Re: 1st birds, now fish? by theADONIS ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 1/6/2011 9:49:00 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 1,828
My previous comments on this thread revolve around helping others in a time of need and providing possible solutions to unpleasant scenarios that may arise shortly. Changing ones perspective and perception is a small part of what I posted today.
Going to extremes with mass wildlife die off, evil drug companies, and chem trails not only derails the original intent of the posts, but it is also fear based thinking which short circuits logic and reason.
You had a chance to post some helpful information that could have been of use to a reader, but instead chose to isolate one small part of a previous post and continue to encourage negativity. Surely you have learned a few things in your time here that would be helpful to a new reader who has stumbled across this thread and is seeking solutions instead of discouragement? Your next post will tell the tale...
In any case, all great changes occur at a small grass roots level, which then sweeps outwards. In the months and years to come, people will increasingly become dependent on small, fast acting, trustworthy groups in their locale, these groups will perform the duties of getting supplies, transport of local grown foods, watching your back, first aid, natural healing, ect. By learning to grow food, hunt, treat wounds, nourish the ill, protect the weak, build shelters, perform simple electrial and plumbing tasks, you will be not only a valuable member of a society that has grown far to incompetent and lazy for its own good (the movie Idiocracy comes to mind here), but you will also be able to help others in ways you cannot yet appreciate.
People are now beginning to understand that what is occuring in Greece, France, Germany and Ireland will soon be coming to a state near them. FOOD will be one of the main talking points in 2011, you will see riots over food on your TV, riots in countries that you thought were doing great! Heading for the hills as a lone wolf with 10,000 rounds of 7.62 and a bag of pemmican and jerky is RUBBISH mate, it will not end well.
I have talked with people from one end of the US to the other, small towns and big, not one sane, reasonable individual has ever told me that they plan on going it alone in the woods, even Rambo has to sleep sometime. I cannot express to you strongly enough that getting to know the people who live around you is vitally important, both to find out who you can trust and who you cannot.
All of life is a cycle. The Foundation for the Study of Cycles over 50 years ago discovered that all human endeavors, growth (human, plant and otherwise), economics, and even sunspots all follow the same sideways "S" shaped upward curve, hit a peak, then descend back down again. Doesn't matter if you are plotting the growth curve of yeast in a petri dish or the economy of the USA prior to the Great depression, they will both follow the same basic curve. This begs the question: Is there a subtle yet powerful force that guides all unmanipulated growth and expansion known to man? And if there is a plottable cycle to everything, can you spot the decline ahead of everyone else and prepare before its too late? This is what the elite controllers have been doing while Joe Six pack lives his predictable and plotted out life in urban America. Figuring out the declines well ahead of everyone else and "shorting the system" accordingly, filling their pockets and vaults 24/7 due to their advanced knowledge.
So when someone whos Father rubbed shoulders with such people most of his life tells you that a big decline is coming...listen.
And That Is All
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