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Re: New to using MMS and feeling not good by SilverFox ..... MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate

Date:   4/26/2011 5:59:19 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   4,249

Hello Esstee,

There has been a lot of testing done with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . The results don't jive with Jim Humbles claims.

Jim Humble claims that when you activate Miracle-Mineral-Supplement you form chlorine dioxide. He verifies this by observing a color change and odor in the dose he has mixed up. Science and industry use these chemicals daily and point out that while there is a small amount of free chlorine dioxide in the final solution, you are actually making chlorous acid. Science points out that if you add chlorine dioxide to water, the PH of the water doesn't change. When you make chlorous acid you end up with an acid that has a PH of about 3. When you check a dose of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , you find you have an acid with a PH of about 3.

Jim Humble claims that MMS is used to purify water. Science and industry use chlorine dioxide to purify water because using chlorous acid would result in higher concentrations of disinfection by products than are safe or allowed.

Jim Humble claims that 50% citric acid has a PH of 3 and that when you mix up a dose of MMS according to the MMS protocol, you end up with a dose that has a PH close to neutral (7). Science and industry has actually measured the PH of 50% citric acid and found it to be close to a PH of 1. When you mix up a dose of MMS following the MMS protocol, you end up with chlorous acid with a PH of about 3.

People think that since sodium chlorite has a PH of about 13 that taking MMS will alkalize the body. Unfortunately, they are drinking chlorous acid with a PH of about 3.

Jim Humble claims that MMS will react with lead and mercury and allow it to be removed from the body. This is actually correct chlorine dioxide does react with lead and mercury, but chlorous acid and chlorine dioxide AT THE SAME TIME also react with magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, and iron. It would be nice if it only reacted with lead and mercury, but the last time I checked, the body needs magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, and iron to live.

Jim Humble claims that MMS has "intelligence" and is selective and only attacks pathogens. Science and industry classify chlorine dioxide as a biocide. It kills living things. Chlorine dioxide is selective, when compared to chlorine (hypochlorous acid) in that it does not attach (or chlorinate) itself to the pathogen. This modifies the pathogen and forms disinfection by products. The disinfection by products of chlorine (hypochlorous acid) are strictly regulated and have been found to possibly cause cancer over long term exposure. The disinfection by product of chlorine dioxide is chlorite. It doesn't cause cancer, but is a free radical that can penetrate all the organs of the body, including the brain. In animals chlorite has a half life of a little over 40 hours.

One study looked at purifying blood that was infected with HIV. While this did kill the HIV, it also killed off the blood cells. The process was revised to disinfect blood plasma. You would think that if chlorine dioxide only targeted pathogens, it would leave the blood cells alone, but that is not what was found. Jim Humble verified this by having MMS injected into his blood via IV. He suffered a severe reaction. He called this a "healing" reaction and believes that something bad was being killed off. However, if you look at his claims that MMS kills off everything and look at the fact that he has been taking MMS for years, what would he have left in his blood to kill off? On the other hand, if you kill off your blood cells you will have a reaction.

Other tests involved removing the biofilm on teeth. Chlorine dioxide and chlorous acid are very effective at removing biofilm, but in the process it was observed that they also deminerialize the enamel on the teeth. In this case the biofilm was removed, but in the process damage was done that will enable many more areas for biofilm to grow.

Another test looked at the beneficial bacteria in yogurt. When you add a MMS dose to a batch of yogurt you are trying to make, it kills off the bacteria in the yogurt. If chlorine dioxide is "selective" and only targets pathogens, then the bacteria in yogurt causes illness... I think we all know that this is false.

Jim Humble originally claimed that MMS remains active in the body for 12 hours. He then revised that claim and now says that chlorine dioxide in the body is active for about 2 hours. Actual testing shows that chlorine dioxide lasts in the mouth for about 10 seconds.

Science and industry have studied this and realize that the chlorine dioxide gas is so unstable that it doesn't last long at all. On the other hand, chlorous acid is much longer lasting and it has an oxidation reduction potential much higher than chlorine dioxide in water but not as high as ozone. In food processing the bacterial kill is based upon the strength of the chlorous acid. Acid dips and sprays are used when processing foods to reduce pathogens introduced during slaughtering. Chlorous acid works very well on dead tissue and slows down the rotting process.

Jim Humble claims that chlorine dioxide quickly breaks down to chloride. Science and industry has found that only about 30% of the chlorine dioxide actually makes it to chloride. The other 70% ends up as chlorite and is passed from the body through the urine. Chlorite is a free radical.

Jim Humble claims that MMS and chlorine dioxide occur naturally in the body. Chlorine dioxide is a man made gas, and sodium chlorite is made from chlorine dioxide. There is nothing natural about these chemicals.

Jim Humble claims that MMS is safe because of the results of the Lubbers study. The Lubbers study had people drink water that had chlorine dioxide and sodium chlorite in it at a concentration of 5 PPM. The study lasted 12 weeks and no adverse effects were observed. A series of tests were done to look for any signs of oxidative stress including blood tests. Unfortunately, MMS involves chlorous acid at concentrations much higher than were involved in the Lubbers study.

