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Re: Useful weeds. by trimnut2 ..... Renewable & Sustainable Energy

Date:   1/2/2011 1:05:22 PM ( 14 y ago)
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The two books by Peter Andrews about farming and water systems are the best books written about the Australian landscape by a farmer. The overall spread of Andrews' reading, information, vision and experience in not bettered anywhere.

Despite my praise there are a couple of criticisms: Peter's argument mentioned above on diversity and weeds does not appear to be born out by his examples. Deliberately building natural indigenous systems still appears to be better for long term outcomes. That debate continues. Some of Peters' thinking about "in stream water" is open to question and consequently some of his design criteria for stream rehabilitation can be improved.

Recently there has been some interesting work using "grown in situ" stream blocking using indigenous species and selective felling with follow up plantings to create natural stream barriers and organic matter dams. Species selection is vital for use in anaerobic humic gley soil development to produce water retaining structures.

With the exception of bracken all the above plants mentioned are good foods and should be eaten regularly.



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