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Re: MMS has given my life back! by SilverFox ..... MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate

Date:   4/3/2011 12:30:29 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   7,190

Hello Esstee,

Jim Humble devised the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement formulation, and came up with the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol(s). Your mother instructed you on how to take Miracle-Mineral-Supplement based upon the protocol(s) he developed. Unfortunately he is not strong in chemistry and there are flaws in the protocol(s).

Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizer. Oxidizers work by having a concentration of them in contact with something that responds to oxidation for a period of time needed to oxidize it.

If the infection in your bone will respond to oxidation, and if you can get chlorine dioxide into contact with the infection, and if the concentration of the chlorine dioxide is high enough to kill off the infection, and if the chlorine dioxide remains in contact with the infection for a time long enough to complete the job, then the infection will be eliminated.

Several questions come up when looking at this...

What is the organism that we are trying to oxidize?
What is the concentration of chlorine dioxide needed to oxidize that organism?
How do we get the chlorine dioxide, at that concentration, into contact with the organism?
How long does the chlorine dioxide need to be in contact with the organism in order to eliminate it?
How do we keep the chlorine dioxide in contact with the organism for the time needed?
What are the toxic effects of using chlorine dioxide at the concentrations we are planing to use?

and finally

Is there another way to get rid of the organism that is easier and less toxic?

Jaw bone infections are difficult to deal with, but a mouthwash containing free chlorine dioxide does stand a chance of delivering the chlorine dioxide to the infected area.

If you have access to an alternative dentist, the process will be much easier because progress can be documented and dentists have the tools and skills needed to get the chlorine dioxide solution in contact with the infection.

However, if you still have a dry socket, don't require documentation, and have access to some pet supplies, you can most likely work on this yourself.

You will not be able to find a mouthwash that has chlorine dioxide in it. Chlorine dioxide is very unstable and at the concentrations needed in the mouthwash, it has a short shelf life unless it is stored under ideal conditions. You need to make your own.


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