The Lubbers study activated sodium chlorite with an acid, then they bubbled air through the solution to capture the chlorine dioxide in the solution. This air was bubbled through distilled water in another container and they ended up with chlorine dioxide in water. They adjusted the concentration of chlorine dioxide in the water to a concentration of 5 PPM and the people drank a liter of this a day.

MMS involves chlorous acid with a PH of about 3. A 3 drop dose of MMS has a concentration of about 190 PPM available chlorine dioxide with about 20 PPM of that as free chlorine dioxide.

It appears that Jim Humbles argument is that since science has demonstrated that 5 PPM chlorine dioxide in water with a neutral PH is safe, then 190 PPM chlorous acid with a PH of 3 must also be safe...

The Lubbers study showed no adverse effects. The MMS protocol has people exhibiting nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea as immediate adverse effects (isn't it interesting that poison reactions have similar adverse effects...) and since no one is checking for signs of oxidative stress, who know what else is going on.

Jim Humble goes on to claim that MMS is safe because chlorine dioxide is used to disinfect drinking water in water treatment plants. Once again he is confusing chlorine dioxide, which is used in water treatment, with chlorous acid which is what MMS makes. Also the concentrations used in water treatment are in the 1 - 2 PPM concentration range and a dose of MMS is much higher than this.

The medical professionals that I know that use sodium chlorite products for treating people, make sure they monitor for signs of oxidative stress frequently during the treatment. They also limit the concentrations used to much lower than those involved with the MMS protocol.

Jim Humble claims that a dose of MMS has a concentration of chlorine dioxide of about 1 PPM. This claim has been thoroughly tested and is wrong. Those who understand the chemistry of sodium chlorite point out that in order to get to 1 PPM using a high concentration product like MMS you need to add a lot of dilution. With 3 drops of MMS you are starting with close to 24000 PPM. To dilute that down to 1 PPM you need to add about 24 liters of water.

Jim Humble claims that MMS will cure anything. He has a variety of different protocols to handle all of the various illnesses. However, when he came down with the swine flu, he ran to the hospital for treatment. Fortunately he recovered. However, if MMS was as effective as he claims it is, how did the swine flu bug get into his body in the first place...

Jim Humble originally claimed to have 100% success using MMS to treat illness. However, 4 - 5 years ago he must have realized that this wasn't quite true because he started playing with chlorinating (hypochlorous acid) the GI tract. Now he acknowledges that MMS isn't always effective, and has revised his protocols to include chlorine (hypochlorous acid). With this new protocol of taking MMS and MMS2, he is now claiming 97% success.

In science and industry testing would be done to confirm how effective something is. Extensive testing and study has been done with chlorine dioxide and chlorous acid. These chemicals are very effective as a biocide and the test results bear this out.

MMS testing is different. Someone has an idea that they have a pathogen and are advised to try one of the MMS protocols. If they show any improvement, they are considered cured. No follow up is needed, and if in the process they show some adverse effects, it must be part of the healing process and not due to poisoning effects because these chemicals are used in water purification...

Chlorine dioxide and chlorous acid are oxidizers. Oxidizers work by having a high enough concentration of them in contact with what you are trying to kill for a period of time long enough to complete the kill. Industry uses CT values to determine if a particular oxidizer will work in a particular application. The CT value is the Concentration needed times the amount of Time needed to complete the oxidation. Different conditions and different pathogens have different CT values. For example the CT for Campylobacter using chlorine dioxide in water is 15, where the CT for Tuberculosis is 5000. In both cases chlorine dioxide will kill the bacteria if the proper amounts are used.

Jim Humble claims that the amount of water you add is not important. Science and industry know that the amount of water you add directly effects the concentration and the concentration directly effects the ability of the solution to oxidize pathogens.

Jim Humble claims that adding juice to the MMS dose doesn't effect it at all. This is a very interesting concept. The fact is that the free chlorine dioxide does react with the organic material in the apple juice. This uses up the chlorine dioxide. You end up with a dose that has a much lower concentration of chlorine dioxide. It is much easier just to use a much lower concentration to start with.

An interesting test to run is to mix up a 6 drop dose of MMS, then shred 1/4 apple into it. All of the chlorine dioxide reacts with the apple and you end up with apple with citric acid and water. The drink ends up being a little tart from the excess citric acid, but if the apple is a little bland, it perks it up nicely. No trace of chlorine dioxide taste or odor will remain because it has all be used up by the apple.

If you carry this a step or two further, how much chlorine dioxide is needed to actually make it into the body... Chlorine dioxide is excellent at penetrating and eliminating biofilm. Since the GI tract is lined with biofilm (mucous), you would need to saturate the entire mucous layer with chlorine dioxide. In industry you apply the dose, then measure how much chlorine dioxide is left after the initial dose. If the body was similar, you could test for the amount of chlorine dioxide present in your urine. However, you may not be alive by the time you achieved that concentration.

