Re: Stomach acid deficiency Hi! I just learned this (again) and will keep up on it now! by dvjorge ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 1/27/2011 5:30:32 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 31,964
Hey guys,
As you know, I don't have anything to disagree with your thoughts about this syndrome.I agree with most things you have said but there are two things about your treatment that make me to look forward. You said garlic and culturella made you feel better.. ! Garlic is one of the best natural antimicrobial ever known and Culturella has the ability to suppress C. Difficile's toxins. Dr. W. Shaw, the head of Great Plain Lab, has found that after intensive antifungal treatment a C. Difficile overgrowth is very commun. I will consider it if were in your case. Dr. Bruce Simon, who has written books about candida, also mentions that a bacterial overgrowth is very commun in most candida patients. The things go like this, candida overgrowth in the intestines after a trigger, then, our immune system react to it and become sensitive to yeast. This immune reaction will go after every single candida cell in our body creating inflammation and a battle field against yeast. So, candida isn't seen as a part of our own body by the immune system and tolerance is lost. This attack will go after Gliadin and cause villi damage and parietal cells damage. When we lose our stomach acid secretion, bacterias will reach the upper intestinal track creating SIBO. Candida causes a chain reaction that takes us to many secondary problems later on. I agree with Etienne that hypersensitivity is probably our worse enemy. The immune system should accept candida as a part of our own micro-ecology when it is at "normal" levels. Most of the time, people don't have a real overgrowth but an immune system over-reacting to the minimun amount of yeast. This will cause toxins release and a never end battle. It is the same as if you become allergic to anything. You must avoid what cause you a reaction if you want to be symptom free. Try to realize how you can eliminate candida to stop an immune reaction against it. I believe the first big overgrowth is able to wake up the immune system against yeast. This reaction will continue as long there is a single candida cell in our body.
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