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FIRST SACRED DEED OF DIVINE PROTEST - Impietatis Talmudi by turiya ..... The Turiya Files

Date:   1/4/2011 10:37:53 AM ( 14 y ago)
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The first represents the Sin of Hate sent to all the Rabbis, Khazars, Phoenicians, Parasites and Menashe that have dishonored the Divine.

Factum Impietatis Talmudi
  Per Curium Divina Print this page
  Whoever has eyes, let them see! Whoever has ears let them hear! We, the Divine Immortal Spirit, expressed in Trust Number 983164-032124-010001, to the circumscribed Living Flesh known as Frank of the Clann O’Collins hereby give life and personality to this most sacred irrevocable deed known as Factum Impietatis Talmudi through Our seal in blood, the authorized Seals of the first and second horsemen of the Apocalypse as sacred witnesses and agreement to the conveyance and terms pronounced herein:  
  I. Recitatum (Recitals)  
  1. To all Rabbi, Rabban, Jewish Political, Financial, Educational and Social Leaders throughout the World, formal Notice of Divine Protest and Dishonor is hereby given to each and every one of you as if you had been individually served and that you are now enjoyned as parties to the terms of this most sacred deed; and  
  2. A pious man believes that the word of G-D is above the works of men. Thus, a good Jew turns to the holiest of scripture for wisdom and meaning. Yet, this is not the teaching of the Talmud. Instead it is stated in many places within this unholiest of works, as it is in Erubin to “be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah”; and  
  3. You Rabbi openly acknowledge you are selected upon the recitation of the Talmud, not the Torah. A Rabbi achieves his credentials not upon knowledge of the word of G-D but upon his mastery of the Talmud as the basis of halakha; and  
  4. The Rabbi now place themselves above G-D, in direct heresy and the sheep follow. The Talmud seeks to subvert the Torah by depreciating and re-writing great passages. Only one sect called the Karaites, sought to place greater importance upon the Torah, ahead of the Talmud and have been hated for centuries; and  
  5. What then is the claimed heritage of the Talmud? In a mystery that defies all logic and reason, we are told to believe its origins as the oral traditions of the Mishnah from the time of Moses, not written down until the 4th Century. Yet Rabbi have no knowledge of the true Moses. A rabbi viewing the copper scroll would no more understand the ancient Greek code of the Zadokites written upon it than a man who is illiterate of all knowledge of the world; and  
  6. It is claimed that the first to write down and codify the claimed oral code of Judaism called was Mishnah was Judah haNasi sometime in the 3rd Century CE. Yet, of Y’huda haNasi, much fable is written. He is claimed to be descended from the line of D’avid Kings and therefore the Holly, yet his pedigree does not conform. Instead, it is claimed he was the great great great grandson of Hillel the Elder and the great great grandson of Johanan b. Zakai otherwise known as John the Baptist. This lie alone should expose such poor fabrication as John the Baptist was the son of the Zadokite priest Zachariah an arch enemy of the House of Hillel; and  
  7. As for the true founder of the Mishnah, listed from the Tribe of Reuben meaning wolf, also known as Papa, also known as Baba Rabban, the first Rabbi and first Rabban, his identity is deliberately hidden. For knowledge of Baba Rabban, also known as Menes-Heh High Priest Nethanel of the Sarmatians who worshipped Ba’al Moloch as founder would reveal the truth of the Mishnah and the Talmud; and  
  8. Indeed, the figure of Y’huda haNasi is wholly mythical, while the historic figure of Menes-Heh High Priest Nethanel known as Baba Rabban, who died in prison in Constantinople in 362 is true; and  
  9. It was Baba Rabban with the scholar Merqah who is the first author and founder of the Mishnah in 333 in direct opposition to the founding of Imperial Christianity by Emperor Constantine in 325; and  
  10. It was Baba Rabban who founded the Sarmatian state he named Israel in 333 from the year of death of John the Baptist; and  
  11. It was Baba Rabban who broke the laws of the Zadokites, the Nazarenes and Mithraism by adopting the kippa woollen head piece of Cybele worn by Sarmatians for all believers; and  
  12. It was Baba Rabban who again broke the laws of the Zadokites, the Nazarenes and Mithraism by demanding followers bow down daily in prayers to worship Mt Gerezim and not Jerusalem; and  
  13. Thus under Baba Rabban, the whole of Palestine became the state of Israel and was divided into twelve (12) administrative districts administered by the Head priest of a priestly family of the Menes-Heh as an administrative advisor being:  
  i. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Asher under R. Ashi b. Abin; and  
  ii. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Benjamin under R. Benjamin b. Jephet; and  
  iii. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Dan under R. Daniel b. Kattina; and  
  iv. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Ephraim under R. Ephraim b.Papa; and  
