Thought I'd throw this out for those who have tried it all. by silverfreak ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum
Date: 5/11/2011 1:23:14 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 981
A reply to a question. Thought I throw this out.
If you want to add something like dmso I would suggest not drinking the two side by side. Might have been a coincidence but I got violently ill. Google DMSO and Colloidal Silver and you'll see what my attempt to rid myself of this chronic infection is. I always take the mms (3*12)during the day and dmso mixed with home made CS mixed with 500 PPM mild silver protein (to cover my bases) at night. I'm not clean but the herxes I use to get are no where near as bad as they use to be. Also, I never herxed on Miracle-Mineral-Supplement by itself, so something new is going on.
On the DMSO note, it's the most vile disgusting stuff on the face of the planet. Hold your nose, drink it, drink something else, and then pop some mints. Even then you'll get a hint of the taste. VILE! From my experience it must be drunk or through IV. Transdermal just wasn't strong enough.
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