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Re: Alcohol and the Adrenal gland by Hveragerthi ..... The Truth in Medicine

Date:   5/12/2011 2:07:28 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   1,578

 I've always wondered why alcohol was able to allievate my fatigue symptoms (constant yawning, stingy, watery eyes, and general exhaustion)within a very short space of time (after a pint of lager in most cases). It was quite incredible really. I wouldn't even be drunk or anything, just a relatively small amount of alcohol and I was no longer tired and had a healthy complexion again after looking like crap before.

Of course, the next day the fatigue symptoms would increase three or four fold so I knew it wasnt really doing me any good long term. I know it's a stimulant and that stimulants can temporarily get the adrenal glands roused again, but I never got the same effect off caffeine or tea and sodas in general, so I'm wondering why alcohol was different in that sense.

Actually alcohol is a sedative, not a stimulant.  Alcohol increases the effectivness of GABA in the brain relaxing us.  So it could be as simple as reduced adrenal stress.


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