one and all of your loved one's friends? What a mess. "I will just get my loved one away from them." Sometimes it happens. Sometimes your loved will see enough things that they don't like about certain friends and alter his or her social patterns. Remember, even though your loved one has friends that may not be healthy for him or her, it is all he or she has chosen. Without at least that he or she may get very suicidal or at least confused in a different way. It is still not a good situation. _ Also remember, all those friends need biochemical balance too. So let's see. We have lost social fabric, probably physical health, mental health, all the "will determined directions" for a good future so that your loved one can grow to their greatest potential. "Will this ever stop?" Yes, if they have the correct biochemicals in balance. "So simple?" Yes, so simple. _ After your loved is started on biochemicals that begin to balance their person they will have to learn a new social fabric as well as relearn who they were if they liked themselves or not before the biochemical illness. "I would give anything so that my loved one never had this biochemical illness." So would I. If you are truly willing to give anything, then do so. Give them biochemicals. Are you beginning to see yourself in the doctor from California with his son in the hospital? I think you are and good for you. "Maybe?" Starting to connect dots about nutrients and behavior?
Chapter 6
Review _Key words-sentences _1)Social-Aloneness, loneliness, others with disperceptions _2)Disperceptions will appear again and again until the biochemical balance has been achieved. _3)So personally, I don't care if you call it disperception, misperception, thought disorder, or a thousand different names. It is the feeling of the magnitude of the illness that I am trying to get you to identify with. _4)There are many root origins _5)After your loved is started on biochemicals that begin to balance their person they will have to learn a new social fabric as well as relearn who they were if they liked themselves or not before the biochemical illness.
Heredity and Trauma-Induced Biochemical Imbalance
"Wow, she looks just like Alice (my wife). That's what I told my mother by phone from the hospital when our daughter was born." Yes, she probably does and for very good reasons. Genetic materials are passed on to their offspring. I do not wish to get into a long, involved discussion of heredity, but there are a few basic points that are very important. Just as you said that some of your daughter's physical features demonstrated physical traits that are also present in your wife, you should carry your thinking on to include other areas as well, such as mental- emotional and spiritual. You probably have already figured out how my mind works by now and so the next question will probably not be a surprise to you. If physical features are transferred genetically to your loved one then why do you not think behavior and all its manifestations will also genetically transfer? They will and do. But before I go on, I must caution you not to think in segmented parts of the total organism. For your terminology I will give you a quick rundown. _ Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, biochemical and all the non-labeled things such as "chi", electrical currents, and the like are genetically transmitted to your offspring- all the good as well as all the bad of any and all of these. If we have to play the segmenting game for a second then behavior, a part of mental-emotional and biochemical, etc., etc., etc., is also genetically transferred to your offspring. "No one in the family ever acted the way she does." As I told you before, all biochemical illnesses can be observed from different viewpoints. Some may be what you call physical and others may be mental or behavioral. _ If you have a good memory and an open, non- judgemental mind I can recommend the following. Do a chart of each individual in your blood-line family back as far as you can remember. Call it a biochemical chart if you like. I say open, non-judgemental mind so that you will not try to put your own particular interpretation to someone's behavior and give yourself incorrect information as a result. Try to be as objective as possible. It is not a chart to tell yourself which family members you liked and which ones you disliked. It is about genetic traits whether they are physical, mental, spiritual or even things than don't fit into any of these three categories. _ At first you may find yourself looking at behavior traits, not thinking about physical traits and probably not about spiritual traits, the most difficult traits to analyze, or all those other non-labeled traits. Within each of these categories you will start to find great similarities and great diversity. Some are taller or shorter, heavy or light weight, and the list goes on and on. The main point you should be looking for is health- the spiritual, mental, and physical health of the total organism. You probably at first thought this chart would be an easy task, but soon you will find that you do not really know that much about your family. You may have to reassess how you look at things in general. _ "What does the spiritual growth of my aunt have to do with my daughter's behavior?" Fair enough. If you put this "seed" of thought in your mind and think about it over a period of time you will find little things that at first may seem unimportant; but do not toss them away in your thinking because they may be directly helpful for your loved one later. _ Let me backtrack for a second on the question you asked regarding you aunt's spiritual apsect of her total person and its relationship to your loved one's behavior. At first you might think this is a huge leap in thinking and there is no way they are connected and there is no importance. As you will remember, the total organism is affected by so many aspects, as in TCM, and this is the kind of thinking that I am trying to get you to develop. If you can stretch your thinking to include the possibility that even the spirit is a part of a person, you will easily understand how bad behavior comes from a biochemical imbalance. It is not a mind game but a very important level of thinking that is necessary so that you see the total person and how genetic materials are passed on. Even the ability to hear sounds or music and to distinguish certain tones is genetic. "Well, if that is the case then the children of J.S. Bach should have been even better composers than their father." Not so quick to judgements with limited knowledge. Genetics, like biochemicals, have a myriad of different levels of influence and genetics, like biochemicals, are not easily defined and projected into a cause-effect answer. _ Back to your loved one. You may find that you know of three cousins on your mother's side of the family that died of heart disease in their early fifties. Or you may recall someone that was allergic to corn, and you remember family get-togethers when your aunt would eat corn and start to talk for hours, forcing everyone to listen. But you never thought anything about it other than that was good old aunt Jane. I am not trying to get you, or me for that matter, to predict or ascertain certain behaviors with food, but I am trying to get you to think of possibilities of how your daughter came to where she is now. _ I have already mentioned certain foods and what they can do to certain people with certain biochemical imbalances, but here I am just trying to get you to load up your barge of thinking with many aspects of family histories so that you can see their influence by way of heredity on your loved one. Heredity plays a huge part. _ "There you go again with, 'They didn't have any control over what they did.'" I am not saying they don't have control over what they do but there are other things such as heredity, food, toxins, biochemical deficiencies, trauma, etc., etc., etc., that cause part of your loved one's behavior to be what it is. "Boy, when and if I ever find out what she is really responsible for, I am going to let that part have hell." Simplistic, I guess. I don't think it will happen, so I have no fear for your loved one on that issue. You know I keep repeating this throughout our conversation, but you haven't done it yet. _ Simply get the correct nutrients in her and find an a orthomolecular doctor who cares about your daughter's biochemical illness. Have the tests done, read, and utilized and some of your behavior problems will indeed go away. You will then have no need to talk about heredity, your aunt Jane, or whatever. It is the simple way to go, so just do it. Or stay with me and learn a few more things that may be of help to you and your loved one and everyone else in your family. _ "You know, sometimes I think you think that if you say everyone else has a problem then it is okay for my daughter to have a behavior like hers. It is sort of like your way of saying there is no hope for any of us and everything is going to be the way it is and don't struggle, just go along with it. Maybe you are the one with depression. It sounds like you don't control anything." I can't, nor will I, get into a discussion of what I control or don't control here since it really does not have anything to do with what we are talking about. You do raise a very important point in your statement. You do not have as much "control" over certain aspects of life as you may think you do and, therefore, enjoy, cherish, and be eternally thankful that you have as much beauty as you do have. You do have some "control" (if you have to use that word) over life (if you have to use those words), but there are things that are present in each of us that make us who we are as a total organism. _ "You mean to say that I can have one part of me that is just fine and another part of me that is a mess and that mess will cause me problems?" In your terms yes, yes, yes. It seems like it is as if I keep giving you analogies backed up by fact after fact, scientific study after scientific study, without any of my personal feelings or insights and you want all things to be controlled, governed, fit into little boxes in your mind or feelings, and come up with simplistic answers of what life is and what life is not. You do raise good questions sometimes and you, as I, are trying to see some things for the first time, some things that can't been seen the way we have always seen things before, with no reference points to anchor our feelings. However, you will see some things of value when you are looking for other things that you don't find._ "How can you tell me what to look for and then tell me to find other things I am not looking for? That doesn't make any sense at all." _ Let me give you a few very quick questions and just answer them yes or no without any discussion or other questions as to what they might or might not mean. Here we go. Does food have anything at all to do with behavior? "Yes." Is your daughter only behavior and nothing else? "No." Is your daughter alive? "Of course she is." Just yes or no answers, please. Do you know anything about biochemicals? "Yes." Does your daughter look like your wife? "Yes." Did your daughter always have the same behavior she does now? "No." Do you have other members of your family that have similar behavior to that of your daughter's? "No." _ "Why are we doing this anyway, I know all that stuff and so what? It still hasn't changed a thing for my daughter." Maybe it hasn't yet, but it will. You, like the doctors who treated the young boy in California (remember the Hoffer story) didn't know what to do and they had lots of knowledge. It was the boy's father, who happened to be a doctor, but more importantly a person who sought out knowledge that made the difference for his son; and it was Hoffer who had the knowledge to give to the doctor so that he could help his son. So do you see why knowledge by itself is not important unless it is utilized in the correct way? _ You must also seek knowledge that at first you might think has no merit or reason but later find out it is the most important knowledge. So when you look for one thing you might not find it but find something else far more important. _ "You never did finish something you were saying about genes." Right. You know about organ transplants and you may have read about certain rather odd things that have happened when the organ recipient has the new organ in them. One case involved a woman's overpowering urge to have a McDonald's hamburger and another person all of a sudden liked rock-heavy metal music. Each of these people did not have any desires in the new directions before the transplant. After some investigations it was found that their donors have, in fact, had strong desires for the same new desires that the recipient now has. It really is not so strange if you think about it because the tissue or organ tissue materials that were transplanted contain all the genetic materials of the donor and thus it is simply the transfer of genetic materials from one person to the other rather than thinking of it as an organ. However, the point I wish to make is that of the unusualness of the particular desires being passed on. Both of these involve two of the senses- taste and hearing. If the probability or proclivity to desires is passed on then you can understand that many behavior traits (an outlet for the five senses) are in many tissues of the body if not all tissues of the body. So heredity, whether we are talking about physical, emotional-mental, or spiritual, are passed on in genetic terms, even now in transplanted organs as well as conception. If we have to keep on splitting the parts of the person we could probably agree for our reasoning here that behavior is an outgrowth of the mental-emotional. Thus, you can see that behavior traits can and do transfer by genetic materials. I do not believe that behavior is only emotional-mental but for the analogy here I think you see my point. There has not been enough scientific study about organ transplantation and how behavior traits transfer to ascertain how much or to what degree genetic transplanted materials affect the recipient.
Trauma-Induced Nutriental Deficiencies
Now I want to tell you a little bit about trauma-induced nutrient deficiences. They are passed on by genetic (hereditary) materials to the next generation and for several generations. "You mean to say that what happened to my grandmother, who is now dead, made my daughter the way she is?" Yes, it is possible, but I am not saying that is the reason. Trauma, physical, emotional, or spiritual, can and does alter biochemicals and biochemical balance and in all cases makes a nutrient deficiency even if it is for a short period of time. "There you go with that damn peanut again." Accidents, illnesses of any kind including flu, fungi, bacterial, bad food poisoning or anything that is interpreted by the person as good or bad that causes stress (and all do), change biochemical balance. Some of these biochemical imbalances we recover from because of our detoxing mechanisms and some we don't recover from. They can be gene damaging and when you pass your genes on in the form of children you are passing on what you are at that second in time of inception. "You mean if I have a car accident after I make love it is alright but if I have the car accident before I make love that my kid is going to be like my daughter?" I don't know if it will be like your daughter or if the close time frame you spoke of is correct or if the car accident will change your biochemicals enough to cause genetic changes._ However, if there is enough severity of biochemical deficiency for a long period of time then you will have an offspring with those same deficiencies. Their reactions to their biochemcial imbalance will not necessarily demonstrate itself the same way your biochemical imbalance does. They may have bad behavior._ Of course you understand that you are only giving half of the genes, and some of them are stronger than others. This, too, makes a difference in your child. For our reasoning, trauma affects you and your unconceived child in a biochemical way and this biochemical change, if allowed to get into the genetic pathway, does remain for many generations until biochemical imbalance is corrected. At that time a new mutated genetic code starts, but the genetic code will never go back to the original state which may not have had the biochemical imbalance. _ "How does this happen?" If you eat the same food day after day for 10 or 20 years you will probably build an allergic reaction to that food. "If I am allergic then why don't I sneeze?" Allergies are not given a chance to react because you keep eating the same food, just as an alcoholic keeps supplying his drug, so that the person does not have a withdrawal or allergic reaction. That's what addiction is. It doesn't have a chance to have withdrawal._ "You mean now you are telling me that a certain food that I eat is the cause of my loved one's behavior?" Think backwards. I have already told you that, but now I am giving you a little bit different approach to the same situation. If your were an alcoholic before your daughter's birth and had a deficiency of certain nutrients, your daughter may have those same deficiencies. Your daughter may not necessarily be an alcoholic, but she will have other illnesses._ When we talk about time-line heredity illnesses you will see how behavioral illnesses are initiated in the person from inception but do not show up until maybe ten, twenty, or even fifty years later._ You also have to consider your wife's biochemical state before your daughter's birth. So when you said that you have three other children and they don't act the way your loved one does, then you can see how biochemical illness in one family can and does disguise itself. Some may be like your difficult daughter, some may have kidney stones, some may be allergic to certain foods, or some may even be color blind. All biochemical illness in a family will present itself differently. If the problems came from both parents then the problems are greater._ "Wait a minute. Can you back up and give me some main points since you started talking about trauma?" Yes, of course. Trauma causes stress. Stress interpreted as good or bad is irrelevant for us now. It causes nutrient deficiencies. Then these nutrient deficiences are passed on by way of altered genetic coding information to your offspring and their offspring or for many generations until the biochemical balance takes place. Any kind of trauma can cause these deficiencies. The amount of nutrient deficiencies depends on how well the detox mechanisms work. Food allergies that we spoke earlier, and alcohol and drugs of any kind are a direct link to your offspring. That gives you some of the basic things I said. So when you think your loved one is really not part of you because "you don't act the way she does," then, she is simply showing it differently. "It would have been easier if she had had kidney stones." Ridiculous, accept reality for what it is. She doesn't have kidney stones. She could have had, but it came out in behavior._ Do you remember when we first started talking about how much of this or that nutrient some people need to be healthy? "Yes." Now you can see biochemically the degree of deficiency that a particular trauma may create.
My Family History
In one of the Pfeiffer books there is chart showing that the basis for many mental illnesses is fear as its bottom part of the triangle and all mental illnesses above it with various degrees of severe mental illnesses increasing as you get to the top of the pyramid. It is really quite a good way to think of many mental illnesses._ I have already told you a few things about my Mom and her stuggles in the course of telling you about her drug induced profanity behavioral change. Now I will tell you my theory, without any valid data to back it up, but using similar scientific data as stepping stones throughout my theories. So it is not necessarily anecdotal or without data but just not a scientific study to confirm data. If you went through many years of stress you would have some reaction to that stress regardless of how severe it was or how long it lasted. But at that point no one really knows what it does in each individual biochemically. We could say that one person recovered from the major stress of a trauma in days or even hours, yet it may take years for others to recover biochemically from that same stress-trauma. I believe that my family had a stress induced biochemical illness that mutated into genetic materials and was passed on to many family members from stresses caused three generations ago. Just because stress-induced genetic alterations occur does not mean in any way that all of these will show themselves in behavioral form. Remember that biochemical imbalance can and does show itself in many, many illnesses aside from behavioral illness. By doing an extensive biochart on my family I have come to several conclusions. Not all stresses make genetic changes. _ There is no way to predict which stress makes genetic changes. In each generation there will be diversity of illnesses, not just one type of illness such as cancer, for all second generation stress induced genetically altered people in that second generation. The third generation seems to get more specific to the types of illnesses, but it is foolhearty to predict with any certainty as well. There are certain physical traits that geneticists know of that skip a generation and the like, so I am using this sort of logic to say a similiar thing. In our third generation we see a full blown example of the biochemical imbalances that were started three generations ago. Second generation people showed very definite signs of particular elements of biochemical disease that the third generation now have. There is no question in my mind that these second generation people had "mild forms" of the same biochemical imbalance, but did not have the same full blown evidence as did the third generation . _ How to avoid it? You can't, especially if it is genetic transferred. To correct the problem is the only way you can go and that is not an assurance that it will not be passed on anyway to the fourth generation if it is in the genetic materials which cannot be altered again to right the genetic materials. The only thing that can be done is modification per each and every generation from the third generation on. The same is true of any kinds of diseases- all are caused by biochemical imbalances that get into the genetic materials, mutate, and change the genetic material, which is passed on to the next generation. _ Without knowing it your family may be more inclined to all die of heart problems or cancer but you never connected the illnesses and the number of illnesses to a specific disease. So when someone, who is in their 80's or 90's makes that statement of a long life and say they have good genes, you can really understand what they mean. _ I do not like mathematics and never have. I was fairly good at it but didn't like it and still don't. However, I do know that if you do a law of probabilities of anything genetically and come up with outllandish numbers by a third generation then the numbers can't be that far from logic. I know of five members in our family that have the same biochemical behavioral illness as confirmed from tests. That by itself is hard to believe when you have only 18 living family members. Then there was direct evidence of two or three others (non-tested) who may have it from all evidence of similar or worse behavioral problems associated with the same in the other five. Then there is very strong evidence of two others in the second generation with the same biochemical imbalance behavioral illness. _ Now do your logic. So let's see. We have 5 and 3 and 2 more that equals 10 people with the same biochemical imbalanced illness out of 18. Then add 2 second generation people who are now dead so that makes a total of 10 out of 20 or 50% from the first generation to the third generation with the same exact biochemical imbalance illness. Now do you see why I have spent so much time and energy trying to get to the bottom of the problems biochemically in my family? I am talking about behaviors that are the same from one part of the family to the other with people living thousands of miles away, at various ages, at various mental IQ levels, abilities, and all the criteria you may wish to use. These people are experiencing similar if not exact behavioral traits, the damaging ones. When I came to this conclusion I was totally dumbfounded and checked all my thinking and information over and over again and cut everything that could in any way be subjective and I still came back to what I have just told you. So you might say, "Well, your family doesn't have a chance in hell of having a normal, meaningful life." In some cases so far you might be right for some of those that do suffer hell, but that is the reason for getting biochemical balance and why it is so vital to my family. _ I hope with all my goodness that this never is the case with your family, but once it is in the genes it is almost a certainty. Unless it is corrected and altered genetically, it will pass on to the next generation. I have looked for genetic information that can help me understand how we can change our family gene tree but next to gene splicing, and it would have to be very specific gene splicing (and our science in gene splicing is not that advanced yet), it will not be happening. _ "Do you mean to say that my daughter is me?" Yes, without any doubt, but that does not mean you will both have the same illnesses. She demonstrates one way and you say you don't exhibit any of the behavioral things she does. I have to take you at your word until proven otherwise. _ You know, to this point you have only given me one clue about yourself that might have anything to do with specific behavior that your daughter has, and that was when you said you and a bunch of boys in elementary school cursed up a storm. By itself it means absolutely nothing, but if you give me ten clues and tell me your daughter acts the same way and you deny that she is you then I can't even begin to undertstand how you can say that. If you told me that when you were her age you acted the same way but it only lasted a few months and because your father instilled the fear of God into you, I would say wait a minute. You had the same biochemical illness your daughter now has and just because for some reason your biochemicals changed for the better and you never did it again does not mean there is not a very definite genetic connection between you and your daughter's behavior. The fear of God may change your biochemicals for the good, but I doubt it; at least not the way you are saying it. So can you see why a biochart can be useful? It can give you insights into something that may have a reason why some cousin or uncle, son or daughter threw a chair through the window in a fit of anger. It is not about anger. It is about genes. It is not only about genes. It is about biochemical balance and wellness.
