Re: Scared to be sick by Molly Bloom ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 3/3/2006 8:48:29 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 1,365
MY husband had just taken his first dose of epsoms!! This man is the most skeptical person on the face of the earth. He's not conservative, but has mocked the whole holistic, new agey, vitamin, herb thing. He was amazed at how much energy I had the week after my first flush (2/22). He sheepishly admitted that it doesn't seem like it would hurt to AT LEAST TRY IT!
When he did drink that Epsoms, I did see that look on his face like, "why the hell am I doing this?!" Too late, already committed. He had a Subway Tuna Sandwich at lunch today (Idiot!). Watch, he'll get nauseous as anything, and expel thousands of stones, and I will be soooo envious. At least that's the fantasy I'm hoping for. I have to admit, I have been so excited about him doing this all week. Is that silly or what? When he came in the door I had the first shot ready for him, and it was like "take a chill pill already".
I'm trying to be as accomodating as I can during this for him. I want him to be with me for a long long time, and I think this is the way to go.
Please let me know how your hubby does. My friend is trying to convince her husband as we speak!
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