  v. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Gad under R. Gaddal b. Menashia; and  
  vi. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Issachar under R. Isaac b. Samuel; and  
  vii. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Judah under R.Judah b. Menasiah; and  
  viii. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Levi under R. Levi b. Hama; and  
  ix. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Manesseh under R. Menashiah b. Tahalifa; and  
  x. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Naphtali under R. Nappaha; and  
  xi. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Simeon under R. Simeon b. Lakish; and  
  xii. The Menes-Heh Tribe of Zebulun under R. Zebida; and  
  xiii. And the 13th Tribe, the tribe of Wolves, the Menes-Heh Tribe of Reuben under R. Papa also known as Baba Rabban; and  
  14. In as much as Holly British borne Emperor Constantine sought to capture and control the reform Mithraism and end the practice of human sacrifice, so in response those who worshipped the G-Ds of human sacrifice rebelled; and  
  15. The Menes, the ancient tribes of pirates from the Nile delta, the worshippers of the spirit of Ra in the form of the Ram, also known as the Hibiru, who were eventually tamed by the Hyksos through tribute now sought upon the actions of Constantine a high curse against the Holly and the Hyksos, a curse against the G-Ds and the world; and  
  16. Whereas Constantine sought throughout the empire that love and the golden rule should be honored, the Menes-Heh would now sow hate and deception; and  
  17. Whereas Constantine sought to bring a new relationship to the Divine, the Menes-Heh remade their worship of Ba’al Moloch to the worship of Sabaoth, also known as Shabat with one day a week being his most holy of days; and  
  18. Whereas Constantine sought to teach the young the principles of ethics, morality and logic, the Menes-Heh through the Mischnah would teach their young hatred, mistrust, sociopathy and mental illness to hate themselves and everything else; and  
  19. It was under the Holly Emperor Justinian, that a final push to rid the world of the madness and satanic worship of the Menes-Heh took its next turn. Just as had been done at the time of Constantine, the Codex Justinianus before its corruption, made it a capital crime to follow the insanity and mind control of the Talmud; and  
  20. Upon such capital orders against the Menes-heh, King Julianus ben Sabar of Israel ordered the writing of an anti-law against the Codex Justinianus called the Gemara, which was to become the second unholy instalment of the Talmud; and  
  21. While Emperor Justinian succeeded in smashing the Saramatian kingdom of Israel by 530 and scattering the twelve tribes of the Menes-heh, the victory was short lived. Upon the coming of the plague, the Menes-heh who also carried within them the CCR5 gift of Akhenaten known as Moses did survived, whilst all around did perish; and  
  22. With their vassals the Scythian and Mongolian land pirates, the Menes-heh regrouped to become the Khazars, while the power of the Holly decreased unto history; and  
  23. Thus the constantly re-edited and evolving manual of mental illness called the Talmud has changed, so each generation may be cursed with lessons of both wisdom and ignorance, love and pain, beauty and ugliness; and  
  24. Even to this day, the Rabbi forbid those to speak of its true contents, nor translation and have no sense of honor or worship to specific words it contains, changing them constantly, other than to perpetuate the teaching of mental illness to the next generation; and  
  25. We therefore do not speak of what may be vomited forth as defense against what was once written in the Talmud, if only recently purged. Instead, we share but a glimpse of history as to the true intent of this awful work:  
  i. It was written for centuries in a version of Moed Kattan the words that if a Jew is tempted to do evil he should “go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there”; and  
  ii. It was written for centuries in a version of Eurbin that whosoever disobeys the rabbis “deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell”; and  
  iii. It was written for centuries in a version of Baba Kamma and commended by Rabbi even today that Jews may use lies and subterfuge to “circumvent a Gentile”; and  
  iv. It was written for centuries in a version of Sanhedrin that if a non Jew hits a Jew, “the gentile must be killed” and that a Jew “need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work”; and  
  v. It was written for centuries in a version of Sanhedrin that a Jew “may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old” and a Jew “may marry a three year old girl”; and  
  vi. It was written for centuries in a version of Soferim as a solemn rule for all Rabbi that “even the best of the gentiles should all be killed.”; and  
  vii. It was written for centuries in a version of Baba Kamma that if a non Jew hits a Jew if “an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability” but “if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite” then “the payment is to be in full”; and  