Japanese POW and Their Children
During World War II and the Japanese encounters many American and Canadian soldiers were taken by the Japanese as prisoners. The length of time that some of these prisoners served varied. Some were there for three or four years and others were there for a relatively short time of maybe only a few months. During the length of stay these prisoners were not fed anything that could be called nutritional and obviously underwent great stresses, physically and mentally (sorry for the terms). You can read this very detailed research in one of the books in the bibliography, but the main reason why I am telling you this story is because not all of the prisoners responded biochemically the same after the war when they returned to civilian life. _ So we have strong, compelling evidence for biochemical individuality. The other thing is that many needed huge megadoses of nutrients and some very specific nutrients to right their biochemical imbalance. Many needed these meagadoses for an entire lifetime and their biochemicals were damaged from that specific series of events of imprisonment. The point I am getting to is that many of their children born after they returned to civilian life were also biochemically imbalanced and many had the same biochemical traits as their fathers. So the length of time, the type of stress, the length of time of recovery, and many more aspects of biochemical imbalance are there in this very important study.
Abuse and Biochemical Imbalance
Any kind of stress can and many times does cause biochemical imbalance, whether it is in a car accident, or child abuse, spousal abuse or any kind of abuse. The problem for any abuse is the age of the abused victim. All abuse is wrong without question, but abuse to a young child is so harmful biochemically. When a child of three or four years of age is abused, for example, the biochemical imbalance is even greater it seems than when someone is older. I believe this to be true, although no confirmed biochemical studies have been done to confirm or deny this statement. I personally don't think it can be proven because of the biochemical individuality of each and every one of us. It would make so much sense if abuse shelters would give nutritional meals plus nutrients to all who have been abused as soon as they arrive at the shelter, or as soon as the abuse victim can be helped biochemically. I do know from the Klenner studies and his practice of using huge megadoses of vitamin C that those suffering from a multitude of so-called physical ailments regain their physical health, such as tissue repair, wound healing, and the stress of injury especially after surgery. They will recover faster, more thoroughly, and more completely. Again, I must say that I cannot separate the physical side of the person from the total of the person and I do believe that all parts of the person are affected by meganutrient dosages as early as possible. This includes victims of abuse. I have not found one study that has used nutrients, and certainly not mega- doses of nutrients for abuse victims. I don't think that any clinical studies have been done. However, such studies would be quite useful. _I also believe that the timing of the megadose treatment is extremely crucial. So in conclusion, it is the type of nutrients, the dosages, and the timing that are involved in aiding abuse victims or anyone who has undergone severe stress, and again I do not separate the types of stress. The person interprets stess as stress, regardless of the origin of the stress. It is better to think of stress as biochemical imbalance and say that we have varying degrees of biochemical imbalance. Use whatever scale of labels you wish. Obviously, some biochemical imbalance would be considered severe and others mild, but again you always have to take into consideration the governing principle that all of us are biochemically individuals. Thus, no fixed appraisal would have much merit except in conversations from one orthomolecular doctor to another.
Japanese POW and their children _I am personally responsible for my loved one's behavior genetically. _Abuse and biochemical imbalance._My Family History Starting to connect dots about nutrients and behavior
Review _heredity _Key words-sentences _1)Heredity and Trauma-Induced Biochemical Imbalance _2)Genetic materials are passed on to offspring. _3)Behavior and all its manifestations will also genetically transfer _4)Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, biochemical and all the non-labeled things such as "chi", electrical currents, and the like are genetically transmitted to your offspring- all the good as well as all the bad of any and all of these. _5)Biochemical chart _6)So do you see why knowledge is by itself not important unless it is utililized in the correct way? _7)Trauma, physical, emotional, or spiritual, can and does alter biochemical balance and in all cases makes a nutrient deficiency even if it is for a short period of time. _8)My Family History _9)There is no way to predict which stress makes genetic changes. _10)Japanese POW and Their Children _11)Huge megadoses of nutrients and some very specific nutrients to right biochemical imbalance. Many needed these meagadoses for an entire lifetime and their biochemicals were damaged from that specific series of events of imprisonment. _12)I do know from the Klenner studies and his practice of using huge megadoses of vitamin C that those suffering from a multitude of so-called physical ailments regain their physical health, such as tissue repair, wound healing, and the stress of injury especially after surgery, recover faster, more thoroughly, and more completely. _13)The timing of the megadose treatment, in my mind, is extremely crucial. _14)Abuse and Biochemical Imbalance
Length of Time/Back Sliding
This chapter was probably one of the most difficult for me to write. It is difficult because so many times especially older children or adolescents will not take their nutrients and regardless of what you do they will backslide into full biochemical imbalance. "If you are giving the nutrients why does this happen?" They are not taking them is the point. They refuse and you can't even begin to figure out why they have taken them for some time and all of a sudden decide they are now not going to take them. This causes you to go into panic because you know the nutrients work for your loved one. "How could they be so stupid not to take them?" That is the thought that goes around and around in your mind. I don't have an answer, period. _ Yes, we do know that even very bright, intelligent people with manic-depressive labeled disease have similar problems. One is Kay Jamison, who has written several wonderful books on her illness, and even she cannot fully understand why she does get off her lithium. She has known for many years what the disease does do to her. So if someone who has a great deal of medical and psychological training in her own specific disease cannot figure it out, I do not feel so horrible that I can't figure it out. It still doesn't solve the situation. All I can say is that once they get started back on one or two dosages again for some reason then they are more inclined to stay with it for awhile. There are ups and downs for long periods of time, perhaps even years. _ By the time you see the effects of biochemical balance there is no one that can ever persuade you that the biochemicals don't work for your loved one. You don't have that question. In some ways, that in and of itself makes it even more difficult for you to think that you can't get the nutrients in your loved one. So don't think you are the only one in the world with the problem of keeping your loved one on nutrients. You are not. Does any of this make sense about jelly sandwiches and nutrients? I certainly hope so. Always remember that your loved one did not ask for this biochemical imbalance and you did not want them to have it either. All of the backsliding will come as a surprise but you will get past the shock of it after the first three or so times.
Orthomolecular Doctors
I have personally called these doctor's offices to make certain that they do, in fact, practice orthomolecular medicine. It was time consuming but it will prove to be very important to you. Some time ago I was seeking an orthomolecular doctor and after driving some considerable distances I found that both of the doctors that I talked with either only did chelation for heart disease or was no longer doing any orthomolecular nutrient therapies because of state medical board restrictions on orthomolecular medicine practice. Thus, I have personally called many if not all of the doctors I list here to be certain of exactly what they practice in the form of orthomolecular medicine now. I hope this will be of more help to you. I have left blank spaces so that you can add an orthomolecular doctor to this book. A blank indicates that no orthomolecular doctor was found in that state. As you will see there are very few orthomolecular doctors that do complete orthomolecular care in North America. However there are over 6000 orthomolecular doctors in Brazil. Even Brazil is ahead of us in healthcare. Also some doctors do telephone consultations that will help you decide on the direction you can go to correct biochemical imbalances for your loved one. Here are a few: Sherry Rogers, MD, NY (315) 488 2856 and Doris Rapp, MD, Arizona (602) 905 9195 and NY (716) 875 0398 _Alabama _E. Cheraskin, MD, DMD, 904-6 2217 Highland Ave South Birminghah, , AL 35205, (205) 934-4750 Humphry Osmond, MD (retired) Tuscaloosa, Al 35401, (205) 556-2951 _Alaska _Denton, MD, 3201 C St., Suite 602, Anchorage, AK 99503, (907) 563-6200 Robert Rowen, MD, 615E 82nd Ave., Anchorage, Ak (907) 344-7755 _Alberta _A special thank you to Dr. Max Vogel for the list of doctors in Alberta. _Max Vogel, MD, 5011 14 A St SW, Calgary, Alb, Canada T2P 3Y5, (403) 243-3357 (retired) James Mayhew, MD, 3604 52 Ave NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2LIv9 (403) 284-2261 _Richard Johnson, Suite 222, 4935 40th Ave. NW, Calgary, Alberta T3A 2N1, (403) 202-0724 _F. Logan Stanfield, MD, 20625 12 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 1A2 (403) 265- 6171 _Jeanette Soriano, MD, 4935 40th Ave. NW, Suite 110, Calgary, Alberta T3A 2N1, (403) 202-0003, (403) 547-4623 _Lawrence Kotkas, MD, 2402 20th Ave S, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, (403) 328-6727 _Tres Trethart, MD, 862 104 St, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6E 4G6 (403) 433 7401 _Ken Wiancko, MD,Suite 205 9509 156St., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5P 4J5, (403) 483-2703 _Bud Rickhi, MD,TCM, Research Center for Alternative Medicine855 8th Ave. SW, Suite 300, Calgary, Alberta T2P 3P1, (403) 233-0917 _Arizona_Doris Rapp, MD, 8179 E. Del Cuarzo Dr., Scottsdale, Az 85258, (602) 905-9195, Buffalo, Ny (716) 875-0398 David Hawkins,MD,Sedona Az,(520) 282 5446 _Arkansas _A.M.Worrell, Jr., MD, 3900 Hickory, Pine Bluff, Ar 71603, (870) 535-8200 _British Columbia _Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, #3A-2727 Quadra St., _Victoria, BC, Canada V8T 4E5, (250) 386-8756 _Erik T. Paterson, MD, #12 1000 NW Blvd., Creston, BC, Canada VOB 1G6, (250) 428-7887 _California _Robert Cathcart, III, MD, Allergy, Environmental, & Orthomolecular Medicine, 127 2nd, Los Altos, CA 94022 Richard Kunin, MD, 2698 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, CA 94115, (415) 346-2500 _Bernard Rimland, PhD, (Autism research), Autism Research Inst., 4182 Adams, San Diego, CA 92116, (619) 281-7165 _David E. Comings, MD, Dept. Genetics, City of Hope Med Ctr., Duarte, CA 91009, (626) 359- 8111 _H. Casdorph, MD, 1703 Termino Ave. #201, Long Beach, CA 90804, (310) 597-8716 _Whitaker Wellness Inst., 4321 Borth St., Newport Beach, CA 92660, (714) 851-1550 _John Smythies, MD, Ctr. Human Research/ U.C.S.D., La Jolla, CA 92093 (research) _M. Rosenbaum, MD, 45 San Clemente Dr. B130, Corta Madera, CA 94925, (415) 927-9450 _Priscilla Slagle, MD, 16542 Ventura Blvd, Suite 306, Encino, Ca. 91436, (310) 826-0175 _Phillip Taylor, MD, 325 S. Moorpark Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91361, (805) 497-3839 _Barbara Lundeen, PhD, FRSH, 2733 E. Garland Ave, Fresno, CA 93726, (209) 222- 2555 _Michael Lesser, MD, 2340 Parkker St., Berkeley, CA 94704, (510) 845-0700 _John Wakefield, MD, 18988 Cox Ave., Suite D, Saratoga, CA 95070-0000, (408) 366-0660 _Harvey Ross,MD Los Angeles,Ca. _Michael Weiner MD, Mill Valley,Ca. James Privitera,MD, 105 N. Grandview,Covina, Ca. 91723 (626) 966 1618 _James Julian,MD, 1654 Cahuenga Blvd,Hollywood,Ca., 90028 (213) 467 5555 _Stephen Langer, MD, 3031 Telegraph, Berkeley, Ca.94705 (510) 548 7384 _Colorado _Jake Paul Fratkin/ TCM, 3065 Center Green Dr., Suite 140, Boulder, CO 80301, (303) 541- 9055 _Nicholas Nonas, MD, 3535 S. Lafayette St. #213, Englewood, CO 80110-3954, (303) 694-2626 _Connecticut_Robban Sica, MD, 325 Post Rd., Orange, CT 06477, (203) 799-7733 _Jerrold Finnie, MD, 333 Kennedy Dr., Torrington, CT 06790, (860) 489-8977 _Beth Martin, R.N., 57 North St. Suite 122A, Danbury, CT 06810, (203) 743-0039 _D.C._G.H. Mitchell, MD, 2639 Connecticut Ave. NW #C-100, Washington, D.C. 20008, (202) 265-4111 _Delaware _Vincent Vinciguerr, DC, 1800 Naamans Rd., Wilmington, DE 19810, (302) 475-3200_Florida _Grable, MD, 7563 Philips Hwy 206, Jacksonville, Fl 32256, (904) 296-9355 _Terry Brant, TCM, 831 #C North Third St., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250, (904) 241- 9680 _Ray Wunderlich, MD, 452 94th Ave N, St. Petersburg, Fl. 33702, (813) 822-3612 Stephen Grable, MD, 7563 Philips Hwy 206, Jacksonville, FL 32256, (904) 296-9355 _Shirley Hartman, MD, 7563 Phillips Hwy suite 206, Jacksonville, Fl, 32256, (904) 296 9355 _Robert Rogers, MD, 2170 W State Rd 434, Suite 190, Longwood, Fl, 32779, (407 682 5222 _Alephenbert Robbins,D.O., 400 S Dixie Hwy Suite 210, Boca Raton, Fl, 33432, (561) 395 3282 _Martin Dayton, D.O., MD, 18600 Collins, Miami,Fl., 33160 (305)931 8484 _Georgia _Stephen Edelson, MD, 3833 Roswell Rd Suite 110, Atlanta, GA 30342 (404) 841-0088 _David Epstine, DO, 427 Moreland Ave. #100, Atlanta, GA 30307, (404) 347-970_Young Shin, MD, 3850 Holcomb Bridge Rd. Suite 438, Norcross, Ga 30092, (770) 242 0000 _Hawaii Idaho _Illinois _HRI-Carl Pfeiffer Treatment Center, 102 E. St., Woodstock, IL 60098-2345, (815) 338-2345 _Indiana David A. Darbro, MD, 2124 E. Hanna Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46227_William J. Walsh, PhD, 1804 Center Point Dr., Napperville, IL 60563, (630) 505-0300 _John R. Tambone, Noretwest Clinic, , (317) 253-7230 _Iowa Ballard Chiropractic Office, 602 Main St. #370, Huxley, IA 50124, (515) 597-3636 Kansas _Charles Hinshan, MD, 1833 N. Rock Road Court, Witchita, KS 67206 (316) 682-3100 _Jeremy Baptist, MD, PhD, 5811 Outlook, Shawnee Mission, KS 66202 (913) 432-0625 _Olive White Garvey Center, 3100 N. Hillside Ave., Wichita, KS 67219, (316) 682-3100 _Hugh Riordan, MD, 3100 N. Hillside Ave., Wichita, KS 67219, (316) 682-3100 _Ronald Hunninghake, MD, 3100 N. Hillside Ave., Wichita, KS 67219, (316) 682-3100 Kentucky _Louisiana _Maine Arthur Weisser, DO, 184 Silver St., Waterville, ME 14901, (207) 873-7721. _Manitoba_Maryland _Carol Englendes, MD, Jeanne Hubbuch, MD, 1126 Beacon St., Newton, MA 02161, (617) 965-7770 _Bruce Rind, MD, 11140 Rockville Pike #520, Rockville, MD 20852, (301) 815-3000 _Binyamin Rothstein, DO, 2835 Smith Ave. #203, Baltimore, MD 21209, (410) 484-2121 _Arnold Brenner, MD, 8622 Liberty Plaza Mall, Randallstown, MD 21133, (410) 922-1133 _Paul Beals, MD, 9101 Cherry Lane Suite 205, Laurel, MD 20708, (301) 490-9911_Kelly Dorfman, 10828 Tuckahoe Way,N. Potomac,Md.20878 (301) 340 2239 _Massachusetts_Thomas LaCava, MD, 360 W. Boylston St. #107, W. Boylston, MA 01583, (508) 854-1380. _Teri Kerr, RD, 304 Shelburne Center Rd., Shelburne Falls, MA 01370, (413) 625-2745. _Daniel A. Kinderchier, MD, 65 Newburyport Turnpike, Newbury, MA 01951, (978) 465-6077 _Michigan _Oscar Apoian, DO, 25411 W. Warren Ave., Dearborn Heights, MI 48127-0000, (313) 274- 0641_Vahagn Agbabian, DO, 1105 Pontiac State Bank Building, Pontiac, MI 48342-0000, (313) 334-2424_James Nutt, DO, 420 S. Lafayette, Greenville, MI 48838, (616) 754-3679 _Minnesota _Paul Nash, DC, CCN, 1081 Wayzata Blvd. #300, Minnetonka, MN 55305-0000, (612) 541-5669 _William Brauer, MD, 2545 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404-0000, (612) 871-2611 _Mississippi _Missouri_Garry M. Vickar, MD, 1245 Graham Rd., Suite 506, Florissant, MO 63031, 314-837- 4900 _Charles Rudolph, DO, 2800-A Kendallwood Pkwy, Kansas City, MO 64119, (816) 453-5940_Montana _Ralph Campbell, MD, 514 N. Finley Pt. Rd, Polson, MT 59860, (406) 887-2565 _Nebraska_Nevada_C. Ibarra-Ilarina, MD, Biomedical Health Center, 6490 S. McCarran Blvd. #C24, Reno, NV 89509, (702) 827-1444_New Brunswick _New Hampshire _Michele Moore, MD, 103 Roxbury St. #302, Keene, NH 03431, (603) 357-2180._Keith Jorgensen, MD, 44 Birch St. #304, Derry, NH 03038, (603) 432-8104. _New Jersey _Princeton BioCenter, 862 Rt. 518, Skillman, NJ 08558, (609) 924-9423_Majid Ali, MD, 320 Bellville Ave., Bloomfield, NJ 07003, (973) 586-4111. _R. Russomanno, MD, 350 Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield, NJ 07003, (973) 748-9330 _Allan Magaziner,MD, 1907 Greentree Rd., Cherry Hill,NJ 08003 (609) 424 8222 _Roberta Morgan,MD, 1930 Rte 70 East, Cherry Hill,NJ 08003 (609) 489 0505 _New Mexico _New York _Jose Tobias, MD, 935 Northern Blvd. Great Neck, NY 11021, (516) 487-7116 _Serafina Corsello, MD, 175 East Main St. Huntington, NY 11743, (516) 271-0222 _Place for Achieving Total Health, 274 Madison Ave. #402, New York, NY 10016, (212) 213- 6155. _Physicians for Complementary Medicine, 24 W. 57th St. #701, New York, NY 10019, (212) 397-5900. _Sherry Rogers, MD, 2800 W. Genesee St, Syracuse, NY 13219, (315) 488-2856 _Kenneth Bock,MD, 108 Montgomery St., Rheinbeck,NY 12572 (914) 876 7082 _Alfred Zamm,MD, 111 Maiden Lane, Kingston,NY 12401 (914) 338 7766 _Mitchell Kurk,MD 310 Broadway,Lawrence ,NY 11559 (516) 239 5540 _Jeffrey Kopelson,MD, 221 Clock Tower Commons,Brewster,NY 10509 (914) 278 6800_Newfoundland _North Carolina _North Carolina Preventative and Wellness Medical Center, 4016 Barret #210, Raleigh, NC 27609, (919) 787-0084 Center for Complete Health and Education, 404 Hope Mills Rd., Fayetteville, NC 29304, (910) 423-4086 _John Wilson, MD, Great Smokies Medical Center, 1312 Patton Ave., Asheville, NC 28806, (704) 252-9833 Charles Wiley, MD, Box Hwy 184, High Cntry Sq., Banner Elk, NC 28604, (704) 898-6949 _North Dakota _Nova Scotia _Ohio _Douglas Weeks, MD, Preventative Medicine Group, 24700 Center Ridge Rd. #317, Cleveland, OH 44145, (440) 835-0104_Jay Nielsen, MD, Celebration of Health, 122 Thurman St. #248, Bluffton, OH 45817, (419) 358-4627 _Oklahoma _William H. Philpott, MD, 17171 SE 29th St., Choctaw, OK 73020, (405) 390-3009 _Ontario _Steven Carter, 16 Florence Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada M2N 1E9, (416) 922-0133 _Gregory Schilhab, 16 Florence Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada M2N 1E9, (416) 922-0133 _Oregon _Ronald L. Peters, MD, 565 A St., Ashland, OR 97520, (541) 482-7007 _John Gambee,MD 66 Club Rd.,Suite 140, Eugene,Or 97401 (541) 686 2536 _Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State Univ., 571 Weniger Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, (650) 327-4064 (research only) _Pennsylvania _Christiane Siewers, MD, 135 Freeport, PA 15215, (412) 782-4700 _Philip Bonnet, MD, 1086 Taylorsville Rd. Washington Crossing, PA 18977, (215) 321-8321 _Leander Ellis, MD, 2746 Belmont Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131, (215) 477-6444 _William Shay, D.O., 19 Anthonys Mill Rd. Barto, PA 19504, (610) 845-8400 _Total Health Medicine, 505 Poplar St. Room PG02, Meadville, PA 16335, (814) 337-7429. _Maulfair Medical Center, C.G. Maulfair, DO, 403 Main St., Topton, PA 19562, (610) 682-2104, 800-733-4065 Harold Buttram,MD, 5724 Clymer Rd.,Quakertown,Pa 18951 (215) 536 1890 _Prince Edward Is. Puerto Rico Quebec _Rhode Island _Peter Himmel, MD, 321 Main St., Wakefield, RI 02879, (401) 783-6777 _Saskatchewan _South Carolina _Allan Lieberman, MD, 7510 North Forest Dr. N. Charleston, SC 29420, (803) 572-1600 _Hugh Fredenburg, MD, 1092 Boiling Springs Rd., Spartamburg, SC 29303, (864) 591-0944 _South Dakota _Tennessee _Richard Wanderman, MD, 5575 Poplar Ave, Suite 112, Memphis, TN 38119, (901) 683- 2777 _Texas _Billie Sahley, Pain and Stress Clinic, 5282 Medical Dr. #160, San Antonio, TX 78229, (800) 669-2256 _Acupuncture and Herb Ctr., 2301 N. Collins, #118, Arlington, TX 76011, (817) 261-5577 _Utah _Vermont _Charles Anderson, MD, 175 Pearl St., Essex Junction, VT 05452, (802) 879-6544. _Virginia _Elmer Cranton, MD, Mount Rogers Clinic, Inc., 799 Ripshin Rd., Trout Dale, VA 24378, (540) 677-3631 Washington _Sandra Denton, MD & Jonathan V. Wright, MD, Tahoma Clinic, 24030 132nd Ave. SE, Kent, WA 98042, (206) 631-8920 _Bradford Weeks, MD, 6456 S. Central Ave, Clinton, WA 98236, (360) 341-2303 _Ralph Golan, MD, 7522 20th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115, (206) 524-8966 _Richard P. Huemer, MD, 3303 NE 44th St., Vancouver, WA 98663, (360) 696-4405 _West Virginia _Wisconsin _Wyoming
Orthomolecular Tests
They will do hair analysis for heavy metals which can cause massive behavior problems as well as other illnesses. They will do blood test for mineral balances especially copper-zinc levels. They will do amino acids (22) tests and metabolic tests to determine protein absorption as well as all sorts of allergy tests for candida,yeast and good and bad bacteria. They can now do many, many specific tests including some neurotransmitter tests, such as seretonin. _ There are varying degrees of accuracy and validity to testing. Some are very accurate and helpful and some are only a little better than a guess. Some tests done on plasma are better than on whole blood. Some tests are done after the person has food fasted prior to the tests. All tests are simply indicators of the possible directions your doctor might pursue for your loved one. However, the tests will definitely help in his diagnosis. Many will give exact reasons for your loved one's symptoms. Remember, you might be thinking again about behavior with your loved one. I caution you to realize that the tests indicate biochemical imbalance of the entire organism and behavior is simply an extension of something inside the organism. You will probably never spend money any better or wisely than on these tests. So just do it. _ I have left blank spaces so that you can add any orthomolecular testing centers or labs to this book. A blank indicates that no orthomolecular testing was found in that state.
