Re: How do we repair the damage done by antibiotics? by dvjorge ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 5/8/2011 8:13:43 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 7,196
The flora can be recovered with a Fecal Transplant or HPI but the problem is to eliminate the fungal form of candida. The mycelial form multiply and growth at high speed rate and is very hard to eliminate if ever possible. Sometimes, I believe all the things we are taking are doing more damage than good at the end because most if not all those natural products that are antifungal are also Antibiotics . If the Antibiotics brought us to this, then why we are still taking them in a natural form ?? I don't believe the flora will have any chance taking oregano oil, gse, caprylic acid, olive leaf, etc.
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