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Re: Day 4, weight loss slowing to a crawl by ALB ..... Fasting: Water Only

Date:   1/24/2011 7:40:13 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   985

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Oh stopping and starting is pretty pointless. Eating again after a few days won't help you lose much you only lose maybe 3 pounds out of those 10 lost in the first 3 or 4 days. And you fill up again with salt,carbs. And your hunger is now back again and you have to repeat the hard first few days.
I can't believe you were hungry at all after two or three days. If anything you would have gave in to pressure to eat or it was pure mental hunger.
You have to keep busy first few days, stay away as much as possible from people eating and especially people that try to get you to break the fast or are negtive.
After two or three days once hunger goes away it much easier.I sat at dinner,do most days now with teenagers and they had their supper. Wife is fasting with me so that helps.I really was fine with watching them eat ,call it vicarious thrill but didn't phase me. I know have to keep going as this overweight will kill me sooner or later likely sooner. And that this battle has to won.You won't beat it with little three day fasts too hard to do.
But if you can't lose weight at this and simply don't have the willpower to do longer fasts than a few days go try intermittent fasting like EAT STOP EAT. they have website. Lots of people seem to get good results from it. And it certainly seems doable to me.

Or go on juice fast for 30 days or whatever. Water is harder to start on and your energy can be near zero for days at beginning.

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