Lab Test Centers_US/Canada State
Alberta Research Center for Alternative Medicine TCM plus new medical advances 855 8th Ave. SW, Suite 300, Calgary, Alberta T2P 3P1, (403) 233-0917 first rate facility for alternative medicine. _Arizona Analytical Reseach Lab, 86550 N. 22nd Ave., Phoenix, AZ _British Columbia _California _Anitbody Assay Laboratories, 1715 East Wilshire Blvd., Suite 715, Santa Ana, CA 92705, (800) 522-2611 Immunosciences Laboratory, 1801 La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035, (310) 287-1884 Pacific Toxicology Lab, 1545 Pontius Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90025, (310) 479-4911, 800-32-TOXIC Immuno Diagnostic Labs, P.O. Box 5755, San Leandro, CA 94577, (415) 635-4555 Tyson and Associates, 12832 Chadron Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250, (800) 433-9750 Aeron Biotechnology, 1933 Davis St., Suite 310, San Leandro, CA 94577, (800) 631-7900
Florida _American Medical Testing Laboratories, 1 Oakweed Blvd., Suite 130, Hollywood, FL 38020, (305) 923-2990 _Immuno Laboratories, 1620 West Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311, (800) 231-9197
Georgia _Meta Metrix Medical Research Laboratory, 5000 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 110, Norcross, GA 30071, (800) 221-4640 _Metamix Inc., 3000 Northwoods Pkwy. #150, Norcross, GA
Illinois _1)HRI-Carl Pfeiffer Treatment Ctr., 1804 Center Point Dr., Naperville, IL 60563, (606) 505-0300 _Tests: Amino acids, mineral balances, seretonin, hair analysis for heavy metals, and many other specific tests through clinical facilities and outside labs. High caliber of testing and diagnostic procedures. _2)Doctors Data, 170 W. Roosevelt, West Chicago, IL 60185, (708) 231-3649 _3)Norsom Medi Labs Ltd., 7343 West Wilson Ave., Harwood Heights, IL 60656, (708) 867-9709
Kansas _Olive Garvey Ctr., 3100 N. Hillside Ave., Wichita, KS 67219, 316-682-3100 Bio Lab, 3100 N. Hillside Ave., Wichita, KS 67219, (316) 682-3100 _Great Plains Lab, Inc., 9335 W 75th St, Overland Park, KS 66204, (913) 341-8949
New Brunswick
New Hampshire
New Jersey _Princeton Bio Ctr./Pfeiffer, 862 Rt. 518, Skillman, NJ 08558, (609) 924-8607
New Mexico
New York _Monroe Medical Research Laboratory, Box 1, Route 17, Southfields, NY 10975, (914) 351-5134
North Carolina _Great Smokies Lab, 18 A Regent Park Blvd., Asheville, NC 22806, (704) 253-0621
North Dakota
Nova Scotia
Ohio _National Testing Laboratories, Inc., 6555 Wilson Mills Rd., Cleveland, OH 44143, (800) 458-3330
Oregon _Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State Univ, 571 Weniger Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, (650) 327-4064 (research only)
Pennsylvania _National Medical Services, Inc., 2300 Stratford Ave., Willow Grove, PA 19090, (215) 657-4900 _Suburban Water Testing Laboratories, Inc., 4600 Kutztown Rd., Temple, PA 19560, (800) 433-6595
Prince Edward Is.
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Texas _Accu-Chem Laboratories, 990 North Bower, Suite 800, Richardson, TX 75801, (800) 451-0116 Trace Elements Inc., 4901 Keller Springs Rd., Dallas, TX 75248, (800) 824-2314 _Utah
Virginia_Serammune Phys Lab., 1890 Preston White Dr. #201, Reston, VA 22091, (703) 758-0610
Virgins Islands
Washington _Meridian Valley Clinical Labs, 515 East Harrsion St., Suite 9, Kent, WA 98302, (206) 859-8700 _Tests: Varied and many, high quality of skill, highly recommended. They also provide extensive pre-testing protocols on all their testing. _Diagnos-Tech Clinical and Research Laboratory, 6620 South 192nd Place, Kent, WA 98032, (800) 878-3787 _National BioTechnology Laboratory, 3212 NE 125th St., Suite D, Seattle, WA 98125, (800) 846-6285 _Physicians' Clinical Laboratories, 15613 Bellevue-Redmond Rd., Bellevue, WA 98008,
West Virginia
Traditonal Chinese Medicine (TCM)
I guess it would be fair to say that the study of TCM is not really a study of medicine because of the way in which the oriental culture has for thousands of years looked at life through different eyes. Our Western views are segmented, separated, specialized and bring all things to specific cause and effect analysis. If you are an Italian and I am Iranian, our langauges do not have much in common, and I as an Iranian am trying to talk to you as an Italian. Then one if not both of us will have difficulty attempting to communicate verbally. So if you will understand that TCM is not viewed as we view medicine, but TCM is, in fact, a parallel with the life process that includes the spirit, body, soul, nature and many culturally based necessities to make the total of their being. TCM does not separate one aspect of the person from the other, and thus their entire concept of treating illness is entirely different than ours. _ "Is their system better than ours?" In a very short answer, yes. But you must remember that in order for you to fully appreciate and understand TCM you must have some basis for what TCM does. _ TCM does not simply give you acupuncture treatments, a few herbs, and send you home. If you went to a doctor of TCM the first thing you might notice is the calm feeling in his office which might only be a small uncluttered room with a table and a few straight back chairs. He would talk with you and ask how your family was doing not only in medical terms but as a genuine question of concern for them as people in the same community that he serves. After a few questions he will feel your pulse on both of your wrist points finding as many as 4 different pulse indicators on each wrist. Are you staying with me? He can hear in the same blood flow in your artery four different pulse sounds on each at each wrist point. Each one of these "feels" indicates to him many situations both good and bad about your person. Then he will ask you to stick out your tongue. "Yes, the doctors here do that too." The TCM doctor is not looking for staph germs but literally hundreds of indicators that in many cases will indicate exactly which organ in the body is having difficulty.
"You mean this guy looks at your tongue and tells you you have liver problems or kidney problems?" You are 100% correct. _ TCM doctors spent years developing the skill to look in a glance at your tongue and know what it means for the rest of your body. Then after the TCM doctor has acquired a few more verbal answers from you he may suggest a certain acupuncture treatment and/or herbs or certain foods that you should eat and those that you should not eat. If he himself does the acupuncture, as was the custom for many centuries, not just years, then he will use very thin, hair thickness needles and place them in the proper meridian points in your body. Depending on the medical situation you have he may ask you to lie down on a table and then place his three to as many as 12 needles or more in various meridian points in your body. _ There is an entire world of thinking, usage, and philosophy regarding acupuncture and how it is used. If you are interested then please pursue it. It is very complicated and very worthwhile to widening your understanding of medicine and your thinking in general because of our limited ways of viewing things through Western eyes. _ The TCM doctor will place needles at various points that to you don't make any sense at all. One needle may be over your left eyebrow and another in the calf of your leg and another in the side of your arm and another in your heel. "I bet you haven't had those needles in you." Oh yes I have, and they do not hurt even for a second. More importantly, they work. _ Do you remember the game we played in the first chapter of the book about getting to a total of 100 with the nutrients? "Yes." Well, this game, if there is one for acupuncture, is so mind boggling that there are no ways to explain how complicated it really is. Take all the scientific data you want and you will still not come up with the same answers that TCM doctors learned and know and use every day. _ "Are you saying they know more than our doctors?" I don't even want to answer that and I will not. TCM doctors know what to do.
What if I said you have a lung tumor the size of large grapefruit and it must come out of you. I tell you to come to the hospital at 8 AM and you are taken to a room with a table and two people waiting to help you. You are placed on the table which is sterilized, and all the normal antiseptic, bacterial protections are taken. Then the TCM doctor comes in, asks you to lie on your back, asks you if you are fine and a few kind words, and then places a few acupuncture needles in their proper places. He waits about a minute and then picks up his surgery tools, makes an incision, and takes out the grapefruit-sized tumor. It takes about 15 minutes because the TCM doctor has to sew up some skin, muscle, and tissue damage made by the removal of the tumor. Then you are asked to rise up from lying on the table and sit on the table while they give you a small glass of orange juice. Then you are walked slowly to a room with a bed and stay overnight or until the doctor feels you need the rest because of the shock to your person, not because of the medical problem as such. The TCM doctor gives you a long regiment of herbs, foods to eat, foods that you cannot eat and you can now go home. If you have any more problems you can immediately see the doctor or wait for two days and he will see you anyway. Your recovery will be faster, easier mentally-emotionally, and as a result of the these your physical recovery will also be better without as many side complications._ "I have been listening, but this is too weird to believe. They put three or four needles in this person and then cut out a grapefruit-sized tumor?" Yes, that is what they do. "Impossible, I don't believe it. There is something else that you don't know about and you got suc***ed into this thinking and now you are trying to suc*** me into it too." Sorry to tell you this, but absolutely everything I have just told you is the absolute truth and this and other procedures like this go on each and every day with TCM. _ "I bet their operations cost a bundle of money." No, they don't, and, in fact, they don't have insurance companies, power and greed drug companies, and all the "built-in takers". So the operation does not cost much, certainly by our standards, and it is not intended to cost much. _ Remember, the reason for TCM medicine is so that each and every person may be able to heal themselves as much as possible. This preventative medicine is a "before" concept while Western medicine is based on an "after" concept, meaning after you get ill seek out a doctor. So you see this one little principle makes the difference in the way a entire culture of millions of people have believed and believe to this day after over 2500 years. _ And people say a little principle here and there and so what? Well, this little principle of "before" illness does something even more special and that is enhancement. Illness and wellness are not the same thing. If you are not ill then you are well, but wellness has so many degrees and this wellness is what TCM provides. TCM, by the fact that it is treating the entire person, seeks to help the entire person and thus does that. If I get treated for kidney infection by a Western doctor then he has treated my infection only, but TCM is interested in your entire being. You might think they are slow mentally because they feel so many pulses and look at your tongue. _ And if you think that all those millions of people do is work in their rice fields then you truly are wrong. China has provided mathematics 2000 years before the Greeks, an alphabet, a religious philosophy that has maintained and encouraged their culture for over 5000 continuous years, not to mention TCM. So you have a great deal to thank the Chinese for. They are a brilliant people, and they, like us, have differences in the ways and methods they solve problems and are just as human as us. However, when they do come up with some awe inspiring information that is so remarkable then I think we as other humans should be very grateful and indeed respectful of those that thought differently than we did._ At the rate we in the West are going at it we will arrive at the same thing the Chinese did perhaps in the year 6398, if then. Cherish knowledge and what it means to the enhancement of life. Knowledge is there for a reason.
