Re: systemic candida Vs fungal overgrowth by Dr.Jeff ..... The Candida Diet
Date: 3/7/2011 7:42:10 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 2,115
You say that undecenoic acid reverts candida from its pathogenic fungal form to yeast: but is'nt a "candida overgrowth" also causing symptoms?
The yeast form that is create from taking the candida Force has a weakened cell wall membrane which leaves it more susceptible to white blood cells, where normal yeast cells aren't.
I have a low neutrophils count, would that prevent me from getting rid of the excess fungal overgrowth?
Neutrophils are the white blood cells that are most effective against candida. The Detox Essentials is designed to boost the neutrophil acivity. This is also boosted by eliminating the fungal candida form.
Also, i have actually liver and gall blader problems that got accentuated by doing a candida treatment with caprylic acid (at very very low dosage, i must say).
Is undecenoic acid "hard" on the system?
Undecenoic acid doesn't produce the harmful effects that have been found with caprylic acid. Undecenoic acid has also been found to be 6 times more effective than caprylic acid.
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