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Should have been done long ago....... by #69242 ..... CureZone Moderators Debate and Complaints

Date:   3/20/2011 11:34:29 AM ( 13 y ago)
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What if you knew her?....
And found her dead on the ground.

How can you run when you know???

I know...................

It's been a very tough weekend for me.
Lot's of soul searching.
I have literally been on the edge of physical tears at points.

But I will come on here to paint the picture...
That has flown over most of your heads.

Should be the rule.
For women who are thinking about having a child.

That includes iodine.....
My beloved homeopathics...

You don't screw around with dropper bottles.....
When you are young and thinking of having a child.

You don't put chemical iodine...
Into someone who may get pregnant.

It's insane.

MH is not the most eloquent speaker.
Which is why I was forced to come on here
and cut to the chase.
NO MEDS is the rule when your are dealing with
anything even remotely related to childbirth.
Leave it at home...............................

Here is what MH is talking about.....
For those of you that can't read between the lines.

Click the link. Take a look at the erect penis down the page.
That is what my beloved Trent may be facing.

Castrated from his soul....
Because of a dropper bottle.
It's not right.
He will be in my heart forever.........
And ever.........

I am not going to get into cut and paste battles
with Keyboard Kowboys here.

Speak in human terms.

If you can explain exactly how chemical iodine
affects and enhances all of the stages of pre-natal development.

Then I am all ears. But it better be specifics.
I spent a lot of time in school...................................

MH learned this the hard way.
Hopefully others can learn from his mistake.

I have the utmost respect for Trapper and Wombat.
Trapper's forum is my favorite one here.
They are not evil people. They are good people.
People I love and respect.

And I am by no means coming on here to
say people should never take iodine.
It is an individual choice.
I won't go into my whole story.
But it is a poison to me.
My system just can't take it.
But I certainly am not willing to say that about everyone.
Not by a longshot................

We are all different.
And I can see the work, or the message....
that Wombat
has spread her wings on. About breast cancer.
And the need for iodine.
It's a tale many women need to hear.
More often.

But this isn't about that.
It's about our children.
And embryos. And endocrine systems. And pre-natal development.
We just don't know enough about it.
So better safe then sorry.
I would give the last dime out of my pocket so MH could turn back the clock.
Unfortunately I can't do that. And it rips my heart out.
Tears it right from my soul. I bleed for him.
Hopefully others can learn from his mistake.

So I am drawing a line in the sand.
We need to put some grounding on this floor.

You don't "Do" Meds.
When you are thinking about having children.
You never know what scars you will leave them with
from your experimentation.
Just don't do it.
End of story.

So I am not here to point fingers.....
At V, Trapper or Wombat.
I love all of them. Deeply.
The human body is very complicated.
What works for one may not for another.

I identify with my beloved Trent.
We aren't facing the exact same problem....

But my health "issues" were sown from the start.
I am not going to dig it up now.......
But I have a picture of my Mom back in the 60's..
With her belly bulging with me.....
And a drink and a cigarette in her hand.

My problems all come back to that.

Pre-natal development.
There is soooooo much we don't know.
So you don't screw around with
drinks and cigarettes and dropper bottles.

If you are a young woman thinking about a child..........

V always told me to get an Iodine loading test done.
If a young woman gets bloodwork done that shows
something is screwed up in terms of thyroid or other
hormone numbers....

Then consider all your options.

Short of that.

Young women need to abandon any and all dropper bottles.
Whatever form they come in...............

The second I see people screwing around with embryos....
And endocrine systems.
And pre-natal development.......
For which they have NO knowledge of.........

Well I will be back on here.
On the debate boards.
Which I hate coming to.
But I will come.....reluctantly.... maybe.

But I will come.

Don't screw around with your child's health.
Do what you want to to yourself.
Just leave your child out of it!!!!!!

And I have wiped the slate clean.
But from this day forward....
Well I will consider it a dereliction of duty....
For anyone that crosses that line.
And I will be back to fight.
Anyone that steps over it.
Just telling you how I feel........

And I am going to leave you with a video.
That means Oh so much.
In many, many, ways.

Ohio by CSN&Y.

I couldn't have written this if I tried.

MH is from Ohio I believe.
And there is the refrain......
"Four Dead in Ohio".

And MH has a family of 5.
And the other 4 will always need to
be there for My Trent when he is screaming out.
It's going to be tough on them as well.

I'm 43.
I graduated from high school in 1986.
Glorious times. You are young and immortal.
And not a care in the world.

And I was fortunate enough to attend good schools.
Including multiple college degrees.
And I spent ages 8 thru 18 at a school that
is on the higher end of it all. Wore a coat and tie every day.

Not saying I miss it. Almost never put one on now....
But I loved it. It was my youth.
And I learned so much. In and out of the classroom.

Very small classes. It was an expensive school.

And senior year, right before I graduated.
Well Right before "Beach Week"...
Which was a rite of passage that most of us undertook.
The school was in D.C.....
But after the last bell rung on the year we would drive
2 hours to the coast.
And Let Loose.

You are only 16, or 17, or 18.....
I lived it for three straight years.
It was great.

And I came from amongst monetarily rich families.
So as you can imagine.......
Beachfront houses with no parents.
Just us running wild.
No rules.
I am glad it came out all-right.

But anyway.
Senior year.
The last few days......

They switched around the classes.
And I now had a teacher from who I had never taken a class from.
Fred Zirm.
And at this point all you are thinking about is graduation.
And Beach Week.

So it was light classwork. But........

Something sprung up that I will never forget.
A story he told. Amongst all the other nonsense
of your last few days in High School.

He was very close friends with one of the Four
that sacrificed their life in Ohio.
One of the girls you will see in the video.
Not sure which one. My eyes were dreaming of Beach Week.
So I can't remember the name.

But he was the one that pushed the button to send her to Kent State.
And for those of us who have grown up among wealthy means.....
Well you apply to many colleges. Get accepted to some of them.

And then have to make a choice. And when you are 18...
Well who knows why you make the choice you do. It's a college.

And he convinced her to go to Kent State.
And he has never forgotten it.
He didn't kill her.
But yet.
It's all about choices.
And it is something he will always regret.
Even though he is not to blame.

So. I hold people here blameless. But.
It is all about choices.
And doing the right thing.
And my message from this day forward is......

Don't experiment with Meds when you are dealing with children.
It's just not right...............
It's not your call to make.
Leave the dropper bottles at home.

And go touch your feet into the sand......

I love you Trent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(March 20. 2011. 101 pm.)


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