Back to TCM. The description of "CHI" is very difficult to put into words but I can only talk about it from a Western viewpoint, which is extremely limiting in its analysis. Chi is the energy-life current that is your person. It does have specific points that cross the 22 meridian lines that transverse from head to toe in your body, but it is far more than current such as an electrical current. Chi is pronounced chee like cheese without the se part. _ One of the most important principles of TCM is balance and for this they use jin and jang. It is extremely complicated when you look at all the ways they look at jin and jang but for our purposes I will simply say that everything, whether it is electric ions of negative particles or positive particles, philosophy, food, nature or whatever, must be in balance. If you think of jin and jang as a simplistic example of "in and out" you can see through our Western eyes a little something of what jin and jang do. Everything that comes into a living organism must go out of that organism for the free flow of energy to continue. Energy cannot be trapped or contained. What goes in may be altered within something but it must come out and continue its journey. If the correct balance is to be maintained then there must be more of one thing and less of another. If you take this to mean the entire oragnism then all entry ways may include thought, all the senses, all the electrical fields, energy fields, and all the things we have not even labeled yet. _ Just as these are entry ways we must have exit ways as well. We have physical ways such as sweat, urine excretion, skin tumors and the like, but we also have thoughts, behavior, and unlabeled things that allow the energy to continue its path. We are simply seeing a flow of energy when we see urine or behavior, hear thoughts spoken or see sweat. One is in and the other out. The big problem comes when energy is trapped and the release of that energy is so explosive in its release. A rather crude example would be if your have ever had explosive diarrhea. Toxins build up, and when you excrete it truly is like an explosion. The energy is trying and will eventually continue its path of continuousness, but it has been trapped momentarily and that is what causes the problem. When chi is trapped TCM calls it stagnant chi or trapped chi, and for very good reasons. There is no balance because there is too much of one thing at one point and not enough of something else at another point. Balance, again, is the main thing here. So if you think of everything that goes into the person if you could, you would find many, many things that you don't have any way of knowing when and how they come out of the person._ Let's say that you eat corn and 12 hours later in your excrement you see partially digested corn. You know it went in and came out, regardless of how much went in and how much came out. Now as you advance your thinking to other things than food it becomes very complicated very quickly. Just a few examples to boggle your mind. How much and what intensity of electrical negative ions went into your loved one and when and how did they come out of them? How much and when did your loved get angry and what did this do to biochemicals? Where and to what degree are these biocheicals released? Obviously, I can't even begin to answer them. They are not just food for thought. They are, in fact, what TCM tries to do when they readjust chi and attempt to maintain balance._ Looking backwards in my reading, I doubt whether I have ever come across the term biochemical in TCM. In fact, I don't think I have, but TCM works on biochemicals just as they work to maintain balance in so many areas of the human experience. Now maybe you can see that TCM is about not only human life and its wellness and illnesses but about all life, regardless of whether or not it is an animal, plant, or unlabeled life forms. It is about energy that is in all of those mentioned. Yes, they treat humans with TCM, but they are treating energy. That same energy exists in all living things. It really is not so distant in thought from the American Indians and their way of knowing what energy was in the air, water, soil, and animals. They may not have called it energy, but it is just a sematics game at that point. So if we in the West think we lead in some areas there are other areas of humaness that we are not even in the first grade of life. Getting back to TCM. _If you were amazed at the analogy of energy and it hasn't soaked in yet let me tell you of another thing that is amazing. How can one look at a tongue and know that an energy field in the spleen not viewable by the TCM doctor is, in fact, inflamed? The reason it is inflamed is because of trapped chi in the neck area. _ "Wait a minute. This guy looks at your tongue and he knows you have something wrong with your spleen, but the spleen is not the cause of its own problem and the real problem is in the trapped energy in the neck?" Yes. Isn't that amazing, truly amazing? "Then they are fakers and liars." Hold on to your hat. These things have been proven over and over again with Western technology to confirm exactly what the TCM doctors diagnosed. That too is amazing to us in the West. It is really not amazing to the TCM doctor since TCM doctors have been doing that sort of thing for 2500 years, and I guess it is nothing new to them. So if you haven't had your eyes opened by the example of acupunture and now the tongue analysis analogy then I think maybe a little rethinking on your part is necessary. Jin and jang have a direct relationship to chi. Chi must be constant, flowing, moving, and if it is trapped then any number of problems caused by imbalance can occur. These include all illnesses such as behavioral illness. Chi must be flowing. What goes in must come out. All things are energy and this is life and this life has energy that cannot be trapped but must be free flowing. Your thoughts are a tremendous amount of energy both taken in and released. We must get out of this attitude of Western thinking that all that goes in, stays in, or some of it stays in, or none of it is released or whatever. Yes, life is sustained by energy going in and used, but after it is used it is sent on its way. The length of time for it to remain in a tissue or cell is directly dependent on the total energy flow of the total organism. It is not a weight and measurement type of energy where we can say that such and such a person must have such and such amount of energy remaining in the their cellular growth and send the remainder out wherever it goes. Of course, wherever it goes brings up an entirely different world of thinking. _ As I said before, TCM is extremely complicated but extremely worthwhile, not only for your health whether mental, physical, or spiritual, but also for your thinking about things that widen your mind. And they thought of "this" over 2500 years ago. It still boggles my mind. TCM is extremely practical and it was intended that way. Heal thyself. Then if you need a doctor, use TCM. That is the 2500 year old principle. _ "But I bet they don't treat behavior illness like my daughter has." Why do you think that they don't? Why do you think they don't have people with behavioral biochemical illnesses too? _ Do you remember the chart of TCM behavior terms from before? They do have a good success rate with their biochemically ill behavioral patients too. Believe it or not, it is called stagnantion of phlegm which destroys chi or some of chi and thus causes an imbalance (the same with our biochemcials) and there is a direct hereditary link with mental illness. And if you will stay with me for a second I will give you a quick defintion of what they do. They diagnose the tongue- it has a white, slimy coating. The pulse is wiry and slippery. They rectify it by changing chi, resolving stagnation, transforming phlegm, opening the orifices (similar to TCM treatment of epilepsy) and there you have it. Oh, I forget all those herbs, foods, and acupuncture treatments. (You try vitamins C, B6, zinc, vitamin B 3.) _Now just ask a Western doctor to open your orifices, and they will think you mean say "aaah" with your mouth open. Ask your Western doctor to remove phlegm and they will tell you to go the drugstore and get cough drops with wintergreen in them. Totally, totally crazy. There is no way Western medicine will ever understand TCM with Western eyes. We literally live in two different worlds. _ Yes, TCM doctors have difficult cases, and yes, I am certain they have failures and heartaches too. However, when I simply say to you take your loved one to an orthomolecular doctor and get help, I really mean it. At this point, you cannot find many TCM doctors. Our culture basis is so different and so diverse from that of the Chinese that your loved one would have to do a great deal to change social, eating, and other patterns in order to get the full impact of TCM. I will speak more about TCM doctors later. So take your nutrients, your biochemical approach. It will work to set straight some of the imbalances, and the behavior will change for the better. _ If you thought we were done with TCM then think again. Here comes another boggler. Disease in TCM is governed (my word) by degrees of illness and progression of illness. Now we do that in the West too, but not in the same way as in TCM. If I told you that depending on the season of the year or a particular part of the month you should eat such and such a food but not eat it two weeks later, or have one kind of acupuncture at one time and not the same one later you would think it very unusual. You might say, "Well, that's what we do in the West too." We give various levels of drugs at one point and so on. _ But my point with TCM is that illnesses ebb and flow with nature which obviously includes wind, rain, snow, dampness and the like. All of these factors have a direct relationship with what you eat and how you progress in your disease to wellness. If you eat the wrong foods in the wrong signs of dampness you will indeed become ill. Don't even begin to ask me why. I have read and read and read and find many, many answers, and they still don't fully make sense. That is why you need a TCM doctor even if you are Chinese with a severe illness. So the next time someone says to you, "You know, I think I might be allergic to corn," or whatever remember we are not only talking about brain allergies and behavioral problems, but phlegm, stagnant chi, blocked meridians and probably a thousand different things. Someone on this earth somewhere has figured out these that the rest of us don't yet know yet. "Just from corn?" Just from corn, perhaps.
"Which kind of doctor would you choose if you were ill?"
"Now let me ask you a question. Which kind of doctor would you choose if you are ill?" Well, that is really not as difficult as you might think. Now I would choose an orthomolecular doctor, biochemically trained or a biochemist. If I continued to have problems I would seek out as many different views to wellness as I could and I would, as I mentioned before, weigh out all information and see how my progression of wellness was doing._ If I was in a car accident and mangled beyond belief I want a surgeon who has all the technology possible to put me back together. I wouldn't have enough time for orthomolecular doctors then except as a very important adjunct with specific nutrients in huge doses that would make my recovery from surgery better and wound healing faster. This would also be very helpful in my mental approach to healing. I don't think I would ever have any occasion to disregard orthomolecular medicine with its biochemicals. _ I would not be so quick to dismiss shamans or faith healers either. You must remember to weigh out everything without being as obsessive as one is in severe illness to seek the first available answer. TCM medicine may not even be the end all answer either. It, too, may only be a stepping stone in knowledge. So if you ask me what kind of illness I have and what kind of doctor I would choose that is a different question. My thoughts as to doctor choice would depend on that illness. nt because I was indeed searching, but behavior psychology cannot work until there is a biochemical balance first. Then y_ So, you see when I said that all those $4000 worth of books I have from Freud to Jung to Bettelheim to whatever are meaningless to your loved one's illness. They are descriptions of a behavior that has a biochemical root and you can't change something that isn't there in the first place. Yes, all those books eventually lead me here to this point because I was indeed searching,but behavior psychology cannot work until there is a biochemical balance first. Then you can use some of these thoughts, and I say some meaning you have to weigh out things over and over again._ "I have another question. What about that thing you said about thoughts generating energy? I heard that if you get the right people they can help you by thinking the right thoughts, sort of like those failth healers who by thier thoughts change illness." You bring up a very important point. Biochemicals change behavior, and thoughts change biochemicals, thus changing behavior, but to what extent, magnitude, duration and timing we do not fully know._ If you heard me say at various times throughout our conversation the words "and other unlabeled factors or unlabeled things" then you see I too have not, nor will I allow myself to, become enclosed in a box of thinking that these things such as faith healing and so on don't work. They do work and I know that for myself is a fact, not just what I want to think. But I don't know that person, can't find them, have no way to weigh out or evalute or see results, and thus am stuck in my own dilemma. Do I respect faith healers that really heal? My answer- in awe of them, simple. Should you get one for your loved one? You have the same dilemma that I do. In the meantime, I would do something that does work and that is biochemical balance with nutrients. So do that is the simple answer. _ I have not mentioned jin and jang principles of acid-base in all the cells of our bodies. They, too, are a balance. If you get too much of one or the other you will have problems. _ For years I have had very bad teeth because I came from poverty, didn't take care of them later in life when I had the opportunity, and the result is that I don't have good teeth and gums. However, by trial and error I found something that proves again the point of balance on a very simple scale. I obtained some acid-base paper so that I can check my urine with it. It has a scale chart to measure acid and base levels. Even when my acid level goes to 5 instead of the normal 6 I begin to have a mild toothache on one particular tooth. Yes, I know, go get it fixed. Well, I haven't. When I bring my base level back up to 6 my toothache is gone. The reason is that 65% or more of the dentin, which is made up of liquid organic salts supplied by the blood, are less when the acid levels are higher in acid and the the enamel is more sensitive because of the liquid organic salts beneath the enamel; thus, a toothache. So what may appear to be one thing is really another. I might think I have a toothache, but really my problem is cellular throughout the entire body because my acid-base level became imbalanced. So you can even learn from a toothache that all things are indeed connected in some way. You have to figure out what way they are connected. By the way, TCM figured this acid-base level out 2500 years ago also. You might say, "Well, I will just get my acid-base level correct and I will never have toothaches." Not so simple. _ The main thing is that the acid-base level is one of the most important jin and jang, in and out, biochemical balancing factors we have. It is not the only one, but it is a very important one. Nutrients will not be utilized properly nor will proteins needed for almost every cell in the body work properly. A multitude of other things wouldn't work if the acid-base level is out of balance. Many people have an acid problem so they take little anti-acid pills. Take baking soda. The point is that people who have too high levels of acid cannot biochemically function properly in so many ways. Ideal acid-base level is 7.1. Acid is 0 to 7, and base is 7 to 14. _ Even hospitals have begun to do chelation (my goodness, an orthomolecular concept- what is the world coming to?) for acid-base levels by clearing out toxins through chelation so that acid-base levels can be balanced. So acid-base is not about toothaches, okay. _ So if you remember when I became angry with you once and said, "Biochemical-electric-chi stagnation in the third dimension of a progressive disease," you may now find that what might have appeared to be a rude, flip answer these types of labels in TCM (but obviously we are still seeing through Western eyes as to what they mean). _ There is so much I would like to tell you about TCM because it really is about all forms of life, not just human. To me it seems so fresh and meaningful. Obviously, I was looking for it without knowing I was looking for it and for that I am thankful. If you have any interest in TCM, please pursue it. It truly is not just of wellness and illness but so many more things about life.
Our Marble Tournament Again
Do you remember the section in the analogy in chapter one when we talked about nutrients and the marble tournament? "Yes." If you take that same phrase and apply it to chi and electrical fields throughout your person the same as you did with biochemicals, you can see just how complicated life becomes. The section reads as follows in the nutrients and marblewas actually based on some thinking on my part and not just lashing out at you. There may be and indeed are diseases with tournament. _ Then let's say that in order for the marbles to be knocked out of the circle you must have them in a particular sequence. Let's say that we put a section of red marbles, green marbles, white marbles, etc. in the center of the circle, and the object of the game was to alternate knocking out all the various colors in sequence. Red, then green, then white. And this is another thing that nutrients do. _ All nutrients have what are called enzymes and pathways where each sequence is dependent on the next link in that sequence. So if you shoot two red marbles in a row you are disqualified. If you have two enzymes that are not matched in the sequence then the nutrient either stops working, has limited working ability, takes longer to perform its function, and in some cases has a reverse effect of its original purpose and does harm. _ Now let's say we have added all these new variables besides biochemical balance which is complicated enough, and you get another view of what life is. We may have defined what life is but we are not any closer to how it works. Defining something does not mean you know how it works, and this is one of the reasons why I have so much difficulty with psychotherapy as a means of helping people. It can't help people that much, if any, because the defining is simply that and nothing is said about how the organism works or doesn't work biochemically, with chi, electrical fields, or all the other things we don't know about or have not labelled yet. So we get back to the same thing. Do what you do know has some effect. Try to learn more. Do that and progress in trying to unravel the mystery of life. You can't, I can't. Others can't unravel life's mystery but we can do little things along the way. Life is a process, and we are in the process of life when we are attempting to do something whether it is biochemical, chi movement, electrical field manipulation, or whatever. We are always "in" and always will be in the process of life, not looking at life from the outside and then saying what life is or is not. Life is the energy field itself, and therefore, to be part of that energy we must be part of the energy field process. What this has to do with your daughter is this. Biochemical balance is only one of many ways to understand behavior or anything else about the human. _ There are many other ways to understand humans as well, but we don't have the same level of thinking required to make these other ways work right now. So we are always attempting to find a way, maybe not the best way, but a way, and this time biochemical balance will work to alter pain and suffering. _ The ability to think is an incredible aspect of the human that allows us to delve into areas that are foreign more than any other living thing on this planet, but we don't always think that we are "in process"- in process of rather than arrival at. So take nutrients for now, but try to broaden your thinking. _ To me personally, the highest form of thinking is spiritual but that is just a personal thing and right now I don't know of anyone who has the capacity to stop someone in a rage from tossing a chair through a window by means of spiritual teaching. Yes, maybe there are those that can do it, but for now I have not observed them. _ Also, I was talking earlier about energy, and energy never really dies, but is just changed into other states of existence whether or not on this plane of existence we call our planet. Many people with near death experiences state that they do not experience pain of any kind when they had their near death experiences._ Maybe it is not spiritual at all and only certain pain inhibiting chemicals or chi or whatever blocking pain, but my feeling is that it is the movement of energy from one place to another and the new place has no pain because it is a different form of energy that we as earthlings can't comprehend. The transference of energy is also an earthling thought so all of it may be ridiculous, but I think personally that the ability to go from one plane of feeling spiritually even on this earth to another spirtual level still even on this earth is possible and can and has been done. So that is why I say that if you know something and it works, then damnit do it, but don't stop there. If you really want to become spiritual, regardless of your doctrinal belief, then I think you must include the fact that energy or the God force, without our own self-importance, is the driving force behind all energy. _ Now if you could get God force energy bottled instead of vitamin B3 or B6 then fine, but you can't and neither can I. We are all part of a circle that contains our energy and we are part of the "larger marbles ring" as in my story from before, that contains all energy which is the God-force. So now even if death scares the the hell out of you, as it does me because of our self-importance and self-appointed plan for our own life, you may not fear it as much if you know that we do live on because we have never been dead- we are part of energy. So even though this sort of thinking may not have a thing to do with your daughter's anger it will help you think and that will give you a better basis for understanding. Now do you see why I become so damn angry when people supress knowledge? Let me decide if I want that knowledge. Let you decide if you want that knowledge.
Herbs and Decoctions
I will just say a very few words about a very complex part of TCM. The use of herbs and decoctions (mixtures) is very complex. Please refer to the bibliography. TCM uses over 2200 herbs for various ailments. They have used them for over 2500 years. Their clinical trials have been the people themselves. The success rate with herbs is remarkable. As I said, it is very complex so please don't just start taking a bunch of herbs and think they will work for you. Remember, TCM treats progression of disease differently than we do in Western medicine. Do not use herbs without a TCM doctor. Some can be very damaging to your health as well as being helpful in other situations.
