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EU banning 100's of natural herbs - please sign petition by #128526 ..... Ask Tony Isaacs: Featuring Luella May

Date:   5/4/2011 10:40:45 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   2,266

As a lot of you probably know the European Union has banned 100's of herbal medicines and making it almost impossible for products to be officially and legally registered due to the excessive cost involved and parameters required to obtain a license.

We all know that Big Pharma are behind this draconian ban and I urge you all to take the time to sign the following petition, and please pass on to as many friends, family, colleagues as possible.

A similar move is afoot in Australia and the groundwork is also being made for a similar law change in states across the USA.

We owe it to ourselves, our children, grandchildren and generations to come to make a stand.

Thanks for your help and time.


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