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Re: Heck, I will try anything at this point... by Eric11 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   1/19/2011 7:33:45 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   8,598

Here's a message I wrote in a different thread describing the my experience with chelating and especially the Cutler Protocol. I hope it helps.

The first protocol I tried was cilantro/chlorella. I did it for a year. I found the reactions I had while doing the protocol were pretty severe, but I can't deny that I felt better after 6 to 12 months of doing it. I wasn't doing it exactly right. I wasn't giving myself long enough breaks or drinking enough water, so that may have been part of the reason I had those reactions. However, other people have reported having bad reactions because of redistribution of mercury during the treatment.

After a year, I started the Cutler Protocol. The reactions were much less, and I definitely feel better after more than a year of doing it. I'll describe the protocol for you, and I also included some general information I'm sure you're already familiar with in case there is anybody else who would like to try it but isn't so familiar with the process of chelating.

On the Cutler Protocol You would use the supplement DMSA
(1 milligram for every kilogram you weigh. This is about half your weight in pounds) every 4 hours, including overnight. Do this for 3-5 days and take a rest for 3-5 days. A few months after you start with the DMSA, you will add in the supplement ALA and take them both every 3 hours, including overnight. The reason you do it this way is because the effects of DMSA lasts for 4 hours and ALA lasts for 3 hours, so you need to keep the effect going, including waking your self up at 4 AM.

You will likely feel some reaction on the second day of a cleansing. You may have emotional trouble, some worsening of typical symptoms. I believe this is actually your body reacting to the newly released mercury. The reactions should become less and less the longer you continue the cleansings.

There are other supplements and vitamins which will help. Vitamins C and E, selenium, molybdenum and others. Opinion on which supplements are best also varies tremendously. I would be very careful of over-supplementing since supplements can cause their own problems.

Drink lots of water during this time and support your liver function (foods which support the growth of glutathione are good but forget the supplement). When you feel a reaction, drinking a lot of water and going to the bathroom as much as possible will help you feel better.

Go to a sauna or something to make you sweat regularly. Shower after you sweat or your skin may reabsorb the mercury is sweat out.

Don't be surprised if, when you're chelating, you sometimes feel a bit worse. That's a normal part of the process. If you feel extremely bad, then you should stop what you're doing and try to figure out why you feel that way.

*Do not try to chelate until you have replaced ALL of your silver fillings.* You will make yourself very sick if you start before replacement. *Also, if you ever begin feeling an irregular heartbeat during chelating, take an immediate break and wait a few days before beginning again.* *Breaks between rounds are important.* Make sure you take them.

Expect the process of removing mercury to take many months, if not years. It varies tremendously from person to person.


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