TCM Doctors
Phyllis Bloom, D.Ac., New York, NY , 212-675-1164 Misha Cohen, 30 Albion St., San Francisco, CA 94103, 415-861-1101 _Jake Fratkin, O.M.D., 3065 Center Green Dr., Boulder, CO 80301 _Susan Lin, 4 Bowery, New York, NY 10013, 212-962-5417, 962-8083 _Dr. George Love, S.H.I.E.L.D. Wellness Center, 450 N.E. 20th St., #108, Boca Raton, FL 33431, 407-394-4660_Lonny Jarrett, Stockbridge Health Center, Main St., Stockbridge, MA 01262, 413-298-4221 _Dr. Oreste Pelechoty, Aloha, Shorthills Plaza, 2J, 636 Morris Turnpike, Shorthills, NJ 0707=8, 201-376-4669 _Dr. Lili Wu, New York and Brooklyn, NY, 718-439-8805 Yong H. Xu, O.M.D., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19106, 215-627-8209 _ Associations-Clinics _Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, 1601 Clay St., Oakland, CA 94612, 510-763-7787 _American Assocation of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 4101 Lake Bone Trail #201, Raleigh, NC 27607-6518, 919-787-5181 _American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 455 Arkansas St., San Francisco, CA 94107, 415-282-7600 _An Hao Clinic, 2348 N.W. Lovejoy, Portland, OR 97210, 503-224-7224 _Bastyr University, 144 NE 54th St., Seattle, WA 98105, 206-523-9585 _California School of Herbal Studies, P.O. Box 39, Forestville, CA 95436, 707-887-7457 _Chinese Medicine Works, 1201 Noe St., San Francisco, CA 94114 _Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine, 1807 _B. Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90403, 310-453-8833 _International Institute of Chinese Medicine, P.O. Box 4991, Santa Fe, NM 87502, 505-473-5233, 800-377-4561 _Midwest Center for the study of Oriental Medicine, 6226 Banker's Rd., Suites 5 & 6, Racine, WI 53403, 414-554-2010 National Accreditation Commission for Schools and Colleges of Accupuncture and Oriental Medecine (NASCAOM), 8403 Colesville Rd., Suite 370, Silver Spring, MD, 301-608-9680 _National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists, c/o National Acupuncture Headquarters, 1424 16th St., NW, Suite 501, Washington, D.C. 20036 _National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, Inc. (NADA), 3115 Broadway #51, New York, NY 10027, 212-993-3100, 212-579-5138 _New England School of Acupuncture, 30 Common St., Watertown, MA 02172, 617-926-1788 _Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 1307 North 45th St., Seattle, WA 98103, 206-633-2419 _Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, 10525 SE Cherry Blossom Dr., Portland, OR 97216, 503-253-3443 _Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, 7445 Mission Valley Rd., Suites 103-106, San Diego, CA 92108, 619-574-6909 Pacific Institute of Oriental Medicine, 915 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10010, 212-982-3456 _Quan Yin Healing Arts Center, 1748 Market St., San Francisco, CA 94102, 415-861-4964 Royal University of America, 1125 West 6th St., Los Angeles, CA 90017, 213-482-6646 _Samra University of Oriental Medicine, 600 Paul Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017, 213-482-8448 _Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine, 1919 State St., Suite 204, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 _South Baylo University, 1126 N. Brookhurst St., Anaheim, CA 92801, 714-533-1495; Branch: 2727 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, CA 90015 _Southwest Acupuncture College, 325 Paseo de Peralta, Suite 500, Sante Fe, NM 87501, 505-988-3538; Branch: 4308 Carlisle NE, Suite 205, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505-888-8898 _Tai Hsuan Foundation: College of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, 2600 S. King St., #206, Honolulu, HI 96826, 800-942-4788 T_raditional Acupuncture Institute, 10227 Wincopin Circle, Suite 100, Columbia, MD 21044-3422, 301-596-6006 T_ri-State Institute of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, 80 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10011, 212-242-2255 _Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1314 Second St., Santa Monica, CA 90401, 310-917-2202 _ Review TCM _ Key words-sentences _1)TCM is, in fact, a parallel with the life process that includes the spirit, body, soul, nature and many culturally based necessities to make the total of their being. _2)TCM does not simply give you acupuncture treatments, a few herbs, and send you home. _3)"You mean this guy looks at your tongue and tells you you have liver problems or kidney problems?" You are 100% correct. _4)TCM, by the fact that it is treating the entire person, seeks to help the entire person and thus does that. _5)Chi is the energy-life current that is your person._6)Everything that comes into a living organism must go out of that organism for the free flow of energy to continue. Energy cannot be trapped or contained. _7)We are simply seeing a flow of energy when we see urine or behavior, hear thoughts spoken or see sweat. One is in and the other out. _8)One of the most important principles of TCM is balance and for this they use jin and jang. _9)Energy cannot be trapped or contained 1_0)The big problem comes when energy is trapped and the release of that energy is so explosive in its release. 11)"Wait a minute. This guy looks at your tongue and he knows you have something wrong with your spleen, but the spleen is not the cause of its own problem and the real problem is in the trapped energy in the neck?" Yes. 12)Chi must be flowing. What goes in must come out. All things are energy and this is life. This life has energy that cannot be trapped but must be free flowing. _13)The length of time for it to remain in a tissue or cell is directly dependent on the total energy flow of the total organism. _14)Believe it or not, it is called stagnantion of phlegm which destroys chi or some of chi, thus causing an imbalance (the same with our biochemicals) and there is a direct hereditary link with mental illness. _15)With TCM is that illnesses ebb and flow with nature which obviously includes wind, rain, snow, dampness and the like. _16)Biochemicals change behavior, and thoughts change biochemicals, thus changing behavior but to what extent, magnitude, duration and timing we do not fully know. _17)So what may appear to be one thing is really another. _18)Our Marble Tournament Again _19)Defining something does not mean you know how it works _20)Herbs and decoctions
Biochemical Illness and Other Family Members
Just about anything and everything can happen to any and all members of a family with one who has a biochemical illness with behavioral problems. Marriages are disolved, siblings are confused, confrontational, damaging to themselves and others for the want of rightful love and attention due them. Siblings become victims of the person with behavior biochemical illness. Some siblings use their sibling with the biochemical illness as an excuse for their own out of control behavior, and all the aspects of nuture and life will be right out the window. Your individual health may and does many times deteriorate from the stress of your loved one's illness. Be careful to take your own biochemicals and maintain a balance biochemically so that you can help your loved one with all the mental-emotional resources you personally have._ There are many books written on behavioral thoughts dealing with behavior but very few on biochemical illnesses and the family. Biochemical imbalance behavoir cannot be adjusted with behavior psychology, and the sooner people realize this the better it will be for all the family. The amount of emotional damage to all can be cut short and limits the emotional damage if quick, thorough biochemical tests and nutrients are given. _ I suggest that if you read any psychological books pertaining to behavior that you keep in mind that behavior such as we have been talking about cannot be altered for any period of time, and you may be fooled into thinking just because a week or even a month has gone by without any major behavior problems that everything is fine and there is no biochemical illness. You may even think you caused the person to realize the badness of his or her ways. You may have convinced yourself that they do not, in fact, have a biochemical illness, but later find exhausting violent behavior that comes out of no known reason that you know of and you are thrust into the throws of major behavior problems. Do not waste time and energy. Also, do not barrage your loved one with do's and don't's because they are indirectly hurt again. _ So step back a second, get the caring orthomolecular doctor, get the proper tests done, read, evaluated, take the nutrients, love your child as if they are not going to be there tomorrow, and you will have saved everyone including yourself an immense amount of time, energy, and heartache. You may be a 23 year old mother or father or a 53 year old mother or father with more wisdom, knowledge, and life smarts. It will not matter because the biochemical engine your loved one has does not have the proper fuel in his or her engine and it does not work regardless of how much you plead and beg them to understand and try harder. Think about this for a second. You were running by foot for miles and every time you wanted to sit and rest someone said you couldn't and, in fact, had to go faster than before. Sooner or later you too would give up from sheer exhaustion. You would not say you didn't have willpower or desire. _ So when you ask someone who has biochemical imbalance to do something that is not in their capability to do, remember that you couldn't do it either with the same set of circumstances that are dealt to them. So don't barrage your loved one with all kinds of stress inducing commands. Use simple one sentence suggestions with one subject, one verb, and never use two thoughts in the same sentence. Wait for them to respond on their own timetable. Smile and treat them with respect, dignity, and love, and share whatever they can share. Get them to an orthomolecular doctor.
Your Heart is in the Right Place and Their Biochemicals are in the Wrong Place
I am going to talk about adoption that can cause hardships for those that are not familiar with biochemical imbalances. Within the last year I saw a televison talk-show about a man and his wife and their struggle with their two adopted children, both biological brothers. One of the children was agreeable and grew up fairly normal (whatever that means), and the other one had a violent behavioral problem including attempting to kill his younger brother at the age of three years old. The parents spent thousands of dollars, lost their home and their self-employed business over the years of struggle to find answers for the troubled son. Nothing worked and finally the troubled son at age 14 or so was put into a detention facility that the parents hoped would help their troubled son. However, no nutrient therapy was used and the same and even more severe obsession of killing his younger brother remained. The troubled son was due for release legally within the next few months. The parents and the younger brother were very frightened that this troubled brother would, in fact try to carry out his death wish against his brother._ How many years does someone have to wait to see all the disperceptions, thought disorders, violent years of struggle to find answers for the troubled son. The parents and the younger brother were very frightened that this troubled brother would, in fact, try to carryence, and all the limited reality choices of the troubled brother before someone will finally realize that the behavior was caused by biochemical imbalances? Probably many of them, rather than just one or two biochemical imbalances. The television show ended, but the pains for all I am certain have not gone away or have they been solved probably unless biochemical balance has been acquired for the troubled brother. That I do not know. _ The purpose of this story is to say that, just as people adopt "crack-cocaine babies," at least know what they are up against. They take on the struggle without any delusion of thinking that, at best, it may be difficult for the child and parents. The parents at least know. Their hearts are in the right place to try to do something to lessen suffering and pain in the world and specifically for a particular child (or in the cases of the two brothers, two children). It is such a shame when people are so willing, able, and have their hearts in the right place, and all goes to hell in the ensuing years because of lack of evidence of biochemical imbalances in their adopted children._ The same thing happened recently with many Rumanian children adopted by many people throughout the world. Biochemical imbalances may have been there since birth or even before birth. The adopted parents, with all their drive, determination, love and caring, could not make the children something they were not. Many of the children had a better life than being stuck in some iron-barred hospital bed in a ward of many beds, naked without any privacy, sanitation, or human decencies. They, too, probably without any real stretch of thought, had biochemical imbalances in abundances. No one knew, and probably no one knows now. _ It is so sad when knowledge is supressed and denied, ridiculed, and lied about, and this is the knowledge that would have allowed the hearts of the givers (the parents) and the hearts of the receivers (the children) to strive to another level of less pain and more joy and beauty in life. I am sure there are thousands of stories and I mean thousands of stories of individuals throughout the world that, because of the lack of knowledge, the correct knowledge, have had to endure hardships that are truly devastating and take all the joy and beauty right out of life. It seems that people may say that they as parents bounce back emotionally and spiritually, but nothing is ever quite the same when you know that everything you as a parent have tried has failed. This kind of thought is always with them in some form or the other. It is truly sad.
Chapter 12
Review - Your heart is in the right place and their biochemicals are in the wrong place. _Key words-sentences _1)It is such a shame when people are so willing, able, and have their hearts in the right place, and all goes to hell in the ensuing years because of lack of evidence of biochemical imbalances in their adopted children.
Layers of Toxins/Heredity and Time-Line Linked Illnesses_ Toxins, as I have already mentioned previously, can and do many times stay in the person longer than they should (stagnant chi or trapped chi in TCM), and alter the time-line of genetic cell dividing materials which then causes disease regardless of the disease. A time-line cell dividing to me is determined by hereditary factors unless genetic materials are damaged by toxins and/or trauma. If you think of a certain group of cells, say in the eye or anywhere in the person, and each one of these cells can divide a given number of times before those cells have used up their ability to divide and make new cells, you will see where I am coming from. If we have a cell, for example, that has two million divisions in the lifetime of a person and for any reason this number in diminished, then that cell will not be useful for its full lifetime. Any mutation to another cell or cells with portions that mutate that are not fully developed cells will cause irregular cells. _ These particle cells or damaged cells then cause the internal genetic blueprint which is supposed to be able to read the blueprint division of cells, but it cannot read them because new information has been added to the blueprint and the reading ability of the decoder of the cells is not recognizing this new material. By non-recognition of this new material or new cell, it has no place to go but to be expelled because at that point it too becomes foreign material that the decoder can't read. Depending on the lifetime allotment of cell dividers available for a cell you have good health if these cells do all the necessary proper dividing or bad health if they do not. _ But, if at any step in the countdown of cell divisions there are toxins or even certain biochemicals that are not performing their proper job then you have a different story. The biochemical imbalance can also be from biochemicals as well as toxins if the decoder of cell division is altered in any way. In TCM this is one of the reasons why stagnant chi or trapped chi is so important to recognize and to have corrected. _ Since all cells must have this energy flow and the energy flow has been disrupted or stopped then you have a decoder of cell divisions that is sort of put on stand-by. It cannot fully function during that stagnant chi or trapped chi. In addition to this you also have electrical impulses governing that same cell decoder which may also go faulty. Trapped chi or stagnant chi then performs another disservice to the decoder. With these two alterations of cellular stagnation or momentary holding of action problems are caused to the cell divisions. _ In TCM you might hear that you have liver problems that are causing you to have all the evidence of heart problems, even if the heart shows, in fact, that you do have faulty heart function. If you think about it, it does make sense because the chi is stagnant or trapped and the end result is, in fact, another area totally separated from the liver that has damage. In Western medicine it is simply stated as heart problems and all efforts are initiated toward heart muscle recovery, artery flow, and the like, but the source of the problem is, in fact, in the liver if that is the source of chi problems and electrical problems. Remember, TCM does not think of organ function as we do, and this is a big difference in the root of the problem. What this has to do with toxins and time-line cell divisions is this. If the decoder is not functioning, the source of energy is stopped or altered. Then it is almost conceivable that any part of the body can be affected with any type of celluler death or mutation even if it is a large physical distance from the decoder problem._ "What in the world does this have to do with my loved one?" If you have agreed that behavior is an extension of inner energy or chi and this chi has been stopped or trapped, then your loved one may have biochemical illness because of the alteration of the time- line of cellular growth. If these cells are affected in parts of the body that specifically affect any of the senses, then you will see it in behavioral traits. If you don't see these traits by senses it may still have done its damage and at a later time, even many years later, come out in the form of cancer or other illnesses. So which do you want? Obviously, you can't choose, but I just wanted you to realize that what is in one area of the person is in no way limited to that area of the person only. My personal belief is that one day some information along this line of thinking will affect the study of metastisies in cancer. You have two things going on- faulty cell decoder and trapped or stagnant energy. My thought is also that the electrical activity of the cell must be in agreement with the flow of chi or you will have a "burn-out" caused by the electrical activators, and it can't go anyplace because the chi is trapped or stagnant and thus a overabundance of electrical activity. This may, in my opinion, someday prove to be of value in the study of biochemical individuality._ Let me get theoretical for a moment. If you have energy that can't go anyplace then you have toxin build up. This can cause cellular damage and genetic problems. The energy is trying but can't. It changes its function even if it must mutate to another cell or destroy itself, such as suicide cells, in order to deal with the trapped or stagnant to go someplace but it chi. If you asked me which one of the three things- chi trapped or stagnated, faulty cell decoder, or burn out electrical activity was the source of the cell death, metastisies,or illness caused to go in any imaginable direction, I cannot answer that since all must work together and any one at any time can and does cause a problem for the other. Getting back to my theory and it is just a theory and I have only my own thinking on this one. When all three that I mentioned, or any one is causing the other two to malfunction, or two are causing the the other one not to function, then you have a toxin build up that exceeds the normal biochemical level needed for normal cell divisions. Thus, a new requirement for the cells either then coded in genetically, or before the cells can divide again or cell death. This theory may have many holes in it, but I do feel certain that there is far more to trapped and staganant chi and the electrical energy of cellular division. It should be investigated. _ A far out example of this is that by electrical stimulation we know that certain subtypes of salamanders can, in fact, grow entirely new cells or even cells that have been transferred from one area of their body to the other. Is this done by chi or electrical activity? I believe it is both, but I don't have proof yet. As I said it is theory and it may prove to be worthless or something of value. I do know that chi and electrical activity are extremely important to cellular time lines and that by itself should give someone with far more scientific skill than me a starting point. _ So if you have been biochemically deficient because of a trauma, genetic problem, or toxin infiltration you may have altered the cellular time-line and its requirements which yesterday required such and such a nutrient level may now require a massive amount to get the trapped or stagnant chi moving and the electrical activity to have its natural release, but the requirements have now been changed. If just getting trapped or stagnant chi moving and the correct electrical activity one might think the problem has gone away. Thus, no addtional biochemical requirement would be necessary. I have a feeling this is not the case. If it was the case then we would return back to normal biochemical needs as before, but we do not. This does not explain the massive need for any particular vitamin even after 20 or 30 years._ After that time, people who have experienced what I said would not need massive amounts do need massive amounts. If you think of trauma and particular nutrients such as say vitamin C usage for severe burn patients, doctors give 300,000 to 600,000 mg as soon and as fast as they can. Is this cellular death, trapped or stagnant chi, or electrical activity functioning either in spite of or in adjunct with vitamin C function? This may have gotten a little too clinical for you but you must remember that all things are connected together and nothing works alone. If you were not confused enough let me just say one other thing pertaining to the time line. Many cells have varying time lines, and if this coincides with the three above mentioned problems then you have another variable. I am trying to get you to think in terms of energy, electrical activity, and what they do to all cells throughout the body. I personally don't feel that biochemicals by themselves are the end answer. For your purposes with your loved one, just take the nutrients and you can avoid all this theory thinking. You may indeed remember that any and all toxins can cause damage. Try to take care of the very obvious ones. Remember, there are so many more biochemical toxins as well. They too can cause problems. I am not trying to scare you away from nutrients, but, believe it or not, I am trying to encourage you to take nutrients even though I had to mention again this principle of balance in all things, the jin and jang balance which is necessary for wellness. Toxins of any kind can and do cause biochemical imbalances which cause behavioral problems as well as many other illnesses.
Chapter 14 Review -_Layers of toxins and behavior Key words-sentences
1)(Stagnant chi or trapped chi in TCM) and alter the time-line of genetic cell dividing materials which then cause disease regardless of the disease. A time-line cell dividing to me is determined by hereditary factors unless genetic materials are damaged by toxins and or trauma. _2)By non-recognition, this new material or new cell has no place to go but to be expelled because at that point it too becomes foreign material that the decoder can't read. _3)My thought is also that the electrical activity of the cell must be in agreement with the flow of chi or you will have a "burn-out" caused by the electrical activators and it can't go anyplace because the chi is trapped or stagnant and thus an overabundance of electrical activity. _4)Chi trapped or stagnated, faulty cell decoder, or burn out electrical activity is the source of the cell death, metastasies, or illness caused to go in any imaginable direction. I cannot answer that since all must work together and any one at any time can and does cause a problem for the other._5)So if you have been biochemically deficient because of a trauma, genetic problem, or toxin infiltration you may have altered the cellular time-line and its requirements, which yesterday required such and such a nutrient level may now require a massive amount to get the trapped or stagnant chi moving and the electrical activity to have its natural release, but the requirements have now been changed. _6)For your purposes with your loved one, just take the nutrients. You can avoid all this theory thinking. _7)Toxins of any kind can and do cause biochemical imbalances which cause behavioral problems as well as many other illnesses._ CHAPTER 15 _ So Do You Want to Make a Million Dollars? _If making money is your object I have a project for you that would indeed be of great help to a lot of people with biochemical imbalances. Devise a cookie which contains nutrient levels of major nutrients, namely vitamin B6, zinc, niacin, and vitamin C. Vitamin B6, zinc, and niacin are all very bitter to the taste and vitamin C is very tart, sharp lemon tasting to the taste. Each of the nutrients can be changed in their strength of efficacy-power by heat, and vitamic C oxidizes very easily, and this oxidation can be harmful. So the problem to solve is this. Using these nutrients plus natural sugars from pure, laboratory grown-strict controlled, whole fruits and vegetables to take away the bitterness, and something that will not allow oxidation of vitamin C and equalize the tart taste of vitamin C. Then you need some way to package this cookie so that light and air will not change the biochemical structure of all, so that the full strength of the nutrients when eaten is still there. Not an easy problem, but don't forget whatever sugar from the fruits or vegetables will also change the biochemcial nature of the nutrients, too. _ Then, if you figure this one out as your basic one, you can vary the dosages of nutrients per cookie and have minimizing doses per cookie so that no consumer can ingest huge amounts of nutrients and make their biochemical balance even more imbalanced, defeating the purpose of the nutrient-cookie in the first place. (Oh where, oh where is MIT now?) After this you may add other major nutrients such as manganese, vitamins B1, B2, etc., but always remember that each and every one you add changes each and every other one. Each new addition will bring on a multitude of problems to solve so that you have a helpful cookie._ Packaging should have exact microgram and milligram amounts, and what each of the nutrients means in general terms. It should also have who should be using the cookie and all cookies tested by biochemists not connected with the cookie manufacturer so that there is no way to create a severe problem when one is attempting to solve a problem. (Please, no thought of minimum daily requirements crap.) I personally have no problem suggesting this cookie idea whatsoever. At first, you might think it is deceitful or devious to have a cookie like this. You must instruct those that eat the cookie that even though it may look like a regular cookie it is, in fact, also a powerful combination of nutrients._ You know, there would be no need for this type of reasoning if foods naturally had all the necessary nutrients in them in the first place. Please, do not attempt to do this unless you understand the consequences of what vitamin C when oxidized can do. If you do have to do it, do it only with the direct supervision of a well trained orthomolecular doctor who additonally knows a great deal about the transformation of biochemical states, and not just someone who knows what nutrients do in supplemental dosages. It is not a weekend project but something to consider seriously. It might be used for many purposes including prisoners. No, I do not want to be involved. I have enough to do in my own life for the next six lifetimes and can't even get it all in for this one.
