Re: Aging puffy face, Eye bags, Pale fingernails. what does this mean?? by dianed ..... Hypothyroid & Wilson’s Disease
Date: 3/6/2011 3:59:36 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 23,938
Immediately STOP the ferratin. You are showing signs of fungal overload. Yeast requires iron for growth.No white moons on your nails indicate liver issues. Toxins from Candida can overwhelm....
The reason you may be fatigued? Candida overgrowth. You will not fix your symptoms by feeding the Candida. Consider checking into the following..
NAC with extra VitaminC for cellular antioxidant protection from fungal mycotoxic damage.
Coconut oil...very antifungal, use multiple teaspoons daily.
Try wild mountain oregano oil and/or grapefruitseed extract and olive leaf extract. Go slow with all of this to decrease healing crisis symptoms.
Cod liver oil pills (10,000units vitamin A 400 or more units vitaminD per pill) you will have to see for yourself. I load with this 6-7 pills (yes, that's 60,000- 70,000 iu vitamin A) every few days for a week as tolerated. Make sure you take with a zinc:copper complex as Vitamin A is transported by Zinc. Vitamin A is antifungal.
Iodine from Kelp and/or Iodoral which will help kick out bromines and help your thyroid as well act as an antifungal. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar is helpful for fungal problems and to correct pH making it more difficult for yeast to grow.
Many people have trouble converting beta-carotene into vitamin for storage in the liver. Vegetarians, hypothyroid and others. Stick with vitamin A.
Your folic acid is low. Get on a good multi with high levels of B vitamins. Try to find one with some P5P in it (the active form of B6) it takes magnesium to activate and you may be low. Folic acid is required for the metabolism of some important amino acids and vital for the synthesis of DNA (necessary for tissue repair).
Glutamine will help you rebuild the gut when you're ready.
And use your magnesium oil. Magnesium is required to help detoxify.You will feel worse before you feel better.You will have tons of Sugar cravings during this process, try to refrain. You may also be depleted of minerals evidenced by the ridges in your nails. Try diatomaceous earth and/or fulvic and humic acid supplements. And DON"T forget an excellent probiotic. Garden of Life Primal Defense has soil based organisms that kill off yeast.
Good Luck.
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