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Re: Dr Larry Wilson's Protocol by ring5100 ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   5/13/2011 9:41:11 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   7,018

I personally agree with you on this. Like you, I've been battling through 25 years of adrenal disordres. Amazing how clear I can see things now, as they were back than, with all the knowledge I have gained on this subject.

I was a full time single secretary all through my 20's, and on my own. Also a perfectionist, heavy exerciser, loved the gusto of life, snow skiing, mountain hiking, dating, etc. Plus eating sweets, that's why I always worked out to keep my 25 inche waist that shape always.
But, that led me into hypoglycemia.....and the stressors increased over the years.
So, now in a severe stage 3-4 of AF, I am into my 3rd year. And like you, no major improvement yet. Still hills and valleys. Dr. Lam's website has been the most helpful, reading every single link and topic too on his site. And as I re=read, I still gain new insite. I am also in the process of switching doctors. Looking for a real good doctor (possibly naturopathic) with great knowledge in AF.
It does get discouraging at times, especially now on 3 years. But, like you said, it took 30 years to get into this mess and it will take some time to get through all the layers, for the body to recover.
I am hopeful and pray a lot, a day by day protocal. Trying to stay optomistic and especially not to over do anything.
I still find I can not exercise much. I do yoga in the swim pool at the gym. This past December I felt better, after resting for 3 months from a sprained knee. Once that was better, my adrenal had a good rest too. I acturally started walking, gradually from 1/8 of a mile up to 1/2 mile. Did ok, but tired always after. I did this for a week than crashed. My adrenals got stressed out and I had bad anxiety and fatigue for weeks. Dr. Lam's article on adrenal fatigue and exercise is a great one to read. It has to be done very gradually and slowly.

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