Pharmacuetical Companies Can't Patent Nature _ Medici Music Press, Inc. is owned by my wife and me. We started this company 19 years ago. In order to protect our investment we secured copyrights for our 3000 plus compositions and arrangements. These copyrights for me exist 76 years after I am dead. Then these works that I have done fall into what is called public domain and anyone for any reason can use that material. If anyone uses my works before the end of 76 years after my death then they must seek direct permission from us. Copyrights are intended to protect the creation itself- the act of creating that particular work. This sounds great, but not all things are as they may seem. _ The same thing as a copyright is a patent, usually given for 14 years for new drugs. Each one of these new drugs costs $169,000,000. "Did you say 169 million?" Yes, that is correct. So go to your medicine cabinet, count the number of pills you have, and multiply that by 169 million. That is just for the drugs you have in your medicine cabinet._ "Why so much and what does this have to do with my daughter?" The costs and all its travels along the way to being patented are directly related to your daughter's well being. If I took time, energy, and money from you what would you have left? "What do you mean?" If I took time, energy, and money away from you what would you have? "Nothing, I guess." Well, you may have a great deal that is not either time, energy, or money, but the point is the drug companies do exactly what I have just said to you. They take time, energy, and money away from your loved one. "I thought the drug companies made drugs to help people." Rarely. "Then what's the problem?" _ Drug companies tie up all research institutes by offering drug company money to do only research on their drugs then, by default, cause all those that receive the grants from the drug companies to do no other research and write about their findings in various journals for peer review. This then causes the institution where the researchers are located to advance their standing in professor rank and gives them a salary raise to boot. This ties up the researchers' time so that no one else can have any research done. "But this helps us all." Not really, to put it mildly. _ Drugs that cost 169 million dollars to go from an idea to the final product that you can buy do, in many cases, take several years of research and time, energy, and money are needed for that for certain. I am saying that it is a monopoly like none other because it is so powerful and big in its scope that nothing, and I mean nothing including the government, can dislodge the way drug companies do business. If a doctor-administrator at a hospital that also does research says that you will do such and such research then you will either do it, explain why not, use all your energy to defend why you don't want to do the research, or quit or get fired from your position. The same thing is true to a large degree in universities with their "publish or perrish" attitude. You either write something for a major research journal or limit your influence over your professional destiny. You usually end up short even during the time you are employed there regardless of the length of the stay. _ Then there are the lobbyists, those people who by their talk convince people to do this or that in the favor of the drug companies. These lobbyists are very skilled and infiltrate every aspect of govenmental influence to make certain that the drug companies get what they want. Now all of this sounds pretty harsh and it is. In fact, to me it is ruthless, power and greed gone crazy. But the lobbyists and drug companies are extremely careful to use all the procedures and formalities to appear to the government and the public as if they are as pure as the driven snow and could not possibly do anything but good for society._ "Man you are bitter and angry with those people and you don't even know, I bet." I don't have to know someone personally to despise an idea they use or believe in. I do not cut any slack, as the phrase goes, for those that have so much power and greed that they exploit other humans that may not even know that such a thing is going on. It is the principle of fairness. It is also a specific principle of getting information- correct information about very important matters to everyone, not just the few who have the time, money, and energy to invest in securing knowledge as to biochemical illness._ Fine for me. I have been there, and I have my tiny thimble-full of knowledge, at least enough so that I know without any question that biochemical balance is necessary and meaningful for life. I obtained my knowledge, and how I got it not relevant to those that don't have the knowledge. The point is that you can't deny people knowledge. _ The drug companies have not only by default denied knowledge, as I mentioned in the various examples, but also openly and overtly even in the U.S. Senate hearings. Institutes of health run by the U.S. government have had scientists wipe out almost a whole life time of research in one or two statements and that is it. It is a done deal. What is happening to those that are trying? Some pull back, some quit research or that type, some join the drug company philosophy, and a very few "stay the storm". _ It is for these that stay the storm that your loved one and you should be grateful. They are people like Pauling, Hoffer, Osmond, Braverman, Pfeiffer, Walsh, etc., etc., etc. They said they would and did have the facts to back up not only what they said but what others a half a world away have proven to agree with their research. Now do you see why time, energy, and money are so important? _ The drug company cannot patent vitamins, herbs, and nutrients naturally found in nature. Thus, the drug companies want big dollars and I mean big dollars. Some drug compaies make more money per year than the total budget of some countries. The big dollars I am talking about are not in millions but billions per year. Eli Lilly in Indianapolis, who manufactures Prozac, stated as of two years ago they made over 2 billion dollars on Prozac that year, and that Prozac accounted for one third of all sales in the U.S. Something to remember is that this is only one drug among thousands that this specific drug company has. It does not say anything about all the other drug companies worldwide. Big money in drugs, you bettcha. _ "Do these drugs work or not?" Many of them do not work, others cause great problems and cause many biochemical imbalances to increase the other biochemical imbalances your loved one may already have had. Some are very harmful and finally pulled off the market. But I haven't even gotten to the main point. _ Give knowledge, correct knowledge, to the public; let the public decide on an individual basis about biochemical balance; give nutrients to all who wish to go the route of orthomolecular medicine and all the others can choose what they wish. "Well, that sounds fine, and that is what is done now." Have you been listening to my anger because you haven't felt it yet? _ "Yeah, he got angry. See, I knew he had anger in him, too." Say that you don't know something, but someone else does know it and it is very important to you. You find out later that that someone knew something that was very important for you but withheld the information. Don't you think you would angry? "You mean someone kept something very important from me and they knew it would help me?" Yes. "Of course, I would be angry if it was that important." Well, just how damn important does something have to get to mean life itself? What else is there, at least on this plane of existence? You have been saying this and that about the behavior of your daughter and when I say something that could very much affect her and her recovery has been denied to you and her then you should get angry._ What about all those people who don't know any of this is going on? "I just want to help my loved one get better." Get off it, and realize that there are others in this world, too. Life is not every person for him/herself in some sort of animal frenzy. It is about fairness, dignity, honesty, etc., etc., etc., regardless of what doctrine of thought you use. These and other principles are in every culture on the face of the earth, and what they mean is that people who are ignorant, those not having any idea that knowledge exists, can be informed of such. All those that seek knowledge will be allowed to secure it. There is a disgusting principle here that I despise. It is as if the drug companies have to give permission for research to be granted to the public. What the hell is going on? I am an intact human being with a fair intelligence and can make my own decisions as to whether or not I can read such and such information whether or not I use it. Who do they think they are? I guess I lost myself for a minute. (I guess I am entitled to one disperception or is it?) _ Now, I remember. They are power and greed people, and regardless of what I say or do it will always be difficult to get information about biochemicals to people. It is as if we are talking in some sub-language and under the cover of darkness._ "So just ignore it and go on." No, you do not. My anger is pure, hard driven anger at the principle that I, like you, have been denied something. That sort of thing will always get my anger meter almost off the scale. So, you do what I am doing. You tell people the truth, not just the way you see truth, but the ways thousands see that same truth. I am simply doing this because some others don't even know knowledge like this is available._ I take my time, energy, and money to fight something when I hope that my time, energy, and money will be taken for a better reason. Even if is only taken as defense against the giants of power and greed, so be it. I don't have to write this. I don't have to invest my time, money, and effort into this. This stuff, as you call it, is four million miles away from Bach and Beethoven, but I still feel compelled to do it because it is right to do it, period. I have my knowledge and my family has benefited from knowledge about biochemcial balance. Why should I give one damn about someone else because I spent my time, effort, and money to pursue knowledge on my own. That, to me, is not only selfish, stupid talk but probably is harmful by even the thought of it being inside of me. Life will go on with or without me but we do and should do whatever is in our destiny to encourage and enhance those things we feel are important to the life process. I am not unique, and many others have done similar things to try to help change the unfairness of supression of information of biochemical illness. If you remember, the doctor in California with his son in the hospital (the Hoffer story) gave hundreds of books away, at his own expense, to other doctors in the hopes that they would utilize orthomolecular medicine. _ When the drug companies manipulate people that is when I and many, many others get angry. I'll be damned if I ask permission to get knowledge. I'll be damned if you have to ask for it, too. Now I have given you enough of myself, and I will again state to you the importance of securing your own library of books, particularly about orthomolecular medicine and, if you are so inclined, TCM. Biochemical balance is not only about restoring or removing symptoms of illness, but more importantly it is about the quality of life itself. So start your own quest and you, like I, may find a very exciting adventure.
If you want to be angry- all the things you can be angry about
If you want to be angry for awhile, here are some small things and some big things to be angry about. Did you know that in 1994 in the U.S. we spent 33 billion dollars (NAMI Advocate) to treat schizophrenia, including the testing, behavior psychotherapy, drugs and hospitalization (accounting for 25% of all beds in all hospitals)? Perhaps this is not an accurate estimation of how many schizophrenics there are (because many homeless never seek treatment), but somewhere between 7-8% of the total population. In chronic cases the cost is over $100,000 dollars per year for one schizophrenic for a hospital stay. If you take 265,000,000 people times 8% you have 2,120,000 schizophrenics. If you took that figure and divided it into 33 billion dollars you would come up with $15,566 per schizophrenic. If you gave mega dosages of nutrients and vitamins each day at a cost of $567.00 per year to every schizophrenic, that would total $1,202,040,000 for 2,120,000 schizophrenics. Where the hell is the other 32 billion dollars per year? "But we don't give nutrients to schizophrenics." Precisely. If you spend $15,566 per year for 60 of the 75 years of estimated lifespan then you come up with $933,960 per person. That is almost a million dollars per person to continue with the type of system we now have. If you ever had to use nutrients that same length of time at $567 x 60 years it would total $34,202. That is $34,202 instead of $933,960 per person the way it is now. Also, chronic cases of schizophrenia add up to $100,000 per year times 60 years, and you get $6,000,000 per person with chronic schizophrenia. Now, take this times 2,120,000 patients and see what you get. Trillions of dollars. It is only $1,979,995,200 for nutrients. But we are spending 33 billion dollars per year times 60 years and we are talking about trillions of dollars. The 33 billion dollars does not include cancer, heart disease, or other diseases. This is totally crazy, and I use the word crazy. Are you mad yet? Just wait. Power and greed and all the various people along the way that "rape" humanity by their power and greed are almost overwhelming. Thousands of people are doing this in the name of health care, perhaps for your loved one. "But those health care providers are performing a valuable service, and they try so hard to find all the answers so that our loved ones will be able to live up to their highest potental." BS. "They spend my money too, and now I'm mad as hell too." Finally, Bravo. (thought of sarcasm- we have more in common than I thought.)_ I have been talking about severe biochemical imbalance behavioral illness as if it is a commodity of corn or wheat, but people are not commodities. Perhaps as many as 80-90% of all schizophrenics with severe biochemical imbalanced illness would be helped or cured, plus the quality of life of each person. This would save so much suffering. (Here I go with principles again.) _ The image may give the appearance of doing something good, and many people along the way, whether in research or changing a bed pan, may have great dedication, compassion and far more understanding and insight into life than you or I have; but it is "not happening". Can you imagine being one of those lobbyists that has to get up every day and figure out who they are going to manipulate that day? How are they going to get what they want in terms of material possesions? Others are getting what they want along the way all the way up and down the chain of power and greed. The hospitals, the investors, the pharmacuetical companies, the health care providers (the psychologists, nurses, doctors), the giant insurance companies with their thumb in every pie you can think of and many more that I don't know of. Now do you know why I said, "BS"? This is not the first nor the last time this or worse things will happen in our civilization, and I am not planning to jump off the nearest building. However, I am indeed very angry, hurt, and disappointed in this situation. Some people in this power and greed circle misinterpret research, lie about research, lie about knowledge that is extremely important and the lies are extremely harmful. How would you like to be a schizophrenic and try to imagine how you could get well in this mire?_ Pharmacuetical companies cannot by law obtain a protective patent for nutrients and, therefore, put down almost every study and research project that deals with nutrients. "They do have to make a profit or their investors will not invest and all those good people will also loose their jobs." Wait a minute. Don't mix good with bad and say it is good. "Don't put horse manure with sugar cookies and say it is good." Yea, sort of. The principle is the thing that is wrong- the original basis is wrong. Those people that are perpetuating the wrong principle are at fault, not those that through their ignorance know nothing of the situation. "What does this have to do with my loved one?" If I am in power and say that every Thursday at 1 o'clock you must salute three times toward the East, you might say I was crazy, odd, or question why I want you to do it. But remember the phrase "If I am in power". It does not matter if it is the ancient Eygptian civilization, the Hitlers, Cortez, or whether they wear a penstriped suit: "in power is all that is important." This is certainly not new, and it will, indeed, be around for as long as civilization is. I am not attempting to change the principle (I would in a second if I could, but I can't) but to have fair play as much as possible. Power and greed never have and never will allow fair play, but maybe you as an "individual" will have your personal insight to see that nutrients (biochemicals) and the accurate research findings are made available to your loved one. Are you there? "Yes, I have been thinking." (Good for you.)_ (I want to back track a second and then I will come back to this place.) I mentioned hospital care for biochemically ill people, and I must give you some information about "double-lock-down facilities" in hospitals' psychiatric wards, especially for acute cases. There are a couple of key words here. "Acute care", meaning 8-14 days, is something that most insurance companies will provide for. Some will not pay for depression if it is adolescent objectional defiant depression behavior but will pay if depression by itself can be proven. The hospital has at least one and sometimes as many as five people doing nothing but making phone calls to insurance companies, each and every day, on each and every patient, stating that they have such and such a patient with such and such a problem to make certain that the hospital gets its money. How would you like to be one of those workers? Then there is usually one medical doctor who at admission does a visual physical exam and orders a few basic blood tests. There is a psychiatrist who sees the patient for no more than ten minutes max. A psychologist assigned to the case may give preliminary tests of thought disorder or personality traits. Another psychologist will do something else. Two nurses will interview the patient asking questions such as, "What do you think is wrong?" An occupational therapist, a physical therapist, a music therapist, and even others will provide other services. "What in the world do all these people have to do with a biochemical illness?" Now do you see why TCM wants their people to heal themselves as much as possible? "Why do they do that when they have doctors too?"_ Back to my story, please. What a mess, but when you or your loved ones are in pain you "pull out all stops". If that hospital acute care facility is available, you are so thankful. I have not even gotten to the point of this acute care facility. Then you might ask for testing and they say, "Well, we have been doing this for years and really know what is best." Then you remember something about stimuli and the adrenal glands that you might have read ten years ago in Reader's Digest or something you heard from a friend. So you ask for adrenal cortex tests, and they tell you they are inaccurate and meaningless and that is the end of pursuing any and all possible tests. No one calls to say how the loved one is doing. You visit for an hour every third day. You have behavior psychologist-lead conferences a couple of times in eight or ten days. Your loved one has occupational therapy every day for two hours. If your loved one is in bad shape how in hell do you think that your loved one, regardless of the age, is going to say, "Yes, I think I want to be a banker, or possibly an airline pilot?" It gets even more absurd. Music therapy (and remember, I am a musician). Dance around in a circle, get movement going in your body, do you like the music? Who cares?_ Here comes a big one, so hold on. Each hospital hires a staff of nutritionalists, not just one or two. What do they do? The food many times is processed, calorie oriented, with not one word asked of the patient as to likes, dislikes, allergies, plus zero attempts at the nutrient-biochemical basis of food for your loved one. The doctors either don't know or don't really give a damn. The therapists in occupation and music think that the patient is there for summer camp. The doctors don't do tests. The psychologists try to connect everything that is a problem to sunspots and an argument in the fourth grade (thank you, Mr. Freud- sarcasm). The very basis of nutrition which may be the only thing that could possibly help even in a minimal way is denied. Finally, any attempt to get outside tests done with biochemical information is totally discarded. _ Guess what? Your loved one is better than when he or she came into the hopital 8 days ago, and he or she is ready to go home. That is what you are told. You may not like my language but, "BS". Not only did you get "taken in", but more importantly, your loved one has not been helped even by being at summer camp. _ Guess what? After insurance payments you are looking at $1050 per day for the hospital, $225 per day for the psychiatrist (not paid in full by insurance), psychologist (not on hosptial staff) $200 per day, and it goes on and on. Let's see. $1.55 for 8 days for vitamins, minerals, and amino acids equals $12.40 total, and you spent all this for "summer camp". Remember the story that Hoffer told of the doctor in California with his son in the hospital? Quite a contrast in the outcome, eh? Also, remember I said a double-lock-down facility. Most of these acute care facilities have what they call "steps of achievement" so that the patient feels they are getting better when they pass from one level to the next. Usually, it takes three steps before a patient can be dismissed from the hospital stay. This by itself is questionable as to its merit, but why not give the proper nutrients and you can believe the patients will know themselves that they are better. It will cost less, be longer lasting and no force of any kind is necessary. They cannot force tranquilizers on patients there but they certainly, by way of the doctor's encouragement, want you to strongly consider it for your loved one. They will tell you that your loved one should be on tranquilizers but will not even mention biochemicals- natural substances needed for your loved one's person. _ I once even had one doctor from a famous nutritional clinic specializing in biochemical research say to me, "If your loved one is so bad, I (meaning that doctor) would not have any quams in forcing the nutrients on the person." Well, I do not know if I can go that far, but it is indeed worth considering if your loved one is so "out of it" and so bad that it may be the only "stop-gap measure" that saves his or her life. You might say, "Well, they do that with drugs for heart or other emergencies and why not for your loved one?" And what if your loved one recovered and from then on the world was an entirely different, beautiful or at least enjoyable place for them. You know you had done the right thing? _ All this just from an acute care facility. How much money, how much lack of effort because of ignorance and the suppression of information, and lies, deceit, and control, etc. "Wait a minute. Are you talking about my loved one or are you talking about the acute care facility?" Your loved one may lie, have deceit, have control issues, not know what they are doing, may not seek help when they know it is needed, etc. Guess what? It does not matter which one we are talking about, either the acute care facility or your loved one. They are one and the same. "But my loved one has the problems." Yes, but just because you think that society and some of its organizations and systems don't have the same problems is not being open-minded. The very things or some of the things that you took your loved one to get help within the acute care facility came back to you as the same problem. Yes, your loved one has more difficulty in function- function with family, society, his or her ownself and so on, but the acute care facility just "dressed up" their incompetence, lack of direction, and distorted their purpose. I do not say these things because I feel that people don't do what a person wants but because they abuse their power, abuse the very principles that the people who came to them believe in. I am certainly not the first to be on this bandwagon. Hoffer and others wrote about hospital care facilities when I was still in elementary school. It is not new, but it is getting worse. Remember, "image over substance." Don't buy into it. "So they didn't help?" (no comment.) End of episode 1. _ Episode 2_ Same kind of sitiuation plus the parents are told that they have "very bad parenting skills" by the original admitting psychiatrist. More time, more money, no nutrients, no help for your loved one, but he or she is still alive as an organism attempting to function in whatever way he or she can._ Final Episode _ Dramatic severe changes that require immediate intervention- possible violence and/or suicide. Admission denied. "Patient has no reason to be in this facility," stated by the original admitting psychiatrist. (Thank you, you bastard, but wait a minute. Maybe you told me something.) Yes, you did. Something I can do. You may ask, "Why would a person seek out a third situation when two previous situations have been so bad?" What, where, and how do I help my loved one is the answer. "So what did you do?" I have been telling you. _ So you are back to TCM- "heal thyself" if you have the "right information". Read, study, think (and, by all means, think on your own), seek out information anyplace, be a skeptic and weigh out everything, and you might, if you are so inclined, say a prayer or two. You may find that you come to more answers than you think. You will reevaluate information on a daily basis, be obsessive, at times almost totally crazy yourself with the fear that you will not find some way to help your loved one. But I am telling you the nutrients will help and in some cases give almost a "cure" for your loved ones. That is how strongly I believe in nutrients. I, like Hoffer who told the doctor-father in California, "Get the niacin into your child," or the Pfeiffer girl with zinc, know they work as do so many thousands of others that have been helped by biochemicals. "Is that Pfeiffer guy still alive so I can call him?" No, but he is in his life's work. Check that out. _ Also, another thing you might like to realize is this. Do you realize that just in the last fifty years the people of China are having the same massive diseases that we in the Western world are having? The people of China have sustained their well-being for over 5000 years and now come to the same problems that we do in the West. However, we in the West and particularly in the U.S. have "raped" our soil, air, and water in less than 100 years. The Chinese at least took 5000 years. What a comparison. Who says we don't mess in our nest?
