Re: Calming a fast mind by aplissa ..... Spirituality Forum
Date: 12/29/2010 8:38:15 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 2,976
hi Connor - have you considered you might have prroluria / pyrrole disorder?
The constant need to distract, (almost and ADD pattern?), and desire to hoard, racing mind etc, all fit the symptoms. You definitely sound like you have computer addiction - this is documented - google it:-)
Alternately or along side your symptom list, I would question if there might not be some past 'issues' that have set you up to have what can be boiled down to anxiety avoidance issues. All the busyness can be an attempt to avoid being with thoughts, or emptiness, as this brings up a lot of anxiety- the existitential basic kind.
To preface my suggestions, I have been working on my 'issues' for years, and I came a long way from the screwed up mess I was, but still certain 'traits' endured, short temper, busy mind, always looking for the next big thing (never staying with what I was doing) - lots of net surfing, ideas all over the show- realised after some time I really fit an ADD pattern.. and ZERO tolerance to stress, my adrenals are probably shot too- I run on coffee and used to take lots of speed when young. Anywho, a great doctor found I had a pyrrol reading of 70 (should be less than 15) and now I am on supplements - mega vitamins.
I feel "normaler", can handle stress and realised I had been hoarding so much stuff - been cleaning out so much, bit scary...
There are symptom checklists online, have a look.
Best of luck in your search for a cause.
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