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diflucan by cocobeavz ..... The Candida Diet

Date:   4/23/2011 9:52:31 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   4,224

Dr. Jeff

I believe that I have had candida my entire life. I had ear infections numerous times as a child and was on antibiotics a lot. I have been on candida diets for the last 5 years. They have helped some, but not enough. When I was first married 10 years ago I began having symptoms vaginally, the doctor eventually put me on diflucan every few days for over a month. At first it seemed to help, but then it did nothing and I was getting worse. He was going to send me to a specialist that was studying Candida but we had to move out of state for my husbands job. Since then I have been in search for help. No doctors have been willing to believe me or help so I just stopped going. The diets gave me the most relief and my family (including extended) was very supportive for a long time, but now they are questioning the diets b/c I have been on them for so long and am not better yet. My mother, mother-in-law, and husband have been begging me to go to a doctor for the last few years, so just for the sake of my family relationships I found a doctor that wanted to help me. He does not believe in Candida, but agrees that there is definitely something wrong with me. He did a lot of blood work and put me on some supplements for some of my deficiencies and gave me diflucan to take every 5 days for 12 weeks. I told him that I already have tried it and it did not work. But he says our bodies change and maybe it will work this time. I think that he is giving it to me as a way to prove to me that I don't have candida if it doesn't make any difference. But I know I have candida and he can't change my mind. I decided to take the diflucan more for my relationship with my husband. I have a wonderful and understanding husband, but regardless candida takes a major toll on our marriage. My husband wanted me to try the diflucan just b/c "it could work." Even though it is not working so far, my husband needs to see that I am willing trying everything to fix this. I told him that as soon as I am done with this diflucan trial I was starting your program. Sorry this was so long. I just wanted you to understand where I am coming from and why on earth I would take diflucan even though I know it is not good for me. My question is- How much damage am I doing to myself by taking this diflucan? Will this make it harder for my body to heal on your program b/c I put it through my system for so long and created stronger strands of candida?

Thank you for your time.

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