Air, Water, Soil
There have been many books written about ecology and for many years, many people who have stated that we are, indeed, causing not only our own generation great harm and the lack of total wellness, but setting up a scenario for the future that is devastating for future generations, yours and mine. This simple statement will cause and does already cause massive biochemical imbalances throughout the world and no geographic area is immune to the "rape" of the water, soil, and air. I do not wish to go into all the euemisms and double-worded excuses of why and how we are where we are but to simply point up a few things that you might wish to pursue on your own that will and do have an effect not only on your loved one, but you and every other living thing on this planet. I will give you as I call them "hockum" statements or questions and see where your mind takes you with these thoughts. I say hockum because they are common sense statements and questions that many people who may not have an eduction that entitled them to college degrees but nonetheless have insight into how and why wellness in life happens. So maybe you can learn from hockum statements and questions. Here they are. _ Do you mess in your nest and stay in that nest? If nature does not mess in its own nest then why, if we have seemingly more intelligence than the animal-nature world, do this? Did you remember that you said air was the first choice of the biochemicals you felt was necessary for you when we talked earlier? Why did you choose air? Why did you next choose water? Why did you not choose soil as your next choice? What is the root of food for the most part? Then why did you forget soil as the strong possibility of your third choice? Proverbs are silly but meaningful and give us the principles we strive to attain. What principles of air, water, and soil do you have? What do you do to encourage the "life" of air, water, and soil? They need life too and you are thinking only of yourself if you don't think of air, water, and soil as having life. Just because your definition of air, water, and soil doesn't fit into a category that you identify and analyze as you do other things does not mean that air, water, and soil are not living things. Why did the American Indians always pray before they killed an animal to eat? What was one of the most prized possesions after the animal was killed and eaten? They made self-adorning jewlery. Why did they do this? Why did the Indians find great beauty in the water, air, and soil? How did they think? Why did they think this way? Just because things are done a certain way does not mean it is the right way. Life does not resist change but people do. Why? Seeing the light of day. What does it mean? Leave life a little better. In the quiet of the night. What does it mean in terms of water, air, and soil? Man does not live by bread alone. What does it mean in terms of air, water, and soil? Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it. What does that tell you about air, water, and soil? Who said you can't go back? Back does not mean backwards. What does that mean in terms of air, water, and soil? My destiny is not controlled. What does that mean for air, water, and soil?
_ Review Key words-sentences _
Just a few sentences for you think about- Thinking can be of little value or of any degree of greatness and it always needs an outlet for that knowledge. Knowledge is a gift and you must be there to receive such a gift or to give this gift to others, whether it is a loved one or the air, water, or soil or any other living or non-living thing on this plane of existence._
Religious Customs - Morality
I have intentionally left this chapter near the end of this book because I wanted you to get a strong dose of biochemicals before I could give you my thoughts about my own religious belief and its relationship to my loved one's illness. Religious belief is an extremely personal thing separated from the church, masque, synagogue, or wherever you worship with others or in private. I believe we are part of God and God or whatever supreme being you label it, she or whatever, is part of me. The purpose of life as I have said before is a process rather than an arrival point. This process to me is determined by energy that is never ending. It is not at all the same as "Chi" but an energy that has no beginning and no end but constant and continuous transformations, whether or not we are alive on this plane called earth or in an eternal plane._ "What in the world does this have to do with my loved one's biochemical imbalance?" If all humans are energy then we all have either the same energy or different energy as explained in terms of this plane of existence. I believe we all have different energy fields (not TCM energy fields) that give us awareness on various levels that ebb and flow in various directions and seemingly without purpose. In practical terms, if I know something more than you or you know something more than I do you are on a different intellectual level and the same can be said for what I will call life energy (so that we don't get confused)._ This life energy is not by us as humans definable but we experience it, we know sometimes we do and at other times we may think we don't experience it. This life energy never changes but we think it does. It is far more than, as some would say, the inner core to a person. It is and therefore it is. It doesn't have our labels. "I am still waiting." Patience, please, we are talking about a very difficult and personal subject. All the things you have figured out in life are meaningful for whatever level of spiritual plane you are on and they are important for the continual energy flow. The energy flow is not held by anything other than what each of us decides is our definiton of God or supreme being. _ It does not matter whether you are Christian, Hindu, Jainist, Shinto or whatever. It does not mean by believing this way that you are believeing in many gods, or denying the presence of the specific principles of one God such as Jesus with Christianity. It does not mean that you don't believe in something but that you believe in "all that is beyond" because we are talking about life force energy. It is not about denial; it is about "allness". If your loved one is on one level that requires them to move to another level, you or I as humans cannot make their life force move because we are not God or the life force energy. _ We can do other things that are earth driven or mandated as to this plane. We can pray, we can meditate, we can touch, we can do reikii, we can lay on hands, we can do sweat ceremonials, we can do many things that come from different cultures but still all of these are from this plane of energy, not the life force itself of which we are part but do not have a way of using, controlling, manipulating, or whatever. There is a human reason why we can't do any of these things because we are on continual line of energy, not a fixed place. Yes, we die, but our energy does not die. _ All this brings me to your loved one. You will succeed with biochemicals and their balance. You will have a different life than you had before. You may even have great pains, too. You may think or use all your senses to establish that you are human and of this earth plane, but you will be part of the energy force forever and you have been forever. You are part of the human fabric here but you are part of an energy fabric and have always been. _ If you will remember that your loved one's spiritual reason is not of this plane and that you must do everything in this plane to help your loved one, then you will see the importance of the continual energy force. _ Even if you do nothing the energy force will continue but your life force may be different here on this plane. Thank you for listening somewhat quietly because it is a difficult subject. "Hey, I have question." Never mind, me in the next life.
Epilogue- Me, you, and your loved one
I know I have helped you. You are not as ignorant as you were before reading this book. You have already helped your loved one by obtaining some understanding of his or her biochemical illness. Your loved one may be better or even worse than when you started to read this book, but you do know there are things that you can do. Whether or not you do use biochemical nutrients to obtain a biochemical balance for your loved one is your choice, but indirectly and to some degree, even though I do not know you, your action to help your loved one will affect the total fabric of humanity regardless of how small in measurement that may be. We are all part of a huge time-line of the life process and to maintain our place in that time-line we must give to the life process all that we can for its success. _ The horrible thing about ignorance is that we don't know it - the ultimate disperception. The misery of this and other biochemical illnesses is all of our concerns, not just those of the victim and the family but of all people. One of the most devastating things of biochemical illness is that it usually strikes in early adulthood just when life can be so precious and beautiful. _ Another aspect of biochemical illness is that there is so much pain and destruction of any imaginable kind, and very little if any quest to see beauty. Beauty of life-simpleness, complexity, individually arrived at, culturally based, protecting and encouraging those values, virtues, and treasures of the past and creating virtues and treasures for the future. _ "So if we are not as ignorant as we were before why don't I feel happy?" With understanding of pain, struggle, and some of the ugliest sides of life come some of the greatest beauties. Ugliness and beauty are not the same but the understanding of ugliness will bring about an understanding of beauty. You will see things with a different calmness and resolve that will allow you to even appreciate and revel in the air you breathe. Jainist, a group of Hindu monks who live in India, have a saying that they do not wish to disturb the beauty of life but to appreciate it. For this they even walk sideways to avoid disturbing the air molecules. Absurd to our culture? Maybe and maybe not. They too, just as you, are part of the human fabric. Remove the racism, bigotry, harmful nature of yourself and you will, in fact, be more inclined to see more beauty than you ever thought possible. Your loved one did not want this biochemical illness and you did not want them to have it._ "You know, I sort of enjoyed this trip, but you still haven't won. "That TCM jazz is weird, man." "There are just too many reasons and things I don't understand." "I do appreciate you taking the time and maybe someday we will meet and go fishing or something._ " Yes, Good bye, and my best wishes to you and your loved one. I know, too, that there are many reasons that at first don't make sense, but they will. You are, just as I am, a difficult human with all your humaness that at times was a little hard to take, but you are who you are, and I can't hold that against you. It is really not a game, so if you want to win then you won. The part about fishing or something, I think I will choose the something because I don't like to fish. Good bye.
Chapter 21
Afterthought- A Conversation with My Farmer Friend
One day I got a phone call from my farmer friend, the one with the biochemically imbalanced daughter. We talked for almost two hours by phone and what he told me was extremely wonderful. His daughter was now doing fine. He told me some more of the things they had gone through in the last two years. I will let him tell you in his own words. Here's what he said._ After I talked with you I was still confused about a whole bunch of things and some of them I still don't know what they mean. We did eventually do what you said we should do. We had a lot more problems and some of them were really bad. You know, in all the conversations you and I had you always called her loved one, and so for your way of thinking I will call my daughter loved one, too. She had a lot of trouble with school that year. They held her back and that really made her mad as hell. The whole summer was a disaster for her and everyone else. We didn't go anyplace, didn't do anything, friends didn't come over, and we spent all of our time trying to help her. _ Then one day about a week before school started I was out in the garage looking for something. All of a sudden it was like you always said that you can look for one thing and never find it but find something else more important. Well, it finally happened to me, too. I saw a little notebook in the stack of papers on the shelf where I keep some of my other things. In it was the notebook of the things you told me to remember that were important. I sat down there and started to look through that notebook. I started to read a couple of those things you call traits and I found a whole bunch more things since I last talked with you that happened to her. She got a whole bunch more of them. I was angry and started to cry and I usually don't cry that often, unless something is really bad. I must have cried for twenty minutes by the clock and I couldn't stop. It was sort of like it had been in me for so long, and I felt better and I felt worse. All mixed up feelings that didn't seem to go anywhere. I can't ever remember feeling that way and I am a little embarrassed to tell you now, but I was trying to read and tears were falling all over my notebook. I kept trying to read and figure this damn thing out. I guess it was a good thing I was in the garage and no one came out or they would have thought their dad had really lost it and had a nervous breakdown. _ As I said, that was right before school started and we hadn't had a vacation so I decided that we would take whatever money the family had and try to find a doctor, you know, one of those orthomolecular doctors, for our daughter. That was on a Sunday. On Tuesday we left the other kids with grandma and the three of us drove about nine hours to Chicago, or near there, to have the doctor see her and do those tests. We tried to make a short vacation-like trip out of it but she was still a pain in the ass and so we drove home two days later. She was still causing problems and I thought that if those doctors don't find something then maybe we are going to do those drugs the other doctor suggested. They told us in Chicago that they knew what the problems probably were and the blood tests would help make certain what they suspected for our daughter, but we would have to wait about six weeks. _ Well, that was the longest six weeks I have ever had in my lifetime. Plus she started acting up again. Things really got bad and school had started. The whole thing was really out of control and I could not imagine another day of this crap, much less weeks more to wait. _ Another time I was in the garage by myself, you know it is my place to go by myself sort of thing, and I pulled out my little notebook that had all my tears on it. I started to read another section that you said was important. When I read it I was not as sad as the first time when I was in all those tears and stuff, but I was still angry at why I had to have this happen to my daughter. Why did she have to continue doing this crap to herself and everyone else? I read something you said and here's what you said, "get past it, think of your daughter." I read on and you said that I could do something with stop-gap nutrients until I could get to an orthomolecular doctor, have the tests done, and so on. Then I really got angry. I mean mad as hell. Even if I am not as smart as the next guy I am going to the health food store and buy some vitamins now, right now, and give them to her. I thought maybe that guy really does know more than those other people who didn't help anyway. Like I said, I was mad as hell, walked in the house, got the checkbook, told Alice where I was going and off I went. I had already figured out that you said something about two or three very special nutrients and I had written them down because I didn't want to get mixed up and give my daughter the wrong thing. So I got vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin C and zinc._ I came home and found my daughter and told her she had to take them. She refused and we got into an argument that must have lasted a hour. I got hacked off and went to the garage again and just sat there. Finally, I thought to myself, I will bribe my daughter. I will bribe my daughter. How will I do it? She doesn't like anything anymore, she doesn't do anything and I can't figure out what I could bribe her with anyway. Well, finally, I thought of the night we went for pizza and played scoop pool and knew I had my answer._ So I went storming back into the house, found my daughter in her room and told her if she would take these nutrients until the doctors in Chicago sent their results I would buy her a scoop pool table for the house. She agreed, so I told her to go get whatever cookies she wanted and some orange juice. That was about four o'clock. By about nine o'clock she had eaten three times. The next day she ate a huge breakfast. _ I decided that if one dose did that much I was going to have her take a dose every time she ate. So three times a day is what she got. Do you know that in four days she was a different person and has been ever since? Those damn stupid vitamins work, they really work and I would never have thought it unless I saw it myself. She ate food that she hadn't eaten for almost two years. She even asked if she could help cook supper one night because she wanted to try something with some certain spices in it. Wow, if she was pulled back before she is pulling anything and everything forward now. She wanted to do everything and it was just exhausting to watch sometimes but she never got even close to angry. She started to do things with Carrie, you know, her special sister, and they had so much fun again just like years ago._ After that first week I was still a little scared that maybe those vitamins might wear off and she would be back to the same old crap, but it never happened. She got better and better. You know, my wife and I cried so hard one night when we went to bed and I don't ever remember us doing that. We were so happy for our daughter. We still had to wait for three more weeks, but to tell you the truth we sort of forgot about it because she was doing so well and was so happy. _ Oh, I forgot to tell you that I had to drive 65 miles to find one of those scoop pool tables. She even started telling jokes again and one day when some of her friends were over and they were horsing around I must have heard the craziest, most stupid jokes in the world from a bunch of squealing teenagers. _ You know, one time that you and my notebook came up was when I was in the garage a day or so later. I sat there and really didn't care where I was because I was content just to have a peaceful mind and know that something had helped her. The pages in my notebook that had the tears on them from before were stuck together, but I found another group of pages where you said some very important things. I guess it was when I got on my high-horse and didn't want to listen. You said, "Get off it and realize that there are others in this world, too. Life is not every person for themself in some sort of animal frenzy. It is about fairness, dignity, honesty, etc., etc., etc., regardless of what doctrine of thought you use." Bigotry in any form is a disperception of "lumping" or putting "all" of something in a category and then calling it, meaning"all" as such and such a truth. So disperceptions with family, school, church, police, the government, the armed services, the work ethic or anything you want to think of is destroyed in the mind of your loved one with disperceptions. What are they left with? Not much. Their entire previous social network and fabric has been in one thought "wiped out". Now do you see another reason why they are lonely? Remember the "pushing-paradox" of depression? Well, your loved one may not show demonstratable signs of depression now, but the damage to the entire person is evident. I of all people hate this disease and all its manifestations, changes, cutting down people without a chance, without the possibility of a future, the same joys and pains that I have experienced denied to them, the harsh and never ending destruction of principles that they may ever acquire denied, and so many overwhelming pains that this disease causes. That's what happened to her and now I started to cry again, and I don't cry. _ I figured out that I was crying because I felt guilty for being so stupid and should have done things sooner for her. In my crying spells in the garage I had gone from anger one time, more anger the second time to full-blown guilt the last time, and I didn't cause any of her problems._ I read on and realized a few more things and still to this day, almost two years later, I have many times when I am overcome with guilt. _ Anyway, back to my daughter. The test results came and they were explained with things I could understand. A lot of what you said, they said too, and in fact, almost everything you said, they said. The nutrients are only slightly different and slightly stronger because when I got them from the health food store they didn't have some in those strengths. So we just transferred her bottles and that was it. You know, she has done so well that she has never been told to take her nutrients except those first four days. You know another thing we have done is to have the entire family, all of us, including me taking nutrients. We get ours from the health food store._ Guess what? You don't have to have a bad behavior to know they work. You don't have to have a notebook full of things they do to know they work. They really work. I told my in-laws and my folks about them and they take them now, too. So we are like the Johnny Appleseed family for vitamins. We spread it all around. _ I guess I need to tell you something that I think is a little strange but you might like to hear. Even though she is only a little past 13 years old she has been talking about wanting to be one of those orthomolecular doctors, like the ones that helped her. I know it sort of sounds crazy and she is only 13, but boy, is she serious about it. Since I really didn't want to show her my notebook, especially the pages stuck together, I said when she asked once for some books on why she was like she was when she had bad behavior that I would buy her one book every month if she would tell me the main things in it after she read it. That way I would know my money wasn't wasted on books she didn't read. Well after the first couple of months I knew I was in trouble because she started getting expensive for me. She was holding up her end of the agreement, and I even learned a lot more things. It was turning into fun. _ I guess when we were in Chicago she remembered that they had a list of suggested books to read, and her first book was not too far off of some of the things I had already written in my notebook. I had asked if I could contact Pfeiffer. You told me he was dead. _ One thing lead to another and she and the entire family have changed so much I don't even know how we lived before. You know, she is so serious sometimes I almost think that she has a problem by being overboard, like obsessive. She doesn't eat any sugar, we eat very little if any, she does not eat the same food except every four days, she stopped eating out with her friends. Oh, she still goes out with them but she does not eat out. I think if she had her way the school cafeteria would all have to be changed. She takes her own lunch now, and so does Carrie. She has this food thing down really well. She can tell which food has how much of this or that vitamin is in it. What each one of them do, you know, sort of what we talked about, too. _ You know, she is starting to be a young woman now and I sort of miss my young little girl. Of course, I don't miss the hell-bent bad behavior one, but I do still have guilt as I see her becoming a woman, and I know that some of her childhood was taken away by something I didn't understand. _ She got so interested in her book reading that she volunteered to help in one of the abused children homes. I don't how she did it because they wouldn't even give out the address. She has been trying to get those people on vitamins, too. So you see, she is almost obsessive like I said. _ Because I have seen with my own eyes her changes and now her love for her books I finally decided one day when I was in the garage that I would give my notebook to her. So I went in the house, got some wrapping paper, wrapped it up. I found her outside talking to some friends. I told her I had something for her. She told her friends she would be right back. I guess she thought at first it was just a surprise. For me it was also a surprise. My surprise was her surprise. I told her how the notebook came about, but I never mentioned the stuck pages. I bet she asked me a thousand questions about those notes in that notebook. I did really well with most of them, but some I didn't. Then she would be a smarty-pants and tell me a few weeks later what such and such meant._ She really enjoys knowledge and how it works and you know what? I do too. She really did awaken a different part of me that I never knew was there. I guess that is that thing about "out of ugliness comes beauty". There is one more thing that I think you will really like to hear. She got her first book on TCM last week. I don't know where it is going to go from here on. I am a little bit frIghtened, but I guess I will get through it. Thought you might like to know that too.