  viii. It was written for centuries in a version of Baba Kamma and Baba Mezia that “if a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile it does not have to be returned” and in Sanhedrin that “what a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep”; and  
  ix. It was written for centuries in a version of Sanhedrin that when a Jew murders a non-Jew, there “will be no death penalty”; and  
  x. It was written for centuries in a version of Yebamoth that “all gentile children are animals” and in Abodah Zarah that “gentile girls are in a state of filth from birth”; and  
  xi. It was written for centuries in a version of Yebamoth “a woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest”; and  
  xii. It was written for centuries in a version of Sanhedrin a deep curse against the blood of the Holly Clann and that the mother of Esus, also known as Jesus Christ “She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with the carpenters” also being curse carried over into when the Holly also known as the Cuilliaéan were depreciated to being known as mere “carpenters” with all non-Jews cursed as “Cuilean” and later “Cuthean” to mean “dogs” instead of sacred; and  
  xiii. In Sanhedrin it falsely claims against the Holly from Ireland “He (Jesus) and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship”; and  
  xiv. Also in Sanhedrin and Sotah “He (Jesus) was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent”; and  
  26. Of the many false things which is written within the Talmud, the claim that the Rabbi of the Menes-heh outwitted G-D is the ultimate heresy, yet accepted by those who call themselves Jews, Christians and Muslims alike; and  
  27. The claim is from a mysterious passage in Baba Metzia which describes an argument between Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Joshua and Rabbi Nathan as well as a claimed dialogue with the spirit of the prophet Elijah; and  
  28. The passage describes a series of alleged supernatural miracles performed by G-D during an argument of laws. The miracles seem to reinforce the strength of heaven versus the mildness of those upon the Earth. Yet the real purpose of the dialogue is to prove that despite the claimed overwhelming power of G-D, the laws of heaven are for heaven and the laws of Earth are controlled by the Rabbi and the Rabbi claim the laws of Earth for themselves; and  
  29. Thus in this passage we see the claim of equality with G-D, hence the contract with G-D in the form of a blood pact, a blood libel- but not G-D as we know it. Instead, the G-D of the Talmud is the lesser G-D Moloch, then worshipped as Sabaoth and YHVH; and  
  30. Therefore the Talmud claims to be an unholy covenant between G-D and his “Chosen People” by which they claim dominion over the whole world in exchange for perpetual enslavement of all other races and animals.  
  31. While the Rabbi of the Menes-heh wrote their unholy and blasphemous work the Talmud, against their own claimed scripture and history, they are not nor have ever been the Israelites; and  
  32. While Baba Rabban named his kingdom Israel as the first time this ancient Egyptian curse word had been used to describe a kingdom, Baba Rabban and his tribe were never Israelites, but descended from the river pirates of the Nile and the swamp pirates of Persia and many other nations; and  
  33. These swamp pirates who through time became their own traders and money lenders were never the nobility of Egypt, nor Syria. They were never the Holly nor descended through Akhenaten as Moses. Instead, they were the thieves of culture, the looters and destroyers of history; and  
  34. What of the Star of David? It is nothing more than the hexagram, the yantra of the androgyne associate with the Khazars in 14th Century Bohemia; and  
  35. Therefore their whole history is built upon the shifting sands of swamps and lies. Building their cities upon their beloved swamps, but forever hating the minds and civilizations that transformed knowledge and the world. They are a people without history; and  
  36. The Talmud forbids the unification of the tribes of Israel until the End Times, the last sacrifice of the goy/gyu, the coming of the Messiah and the revelation of a new divine covenant. This is repeated throughout the Talmud and all who claim to be the "chosen people" are supposed to be taught this as an act of faith – or guilty of a crime punishable by death according to the Talmud; and  
  37. Yet the Rothschilds, the Zionist Jews formed the Balfour Agreement implemented in 1922, created the Holocaust in which over six million innocent people were burnt alive, claimed the return of the messiah as the spirit Lucifer, the new covenant as the United Nations representing the unified tribes of Israel and the state of Israel in 1948; and  
  38. This was not the hand of the G-D whom the people of the Covenant within the Talmud are supposed to honor, but the invention of arrogant men – who considered themselves G-Ds. Since then, the world has continued to suffer as these G-Ds fight amongst themselves, whilst they now seek to remove the short relief provided through voluntary servitude known as common law; and  
