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Re: Hello everyone im new and had a couple questions :) by Blaise ..... Fasting: Water Only

Date:   3/29/2011 6:08:10 PM ( 14 y ago)
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Hi toots,

Not trying to be rude, but it would help us if you gave us your weight, height, and diet so far. Any health problems?

You can read my posts. If you think this is a lot, I write like a madman.

You are 3 years older than me, so I think I can relate to you a little. You seem to look like a healthy confident person in your avatar.

If you are going to fast, make sure to PREPARE. I did it cold turkey and it was very hard to do but I'll tell you some o it later. When you go to the forum page, there is a search bar for this forum alone. From there search on any info and experiences on how to pre fast. I think some people did an apple only diet for a week before fasting. DO NOT OVER DRINK. Only drink when thirsty and drink very little. You don't want your kidneys overworked. It takes away from your detox.

That's great you quit drinking and smoking a year ago. I have also been sober for a year from those things and drugs before my fast. I also have a vegan diet, but I was killing my thyroid with much soy, and very little raw diet. (you can read my long backstories as well as all the benefits in my posts)

Yes you are right, fasting is not going to cure everything. I believe fasting is something you need to do through your whole life. It is a step into the right direction and overall health for your mind, body, and spirit. It will make you see things differently if done right. I have had so many benefits, I feel like my time under the sun is coming.

Enough of that. Here are some answers.

1. Worst symptoms? Well I did do cold turkey and was already skinny, like 126lbs for 5'6.5''. If you are skinny, low body fat, and not so good food reserves and bad habits for a long time, you will most likely have bad symptoms. If you ate healthy or whatever, then it'll be easier.

For me, I could not sleep for some days and nights. When I slept, I faced many personal demons. Some very disturbing. If you have a boyfriend and sexually active, you will have no libido. I had low body fat and not so good food reserves, by the end of the fast, I could hardly stand, get up, go to the bathroom, had bed sores. Oh another thing, if you're really committed, you have to put your social life on hold. It could be a good thing since people will miss you. The first week gave me lots of headaches and hunger pangs they go away later. If you want to do a fast to true hunger, I suggest not setting a number of days. I never made it because I was in the low 90s and any further would have had me hospitalized, but I guess I was close. Most part, it gets irritable if you have family badgering you to eat and you might get a little emotional. At least this was for me. Through it all, it has been the greatest accomplishments for myself. Now all I want to do is research health and nutrition. Finally, talking was a pain. My mind was moving so fast but my mouth motor skills were sooooo slooooow.

2. Best experiences. Intense smell, hearing, and sensitivity. I could smell what people had from last night's dinner. I could hear and sense every movement at night. I was able to be more reasonable. My brain activity was so fast and I could reason better. So much mental clarity and the brain fog lifted. I could remember things easily. Allowed me to be more understanding of people. Allowed me to slowly let go of my tumultuous past. Helped stop my acne. Help tame my hypothyrodism. Helped stop my body dysmorphic disorder. SO MANY THINGS.

I cannot finish because I have to cook, but I will say, best wishes and good luck. This is not easy at all. A lot of people fail and get no results. They end up going back to garbage food and bad habits. But if you can do it to the state some of us have done, it will comepletely change your lifestyle. I can attest after my 31 day fast, today being the 16th day post fast/ refeeding, I am now a much more improved person than I was before fast. My diet is healthy, not perfect yet, but A LOT better with lots of raw food, no soy, gluten, corn, dairy, meat. I have lots of energy although I am still rebuilding my strength and weight. I can absorb and read things easily than I have in years. Feel like a kid again.

Ok serious I gotta stop I gotta cook, gotta go.

Good luck and god bless,

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