My farmer friend with his daughter story finally finished his telephone call by thanking me for caring for someone I had never met. I did not have to have a notebook with stuck pages in front of me, but the tears were there throughout this very difficult listening to the story of his daughter. _ He said that his daughter was waiting for him to get done talking so she could also thank me. I almost "lost it" completely when she told me thank you._ Then she put her father back on the phone. He told me we should get together and go fishing or something. I told him I would rather go out with his family on Tuesday, have pizza, and play scoop pool. He said fine. He asked how my family was doing. I told him that we had not faired as well as his daughter but we are still trying and maybe someday, somehow we all would be where he and his daughter are now.
Chapter 21 Review:Key words/Sentences _1)You always said that you can look for one thing and never find it but find something else more important. _2)Get off it and realize that there are others in this world too. Life is not every person for themselves in some sort of animal frenzy. It is about fairness, dignity, honesty, etc., etc., etc., regardless of what doctrine of thought you use. Special Bibliography
Before I start the bibliography I will give you the eleven most impressive books that will give you, the
layman without any prior knowledge to biochemical medicine, a short, relatively inexpensive (less than
$200) list. Here they are:
1)Bland, Jeffrey, Editor, Medical Applications o f Clinical Nutrition , 1983, ISBN # 0879833270, Keats
Publishing, Inc., 27 Pine Street, New Canaan, Conn., 06840, $24. This is anthology-type book with many
specialists giving their particular expertise. Very good, but some sections may be a little advanced for
some but other sections are extremely valuable for you. Try to get through all of it .
2.).Braverman, Eric R. , The Healing Nutrients Within , ISBN #0879837063, Keats Publishing, Inc., 27 Pine
Street (Box 876), New Canaan, Connecticut 06840-0876. Get the 1997 Revised edition. Cost $20. Topic:
Amino acids, 532 pages of extremely valuable clinical research meaning that there are many specific
references to the actions and reactions of amino acids on human patients.
3)Edelmann, Eva, Natural Healing for Schizophrenia, 1996, ISBN 0965097625, Borage Books, 3762 West
11th Ave., Suite 188, Eugene, OR 97402. Extremely good work. A must to have .
4)Hippchen,Leonard, Editor, Ecological Biochemical Approaches to Treatment of Delinquents and
Criminals , 1978, ISBN #0442234201, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 135 West 50th Street, New York, N.Y.
10019, $36. This book is a series of topics written by various specialists in the field of biochemistry and
orthomolecular medicine. Extremely concise with specific concepts very well put together by each and
every author in this anthology-type book. A must to have.
5.)Hoffer, Abram - Osmond, Humphry, The Chemical Basis of Clinical Psychiatry, 1960, (no ISBN) (Out of
Print), Charles C. Thomas, Bannerstone House, 301-327 East Lawrence Ave., Springfield, IL. First-rate
research. It should be reprinted.
6.)Hoffer, Abram, A Guide to Eating Well for Pure Health - Hoffer's Laws of Natural Nutrition, 1996, ISBN
#1550820958, Quarry Press, Inc., P.O. Box 1061, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 4Y5, $18. One of the 6 or so
books by the brilliant scholar and orthomolecular psychiatrist. It is essential reading for basic information
about foods and what they do. It is simple, straight-forward language that everyone can understand and
7)Hoffer, Abram, Orthomolecular Medicine fo r Physicians , 1989, ISBN #0879833904, Keats Publishing,
Inc., 27 Pine Street, New Canaan, Conn., 06840, $24. I guess I will have to get the dictionary out to look
for wonderful adjectives for this man, Hoffer. He truly is brilliant, to the point, and backs his logic up with
very specific evidence. You must have this book. By the way, I have never read anything of Hoffer's (and I
have read almost everything he has written) that was not outstanding, so if it says Abram Hoffer, just buy
it. You will be glad you did.
8)Pfeiffer, Carl C.., Mental and Elemental Nutrients , 1975, ISBN #0879831146, Keats Publishing- same as
above. Cost $28. Topic: Varied biochemical problems and how they were solved in the Princeton BrainBio
Lab. Extremely valuable book. Pfeiffer was a brilliant first generation biochemist and doctor who helped
establish orthomolecular medicine.
9)Rapp, Doris, Is This Your Child, 1991, ISBN #0688119077, Wm. Morrow and Co., 1350 Ave. of Americas,
New York, N.Y. 10019, $12. Very good, large source of information about foods, toxins, allergies, etc.
Another must to have.
10)Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine journals are an extremely important resource of specific
information about biochemicals and their actions. Many journals have special article reprints available.
The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine has such individual articles that are extremely informative. I
suggest you contact their office in Toronto, Canada. International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, 16
Florence Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2N 1E9, 416-733-2117.
11)Wu, Yan, Practical Therapeutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine , 1997, ISBN #0912111399, Paradigm
Publications, 44 Linden Street, Brookline, Mass. 02146, $90. Extraordinary book giving symptoms,
meridians to be used for specific illnesses, herbal treatment, chi regulation, etc. Truly an incredible book.
One of the very first to bring all the elements of TCM together. You must have a basic understanding of
TCM before reading this book. It is very practical but very complex, too.
Regular Bibliography
Adams, Ruth & Murray, Frank, Is Low Blood Sugar Making You A Nutritional Cripple?, 1975, ISBN
091596211X, Larchmont Books, 60East 43rd St., New York, NY 10017.
Altman, Nathaniel, Oxygen Healing Therapies, 1995, ISBN 0892815272, Healing Arts Press, One Park
St., Rochester, VT 05767.
Anderson, James W., Diabetes, 1981, ISBN 0446343994, Warner Books, Inc., 1271 Avenue of the
Americas, New York, NY 10020.
Asai, Kazuhiko, Miracle Cure: Organic Germanium, 1980, ISBN 0870404741, Japan Publications, Tokyo.
Ashmead, DeWayne, Chelated Mineral Nutrition in Plants, Animals, and Man, 1982, ISBN 0398066248,
Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, 2600 South 1st St., Springfield, IL 62717.
Balch, James F. & Balch, Phyllis A., Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 1997, ISBN 0895297272, Avery
Publishing Group, Garden City Park, New York.
Barilla, Jean, The Nutrition Superbook: Volume 1: The Antioxidants, 1995, ISBN 0879836717, Keats
Publishing, Inc., 27 Pine Street, New Canaan, CT 06840.
Beasley, Joseph & Knightly, Susan Food, Recovery, 1994, ISBN 0517881810, Crown Publishers, Inc.,
201 East 50th St., New York, NY 10022.
Becker, Robert O. & Selden, Gary, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundations of Life,
1985, ISBN 0688069711, Quill, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019.
Becker, Robert O., Cross Currents, 1990, ISBN 0874776090, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 200 Madison Ave.,
New York, NY 10016. Beinfield, Harriet & Korngold, Efrem, Between Heaven and Earth, 1991, ISBN
0345379748, Ballantine Books, New York.
Bergner, Paul, The Healing Power of Garlic, 1996, ISBN 0761500987, Prima Publishing, PO Box 1260
BK, Rocklin, CA 95677.
Bland, Jeffrey, Intestinal Toxicity and Inner Cleansing, 1987, ISBN 0879834331, Keats Publishing Co.,
Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Bland, Jeffrey, Bioflavonoids: The Friends and Helpers of Vitamin C in Many Hard-To-Treat Ailments,
1984, ISBN 0879833300, Keats Publishing Co., Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Bland, Jeffrey, Octacosanol, Carnitine, and Other "Accessory" Nutrients, 1982, ISBN 0879833165, Keats
Publishing Co., Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Bland, Jeffrey, Choline, Leithin, Inositol and Other "Accessory" Nutrients, 1982, ISBN 0879832770,
Keats Publishing Co., Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Bliznakov, Emile & Hunt, Gerald, The Miracle Enzyme: Coenzyme Q-10, 1987, ISBN 0553262335,
Bantam Books, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036.
Bloomfield, Harold H., Nordfors, Mikael, & McWilliams, Peter, Hypercium & Depression, 1996, ISBN
0931580366, Prelude Press, 8159 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046.
Blum, Kenneth & Payne, James E., Alcohol and the Addictive Brain, 1991, ISBN 0029037018, The Free
Press, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Boik, John, Cancer and Natural Medicine, 1995,
ISBN 0964828006, Oregon Medical Press, 315 10th Ave. North, Princeton, MN 55371.
Braverman, Eric R., The Healing Nutrients Within, 1997, ISBN 0879837063, Keats Publishing Co., Inc.,
27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Braverman, Eric R., Hypertension and Nutrition, 1996, ISBN 0879836881, Keats Publishing Co., Inc., 27
Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Bremness, Lesley, The Complete Book of Herbs, 1988, ISBN 0140238026, Penguin Books USA Inc., 375
Hudson St., New York, NY 10014.
Bricklin, Mark, The Practical Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, 1983, ISBN 0567310052, MJF Books, Fine
Communications, Two Lincoln Square, 60 West 66th St., New York, NY 10023.
Brooks, Judith Garvey, Allergy and Immunology, 1997, ISBN 0398067368, Charles C. Thomas,
Publisher, Ltd., 2600 South First St., Springfield, IL 62794-9265.
Bruning, Nancy, The Natural Health Guide to Antioxidants, 1994, ISBN 0553565796, Bantam Books,
1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036.
Brown, G. Charles, Schizophrenia and Depression: A Research Report, 1985, (no ISBN), Canadian
Schizophrenia Foundation, 2229 Broad St., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4P 1Y7.
Callahan, Maureen, DHEA: The Miracle Hormone, 1997, ISBN 0451193350, Penguin Books USA Inc., 375
Hudson St., New York, NY 10014.
Cameron, Ewan & Pauling, Linus, Cancer and Vitamin C, 1993, ISBN 094015921X, Camino Books, Inc.,
PO Box 59026, Philadelphia, PA 19102.
Carper, Jean, Miracle Cures, 1997, ISBN 0060183721, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53rd St.,
New York, NY 10022.
Carter, Mildred & Weber, Tammy, Healing Yourself with Foot Reflexology, 1997, ISBN 013244120,
Prentice Hall, 240 Frisch Court, Paramus, NJ 07652. Casdorph, Richard & Walker, Morton, Toxic Metal
Syndrome, 1995, ISBN 0895296497, Avery Publishing Group, Garden City Park, New York.
Cerney, J.V., Acupuncture Without Needles, 1974, ISBN 0130038482, Parker Publishing Co., West
Nyack, NY 10994.
Chaitow, Leon, Amino Acids in Therapy, 1988, ISBN 0892812877, Healing Arts Press, One Park Street,
Rochester, VT 05767
Chaitow, Leon, Thorsons Guide to Amino Acids, 1991, ISBn 0722524927, Thorsons, HarperCollins
Challem, Jack &Dolby, Victoria, The Health Benefits of Soy, 1996, ISBn 0879837276, Keats Publishing
Co., Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Cheraskin, E., Ringsdorf, W.M., & Clark, J.W., Diet and Disease, 1968, ISBN 0879836660, Keats
Publishing, Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Cheraskin, Emanuel, The Vitamin Controversy, 1988, ISBN 0942333012, Bio-Communications Press,
3100 North Hillside Ave., Wichita, KS, 67219.
Cichoke, Anthony J., Enzymes and Enzyme Therapy, 1994, ISBN 0879836350, Keats Publishing Co.,
Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840. Clouatre, Dallas, Getting Lean with Anti-Fat Nutrients, 1995,
ISBN 0961491493, Pax Publishing, PO Box 22564, San Francisco, CA 94122.
Cohen, Daniel, Meditation: What It Can Do for You, 1977, ISBN 0396074715, Penguin Books USA Inc.
Cohen, Irving A., Addiction: The High-Low Trap, 1995, ISBN 0929173104, Health Press, PO Box 1388,
Sante Fe, NM 87504.
Cohen, Misha Ruth, The Chinese Way to Healing: Many Paths to Wholeness, 1996, ISBN 0399522328,
The Berkley Publishing Group, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016.
Coleman, Mary & Gillberg, Christopher, The Schizophrenias: A Biological Approach to the Schizophrenia
Spectrum Disorders, 1996, ISBN 0826192904, Springer Publishing Co., Inc., 536 Broadway, New York, NY
Colonial Dames of America, Herbs and Herb Lore of Colonial America, 1995, ISBN 0486285294, Dover
Publications, Inc., 31 East 2nd Street, Mineola, NY 11501.
Cooley, Denton A., Heart Owner's Handbook, 1996, ISBN 0471044202, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Comings, David E., Search for the Tourette Syndrome and Human Behavior Genes, 1996, ISBN
1878267361, Hope Press, P.O. Box 188, Duarte, CA 91009-0188.
Comings, David E., Tourette Syndrome and Human Behavior, 1990, ISBN 0878267280, Hope Press, PO
Box 188, Duarte, CA 91009-188.
Cott, Allan, Fasting: The Ultimate Diet, 1997, ISBN 0803893825, Hastings House Book Publishers,
Mamaroneck, NY.
Crook, William G. & Jones, Marjorie Hurt, The Yeast Connection Cookbook: A Guide to Good Nutrition
and Better Health, 1989, ISBN 093347816X, Professional Books, Inc., 681 Skyline Dr., Jackson, TN 38301.
Davis, Adelle, Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit, 1988, ISBN 0451155505, Penguin Books USA Inc., 375
Hudson St., New York, NY 10014.
Dean, Ward, Morgenthaler, John, & Fowkes, Steven Wm., Smart Drugs II: The Next Generation, 1993,
ISBN 0962741876, Smart Publications, PO Box 4667, Petaluma, CA 94955.
Dean, Ward & Morgenthaler, John, Smart Drugs and Nutrients, 1990, ISBN 0962741892, Health
Freedom Publications, PO Box 2515, Menlo Park, CA 94026.
Doane, Nancy Locke, Ed., Indian Doctor Book, 1985, ISBN 093667217X, Ariel Photography Service,
2511 South Tryon St., Charlotte, NC 28203.
Duke, Marc, Acupuncture: The Extraordinary New Book on the Chinese Art of Healing, 1972, ISBN
0515093033, Pyramid Communications, 919 Third Ave., New York, NY 10022.
Eades, Mary Dan, The Doctor's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals, 1994, ISBN 0440215021, Dell
Publishing, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036.
Elkins, Rita, Depression and Natural Medicine, 1995, ISBN 088567001X, Woodland Publishing, Inc., PO
Box 160, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062. Erasmus, Udo, Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, 1993, ISBN 0920470386,
Alive Books, 7436 Fraser Park Drive, Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5B9.
Erdmann, Robert & Jones, Meirion, Fats That Can Save Your Life, 1995, ISBN 0964507501, Bio-Science,
2398 Alaska Ave., Port Orchard, WA 98366.
Erdmann, Robert & Jones, Meirion, The Amino Revolution, 1987, Fireside Publications, Rockefeller
Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Finnegan, John, 94707.
Firebrace, Peter & Hill, Sandra, Acupuncture: How It Works, How It Cures, 1994, ISBN 0879836393,
Keats Publishing Co., Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840 .
Ford, Terra, Schizophrenia Cured: A Case History and a Look at Orthomolecular Therapy, 1994, ISBN
0919323022, Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, 16 Florence Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2N 1E9.
Fossel, Michael, Reversing Human Aging, 1996, ISBN 0688143245, William Morrow and Co., Inc., 1350
Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019.
Foster, Steven & Chongxi, Yue, Herbal Emissaries: Bringing Chinese Herbs to the West, 1992, ISBN
0892813490, Healing Arts Press, One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767.
Foster, Steven, Forest Pharmacy: Medicinal Plants in American Forests, 1995, ISBN 0890300518,
Forest History Society, 701 Vickers Ave., Durham, NC 27701.
Foster, Steven & Caras, Roger, Venomous Animals and Poisonous Plants, 1994, ISBN 0395352924,
Houghton Mifflin Co., 215 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10003.
Foster, Steven & Duke, James A., Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants, 1990, ISBN 0395467225, Houghton
Mifflin Co., 215 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10003.
Foster, Steven, Echinacea: Nature's Immune Enhancer, 1991, ISBN 0892813865, Healing Arts Press,
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767.
Fox, Barry, Foods to Heal By, 1996, ISBN 0312959877, St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY
Gaby, Alan R., Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis, 1994, ISBN 0761500227, Prima Publishing, PO
Box 1260BK, Rocklin, CA 95677.
Garrett, Laurie, The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance, 1994, ISBN
0140250913, Penguin Books USA, Inc., 375 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014.
Gavin, Paola, Italian Vegetarian Cooking, 1994, ISBN 0871317699, M. Evans and Co., 216 East 49th St.,
New York, NY 10017.
Ginott, Haim G., Between Parent and Teenager, 1969, ISBN 0380008203, Avon Books, The Hearst Corp.,
1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019.
Gladstar, Rosemary, Herbal Healing for Women, 1993, ISBN 0671767674, Fireside Publications,
Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.
Golan, Ralph, Optimal Wellness, 1995, ISBN 0345358740, Ballantine Books, New York.
Golos, Natalie & Golbitz, Frances Golos, If This Is Tuesday, It Must Be Chicken, 1983, ISBN
0879833394, Keats Publishing, Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Goor, Ron & Goor, Nancy, Eater's Choice: A Food-Lover's Guide to Lower Cholesterol, 1987, ISBN
0395430755, Houghton Mifflin Co., 2 Park St., Boston, MA 02108.
Goodwin, Frederick K., & Jamison, Kay R., Manic-Depressive Illness , 1990, ISBN 0195039343, Oxford
University Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016.
Gorman, Carolyn P., Less-Toxic Living, 1993, (no ISBN), Environmental Health Center, 8345 Walnut Hill
Lane, Suite 205, Dallas, TX 75231.
Goulston, Mark & Goldberg, Philip, Get Out of Your Own Way, 1996, ISBN 0399519904, The Berklet
Publishing Group, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016.
Greenwood, Jan K., The IBD Nutrition Handbook, 1992, ISBN 0471546305, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York.
Griffith, H. Winter, Complete Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements, 1988, ISBN 1555610064,
Fisher Books, PO Box 38040, Tucson, AZ 85740-8040.
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Wright, Jonathan V., Dr. Wright's Guide to Healing with Nutrition, 1984, ISBN 0879835303, Keats
Publishing Co., Inc., 27 Pine St., New Canaan, CT 06840.
Wurtman, Judith J., The Seratonin Solution, 1996, ISBN 0449910016, Fawcett Columbine, New York.


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