Jim Humble claims that adding DMSO to chlorine dioxide allows it to penetrate deeper into the body. DMSO is an antioxidant. Mixing DMSO and MMS makes the MMS solution weaker. It is just like adding some vitamin C to the dose. Chlorine dioxide is very capable of penetrating the body without DMSO. The problem here is that MMS makes chlorous acid, and acid irritates the skin. Chlorine dioxide in water doesn't do this, and it doesn't need DMSO.

The body runs on oxidation, but there is a balance within the body. When you add additional oxidation, you can upset this balance.

There are cases where additional oxidation can be beneficial. Chemotherapy is based upon this premise. If your blood cells are infected with malaria, perhaps it is good that MMS wipes out the blood cells. However, where do you draw the line between killing infected blood cells and doing damage to the body? Also, how do you measure this?

If the flora in your GI tract is out of balance, perhaps there is some benefit in eliminating all of it in an effort to repopulate with a balanced flora. However, is it safe to remove the flora from your GI tract? While not immediately lethal, what kind of additional stress does that put on the body?

Two healthy people asked their doctors if they could run some stool tests. They said they were worried about parasites. Prior to the tests, they took doses of MMS for about a week. They were taking 6 drops twice a day. When their test results came back they indicated that there were no bacteria at all. Good or bad, and of course no parasites.

While this is not a clinical test, it is leaning toward suggesting that MMS kills off all flora.

If the body becomes overwhelmed with infection, additional oxidation will help a lot. Since MMS is great at killing things, this would be a good time to try a little MMS. However, at some point you need to stop concentrating on killing and start rebuilding the body.

The debate about MMS stems from the fact that the MMS protocol(s) is flawed and many of the claims Jim Humble makes about MMS have no basis in science or reality. The protocol calls for everyone taking the same dose except for children and animals. Their dose is based upon their weight. If weight is a concern for animals and children, why isn't it a consideration for adults?

I did an informal survey of over 6000 people who tried MMS, following the MMS protocol, for a wide variety of ailments. I was surprised to find that only about 2% "felt" that their condition was improved. This was a big surprise to me because the placebo effect is good for about a little over 30% indicating improvement. What happened to the 100% effectiveness that Jim Humble claimed?

This prompted further investigation and attempts were made to contact the clinics that Jim Humble listed in his book. The typical response was that they had never heard of Jim Humble, and if there was something that would help with malaria they would love to know about it.

Jim Humbles response to this was that they were afraid to speak out because of governmental unrest.

Continuing on with this, I happened to know several medical professionals that travel to Africa to help the people there. I asked them to ask about Jim Humble and MMS and the "miracle" cure for malaria. Over the past few years, none of them have had any contact with anyone that has had any contact with, or knows anything about Jim Humble, sodium chlorite, MMS, or any "miracle" cure for malaria.

I found this very interesting...

Thinking that Africa was a large "black hole" and nothing gets out of it, I ran across a study involving Colloidal Silver . This study involved people with malaria and various other illnesses. The Colloidal Silver was administered over a period of about 1 week, then follow up was done to verify the results. The medical professionals monitoring the patients noticed improvement in about 3 days, and full recovery took about 7 days. Success was 100%. When the hospitals were contacted, they knew of the study and are still using Colloidal Silver as a treatment.

What does this mean? To me it means that if I were in Ghana and came down with malaria, I could expect to eliminate it from my body by taking 10 - 15 ml of 10 PPM colloidal silver a day for 3 - 5 days. Or, I could take two doses of MMS and hope for the best.

Sodium chlorite is a wonderful chemical. If you understand the chemistry behind it, it can be used in a wide variety of ways. If you can get a concentration of chlorine dioxide into contact with a pathogen for a period of time long enough to kill it, the pathogen will be eliminated. I have seen sodium chlorite solutions work when nothing else will.

While I appreciate the efforts of Jim Humble to eliminate illness from the world, it would help greatly if he actually understood how these chemicals work. When you don't understand how they work, it is hard to assess the safety of using them. Without testing it is difficult to determine an effective amount to use. Without testing it is difficult to determine the interactions of these chemicals with the various fluids and tissues in the body.

Jim Humble seems to have lost his ability to learn. When I confront him with the errors in his claims, he simply replys that millions of bottles of MMS have been sold, and hundreds of thousands of copies of his book have been sold. This proves that his ideas and claims must be right.

In spite of all the misinformation associated with Jim Humbles claims, there are a few cases where someone modifies the MMS protocol to fit their needs and spectacular results are seen. These are the cases that need to be closely studied. Most of the time the person was taking several different things and MMS was simply part of the mix. Occasionally, medical documentation is also available.

Unfortunately, Jim Humble is paranoid about proving that MMS works. He feels that if he provides documentation that it works, he will be killed. It is hard to rationalize with paranoia, so the debate continues.



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