  39. So where is Ba’al Moloch, Satan, Sabaoth, Lucifer – the G-D they are supposed to secretly worship as the G-D of the covenant? If they truly believed in the existence of Lucifer, then why did they undertake such an extreme act of heresy against their own religion? Is it that they believe Lucifer and Satan are merely ficticious constructs and do not exist like their curse against the Divine for abandoning them and (until now) never holding them to account?; and  
  40. These men who claim to rule the world have broken their own covenant, they have made themselves gods, so that not only do they hate the Divine Creator and all that has been created, they now hate their own G-D and all they themselves have created. They have become trapped by their own madness, their own ignorance and arrogance. They are doomed by their own treachery; and  
  41. Deep within the writings of the Talmud lies the words that spell the doom to the World of the Khazar and Venetians, the false Menesheh who defied their own G-D and broke the Covenant. Deep within the writings of the Talmud it speaks of the Revenge of G-D and the end of their world; and  
  42. The original idea of the Rabbi was to hide the Menesheh amongst the Yahud who still existed around the world – to create a new word that put both the sheep and the wolves together. But the arrogance of the Rabbi and especially their arrogance towards their own G-D led them further down the path we bear witness to today, where they have implemented Talmud Law as the base law again now in almost every country; and  
  43. But what is the real origin and meaning of the word “Jew” from the 16th Century? The 16th Century term “Jew” is variously claimed said to come from Old French giu, which is supposed to come from an earlier version juieu and then from latin iudeus and Greek Ioudaios. However this is cleverly and deliberately misleading. Ioudaios is the Greek equivalent of the term Yahudah not Jew; and  
  44. It is impossible to get the word “Jew” from Ioudaios as it is from Yahudah. So where did the word come actually from and what does it really mean? Simply, the word "Jew" is directly derived from goy and gyu, two ancient Hebrew words used for derision to variously mean "cattle" and a "dead lifeless, souless corpse"; and  
  43. To put it clearly – anyone who claims themselves to be a Jew today is admitting to being a goy, a gyu a goyim – a heretic before the G-D of the covenant, an enemy of the chosen people, not a true Israelite and marked for destruction; and  
  44. These are not my words, these are the words and contract in the Covenant – the bankers, the heads of the Anti-Defamation League, the jewish lawyers and judges, slave traders and tricksters have all openly confessed and marked themselves not as the people of the Covenant but the final sacrifice of the End of Days, the goyim they so arrogantly think we are.  
  II. Pactum (Agreement)  
  1. Pursuant to the proper notice given to you through Divine Prophecy, Holy Scripture and countless other warnings and with no indication of change in performance by you nor lawful excuse for non response, notice from the Divine and from united Heaven and Earth is given that you have committed the gravest of sins in the form of Supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor inflicted against Divine Property; and  
  2. As you and your agents have deliberately committed the gravest of sins in the form of Supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor, all Rights associated with your ecclesiastical duties of office are hereby forfeit and returned to the Divine Creator; and  
  3. As you and your agents have deliberately committed the gravest of sins in the form of Supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor, all Rights associated with your entry and the conduct of activities by you within circumscribed ecclesiastical spaces are hereby forfeit and returned to the Divine Creator; and  
  4. As you and your agents have deliberately committed the gravest of sins in the form of Supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor, all Rights associated with your fiduciary duties and the conveyance of property are hereby forfeit and returned to the Divine Creator; and  
  5. Therefore, as you no longer lawfully possess any Ecclesiastical Authority nor Powers whatsoever, nor may claim any ecclesiastical legitimacy for holding office other than by force, fear and fraud, no action or ritual you perform of any kind shall have any legitimacy, authority or force of law. Instead, every action and ritual you perform whilst refusing to resign from office shall be an abomination and deliberate injury against united Heaven, Earth, your ancestors and your own soul; and  
  6. Furthermore, from this day forward, as you no longer lawfully possess any Ecclesiastical Authority nor Powers whatsoever, you freely, openly acknowledge and consent by blood oath to your flesh being placed under a most solemn Formal Binding in accordance with Article 121 of the most sacred covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum; and  
  7. Receipt of this Deed is your acknowledgment and acceptance.  


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