Re: Hi Wombat and others-investigating iodine therapy for cysts & nodules by #137093 ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 1/18/2011 7:42:44 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 5,689
Cougar tx for replying, on that note, before starting, let me tell you what my fears/queries are:
1. first that I am not Iodine deficient after all,
2. or that at the end of it all, i was misdiagnosed by doctor and in fact i do have Hashimotos and will end up with massive goiter!
But suppose i can try for a couple of months and see i go. I understand that it should be ok for this period, if i have problem with iodine.
3. Just got to remember to do it slowly as i am currently on 12mg of hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue (weaning off was,i was on 25mcg). don't want to crash those adrenals anymore than they already are.
Currently, i am not taking any thyroid meds, and i know that this is stopping from allowing my adrenals to fully recover. But I don't want to go back on thryoid meds (T3 meds) as it will affect Iodine treatment and I don't want my thyroid dependent on meds as i know there is always side effects when you supplement or take over one of the function of the body's ie, they atrophy etc.
But adrenals are begging for some help in that area - keeping them quite with some licorice root and lots of Vit C and Bs (bee pollen) and celtic salts - which i understand will help with Iodine supplementing also.
Anyway, tomrrow i pick up my Lugol's 5%, 100ml strength from my local compounding chemist!!!!
Tx again all! big hug to all!
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